Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Question Everything and Think For Ourselves

When dealing with enemies and individuals who could not be trusted to tell the truth,  President Ronald Reagan famously quipped, "Trust, but verify."  These days, with this BADministration and their cohorts in the media of mass deception, we need to question everything!  They cannot and should not be trusted!  We need to think for ourselves!  There is so much LYING, DECEIT, FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS, CORRUPTION, AND COVER-UPS happening at break-neck speed that it truly should boggle the minds of anyone who is REALLY paying attention!

Each time that I have written about the Sandy Hook school massacre tragedy, I had hoped that it would be my LAST POST about it.  I'm sickened and devastated enough already!  I don't need to see more.  But with SO MANY unanswered questions and bloggers discovering many, many strange happenings related to the tragedy, I can't help but report them here. 

This video at The Daily Sheeple  is truly creepy and made me shudder to think that "hints" about the two tragedies in both Colorado and Connecticut were set-ups.  You might ask, "set-ups for what?"  Answer:  gun control!!!  Have you noticed that this is all that the news shows, Congress, BHO, and even Hollywood is talking about? 

The more that I investigate and find out about these terrible incidences, the more scary it is to realize how much we are being LIED to and how much corruption and how many cover-ups are going on right under our noses!

Well, perhaps I have spoken enough about all of this.  The video at The Daily Sheeple and links below will speak for themselves.  Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide.

~ Christine


Before It Is News picked up on the United Way donation page being created three days before the shooting.

Read other Articles related to the Sandy Hook shooting:

Sandy Hook Massacre: Multiple Suspects: What Happened to These Men? Who Are They?

This Is Insane: Coordinates for Sandy Hook Targeted in Batman Dark Knight Movie

How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event

Media Manipulation: Father of Sandy Hook Victim Asks ‘Read the Card?’ Seconds Before Press Conference  [Note:  He said: “ready to start?”]

Sandy Hook: Mind Control Flicker Effect

First Sandy Hook Lawsuit Filed: $100 Million: Failure to Provide “Safe School Setting”

Full Disclosure: Evidence Shows Mass Shootings Were Not ‘Lone Wolf’ Attacks

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Ed Thomas of The Daily Sheeple.

Ed Thomas is a co-editor and contributor for The Daily Sheeple, an alternative media hub for leading headlines, head lies, opinion, and commentary. Wake the flock up!
This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to

2013-01-07 18:34:19


I did not see the interviews of parents directly on TV after the tragedy, but here is a You tube video of someone's opinion about them: Sandy Hook families interviews.

Hat Tips to all links.


P.S.  In case anyone missed this in the comment section of my last post:

It sickens me, scares me, and reviles me to think that anything this horrible could possibly be done by either our government, it's secretive "handlers" or whomever the perpetrators are.

I had a good "gun control" debate with a very good friend of mine last night during dinner. She is a grandmother of 4 children. She seems "all for" more gun control until I explained to her what that would really mean about our liberty, freedoms, and security AGAINST any tyrannical government (like the one we have now!) to have our Second Amendment rights infringed upon.

I shared with her how both the Colorado theater massacre and Sandy Hook elementary massacre were both "gun free" zones - and why lives COULD have been saved if a guard at the theater had a gun to shoot the murderer, or if the school principal had a gun locked in a safe in her office; and upon hearing the shooting happening could have retrieved the gun and killed the shooter dead before more children were killed.

I told her about my last post - regarding just why there is so much media coverage about gun control, yet no questions being asked about mental health issues and psychotropic/psychiatric drugs and their side effects. It was then that "the light bulb" apparently went off in her mind. As a former nurse, she KNOWS of the dangers of such drugs; as well as the dangers of individuals who "go off" their medications and end up doing horrible things.

I don't know all of the answers here. I am just trying to get people to THINK and then decide for themselves what is real and the truth, vs. what is propaganda and evil motives.

I want people who visit here to know that I'm not interested in spreading falsehoods. The Bible is very clear about lying - and that God's judgment against lying is very harsh! Just read about the self-deception of Saul in 1 Samuel 15:1-35. Lying destroys integrity. Dishonest people soon begin to believe the lies they construct around themselves. Then they lose the ability to tell the difference between truth and lies. By believing your own lies you deceive yourself, you alienate yourself from God, and you lose credibility in all your relationships. In the long run, honesty wins out.

Recently, while sharing a disagreement with my best friend (we have known each other for over 20 years!) that I had with another person (and being told by that person that I was lying), she said to me, "Chris, you don't lie like that." It felt so good to hear someone tell me that she believes in my integrity! However, there are people who probably visit here, read what I write about BHO and his BADministration and think I'm a liar, crazy, or both!

When I am caught in something that turns out to be untrue, I always try to amend it. For example, during the election, there was a blog that reported that thousands of military ballots were destroyed rather than counted. GMPilot - (Talk Wisdom's usual nemesis) pointed out to me later that the blog was satire. I went back and made the correction.


January 8, 2013 11:08:00 AM PST
The main reason why I write, "Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide" on certain posts is because of media lies, deceitfulness, and the evil and corruption of many in government. In simple terms, it is often very difficult these days to discern truth from error.

