Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blessings - Laura Story

When I first heard about the Sandy Hook school shootings, my heart ached and tears ran down my face! Just like millions of other Americans, I couldn't grasp or even imagine such a tragedy as this would ever happen in our nation! Before I knew about all of this, I trusted that the news media was telling the truth about the matter.

One week after the tragedy was reported, I was on a two hour drive back home. I was listening to the 2013 WOW CD (Best Christian songs and artists of the year) and I heard "Blessings" by Laura Story.

Miraculously, I found much comfort in that song. With over 5 million views, I'm sure a lot of other people have found comfort and have been blessed by it too.

Most of all, I KNOW that the truth of God surpasses all understanding.

He is TRUTH.

He alone can be TRUSTED.

When we are betrayed, lied to, undergoing extreme hardships because of the evil ways of others, or suffering from unimaginable pain, we must remember that God's mercy is always there and that this earth, ultimately, IS NOT OUR HOME.

~ Christine

When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You're near
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise
From:  "Blessings" by Laura Story


  1. CJW: ”When I first heard about the Sandy Hook school shootings, my heart ached and tears ran down my face! Just like millions of other Americans, I couldn't grasp or even imagine such a tragedy as this would ever happen in our nation!“

    Why couldn't you imagine that?
    Aren't you the one who's always saying ”The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?” You believe that about our current government, so why don't you believe that about our citizens?
    For years, you've been going on and on about about that.

    ”Before I knew about all of this, I trusted that the news media was telling the truth about the matter.”

    Again, why? Don't you believe the news media is all in on the conspiracy too? Even Fox News? Or are they somehow less deceitful than, say, Associated Press?
    The people you've been quoting say it's all a hoax; a staged murder of children and teachers, with no bloody scenes; 'alleged' relatives of the victims who are in fact actors; oblique references to the CIA and brain implants, use of Prozac and 'microwave' (microwave what? Ovens? Pulses? Transmissions?) somethings.
    How do you know that THEY'RE not part of it? How do you know they're not part of the Media of Mass Distraction, doing the “Oooh, shiny thing!” over here, so you won't see what's going on over when Fox announced the extradition of JonBenet Ramsey's supposed killer a few years back? (Turned out he wasn't the killer, and has vanished into the void since then. Oddly, this was about the same time the housing market began to decline.)
    Think about it: a conspiracy big enough to have done what these guys (and you) are claiming is also big enough to have it multilayered, and so convoluted that even the supposed whistle-blowers are actually part of the plan.

    More than that, it's supposedly part of your god's plan. It's said that A, B, C, and D must happen in order for the big windup to occur, so I don't see why you are so upset...especially when you know how it's all going to end.

  2. But...

    Isn't "Blessings" a beautiful song???

    Not to distract you...

    I wonder. How much of the postings, links, and videos did you actually view?

    Besides. I'm not the only one questioning the "official" story. There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of more astute and learned individuals out there questioning it all. Someone in the comment section (at link above) stated that this story is now on Drudge. Isn't he the "crazy, right-wing blogger" who busted open Bill Clinton's sexcapades in the Oval Office?

    So...I ask YOU - how do you know your favorite liberal progressive types aren't a part of it?.

    Oh...I don't trust God but you trust someone who is obviously as bad an actor as this?? [Note to others reading this who have seen this video before: watch it again and see the looks on the faces of the officers standing near the guy! Incredulous looks while he's talking - to say the least!]

    Talk about being deceived...

  3. CJW: ”Someone in the comment section (at link above) stated that this story is now on Drudge. Isn't he the "crazy, right-wing blogger" who busted open Bill Clinton's sexcapades in the Oval Office?”

    Yep, but you can't live on past glory forever. And Obama doesn't ooze charm, like Clinton—just competence. Matt probably supported Mark Sanford too, before the Governor came back from his 'hike' in Argentina.

