Tuesday, October 09, 2012

There Are Two Paths

What is the extremely important meaning of the upcoming Election of 2012?  It means the choice of one of two paths!  One path, under ObaMARXIST leads down the path of failed economic policies; a poisonous stew of socialism, communism, and Islamo-fascism; chaos in the Muslim world; and a further plunge into an evil, corrupt path towards tyranny. 

The other path, through the leadership of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will lead us back towards fiscal sanity, genuine and REAL job creation, being the leader in the world with a strong military and a policy of peace through strength, and unapologetically stating that we are proud to be a nation under God, indivisible, with LIBERTY and justice for all!!


Allen West: "As for me and my family, we will serve God, we will serve this Constitutional Republic, we will serve America."

Hat Tip:

  Nice Deb who writes:
In the words of Andrew Breitbart, “There are two paths,” which we must choose between in this election.
Which path will we choose? Will we choose individual freedom and the free market? Or will we choose socialism and a culture that expects government to take care of it? These are not pastel colors or shades of gray. These are two distinctly different choices with two distinct destinations.


  1. ”What is the extremely important meaning of the upcoming Election of 2012? It means the choice of one of two paths!”
    Like every other election does.

    ”One path, under ObaMARXIST leads down the path of failed economic policies; "
    You mean like 'trickle-down', and tax cuts during wartime? No, you're thinking of Rmoney.

    ”a poisonous stew of socialism, communism, and Islamo-fascism;”
    Socialism is to a degree already here, and the latter two can't survive in a hostile environment.

    ”chaos in the Muslim world;”
    There's chaos in many non-Muslim regions too (Greece, Myanmar). Did we cause all that?

    ”and a further plunge into an evil, corrupt path towards tyranny.”
    We started down that path in 1969. Sometimes we've backtracked, sometimes not.

    ”The other path, through the leadership of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will lead us back towards fiscal sanity, genuine and REAL job creation, being the leader in the world with a strong military and a policy of peace through strength, and unapologetically stating that we are proud to be a nation under God, indivisible, with LIBERTY and justice for all!!”
    Except that we're NOT..especially not the 'liberty and justice for all part. Since Lord Romney has never elaborated on this, I've no reason to believe he'll act on it.
    Personally, I'd rather we had a strong economy than a strong military. The first will bring about the second. The old USSR tried it the other way, and we all know how that turned out: a Third World country with a First World war machine. It was the only reason everyone feared them, but they didn't have the economic power to even feed their people, let alone sustain their armies.
    You say you're for 'REAL job creation' but what does that mean? If three million people get jobs but they're all at Wal-Mart, can they make a living on that? Can they raise families on that? Rmoney and his boy sidekick haven't hinted how they would do it, and if they don't tell us now, how can we decide if we should try it?

    Just saw your latest rant, where Obama's ring 'proves' he's a Muslim. Let's see how long that lasts.

    Oh, by the way: It is eight years ago today that we first 'met'. I told you then that your arguments were noble but flawed, and over the years they have become less noble and more flawed. Still, I know you wouldn't want this day to pass without acknowledgment.
    Happy Anniversary from your favorite nemesis.

  2. Over the past eight years you have clung to your liberal leftist ideology. When Obama came on the scene, you ignored all of the terrible policies that have hurt MILLIONS of Americans (including the black community even more than most). No matter how many crimes Obama and his ilk have committed, you skirt the issues and purposely ignore the evidence; thus letting them harm the military (e.g. SEAL team six) and civilian government officials (e.g. Amb. Chris Stevens + 2 Navy SEALS [again!!] and the fourth civilian casualty in Libya). You ignore the FACT that the State Dept. and Obama Admin. LIED about a trivial video (that people in Libya NEVER SAW) as the cause of the massacre on 9/11/12. [Also, see my new post on this].

    Yes. We are still on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I think it is sad that your ideology won't allow you to see the truth about Obama's intentional destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

    I pray to God that we will get it back...via Romney/Ryan's election in November.


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