Saturday, November 03, 2012

Glenn: Obama A Danger To The United States of America

Glenn Beck is recorded on video here and at his website explaining the reasons why Obama is a danger to the United States of America.

~ Christine


Copy of post at Glenn's website:

On radio this morning, Glenn dedicated a full hour of the radio show to laying out all the evidence on Libya that the White House has been ignoring.

On an ABC News report last night, it has now become clear that there was no protest going on outside of the embassy in Benghazi:
“This is significantly different than what we were being told at the time. At the time, as you recall, we were told it was a protest that went bad and became an attack. Now, we are told there was no protest going on outside that embassy. The first indication that they heard anything outside the walls of the embassy — of the consulate compound, was an explosion and gunfire. They looked through a camera to see what was going on and we are told they saw a large number of armed men coming and approaching that compound. We’re told it was a very complex attack without precedent in U.S. diplomatic history. We’ve never seen an attack like this in Libya or anywhere else, we were told by this senior State Department official,” Karl reported.
“The translation to English from political bullcrap: We’ve been lied to,” Glenn said in response to the news.

Glenn said that this is just the latest in revelations that the White House and the Obama Administration must have known, at the very least, that the Libyan embassy was at risk. The Heritage Foundation has released a timeline outlining the evidence that shows that despite credible information that the embassy could come under attack there was little to no security precautions taken by those in charge. The timeline includes attacks on the embassy prior to 9/11/2012, as well as dangers in the surrounding area and requests for increased security dating back to April of 2012.

Even worse was the response from the White House. The immediate response from Sec. of State Clinton and President Obama was to condemn the attacks, but they also condemned a controversial YouTube video that they said incited the violence in the Middle East. As TheBlaze TV has been pointing out for several weeks, one element of the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy to wage cultural jihad against the West is to outlaw blasphemy against Islam.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney came out and instantly condemned the attacks with a strong rebuke of Obama’s foreign policy, only to be mocked by the media.

Glenn also said there are several unanswered questions that still have not been answered by the White House, including why Ambassador Stevens was travelling with men who were working to recover US arms in the area. Glenn has his own theories, and has also gotten word from unnamed sources in the State Department that have been “sending up flares”.

Glenn said that people need to understand the following: The President and his administration lied on Day One about the nature of the attacks; the White House and the media advanced a Muslim Brotherhood agenda point by blaming the anti-Islamic YouTube video; officials in the State Department and other government agencies are starting to speak up and warn the American people; what is happening in the Middle East affects the security of America.

As a result of all of the above, Glenn said there are several conclusions that need to be drawn. First and foremost, the American people, especially those informed on what is really going on in the world, need to be the ones spreading the truth.

Second, it has become clear the Arab Spring was a failure.

Third, radical Islamists are stronger than ever. The death of Osama bin Laden does not mean Al Qaida has been destroyed, as they have been linked to the attacks on the Libyan embassy.

Fourth, the Muslim Brotherhood is bad and they have infiltrated several institutions in America.

Finally, the Obama administration and several people in the State Department and other organizations are on the wrong side of this story – either knowingly or unknowingly.

“If it’s not intentional, it is criminally negligent,” Glenn said on his final point.

But Glenn said even if it is unintentional, he wondered how we could trust someone with such a poor record on Middle East policy to be the President of the United States. And if you combine this with all the other “bumps in the road” and issues that have come up over the past few years – rising gas prices, rising unemployment, the Ft. Hood shooting, the Iranian uprising, the Arab Spring, and more – even if they are all things that he can’t be expected to handle, do we really want to re-elect him as President?

After all, Mitt Romney made the right call on Libya from the start, even when the media mocked him.

“Every time when the President shoots from the hip, he’s wrong. And when he’s informed, he’s wrong. No mincing words: This President, whether he knows it or not, is a dangerous to the United States of America.”
Hat tips to all links.

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