Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Angel of the Lord in Old Testament

A few weeks ago, I had a long conversation with some Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's) who were canvassing my block.  We had an interesting conversation.  I knew that as a group, they are told not to vote so I asked them if they were happy that BHO was re-elected.  Many of them said "no," but....and then went on to share why they don't vote and why we must honor those who are elected to office.

Honor? I said in disbelief! 

When I asked them if the German people should have "honored" a murdering tyrant like Hitler who killed 6 million Jews, as well as millions more (including Christians); they really didn't have a good answer.  When I pressed them about why their organization forbids them to vote, one young lady answered, "because Jesus wasn't political."

Well...THAT'S because He is the Son of God!  He had to be about the business of His Father in heaven.  Does that mean that as believers and followers of Christ we should not be involved in politics?  Simple answer:  NO!

Prior to that brief discussion about politics, I asked them two pertinent questions that negate their organization's beliefs and might challenge their adherence to their religion.

First, I pointed out that when Jesus taught the disciples to pray and baptize new converts, he told them to:

Mat 28:19   "Go therefore [fn] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Mat 28:20   "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, [even] to the end of the age." Amen. [fn]

I asked them why the term "name" is in the singular?  No one answered so I went on to explain that JW's are in error when they claim that Christians who believe in the Trinity are "worshipping three gods."  I explained that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are "three persons in one God."  The term "trinity" isn't in the Bible, but it is man's way of describing the concept of  "three persons in one God." 

It is important to recognize what Jesus said the Matthew verses.  They were all stated after he was resurrected!

 Note the preceding verses:

Mat 28:16   Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.

Mat 28:17   When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.

Mat 28:18   And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.

During his three year ministry on earth, Jesus claimed that he and the Father are one.  This fact answers why "all authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth."  Jesus is God!!  He humbled himself and became man for our sakes - and for our redemption and salvation.

Notice that even though the resurrected Jesus stood before the disciples - some doubted.  This is an indication that even though people actually witnessed Jesus' resurrection from the dead - some still doubted.

Fast forward to today. There are millions of people who refuse to recognize Jesus as Lord - even some who would consider themselves to be in a "Christian" religion. Many are known as being liberal while adhering to the cross less gospel. Others are cults (various forms of heresy) that skew what is written in the Bible for their own purposes. This is why it is IMPERATIVE that you read and study the Bible for yourself - so that you can recognize the errors of cults, heresies, and the cross less gospel liberals who would steer you away from the One True God, His Word - the Bible, and His Living Word - Jesus Christ.

Back to the JW's.

I asked them who they thought was the "Angel of the Lord" in the Old Testament.  I gave an example saying, "who was it that Jacob wrestled with."  One answered, "that's Michael."  So I quizzed them further and shared that whenever the term "angel" was used in the Old Testament, most Bible scholars agree that it was a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. 

Here is  one example:

Gen 48:16 The Angel who has redeemed me from all evil, Bless the lads; Let my name be named upon them, And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; And let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth."

Only God can redeem people from evil!

Two excellent websites that share more information about this:

Lamb and Lion Ministries: The Angel of the Lord His Identity, Manifestations, and Roles

Reformation Online: Christ in the Old Testament

The JW's claimed that it was Michael who appeared as the "angel of the Lord" in the Old Testament. 

I encouraged the JW's who chatted with me outside on my street (I was walking my dogs at the time) to do some research into these differences and not to rely on what any religious leader might say.  We all need to seek the truth from God's Word before accepting what any man might tell us.  In fact, any pastor who is genuine and biblically oriented will tell his congregation to research the Bible for the truth regarding any topic that he preaches on.   Pastors can make mistakes because they are human.  However, when a "mistake" is monumental (like the example below), then it is very important to discover whether or not such a pastor is trustworthy in the future.

I told them the story about a pastor who wrote a hugely popular book a few years back (Rick Warren:  Purpose Driven Life) and how during a Bible study leader meeting, a video was shown where Rick Warren discussed the upcoming "Purpose Driven Life" Bible study series.  At one crucial point in the video, Warren completely left out the need to repent of our sins before accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior!  I told them how alarming that was for me and two other women at the leader's Bible study meeting!