    I also know that as late as Halloween night, ol' Dredge was forecasting a developing 'sex scandal' to surface during the last days of the Obama campaign. It supposedly would involve a 'very powerful' senator—a Democrat, of course.
    It didn't happen, of course, because the Obamaborgs got together with DARPA and NASA and created Hurricane Sandy, throwing it at the mid-Atlantic states and becoming the #1 news story in that first week on November.
    That's what I've heard from your side of the fence.
    With such a fine imagination as that, I still wonder why you can't believe that one man with a combat rifle could kill 26 people who were no threat to him.

    Drudge isn't a complete 'crazy, right-wing blogger', but he still spends too much time on the holodeck.
    Question the official story all you want. I won't try to stop you. But if you should be wrong, I hope you'll have the 'nads to admit it and apologize, because I know you don't WANT to outwardly and purposefully lie, right? Your god's word instructs you to 'put away all falsehood' and 'tell your neighbor the truth'. Or so you say.
    (FYI: I read all the postings, but only two links. I didn't watch the videos, and I didn't play the song.)

    Keep looking. Lay into me if you're right and I'm wrong. Brace for impact if the reverse is true.

  4. Last night I tried to find the story about Sandy Hook, but only found the one at WND where David Kupelian wrote regarding "the gaping hole" in the current news reporting. Most reporters are focused on the gun control craze and not even mentioning or considering mental health issues (including the use of psychotic/psychotropic drugs) of mass murderers.

    Since you neglected to click on any links and didn't view the videos, you missed an awful lot of information.

    It's too bad that you didn't play the song. It's a wonderful song that helps ease the pain in this life and also demonstrates why Christians worship God for his love, mercy and grace. The fact that Jesus told us, "in this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! For I have overcome the world" and that there are "mansions in heaven" where he "goes to prepare a place for us" tells us that this place of sin, evil, and death is not our real home or final destination. I know, such talk and descriptions about God totally escape you. But we both know why.

    I certainly can't blame you for not wanting to believe that any part (or all) of the Sandy Hook shootings were staged. But the added facts of what is not being allowed to be seen furthers the questions of doubters that think we have been duped into believing a hoax. Wouldn't it be great if no children were actually killed? But I know...sounds like wishful thinking.

    I find it curious that Biden's "recommendations" to BHO on further gun control might lead to an executive order to bypass Congress. It would be just another incident of BHO stomping on the U.S. Constitution in a long line of such incidences.

    I also find it curious that (according to a screen scrolling report I saw on Fox this morning) there is a recommendation to bulldoze down the Sandy Hook school building. I don't think that was done at Columbine...was it?

    Still, there are so many unanswered questions, obvious cover-ups, bad actors, and questionable tactics being used that it boggles the minds of most who are paying close attention to the details.

  5. Anyone who believes the "official version" given by the government on anything is a fool. They can mock, ridicule, and run off at the mouth all in the attempt to demonstrate how "smart I am" ... when their stupidity radiates much brighter than any self-perceived intelligence.

  6. CJW: ”Most reporters are focused on the gun control craze and not even mentioning or considering mental health issues (including the use of psychotic/psychotropic drugs) of mass murderers.”

    Yes, there's always that factor to consider. Lanza's mother reportedly kept several firearms in the house, although her son's condition was known (at least to her). To me, that's all the more reason to keep such weapons away from them. If one is on certain drugs, one is not supposed to drive, operate machinery, or attempt tasks requiring precise hand-eye coordination, so why allow them, through negligence or some other means, access to a lethal weapon?

    ”It's too bad that you didn't play the song...I know, such talk and descriptions about God totally escape you. But we both know why.”

    We do? Who is “we”--you and Jesus? 'Cause I'm not the one on these pages moaning about how they couldn't imagine such an incident as Sandy Hook 'would ever happen in our nation'.
    I don't listen to Christian music. I don't listen to rap or country, either. Sue me.

    ”I find it curious that Biden's "recommendations" to BHO on further gun control might lead to an executive order to bypass Congress. It would be just another incident of BHO stomping on the U.S. Constitution in a long line of such incidences.”

