Saturday, October 27, 2012

White House Insider: Benghazi Cover-up Is HUGE!!

Dear Readers:

If you are not familiar with White House Insider, then I suggest you become familiar.  Why?  Because you will read things about ObamaFRAUD and his ilk that you might not ever read anywhere else!  What's more, the links in the comment section tell MORE of the story than perhaps any single blog post could!

I'm pressed for time right now so here is the link:

BE SURE to read through the comment section - ESPECIALLY the comments about General Ham and what has happened to him since the Benghazi cover-up!  [They are located near the end of the comment section and posted at end of this blog post.]
Here are a few of the important comments there:

  • Obama and Panetta on the same page…
    Interesting link here:
    Comment #2 — Gen Ham was fired 30 seconds after deciding to intervene in Benghazi: I heard a story today from someone inside the military that I trust entirely. The story was in reference to General Ham that Panetta referenced in the quote below.
    “(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place,” Panetta told Pentagon reporters. “And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”
    The information I heard today was that General Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
    General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.
    The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africon.
    I found this story when I got home after hearing this story.
    President Barack Obama will nominate Army Gen. David Rodriguez to succeed Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command and Marine Lt. Gen. John Paxton to succeed Gen. Joseph Dunford as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced.
    As I was typing this I heard John Bolton on Greta say that there are conflicting reports of General Ham’s comments on this tragedy and why a rapid response unit was not deployed. Bolton says someone needs to find out what Ham was saying on 9/11/12

  • VTX
    • Damn. That’s the most frightening thing I’ve seen in this whole affair. We’re talking about impeachable stuff – or stuff that can happen on the level Randall mentioned. Damn.






    • VTX
      The General’s testimony contradicts the rosy view of Afghanistan, as well as his smiling view of Libya. Pages 3 and 4 are pertinent. Note that Afghanistan is 7th on a list of “failed states,” confirming that our military isn’t with the administration’s lies about the enemy – and confirming Lara Logan’s view of the state d’affairs.
      I hope the General is safe – the next step for this criminal administration is to silence him.

    • VTX
    • General Ham’s name keeps coming up –
      He was inconvenient to the White House, denying them their metanarrative, bringing up things that showed the administration’s incompetence. This is the administration that thought Solyndra was a good deal, remember – they can’t tell a plan from a bedpan.
      Assuming the Idiot in Chief was angered at reports of Panetta doing the deed vis-a-vis UBL (safe bet); assuming that Panetta was threatened by White House counsel – and he probably was; assuming that the President was going to take full control of the Benghazi affair, and show everybody who really runs things…imagine a President who is sitting there, telling them that they’re gonna have to deal with it, to watch the death of the Ambassador real-time: HE’s the President, dammit, and he can order a rescue mission – or not.
      I wonder if there are any Insiders who were aware of the realtime drama, the order to set General Ham aside, the de facto order to murder Ambassador Stevens?
      Is Leon really gonna take this? Petraeus has already said that the CIA wasn’t in the loop on this. I’m beginning to think Randall may be seeing something.

    • VTX
    • By-the-way: Biden cancelled his Central Va. stop “because of the storm.” Yeah, right.
      Good move, Joe; the security couldn’t be made safe in that venue. Stay safe – and get off of your statins. That’s what’s making you goofy. They can cause amnesia and Alzheimers’ like symptoms. Didn’t you know that?


    • VTX
    • Tyrone Woods’ father probably knows this already, but if not:
      The failure of our President and his staff to send help had nothing to do with operational capability; there was also someone willing to act – General Ham. Perhaps Mr. Woods should be in contact with General Ham – or have their attorneys talk. Here’s the evidence:
      “Ham also disclosed that the U.S. is providing some strike aircraft to the NATO operation that do not need to go through the special approval process recently established. The powerful side-firing AC-130 gunship is available to NATO commanders, he said.
      “His answer countered earlier claims by the Pentagon that all strike aircraft must be requested through U.S. European Command and approved by top U.S. leaders, including Defence Secretary Robert Gates.
      “Ham said that process still applies to other fighters and the A-10 Thunderbolt, which can provide close air support for ground forces, He said that process is quick, and other defence officials have said it can take about a day for the U.S. to approve the request and move the aircraft in from bases in Europe.”
      This shows the motive for the removal of the General – he had a different view of the status of support claimed by the Pentagon; he knew that a mission could be arranged rapidly.
      Panetta is failing – because a general who knows his stuff was told to stand down over a difference in operational COC. It had nothing to do with operational capability, and everything points right back to…the Bat Faced One and her Little Man.
      Leon, don’t be a hero – not for them; be a hero for Tyrone Woods and the other murdered men, and for our security’s sake.