I don't know if my concerns about the  JW religion fell upon deaf ears or not, but I hope that they will consider what I said and do some necessary research on sound doctrine to find out the truth.

Hat Tips to all links.
Blue Letter Bible


  1. CJW: ”When I asked them if the German people should have "honored" a murdering tyrant like Hitler who killed 6 million Jews, as well as millions more (including Christians); they really didn't have a good answer.”
    Do you have a good answer as to why anyone should “honor” a God who murdered the entire world? (C'mon, you knew I was going to bring that up.)

    ”There are millions of people who refuse to recognize Jesus as Lord - even some who would consider themselves to be in a "Christian" religion. Many are known as being liberal while adhering to the cross less gospel. Others are cults (various forms of heresy) that skew what is written in the Bible for their own purposes. This is why it is IMPERATIVE that you read and study the Bible for yourself - so that you can recognize the errors of cults, heresies, and the cross less gospel liberals who would steer you away from the One True God, His Word - the Bible, and His Living Word - Jesus Christ.”
    That's “billions”, actually. Hindus and Muslims and Buddhists also don't recognize your 'Jesus as Lord'.

    ”...I quizzed them further and shared that whenever the term "angel" was used in the Old Testament, most Bible scholars agree that it was a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ.”
    Is this the same angel of the Lord who tried to murder Balaam? Would a pre-incarnate Jesus appear to Samson's mom and tell her she would soon birth one of the Bible's great, tragic heroes? If so, why? Or was this some more of that 'undercover savior' work Jesus would later do when he was incarnate?

    ”In fact, any pastor who is genuine and biblically oriented will tell his congregation to research the Bible for the truth regarding any topic that he preaches on. Pastors can make mistakes because they are human.”
    But don't pastors, like all believers, have 'the mind of Christ' (1Cor 2:16)? How then can a pastor make mistakes?

    ”I told them the story about a pastor who wrote a hugely popular book a few years back (Rick Warren: Purpose Driven Life)...At one crucial point in the video, Warren completely left out the need to repent of our sins before accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior! I told them how alarming that was for me and two other women at the leader's Bible study meeting!”
    Of course, you didn't tell them about how you initially gushed about that book; so much, in fact, that even I decided to read it. I didn't need a video in order to spot its flaws. Why did you?
    In some ways, hostess, JWs are more 'Christian' than you are. They are in the world, but not of it: they live in a (fairly) enlightened republic, and they profit from its technology and infrastructure and use it to spread their version of the Word of God They keep their interaction with the state to an absolute minimum, though. They pay taxes, but seldom if ever join the military, and do not vote. They are not whispering in the ears of legislators in order to influence public policy. As most people know, the only significant JW in the past generation was the late Michael Jackson, whose influence was greater in a much different way. However, unlike the more famous version, his Dreamland could actually be visited.

  2. If you are referring to the great Flood, it took Noah 100 years to build the ark. That's certainly plenty of time for people to be saved from the coming consequences. People didn't believe Noah's warnings about the flood, so it was their free will choice not to heed the warnings, and end up drowning.

    GM wrote, "That's “billions”, actually. Hindus and Muslims and Buddhists also don't recognize your 'Jesus as Lord'."

    Just goes to show the truth of Jesus' words in the Bible:

    Mat 7:13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide [is] the gate and broad [is] the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.

    Mat 7:14 "Because narrow [is] the gate and difficult [is] the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

    The angel of the LORD appeared to Balaam to give him orders. Did you read the links provided in the original post?


    Answer: Delivering messages was certainly His primary role. He appeared to the prophet Balaam and gave him orders (Numbers 22:22-35).

    There is no "trying to murder" with God, GM. As someone once said (in an inarticulate way, of course), 'God brought you into the world and He can take you out.'

    There are many reasons (some unknown, of course) why God takes individuals at certain ages. One example is for them to escape evil. But that's a topic for another time.

