Saturday, February 23, 2013

Say NO To Socialism!! [Updates]

communist obama marxist socialist maoist progressive
Hat Tip: 
If you attend a rally, please feel free to share your experience and links to photos of the event here!
~  Christine

Nice Deb reports:
Day of Resistance: 200 – 250 People Protest Government Overreach in Joplin, MO
nicedeb at Nice Deb - 1 day ago

Due to a busy Saturday schedule, I wasn’t able to make it to the Day of Resistance rally in Joplin Mo, today, but I did have a chance to speak to the organizer, Jesse Mills, of the Southwest Missouri Firearms Freedom Coalition. He told me he was pleased with the turn out, estimating a crowd [...]


Gun-rights supporters gather at Old Poway Park on Saturday during the National Day of Resistance ral 🌄

— Several hundred people, mostly men, mostly older and almost universally conservative, descended on Old Poway Park Saturday afternoon to take part in a “Pro-Second Amendment” rally.
The local rally was part of a nationwide “Day of Resistance,” in opposition to recent gun-control legislation proposed and action taken in Washington, D.C. The Poway gathering was organized by conservative blogger Roger Cotton, who called it the “Shall Not Be Infringed” rally, echoing the last line of the Second Amendment.
“The focus of the rally is to serve as a call to action to citizens who value their individual liberties,” Cotton said.
The crowd was colorful and of like mind. Many wore messages on their T-shirts such as “Invest in Precious Metals – Buy Lead,” and “Freedom Requires a Truthful Press.”
Others carried signs bearing messages like “Victims who shoot back live longer,” and “The 2nd Amendment is the line in the sand,” and “Gun-free zones enable mass killings.”
“Don’t Tread on Me” flags were almost as common as Old Glory was.
Among those scheduled to speak during the three-hour rally were members of the San Diego chapter of the National Rifle Association, a conservative humorist and musician, and several conservative bloggers
“The problem is not firearms or their cartridges. The problem is a mental health issue,” said one early speaker, Julie Sutton, a blogger and humorist. “That’s what needs to be addressed. That, Mr. President, is what you should be focusing on.”
Sheriff’s deputies were present, but the gathering was peaceful. There was no opposition to cause trouble, and everyone obeyed the law and did not bring guns to the rally, officials said.
Last month, President Barack Obama urged Congress to require background checks for all gun sales and ban both military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines in a plea to curb gun violence in America.
Obama also signed 23 executive actions, including orders to make more federal data available for background checks and end a freeze on government research on gun violence.
The president’s actions came just a month after the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn., in which 26 people, including 20 children, were killed by a lone gunman armed with an assault rifle.
Even before Obama outlined his gun control plans, sales of weapons of all kinds skyrocketed among people fearing bans, which for the most part haven’t been proposed, that may limit their ability to purchase firearms in the future.
The National Day of Resistance was timed for Feb. 23 to reflect the 23 executive actions, according to the official website of the movement.
Cotton, who said he does not own any guns but believes in the Constitution, said he got the idea to stage the rally a few weeks ago after hearing one police chief say the disarming of America could be accomplished within a generation and another say the Second Amendment is a dangerous right.
“Since I was a kid, I’ve been in love with this country,” he said. “I don’t want anything to happen to it beyond what has already happened. I just decided to do this. It’s really just me getting fed up.”
Similar rallies occurred throughout the country Saturday.
Mugshot of J. Harry Jones

J. Harry Jones

North County

Thousands attend gun support rallies held nationwide on Feb. 23
Leslie Eastman at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 5 hours ago

As Obama signed 23 executive orders to “control gun violence” that impact citizen rights under the Second Amendment, supporters of gun ownership held hundreds of rallies across the country this Saturday (Feb. 23) to protest these rules. The theme for many was “Day of Resistance“; however, in San Diego, it was entitled “Shall Not Be [...]


  1. did the day go, hostess? You did go, right?
    There were THREE such rallies planned in San Diego alone, and another in Temecula; neither of which is very far from you. Did you take your own weapon with you, to show solidarity with all the other Second Amendment worshipers? Did you trade firearms tips and horror stories about the evil corrupt Socialist Marxist Gummint with, dozens of other like-minded American Patriots?
    Were there the usual comparisons to Hitler and the USSR, or was something new added?