      • VTX
      • The administration is trying to scrub all references to General Ham’s removal from his command – while there were several, fewer remain.
        This story isn’t gonna get swept under the rug – I talked to a buddy today in passing who was aware, someone way down the COC. It’s around – all around – and no one is gonna stuff this genie back into the bottle.
        Notice that Panetta dropped Ham’s name – he tried to make him a co-conspirator. I wonder how long the General will put up with this? He should be getting legal counsel – real legal counsel.


    • liveforliberty
    • Google FEMA CORPS
      They graduated their first class. Why do they need armored vehicles with machine gun slots?
      Obama’s civilian police. #blueshirts



    • AmericaTheBeautiful
    • Lamecherry has it… Too many know ..General Tommy Franks is not going to tolerate the traitors in the WH killing America’s heroes and best warriors…Will we see Obama’s rules of engagement come under close scrutiny…Will Obama’s direct orders, his pathetic rules of engagement be scrutinized and tied to our enormous loss of Seal Team 6 in Afghanistan? Will that slaughter be given proper attention finally? Where is our old friend McKrystal? He has
      a story to tell.
      Will the evil jihadi John Brennan’s name start blowing in the wind ? Will the evil trifecta, the cabal that is Obama, Jarret and Brennan reach above the whispers and become a drumbeat? Seems the adults have finally grabbed the reins on this runaway “Trojan horse.”
      The shadow government must be examined…the number two position in every agency needs outing, and the vetting Anita Dunn’s press never game them…When communists collide and they are exposed it’s time to make demands….the complicity of thieves must not be the last word. Every American has a duty to ca their representatives this week. We are the rolling thunder …use that power!!
      I hope Carter Ham is under safeguard and not so stubborn as to not to listen for the good of his country. He is a witness to a crime..a treasonous crime.
      The enemy arming gun runner, missile runner, special ops murderer, voter thief in our White House must be managed and stopped…his football disarmed…as his fast and furious schemes are now known and can no longer be deemed political. The adults have entered the room. Pray they will be considered in their actions so as to continue a free republic rather, listen to their better angels than a power grab many must have dreamed of for years as they’ve been front benchers to the pathetic actions of too many narcissistic politicos.
      VTX and Randall can the twisted trio of Onama, Brennan and Jarret be stopped before this election?

    • AmericaTheBeautiful
    • Lamecherry has it… Too many know ..General Tommy Franks is not going to tolerate the traitors in the WH killing America’s heroes and best warriors…Will we see Obama’s rules of engagement come under close scrutiny…Will Obama’s direct orders, his pathetic rules of engagement be scrutinized and tied to our enormous loss of Seal Team 6 in Afghanistan? Will that slaughter be given proper attention finally? Where is our old friend McKrystal? He has
      a story to tell.
      Will the evil jihadi John Brennan’s name start blowing in the wind ? Will the evil trifecta, the cabal that is Obama, Jarret and Brennan reach above the whispers and become a drumbeat? Seems the adults have finally grabbed the reins on this runaway “Trojan horse.”
      The shadow government must be examined…the number two position in every agency needs outing, and the vetting Anita Dunn’s press never game them…When communists collide and they are exposed it’s time to make demands….the complicity of thieves must not be the last word. Every American has a duty to ca their representatives this week. We are the rolling thunder …use that power!!
      I hope Carter Ham is under safeguard and not so stubborn as to not to listen for the good of his country. He is a witness to a crime..a treasonous crime.
      The enemy arming gun runner, missile runner,treaty breaker, special ops murderer, voter thief in our White House must be managed and stopped…his football disarmed…as his fast and furious schemes are now known and can no longer be deemed political. The adults have entered the room. Pray they will be considered in their actions so as to continue a free republic rather, listen to their better angels than a power grab many must have dreamed of for years as they’ve been front benchers to the pathetic actions of too many narcissistic politicos.
      VTX and Randall can the twisted trio of Onama, Brennan and Jarret be stopped before this election?
    Hat tip: The Ulsterman Report and all links.


    Update: Also see: Wolf Howling: The Benghazi Scandal Worsens


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