    GM wrote: "But don't pastors, like all believers, have 'the mind of Christ' (1Cor 2:16)? How then can a pastor make mistakes?"

    Because like all fallen human beings, we still have the free will capacity to sin and don't always listen to the Lord.

    GM wrote: "Of course, you didn't tell them about how you initially gushed about that book; so much, in fact, that even I decided to read it. I didn't need a video in order to spot its flaws. Why did you?"

    Because it wasn't so much that the content of the book was entirely flawed - it was the Bible study that followed it and the presentation for the leaders was flawed.

    I didn't have a lot of time to go into much detail. I did invite them back for more discussion but I have found when JW's are challenged (which they don't expect), they "move on" from my house.

    You are free to believe whatever you want about JW's being "more Christian" than me, GM. If so, why don't you visit THEIR websites and blogs to spar with them?

    BTW, the "legislators" are supposed to work FOR "We The People," not the other way around! Influencing legislation is right and goal for people who live in a Republic! Trouble is, like BHO and his Badministration, so many liberal/progressive/leftist/socialist/Marxist/radical Islamist crazies are now the majority in the Dem Party; thus our Constitutional Republic is in deep, deep trouble! BHO's "change you can believe in" is now CHANGE WE ALL GRIEVE IN!

  3. If God has a plan for your life, and that plan cannot be thwarted, then there is no such thing as free will. Hear now, God's plans in his own words:

    So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them." Gen 6:7

    You're right, there's no "trying to murder" with God. He's the original WMD. He wanted humanity dead, and by Himself, that's what he got. Accordingly, all present-day sinners (i.e. all of us) are descended from that surviving holy man Noah, his sons, and daughters-in-law. How could anything go wrong?

    ”I didn't have a lot of time to go into much detail. I did invite them back for more discussion but I have found when JW's are challenged (which they don't expect), they "move on" from my house.

    You are free to believe whatever you want about JW's being "more Christian" than me, GM. If so, why don't you visit THEIR websites and blogs to spar with them?”

    Because, as you say, when JWs are challenged (which they don't expect), they "move on". I've known that for a long time. BTW, I said they were more Christian than you in some ways. In other ways, of course, they're just like the rest of them...and wackier than some others.
    Besides, what makes you think I haven't been to any JW sites? Anyway, I thank you for your permission to believe whatever I want about JWs, or any other Christians, for that matter.

    And since you're determined to drag partisan politics into this: have your blogging friends translated Obama's secret Muslim decoder ring yet? It's been almost three months now.

  4. GM, you can believe what you want, but your idea that man has no free will is not biblically based.

    Just one example, but note these verses:

    Isa 30:1 "Woe to the rebellious children," says the LORD, "Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin;

    Isa 30:2 Who walk to go down to Egypt, And have not asked My advice, To strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, And to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

    Isa 30:3 Therefore the strength of Pharaoh Shall be your shame, And trust in the shadow of Egypt Shall be [your] humiliation.

    Read the entire chapter for complete context, but also note these verses:

    Isa 30:8 Now go, write it before them on a tablet, And note it on a scroll, That it may be for time to come, Forever and ever:

    Isa 30:9 That this [is] a rebellious people, Lying children, Children [who] will not hear the law of the LORD;

    Isa 30:10 Who say to the seers, "Do not see," And to the prophets, "Do not prophesy to us right things; Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits.

    Isa 30:11 Get out of the way, Turn aside from the path, Cause the Holy One of Israel To cease from before us."

    Isa 30:12 Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel: "Because you despise this word, And trust in oppression and perversity, And rely on them,

    Isa 30:13 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you Like a breach ready to fall, A bulge in a high wall, Whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant.

    Hmmm...sounds like a prophecy that applies to America today as well.

    What you continue to fail to understand is that in the beginning, God created man to have fellowship with Him; man knew good (but was initially shielded from evil) until man sinned and iniquity was found in man from that point on. Even Noah sinned. No man is perfect. But he and his family were righteous enough to be the ones to start over.