    That bullsh again...*sigh* Why have you not been so fired up about the War Powers Act, which has been in place 40 years and allows the President to 'bypass Congress' by mobilizing the armed forces? The Constitution says only Congress has the power to declare war...and they haven't exercised that power since 1941, though we've been in a few wars since then. Of course, since neither you nor your children are going to be in uniform, maybe you just don't care—although you did bitch about somebody waging an 'illegal war' a few years back.

    ”I also find it curious that (according to a screen scrolling report I saw on Fox this morning) there is a recommendation to bulldoze down the Sandy Hook school building. I don't think that was done at Columbine...was it?”

    If you want to know, look it up. You know how to use the web.
    But after 21 people were murdered at a McDonald's in San Ysidro, the company did demolish that I guess it's a matter of public perception. That was nearly thirty years ago; I suppose these things just have to happen now and again so some people can continue to celebrate their 2nd Amendment rights.

  7. Hey Steve!

    How are you? I have a cold and it slows me down a bit, but this morning I read a few interesting blog posts and watched more videos about the Sandy Hook actors.

    I found the latest Ulsterman Report about John Brennan quite disturbing! I knew the man was a snake but didn't realize his hissingly evil involvement was present in so many recent administrations!

    Notice that GM takes the "see no evil," "hear no evil" approach on the evidence that is clearly seen in the various articles, blogs, and videos that show really bad acting jobs by the Sandy Hook false flag crew. It is so creepy to think that these people could be paid off to do such a thing.

    More evidence is coming out online about "Adam Lanza" and his mother - that does not fit the storyline that we are supposed to believe.

  8. At the Memory Hole a commentator shared the following information. Readers, you tell me if it seems strange to have a landscaper working during the time that the shootings happened??

    Yule T. Gibbons

    December 24, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    The video link below shows interview of a student after the shooting with landscaper in background.

    LRM worker in background

    What company (landscaping) LRM worker is from:
    LRM Scapes

    Is that weird or what??

  9. CJW: ”Notice that GM takes the "see no evil," "hear no evil" approach on the evidence that is clearly seen in the various articles, blogs, and videos that show really bad acting jobs by the Sandy Hook false flag crew.”

    Ah, so you have no more doubts! You're not “questioning the 'official' story”any more. You're denying it, pure and simple. Ooookay.
    I'll leave the “speak no evil” part up to y---whoops, my error. You could NEVER do that!

  10. In a new thread at Memory Hole Blog, a commentator asks the pertinent questions and makes the right statements!

    Truth seeker

    January 12, 2013 at 8:46 am

    Cognitive disassociation being applied wherein Andrson cooper teaches the sheep to be offended and take action to protect the status quo. Oh but it’s not working! The continual lies are creating passive disassociation and an anger backlash towards the established media. Alternative media has exposed the satanic and devious methods used to create Patsys. It’s all so surreal now and the harder they try to convince the public the more questions it raises. Where is the school video? Who were the guys arrested? Why did Mr. Carver seemed concerned about ramifications of participating in the shooting? Why wouldn’t the neighbor Who hosted the victims of a group of kids of claim to be witness to the murder of thier teacher- why not dial 911? If a school bus driver was there wouldn’t she drive to the fire station or police station or call 911. So many questions due to changing story lines. Did the principle get murdered after Adam Lanza was already dead? Why would the local newspaper interview the principle then change its story? Helicopter footage and eyewitness accounts show multiple shooters yet no mention in the patsy version. Long rifle found In who’s car? Lets make sure we understand that a 115 pound soaking wet pip Squeek executed 27 people with a rifle and 3 additional guns in a school with no witnesses and all over the school loud speaker and intercom system? How did adam go back to the car put the fifle back in the trunk and go back in the school and kill himself? Btw how did CNN tweet the sandy hook school shooting at 930 if the first 911 call did not arrive until close to 940 am. Why are there no photographs of the entry way or blood or bodies or any evidence? Wtf really happened ? Why was Emile Parker in a picture with Barack Obama after the shooting if she is dead? It’s clearly not the younger sister and not the baby? Why was Robbie Parker so happy and upbeat and unable to cry on cue? Seems strange how everyone acted so fake. No tears but plenty of stories that seem to fit the narrative but then are so filled with holes and just bad acting one has to ask how long have they been doing these fake news stories and are they Killing the kids or kidnapping them or just making up the names. Why was mrs. Lanza not listed on the school roster? Seems she was murdered or was that staged? Whoever is producing the events needs to go back to theatrical training and learn some basic techniques cause this has amateur hour written all over it. Mr. Anderson cooper if your reading this you need to make a decision weather or not your going to die a little everyday being a yellow journalist or be a man like JFK and Jim Tracy and stand up against the establishment and live in truth and honor. We must fight this propaganda our freedom and lives depends on it!

