Friday, December 28, 2012

Newspaper Reveals Bias In Rejecting Letters-to-the-Editor

Via email, my friend Bing (Irv) sent me a copy of a letter-to-the-editor that was obviously rejected due to bias and disagreement with the content of the letter rather than for any reasonable, or truly logical basis or cause.

I thought that his letter was so spot on!  Therefore, I am sharing it with readers here at Talk Wisdom.

Included below the letter, are the lame excuses that the so-called assistant "editor" (more like an anti-Christian bigot!) wrote back explaining why Bing's letter was not published.

You will then read his great response, and her second (and STUPID!!) response.

The stomping on free speech by the liberal leftist lunatics of the media of mass deception and corruption is very obvious within the email letter exchange below!

~  Christine


Bing (Irv) wrote:

Atheism exists not because their adherents don'’t believe in God, but precisely because they do. It is visible in the presence of the ACLU, the derogatory letters in the Times of Christians, and the intentional downplaying of Christmas. Atheism is manifest in the hate for God that they exhibit, but that leads to the question of why do you hate something so badly if it is unreal; a myth?

Atheism exists to escape the consequences of which their inner beings are aware, and they must deny God in the hopes that if they complain loudly enough He will go away.

You know, they are right. God has left our country and the result is immorality, the “"me"” generation, the get what you can mentality, and the class warfare that inevitably comes with the “takers” of life. From it springs the demented mentalities of school shootings that are blamed on the physical presence of guns, rather on a lack of the mental presence of a loving God.


This was her response:


The same standards and rules apply to the letters to the editor under the new management. Opinion-based letters are accepted, but letters that get too technical, theological, specialized or scientific are not accepted.


Jennifer Ianni


I (Irv) sent her this:

The paper, by its rejecting letters on that basis, are contributing to the dumbing-down of our society.

Adolph Hitler made the observation that, "All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

BTW, you never addressed my specific letter. Would you, or would you not, since you do some editing?

The letter appears to me to be culturally significant to the times and the motivation of many people.

We are in an amoral/me decline that appears obvious.


Her response:


I ran this letter by my editor, and he and I both agree that this is letter is making a theological argument and is not an opinion letter. Therefore, it violates our policy.

We are a general circulation newspaper, and the letters need to reflect that.

Take care,

Jennifer Ianni
The North County Times lost me and my family as customers over 11 years ago!  I can see that they have become even worse in their blatantly obvious bias since that time.
~  Christine

1 comment:

  1. Irv,

    The same standards and rules apply to the letters to the editor under the new management. Opinion-based letters are accepted, but letters that get too technical, theological, specialized or scientific are not accepted.
    (emphasis mine--GM) that means if I sent them a letter attempting to explain, for example, why evolution is true or what made Stegosaurus a successful dinosaur, I too would not have my letter published, Mr. Bing.

    Hostess, you've killed at least two of my posts this year because I said something you didn't like, but you have that right, because you own this blog. That newspaper, OTOH, is ' a general circulation newspaper', just as they said. Everyone gets to read it, and whether or not you like it, they too have standards to maintain.
    So they didn't publish your letter. See the crocodile weep!


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