    Don't need to decode Obama's ring. His iniquity and horrid beliefs, policies and plans to destroy America are right out in the open for all to see anyway - at least those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. The "gimme-dat" crowd will continue to walk right into his trap of communism/Islamo-fascism without a whimper - until the economy collapses and they don't get their free stuff any longer.

    Unfortunately, history often repeats itself and people don't learn from history (e.g. Weimar Republic), so they fall into the same traps of evil leaders (in this case, a puppet kind of leader whose handlers are a combination of nefarious corruptocrats like the world has never seen before).

    But don't you worry GM. Freedoms that were taken away over the past 4 years will be nothing compared to what will happen in BHO's second term. Just sit back and watch your freedoms continue to disappear - one by one - over the next 4 years with Obummer.

    Similarly as in the days of Noah - don't ever claim that you weren't warned.

    Oh wait...BHO's black so everything else doesn't matter!

    Never mind...

  5. ”But don't you worry GM. Freedoms that were taken away over the past 4 years will be nothing compared to what will happen in BHO's second term. Just sit back and watch your freedoms continue to disappear - one by one - over the next 4 years with Obummer.”

    Just for grins, show us all a list of these 'freedoms that were taken away over the past 4 years'. I would really, really like to know, and I think the readers would too. Since you know what they are, and since you feel you should warn the people--as in the days of Noah--documenting them should be easy. If you got 'em, show 'em.

    What's being black have to do with it? No sane person doubts that Idi Amin was a tyrant. Same with Charles Taylor of Liberia, though few have ever heard of him (and who was courted by Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson). Or Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire before that.
    You want to claim 'gangsta government', check out those guys. But if you try to include Obama with them, you're even crazier than I thought.

  6. One word...Obamacare. But that's just for starters.

    Do the research for yourself, GM. Start at

    Go ahead and call me crazy. Frankly, I don't care what you think. Those with a veil over their eyes only see what they want to best. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

  7. I love it when folks bitch about God destroying the earth.
    Raise your fist and fight him. I can hardly keep from laughing at thought of it.
    It's written ... let not his that putteth on his armor boast himself as he that taketh it off.
    My humble advise for those that have a problem with how God runs things ...

    Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

    Forgive me for interjecting in your conversation Christine.

  8. No need for apologies, Steve! Your input is always welcomed here.

    GM's ObamaBorg Bot mentality continues, as well as his quest to discredit not only little ole' me here at this blog, but strives to discredit God Himself.

    Good luck with that...GM

  9. How can it be possible to discredit someone who has no credibility?
    Shouting louder doesn't do it. Making the same claims over and over doesn't do it. Comparing Obamacare to...what? doesn't do it.

    Now, if you had some sort of documented evidence...nah, that's too sensible.
    Sheriff Joe's dog-and pony show was five months ago. Despite his claims of evidence, he hasn't gone to the Maricopa County DA with it. He hasn't gone to the Arizona AG with it. He hasn't contacted the FBI or other federal agencies with it. And you're worse than he is, because you have even less credibility. All you do is repeat dark rumors over the internet, and put your trust into a court-martialed army officer, a self-proclaimed reporter, and a dentist and lawyer from a former Soviet republic—among many others. If even one of them had something that would hold up in court, I'd shut up in a New York minute and hang my head in shame. But it's been nearly five years, and there's been nothing.
    Stevie's fantasy photo of Obama and Holder was hardly credible before, and is out of date now, yet he clings to it as Linus does his blanket.
    You make the accusations, you provide the evidence to support it. That's how the game is played.

    The last time I went to commieblaster I had to run a malware sweep. If you have a more reputable link, maybe...
    Meanwhile, you call me an ObamaBorgBot if it makes you happy. I don't mind. I know better.

    “If you look at life only one way, there is always cause for alarm.” You're the finest example I know of that Chicken Little mindset.

  10. But your excuse that (supposedly) the last time you visited you needed to do a "malware sweep" is preventing you from finding the links at commieblaster that would show you the evidence.

    The fact that it is a site that contains links to other articles, blogs, online news stories etc. seems to be lost on you. You seem to be a scaredy-cat about the site. Why? Oh yeah...the malware lie...

