Thursday, January 03, 2013

Trust In Jesus

People that I speak to and/or read about and converse with on conservative blog posts within the comment sections of those blogs, are all still so upset, distraught, fearful, hurt and disgusted about the fraudulent re-election of Barack Hussein Obama. Some wonder, why did God allow it?

For those who like BHO, they are THRILLED that God allowed it. 

Those of us, however,  who see the darkness of BHO and the harm that he and his evil cohorts are doing to our beloved nation, wonder how God could have possibly allowed such a disastrous result to happen during the election of 2012.

I can't say that I know the exact reason. Perhaps it has something to do with being a "mercy in disguise." We can't see the meaning or purpose in such an occurrence at this time in our lives, but perhaps we will see it some time in the future.

At the You Tube site where I obtained a copy of the video song ["Trust In Jesus" by Third Day] below;  there are commentators who snub the message of this song;  are blisteringly angry with God and are asking why God did not intervene to save the children in the New town Conn. massacre.  I can't say that I know the reason - but there must be one.  Perhaps it has to do with taking some innocents away from the evils of this world?   Perhaps it has something to do with "mercy in disguise" that we can't see on this side of heaven?

When we focus on only the life we experience on this earth as being "all that there is," the reality of the death of our mortal bodies - no matter at what age this occurs - becomes a cause of deep, deep sorrow that has no relief. 

However, when we trust in Jesus and his promises in the Bible, we see this life as just a blip on the radar screen of eternity.

When an individual person comes to realize and accept his or her need for forgiveness (and finally acknowledges his or her desperate need for salvation in Jesus Christ), the hurts of this world will still give them pain (sometimes, it is excruciating - like the pain those parents must be feeling having lost their little children);  but it's not the unsolvable, non-healing pain as those who have no hope for eternity, no future deliverance, and no personal relationship with God.

I have been there...believe me...I've experienced several very painful times in my life when I lost loved ones "too soon."    However, even when my grandmother died at age 101, it was difficult to let her go into eternity.

We don't like separation from our loved ones. But the promises in Scripture teach us that we will be reunited with saved loved ones in eternal life. Therefore, the separation - for just a brief time when considering all of eternity - could just be an example of a mercy in disguise.

We all grieve deeply over the loss of a loved one.   Recall the shortest verse in the Bible.  Jesus wept.  We have an Advocate, a Deliverer, a Defender, a Redeemer who knows us and sympathizes with our pain and grief.  We can cry out to Him!   But believers do not grieve as those who have no hope. That is the difference between knowing Jesus...and not knowing Him. When life gets tough, or pain enters your life, or deep sorrow happens during the loss of a loved one - listen to this song and continue to Trust in Jesus!

~  Christine


Trust In Jesus - Third Day Lyrics:

One of these days we all will stand in judgment for
Every single word that we have spoken
One of these days we all will stand before the Lord
Give a reason for everything we've done and what I've done is

Trust in Jesus, my great Deliverer
My strong Defender, the Son of God
I trust in Jesus, blessed Redeemer
My Lord forever, the Holy One, the Holy One

What are you gonna do when your time has come
And your life is done and there's nothing you can stand on?
What will you have to say at the judgment throne?
Well, I already know the only thing that I can say

I trust in Jesus, my great Deliverer
My strong Defender, the Son of God
I trust in Jesus, blessed Redeemer
My Lord forever, the Holy One

There's nothing I can do
On my own to find forgiveness
It's by His grace alone I trust in Jesus, trust in Jesus

I trust in Jesus, my great Deliverer
My strong Defender, the Son of God
I trust in Jesus, blessed Redeemer
My Lord forever, the Holy One, the Holy One, whoa

I trust in Jesus, my great Deliverer
My strong Defender, blessed Redeemer
My Lord forever, oh yeah


  1. Amen sister. It's all we can do. Fight the good fight and trust in God.

  2. Thanks Steve! What you stated has inspired me to write a new post about both fighting the good fight and trusting in God!

    Thanks for all that you write at your blog! It is amazing how much we can all learn from blogs like yours. I am grateful to all my blogging friends and the links on my sidebar have provided so much more information that the media of mass corruption refuses to report!

    God bless my friend!


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