Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Praying For That New Day In America

Election Day 2012 is finally here!  Been praying a lot for God's mercy to shine down from heaven upon America as we hope for a new day that rejects the last four terrible years under the likes of "vote for revenge" Obama and brings us into a new era of "LOVE OF COUNTRY" through the election of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan!

Yesterday, my blogging friend Steve had an important point that he shared in a recent comment here:

He wrote:

" I pray all our efforts woke some people up. I admire your determination and your obedience to Christ.

How does that go? Right now we don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know who holds tomorrow."

So true and I concur!!

A portion of my response:

I agree that we know Who holds the future! So, no matter what:

Rom 8:38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

Rom 8:39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thank YOU Steve, for all of your hard work at your blog to awaken people from the stupor of evil that many, unfortunately, have been under.  I pray that the scales be dropped from their eyes so that they can clearly see and recognize TRUTH! 

This election is crucial regarding the direction that this country will take over the next four plus years!  The future of our children and grandchildren will be highly affected by the outcome of the election today. 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have the solutions that will repair what is broken in our nation politically, economically, militarily, internationally, and especially regarding homeland security.  Even more important is that they stand for the ideals, principles, virtues,  and godly values that America was founded upon!  We so badly need to return to such an atmosphere for the preservation of life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness once and for all that was originally penned by our godly (and mostly Christian!) Founding Fathers in both the Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution!

I pray for forgiveness from God to heal our nation.  I pray that this day will be the beginning of a brand new era of goodness, mercy, grace, and truth in America! And I ask all of this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


Hat Tip:

Steve at Cry and Howl


  1. CJW: ”I agree that we know Who holds the future! So, no matter what:

    For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Just because you 'know who holds the future', it doesn't follow that you agree with that future. In 2008, you argued against that future, and even more so after McCain lost the election. Why would you do that, if you had confidence in your deity's ability to make things turn out well?
    Who has tried to separate you from the love of your god? Even I haven't done that, and I know you. The government certainly hasn't tried that, despite all that “Freedom Sunday” eyewash. They don't know you, and care nothing about your religious beliefs, because the laws say they shouldn't.

    If you truly believe that the future lies in god's hands and not ours, stay home and pray.
    Personally, I'd rather vote.

  2. The LORD God has his reasons for allowing calamity to befall a nation. I recall one Christian writer saying that if McCain was elected, the downturn may have been slower here in America, but then we wouldn't have awakened the American public to what America should not be: the horrible direction imposed upon us by Obama and his ilk. Trusting the words of a liar like Obama always result in tumult.

    The Bible tells us that "in this world, we will have trouble [tribulation]." But Jesus finishes that verse with, "but take heart! For I have overcome the world." It is the eternal promises of God that sustain us - no matter what happens on temporal earth.

    There are many Bible verses that tell us to work during our Christian walk. There is no reason to only pray. Here is but one:

    1Th 1:2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers,

    1Th 1:3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father,

    1Th 1:4 knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God.

  3. Things don't always have to "turn out well" to hold on to faith in God. Shadrach, Meshack, Abednego had their faith tested. We know the story. They told the king ...

    "O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter."

    "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king."

    "But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."

    Obviously Mr. Pilot doesn't realize that having fatih has nothing to do with whether or not "things turn out well". Just because we may not like the outcome of something has nothing to do with the faith that God can do anything He wants.

    He also doesn't understand that faith and works go hand in hand. I may have a mountain of dirt in my back yard and I have faith that God can move it ... so my faith is excercised by picking up a shovel and getting after it.
    Our faith to remove Obama from The White House is made perfect by our works and voting his a$$ out.

  4. steve: ”Obviously Mr. Pilot doesn't realize that having fatih has nothing to do with whether or not "things turn out well". Just because we may not like the outcome of something has nothing to do with the faith that God can do anything He wants.”
    Precisely my point: God can do anything He wants. So if he wants a certain candidate to win, that one will win, and all the prayers invoked against him will fail. The opposite is also true. So why pray?

    ”He also doesn't understand that faith and works go hand in hand. I may have a mountain of dirt in my back yard and I have faith that God can move it ... so my faith is excercised by picking up a shovel and getting after it.”
    I've heard that one before: “Pray as if it were up to god, but work as if it were up to you.” Good advice; I find it more practical to plow (work) than to pray. But again, if this god wants you to succeed, you will even if you do nothing, or, conversely, fail no matter what you do. So why pray? Perhaps steve has an answer, but he seems unwilling to address me directly.

    Christine, you've already done whatever you can to secure Obama's defeat, so now all you can really do is wait, and count the votes—like me. 'Cause we both know if Romney loses tomorrow, you'll blame the MSM, Romney's campaign errors, the GOP for not supporting him from the start, the “Chicago machine”, Hurricane Sandy—anything, except god's “dissatisfaction”.

  5. Okay GMpilot, I'll address you directly even though my first comment was to Christine regardless of mentioning your name, etc.
    My thoughts regarding your reasoning is that you seem to be stuck somewhere between between a toddler and a seven year old. You know, "why" to a question. Then "why" to the answer. Then "why" to the next answer, and so on.
    I'll simply leave you with this:
    "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

  6. Steve,

    The veil has never been lifted from GM's mind nor the scales from his eyes. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. This is also why sharing Bible verses don't work with GM. Those who refuse to see - no matter what evidence is right before there eyes in this temporal world - cannot possibly have faith in the Eternal One God of the universe or the spiritual world; despite the evidence that God has given us (especially through His Son, Jesus Christ).

    GM's hatred of the God of the Bible doesn't allow him to see past the anger that he harbors. We all have had terrible and sad things happen in our lives. But GM blames the God (of the Bible) in Whom he claims not to believe, for all of it. It's not a logical state of being - but it is often very true for unbelievers like him.

  7. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

    Believing in imaginary friends is the act of a child, steve.

  8. I agree with every word you said, hostess, except that part about hating the god of the Bible. It wasn't me who claimed that god sent Katrina toward New Orleans, or the Boxing Day tsunami against southeast Asia. You did that, blaming people for being foolish to build their city where they did.
    Even now, you talk of your god striking us again if we piss him off.

    I don't believe in your god. If it exists, it hasn't greeted me nor punched me. Being ignored by such a god is exactly the same as there not being one. I don't get upset with people who don't know I exist. That's the attitude of a John Hinckley...and he's locked up somewhere safe. I think.


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