Saturday, November 10, 2012

Caroline B. Glick: A time for courage, and action

Caroline B. Glick: A time for courage, and action

Wow!!  What an article!  It is certainly depressing to realize the coming disaster of four more years of BHO.  However,  at the same time the article ends up vindicating what the TEA Party Patriots have always opposed - from day one - about BHO and what he and his Socialist/Communist/Islamo-fascist cohorts have imposed upon Americans since 2009. 

As Republican Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney so accurately stated regarding the "Forward" campaign slogan of BHO, it was more accurate to entitle it as being "Forewarned."  Caroline B. Glick masterfully explains what Governor Romney meant by that tweaked title.  Her essay is confirmation of what Conservatives have warned about BHO and his ilk over the past four years and the sad facts of the combined danger and grief we are headed into with the terribly unfortunate re-election of BHO.

Can't say we TEA Party Patriots and Conservatives didn't warn you.

~  Christine


Click on the link above to read the entire article.  But here is an excerpt:

All of this is important because for the past four years, most Republicans, and most non-leftists throughout the world had been hoping that the Obama years would be an aberration. They had hoped and trusted that he would be a one-term president. All the policies he enacted during that term, on domestic and foreign policy alike would be reversed by his Republican successor, elected by voters who understood they had been taken in by a huckster in 2008. The US economy — the anchor of US power and the engine of the international financial system — would come roaring back.
In international affairs, the US would reverse course. It would stop supporting the rise of its enemies from the Middle East to Asia to Latin America. It would embrace its allies. The former would be weakened. The latter would be secured and strengthened. America would be safe and defended.

Alas, apparently it could not be. The American spirit has been overwhelmed by the European model of social democracy at home and appeasement and treachery abroad.
  But all the dependency champions who celebrated on Tuesday night cannot stop the coming storm. The greatest advantage Obama had going into the election was not demography but the fact that the full consequences of his statist economic policies and his pro-jihadist foreign policy have not yet been felt.
Nationalized health care will only be fully implemented in 2014. Americans will only begin watching old men and women die because the federal government denied them lifesaving, but expensive treatments a year from now. They will only lose their doctors due to dwindling Medicare reimbursements in a year.
College students who got out the vote for Obama will only find themselves doomed to low-paying jobs and a life of indebtedness as they fail year in and year out to pay off their college loans, in a year or two. And by the time they realize what it means to be saddled with a national debt of $16 trillion, they will be locked into a government-controlled economy that requires them to keep their silence or lose their livelihoods.
Then there are the consequences of Obama's foreign policies. The attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi exposed the failure of his strategy of appeasing jihadists and had the potential to sink his presidency by turning suburban voters against him in places like Pennsylvania. But lucky for him, the Benghazi debacle was small enough for the media to hide from the electorate.
Sure a US ambassador and three others were murdered. But four is not a very large number. And it was over in a day. It will be harder for Obama to contain the damage of his foreign policy when Iran gets nuclear weapons and begins molesting US shipping in the Persian Gulf as gas prices rise to $10 a gallon.
It will be harder for Obama to hide the effect of his foreign policy when American tourists in Egypt are massacred or held hostage and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood government demands the release of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in exchange for intervention. 
It will be harder for Obama to hide the dangers of his foreign policy when the Taliban return to power in Afghanistan and Al Qaida rebuilds its training camps. It will be harder for Obama to blame his failure on hapless American filmmakers when Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is controlled by a Taliban-aligned government that seeks a nuclear war with India. It will be harder for Obama to protect America with a gutted, demoralized military, demobilized under his command. 
Rather than contend with these calamities, Obama and his statist, pro-Islamist supporters and advisors will blame their critics. Just as they blamed — and jailed — an American filmmaker for Ambassador Stevens' murder, so they will blame overworked doctors, struggling hospital administrators, "partisan" lawmakers and "Islamophobic, neoconservative warmongers," for the domestic decline and international mayhem Obama's policies will necessarily cause.

With the critical election lost, Republicans have a very hard and thankless task before them. They have to do the hard work of opposing his policies with dwindling resources. They have the job of energizing, inspiring and expanding a base that is demoralized. They have the job of explaining to wavering citizens why the Republican alternative puts America on the right track. 
Conservatives need to prepare the ground for their return to power. They need to make the arguments for ending the welfare state. They need to make the arguments for destroying the ascendant — politically savvy — forces of jihad at home and abroad. They need to argue against defense cuts even as the Obama-appointed Joint Chiefs of Staff abandon strategic reason for personal promotions.

[Our] side suffered a massive loss on Tuesday.  But as long as we keep our minds and hearts focused on the fundamental goodness and truth that guide our path, we will not be defeated. We will endure, persevere and in due course, we will be vindicated.
Hat Tip:

Jewish World Review


In other news, please see this important article:

Western Journalism: The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned


1 comment:

  1. And... I can choose which comments I post and which ones I reject.


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