    Keep your head in the sand, GM, like a good little ObamaBorg Bot ostrich...

  11. Somewhere I read that when radical Muslums seek to justify taking innocent lives of Westerners, they respond that Westerners participate in selecting their governments, which makes them not especially innocent.

    How do you feel about this? If your vote puts a politician in power, and that politician bombs another country, and completely non-involved persons are killed, including children, do you feel at all responsible for empowering that politician in the first place?

  12. Somewhere I read that when radical Muslums seek to justify taking innocent lives of Westerners, they respond that Westerners participate in selecting their governments, which makes them not especially innocent.

    How do you feel about this? If your vote puts a politician in power, and that politician bombs another country, and completely non-involved persons are killed, including children, do you feel at all responsible for empowering that politician in the first place?

  13. Tom -

    I clicked on your screen name and see that you are a Jehovah's

    My question to you is - what if all Jehovah's Witnesses (and others who didn't bother to do their civic duty) voted for the other guy who would not have done such a thing; therefore, the deaths of such innocents could have been averted?

    You see, I think that the philosophy of the Witnesses is skewed.

    At the time that Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph were told by an angel to take the child to Egypt because Herod wanted the new King killed.

    Because man is sinful, there will always be sin, evil, and death in this world. However, in my own personal opinion, those who stand on the sidelines and refuse to get involved are not following the Bible and are not doing their civic duty to their country.

    If Schindler didn't smuggle Jews out of Nazi (a.k.a. National Socialism - similar to what Obama is trying to do in America now. However, Obama's targets are those [at least the tens of millions who voted for Romney] who oppose his administration and policies) Germany in the 1940's, all of the lives (and descendants of these people) he was directly responsible for saving would have also been lost in addition to the 6 million and 4 million others (including Christians, Poles, homosexuals etc.)

    Tom, war is hell. No doubt about it. But inaction is worse than the alternative.

    I don't know if you will watch the video in the following post, but I think you should. The bad political philosophies in this evil world (socialism which leads to communism, neo-nazism, Islamic terrorism etc.) need to be countered and destroyed as best can be done in this imperfect world. After viewing the video, I wonder what your thoughts might be about it.

    ~ Christine

    Talk Wisdom: Sobering, Horrific History of Communism

  14. Schindler was a extraordinary man with extraordinary resources, which he used to save a great many lives. He is a hero. He deserves much credit. I would never say anything bad about him.

    But most people are not extraordinary. Nor do they have extraordinary resources. Most people are quite ordinary. I see the issue differently than you. Germans at that time were overwhelmingly Lutheran or Catholic. As you probably are aware, Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany were mostly sent to concentration camps where many died (Hitler vowed “I will exterminate this brood”) The reason? They refused to cooperate or support Hitler, and would not break their vow that their devotion belongs to God. If even one of those other two faiths had taken the same stand as Jehovah's Witnesses, there probably would not have been a WWII. Instead, people overwhelmingly did what they no doubt felt was their civic duty, supporting a duly elected leader who had brought Germany from the brink of economic disaster.

    Therefore, I don't know how JWs can be perceived as the problem. There would be no wars were everyone a JW, and that can be said of few other faiths, certainly not of the two “Christian” ones already referred to.

    But further supporting our neutrality toward today's nations is our belief that it's not God's purpose to have the earth carved up into hundreds of squabbling and warring factions factions. It's his purpose for the world to be united. That will never happen under human rule, but it will under God's Kingdom, as the prayer says “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. No human brings that kingdom about. God brings it at his own time. What humans can do is announce that kingdom, in effect becoming ambassadors of it.

    2 Cor 20:20 states “We come therefore as Christ's ambassadors. It is as though God were appealing to you through us: in Christ's name, we implore you, be reconciled with God.” ( NEB)An ambassador is there to represent the interests of the country (kingdom) from which he comes. He does not get involved in the politics of his host country, he certainly does not vote, nor does anyone expect him to. He is an ambassador of another kingdom. That's how we view ourselves. We are ambassadors of God's kingdom. Our role is to announce and educate people in it's purpose, it's blessings, and it's requirements.