You see, I don't WANT to outwardly and purposefully lie because God's Word instructs us:

"So put away all falsehood and "tell your neighbor the truth" because we belong to each other." (Ephesians 4:25)

Of course, I make mistakes and have made many bad ones over the course of my life, but when I was born again in Christ my new life in Him changed me. I know that lying undermines freedom and undermines the unity of believers in Christ. It creates conflict and destroys trust. It tears down relationships and leads to open warfare. We should put away such "lying ways" once we accept Christ's gift of salvation.

I know that I must consciously renew such a commitment every day. I must have a new role, head in a better direction and have a new way of thinking that the Holy Spirit gives me.

When I see lying going on in others - especially in government - it really hurts. Such lying often leads to injustice; and those who may think they can trust and benefit from government aren't always protected from evil consequences.

I have seen obedience to God provoke anger and hatred from others. It's running rampant these days! But Matthew 10:28 informs us that it is better to suffer from human displeasure than from God's wrath.

I see ridicule against me for being honest as being a possible sign that I am indeed doing what's right in God's eyes (see Matthew 5:10-12; Romans 8:17, 35-39). I certainly hope so. I want Him to use me - not the other way around.

My guide is not to go against Scripture, Jesus' words, or the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When I make errors and mistakes (as we all do because we are all human), I admit it, confess, repent, and strive to not do it again in the future.

Last night, Conservative radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock mentioned that when the colonists desired to break away from the king of England, only a small portion supported it - at first. Those colonist leaders KNEW that something better could be created here in America; as long as they were willing to fight for such freedoms and do so under God's Divine Providence.

Today, we don't see or hear much about that anymore. We have a "law" professor who thinks it's a better idea to scrap the genius of the Constitution because it was written by "men with old fashioned and different thinking over 225 years ago." Because this individual is reprobate, he doesn't see the genius of these men who were far better thinkers at that time than he is now!

Oops...sorry...I'm getting off topic.

One last thought. Our nation is in such peril that it will take only an act of God to keep our Republic alive, well, and intact. I continue to pray each day for His abiding mercy, grace, and love to continue to bless this nation - even when our atrocious sinfulness doesn't deserve it.

~ Christine


  1. CJW: ”Lying destroys integrity. Dishonest people soon begin to believe the lies they construct around themselves. Then they lose the ability to tell the difference between truth and lies. By believing your own lies you deceive yourself, you alienate yourself from God, and you lose credibility in all your relationships.”

    Believing your own bullsh also helps you lose elections, as the GOP found out two months ago.

    ”When I am caught in something that turns out to be untrue, I always try to amend it. For example, during the election, there was a blog that reported that thousands of military ballots were destroyed rather than counted. GMPilot - (Talk Wisdom's usual nemesis) pointed out to me later that the blog was satire. I went back and made the correction.”

    Yeah, about that: what happened to that 'trust, but verify'?
    You were (and are) so eager to believe anything bad about Obama that you were willing to spread any tale that sounded good to you. If I hadn't pointed out that you, and your source, had been suckered by a satirical web report, that story may have been believed by...well, your readers, anyway. It may now pass into history like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; a 150-year-old political satire that has been proven time and again to be nothing more than a fantasy story—and yet is believed to be true by generations of people.

    ”You see, I don't WANT to outwardly and purposefully lie because God's Word instructs us: ...”

    It's not a matter of what you want--it's a matter of what you do. If you tell something as true that isn't, you're not lying, you're just wrong. If you tell something as true that you know is not, guess what that makes you! Either way, you have a duty to correct the error, even if you haven't changed your mind on the subject.

    Just a reminder from your favorite nemesis.

  2. have nothing to say about the inconsistences in the Sandy Hook story?

  3. ” have nothing to say about the inconsistences in the Sandy Hook story?”

    Sure I have something to say...but not out loud, because I don't know the whole story. What I know is this: a young man with a military-grade weapon murdered 26 people, most of them children. Maybe he murdered his mother and took the rifle; maybe
    some demon was whispering in his ear. All I know is Christmas 2012 was very bleak for a good many people in Newtown.

    SOTT: ”Although perhaps the question that needs to be asked here is, why would a person bother to carry identification with them after going to the trouble of dressing up in a bullet-proof vest, mask and black camouflage gear and going on a killing spree ...”
    Now that's interesting, because several sources I read said Lanza hadn't been wearing an armor vest. If they can't even agree on that...
    Six- or seven-year-olds usually don't carry guns, so if Lanza did wear a vest, he had been planning on a shoot-out with the police. To me, that says deliberation. He may have snapped, but he knew what he wanted to do.

    However, none of that detracts from the fact that you failed to verify the 'report' I corrected you on (and it wasn't the first time, either). If you've got a blog and you're out there shaping minds, you should be more careful. Otherwise, you'll be as bad as you say the mainstream media is.

    My experience of Christians is that lying in the name of The TRUTH® isn't a lie. Paul seemed to feel that way, and many thousands of others—some connected to this very blog—also seem to think so. You've made (and repeated) a great many accusations here against the government in general and Obama in particular. I know you don't trust...and you don't verify either.
    If you believe it was all governmental manipulation, how can you, or I, know for sure that YOU aren't being similarly manipulated? That way lies insanity. You'll have to walk that road without me.

    BTW, I'm still looking for that report where you said we proclaimed victory in Iraq. It's been—what, four years ago now?


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