  11. For those following the Sandy Hook story, Anderson Cooper 360 is going to challenge the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories on his show CNN tonight.

    Also, Memory Hole Blog has a YouTube video interview up with the blog owner - James Tracy.

  12. I'll see that, and raise.

    James Tracy, an associate professor of communications at Florida Atlantic University, runs a conspiracy-mongering blog (”Memory Hole”! Whaddaya know!) in which he calls into question the official story of what happened at Sandy Hook. Steven Novella is an academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine, and is the host and producer of the popular weekly science podcast, The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe. (Just so you know.) Novella has some interesting comments about the Great Sandy Hook Conspiracy, which I reproduce below.
    For now this is just speculation, and for whatever reason [Tracy] is making certain claims about Sandy Hook that are worth examining.
    Most of his “evidence” for some type of conspiracy or coverup is the inconsistent reporting of the event by the media. He writes:
    At 9:53AM, no more than ten minutes after the reported shooting ceased, the Associated Press published a story, “Official with Knowledge of Connecticut School Shooting Says 27 Dead, Including 18 Children.” AP and the Washington Post have since removed the story from their websites in lieu of subsequent reports that took their cue from a press conference scheduled for later that day.
    When we discussed the event on the SGU we also criticized the media for their reporting of the event. What typically happens after an event like this (meaning a dramatic event that is likely to draw extreme public attention), the media are tripping over themselves to get the scoop, to report something and to justify why they are spending so much time focusing on this event. So any tidbit of information, even if preliminary and not well sourced, is reported.
    Eventually official information comes out, and the media have to backtrack on their previous error-ridden reports.
    This always happens. This is what is going to happen when a real dramatic event occurs (meaning not the product of any conspiracy). Therefore – the fact that there was media confusion over the details of the event is not evidence for a conspiracy, because it would be present without a conspiracy.
    Another category of evidence offered by Tracy for a conspiracy is the lack of information and documentation from official sources.
    Indeed, aside from internal police accounts of what took place inside Sandy Hook Elementary there is little information available to piece together what may have actually transpired inside the school. No photographic or video footage of the crime scene have been made publicly available and major media have to a large degree based their conclusions on Connecticut Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver’s verbal account of the postmortem which is at best ambiguous.
    This is standard police procedure – to carefully control the flow of information so as not to compromise their investigation. Unlike the media, the police do not want to release any information until it is completely verified. Further they can decide to protect the rights of certain individuals by not releasing certain information. This is standard procedure – not evidence of a cover up.
    For example, apparently several individuals taken from the scene were initially considered to be possible suspects in the shooting. The police here were just doing due diligence. When it became apparent they had nothing to do with the shooting they were released. Their names were not made public – to protect them. If there was insufficient evidence to actually arrest them, and they were no longer suspects, why focus attention on them, especially during a highly emotional event. Perhaps they may have been targeted by vigilantes or distraught relatives of the victims. Again – standard professional procedure.

    (conclusion follows)

  13. (conclusion)

    Novella: No video was released from inside the school. Of course not – imagine how gruesome those videos must be. The families and the community should be given some degree of privacy in such matters.

    This one comes down partly to trust. Officials have reviewed the video as part of their investigation, and they will release final reports when the investigations are complete. I do think that professional journalists should have the right to access any of this information also (once the official investigation is done) in order to independently verify the story – and they do. All the information will eventually come out. But I do not think pictures of slaughtered children should be shown on tv or news outlets, especially this soon after an event.