    As for the video, I'm not sure what your purpose was in showing it to me, as if expecting I would champion those governments mentioned. What comes to mind mostly is Prov 29:2 ....whenever anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh. From a different vantage point, I have written on the same topic here:

    Hope this helps explain our position.

  15. Tom,

    Being rich does not necessarily make one "extraordinary." Schindler could have kept his money and turned a blind eye to what was happening in Nazi Germany. Apparently, the U.S. government turned a blind eye until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and forced FDR's hand to get involved in the conflict.

    I don't mean to get into a detailed history lesson here, but you asked why I showed you that video.

    First, I do not agree with your assertion that if all the people in Germany (an impossible feat, btw) had resisted Hitler, there wouldn't have been a WWII. Sorry but that is just naivete on your part. I have watched documentaries on this and many people were either mesmerized by Hitler (similar to the ObamaBorgBots who support him no matter the evil he wreaks), or, fell for the propaganda of "winning" when the Nazis turned on the Soviets, or, were just totally ignorant of what was going on (hard to believe, but even people here in the U.S. are ignorant of BHO's evil propaganda; despite the plethora of information via the Internet).

    If you don't understand why I asked you to view that video, then I don't think that anything I would say hear would compute. You are obviously living in a Truman show kind of world and ignore what the Bible says about "there is a time for war, and a time for peace."

    Ecc 3:8 A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

    You also ignore the fact that Jesus told us to wait for his return, watch for his return AND WORK until his return. We are not to be uninvolved in the culture and let it all just go to hell in a handbasket. We are to be active in our work here on earth and not just let evil run rampant around the world.

    One example. Every protest that is done against the evil of abortion probably saves dozens, if not hundreds of babies from being killed in the womb.

    Another example. A person (or group) that goes to another country to fight human trafficking may be "breaking the law" of the other nation, but the reward from God for saving even one child from such filth and horror would be worth it.

    Recall what Jesus said about those who would harm a child?

    Mat 18:6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    Mar 9:42 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.

    Luk 17:2 "It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

    Very harsh words from our Lord and Savior!

    Perhaps we will just have to "agree to disagree" on such issues.

  16. Very likely, but maybe not just yet. I'll comment on your reply, and since one always gets the last word on one's own blog, I'll not answer your reply. (unless you want me to)

    First, I do not agree with your assertion that if all the people in Germany (an impossible feat, btw) had resisted Hitler, there wouldn't have been a WWII

    I don't know why not. How much damage could Hitler have done if no one obeyed him? (I do agree that it is an impossible feat, but I also think it is just as naive to think everyone could have been a Schindler. Indeed, the only reason we know about Schindler at all is because his conduct was so abnormal for the times.)

    I have watched documentaries on this and many people were either mesmerized by Hitler

    Jehovah's Witnesses were not, none of them. That's the point I was trying to make. Of course they paid a heavy price for it, but sometimes heavy prices must be paid.

    You also ignore the fact that Jesus told us to wait for his return, watch for his return AND WORK until his return.

    I'm not ignoring it at all. We just differ in the nature of the work To us, the work Jesus requires is stated in the final words of Matthew: (you even quoted part of it) “Therefore go an make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

    You don't think it's work to carry on the Bible educational work that JWs do?

    We are not to be uninvolved in the culture and let it all just go to hell in a handbasket

    If the world was not going to hell in a handbasket, there would be no reason for Jesus to return, nor for his kingdom to come.

    One example. Every protest that is done against the evil of abortion probably saves dozens, if not hundreds of babies from being killed in the womb.

    Likewise, every Watchtower or Awake article condemning abortion probably saves dozens, if not hundreds of babies from being killed in the womb. After all, the Watchtower and Awake have a combined circulation of 83 million per issue. That's a massive number, far outstripping the number of JWs themselves. Plus a large web presence: I see no reason to assume they are less effective in preventing abortions than protests.

    Again, I hope this serves to clarify our position.


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