    That’s really all Tracy has – inconsistencies and withholding of information. All of this is easily explainable without invoking a conspiracy. He has no actual evidence for any particular conspiracy. (And neither do you.)--GM

    He does float some speculation about what might have actually happened. He speculates that perhaps it was a drill gone awry. He thinks that the school was running a drill to prepare children for such an event, including playing sounds of shooting and chaos over the intercom. I am not sure how this accounts for all the dead children and their families.

    For that, he speculates that people interviewed on tv were actors. There is a huge problem with this. If parents and others related to the event were actors, people in the community would know. It would at least be odd because no one would know who they were. If, on the other hand, the people interviewed were really involved in the massacre, there would be a web of connections in the community to them. Most people in the area would know them or know someone who knows them. This is, in fact, the case. As I said, I personally know one family who was interviewed on camera about the event (they did not lose any children, but were at the school). I am part of that web of personal connection in the community.

    This may sound strange, but I think that conspiracy theorists do play an important role in a democracy. It is good to have people who question everything about what is reported by the media and the government. It is good not to be complacent about the information we are given. At the very least it forces us to ask – how do we really know what happened? Is there sufficient transparency in the system? Are the media doing their job?

    In fact, my primary criticism of most conspiracy theorists is not that they are asking these questions, but rather that they are doing a poor job of filling this role. Their musings are often so absurd, their logic so flawed, and their conclusions so bizarre that they invite any rational person to dismiss their claims out of hand.

    If they did a better job at being the conspiracy theorist, they would better serve the function of fighting against the complacency they so often criticize.

    (Taken from NeuroLogica Blog. All emphases mine. --GM)

    Pertinent questions? Yes. Right answers? No way. Every one of his answers generates another "why?" which requires an even further stretch of logic to make any sense. Occam's Razor works much better.

  14. A fool's voice is known by a multitude of words.

    If you can't "strike oil" in two or three short paragraphs, stop.

  15. I've been to your website Steve..maybe you should take your own advice!

  16. Why was there another website created on December 10, 2012 instructing parents to talk about the Sandy Hook tragedy, when the shooting happened on December 14th???

    That link has a screen shot of the page before they apparently realized their "error" and changed the date to December 14th.

    Hat tip: The Mad Jewess

  17. Here's another example of foreknowledge of Sandy Hook: photo of timestamp

    The person who caught this writes:


    Since Im catching total hell from the peanut gallery of disbelievers...Let me again clarify.

    Google time stamps show the original date of the post.

    The FUNDRAISER website shows the time of the post down to the minute.

    If you think this is somehow fake, please explain how someone fakes a GOOGLE time stamp. Your own personal website "time" has nothing to do with the Google timestamp.

    These fundraiser sites are NOT blogs that allow you to change the time by the way.

    See my fundraiser if you have any doubts.. its the same kind of fundraiser page as mine, just a different company.. same format and everything.

    Sure anyone can change their blog to be whatever time zone they want.. date they want..

    But if you make a post.. Google picks it up and puts it in the search based upon when it was posted "internet time" wise--- in otherwords, it doesn't matter what date you have on your blog, website etc...

    When you post.. Google caches it as a post for 'that day'.

    In this case.. 'that day' was December 10, 2012, four days before the shooting.

    This is not the only site either.. there are others.

    This is one of the better examples of a full match between Google Cache AND the website date/time.

    again, here is just one example of many.. for sure you'll see old posts with secondary titles come up.. but then you'll see fundraising sites and a few others with December 5th, 10th, and 11th POSTING DATES.. not blog dates.


    here is the full search.. going from Oct 2012.. to the day BEFORE the shooting:

    Google search Sandy Hook shooting fundraisers

  18. Oh Jenny, you slay me! If you were honest you'd see there are very few posts on my site that takes more than 5 minutes to read ... most even less. Most that do take longer generally include links to reference points or other articles.


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