    According to many blogs, this event was either the resurrection of the TEA Party, or the last gasp of a bankrupt movement. I think it was neither. It did seem to lack a magnet, though; most people don't seem to get excited about gun ownership the way they may get excited about the Daytona 500 (which was also on Saturday and also made news, due to a spectacular but non-lethal accident).
    It seems this flower of 'resistance' did not grow everywhere. There were no such rallies scheduled (according to your post) for HI, IA, LA (Louisiana? Really?!), ME, MT (another surprise!), NE, NM, RI, VT, or VA. Maybe those are resistance-resistant states. Or perhaps people there had more important things to do, because even if the Republic is overthrown, some things must still go on.
    In Pennsylvania all the rallies were to be held in the central part of the state, well away from the cities; one was no closer to Philadelphia than 30 miles, another was 30 miles from the capital at Harrisburg. Out there are more animals than people to shoot, and Al-Qaeda's airborne divisions haven't been seen there in recent years.

    Let's see now: 150+ in Asheville, NC; “more than 100” in Hagerstown, MD; Palmdale, CA claimed “about 150”, and Houston and League City, TX officially counted over 400 each. Sacramento claimed another 500. There have been tweets from all over, though I haven't seen any from your area.
    So please, tell us all how you witnessed a wave of righteous anger from all those gun-owning patriots, and how the legislators should be trembling in fear.

  2. Oh joy...look who's back. Thought you finally left to go and bother some other Christian Conservative on his or her blog.

    I don't really care what you say. Obama is a treasonous traitor to our nation and you are obviously turning a blind eye, ear, and your mind from it all.

    Well...perhaps you can't help it. After all a veteran psychiatrist has written a book that states that liberals are mentally ill!

    Veteran psychiatrist calls liberals mentally ill

    Publishes extensive study on 'Psychological Causes of Political Madness'


    “The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind,” he says. “When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”

    Hey...before you leave, check out my latest post. It may make your head explode...

    Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency

  3. You thought I'd done what?! Really now, hostess, do you hate your conservative brethren that much? Or is that your way of admitting that you're incapable of dealing with me?

    ”I don't really care what you say. Obama is a treasonous traitor to our nation and you are obviously turning a blind eye, ear, and your mind from it all.”

    Ah, you're getting incoherent again. Please tell us, how is a 'treasonous traitor' different from any other kind? You do know both words have the same root, right?
    As for your not caring what I say...I'll repeat that back at you next time you try to ban me, and show all who come here how untrue that is.
    For every quote there is an equal and opposite quote:

    “Pseudoconservativism is among other things a disorder in relation to authority, characterized by an inability to find other modes for human relationship than those of more or less complete domination or submission … The pseudo-conservative is a man who, in the name of upholding traditional American values and institutions and defending them against more or less fictitious dangers, consciously or unconsciously aims at their abolition … [He] sees his own country as being so weak that it is constantly about to fall victim to subversion; and yet he feels that it is so all-powerful that any failure it may experience in getting its way in the world … cannot possibly be due to its limitations but must be attributed to its having been betrayed.”
    –Richard Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays (1965)

    Ah, it feels good to be back in the arena.

    I guess this means you didn't Say No to Socialism on Saturday. If you had, we'd be hearing about it. You talk the talk, but...

  4. I had family plans before I even heard about the event so I was unable to attend. That doesn't mean that I can't write about it...does it? After all, I write about other CPAC and Christian events that are to far away to attend. Writing a blog post about such events doesn't necessarily require me to attend them. I updated the post with reports from other bloggers.

    Mr. Hofstadter had it wrong when he claimed that "[He] sees his own country as being so weak" Our country is strong...because We The People are still strong! It's the idiots in Washington D.C. that are trying to make it weaker and weaker each and every day. If it were not for God's mercy, forgiveness, grace and love; this country would have collapsed under it's own weight of sin by now. But He holds it up for a purpose - and I pray that His Will allows us to be spared what we all really do deserve.

    One day, we who are still alive on this earth shall see whether or not America is included in the "young lions" quote in the book of Revelation as it relates to the end times Bible prophecies.

    Anyway, I see that you have been over to Steve's Cry and Howl blog a few times. You and his resident liberal leftist lunatic John Liming have a lot in common!

    The fact that you continue to support a treasonous traitor like Obama is very telling about you. Apparently, liberal leftist Marxist ideology and support for radical Islam (and probably loyalty to your race) will not allow you to wake up from the ObamaBorgBot stupor you have been under all these years. That's really sad...

  5. CJW: ”I had family plans before I even heard about the event so I was unable to attend. That doesn't mean that I can't write about it...does it?”
    No. It just means you're a member in good standing of the 101st Keyboard Kommandos. Telling everyone ELSE to get off their butts and do something, while you have “other priorities”. I know your kind.
    With four such events less than an hour's drive away, you just gaffed off your alleged patriotic responsibility, that's all. You could have made a day of it with the family.. Or perhaps not all your family agrees with your politics. After all, you don't really believe the Obama Overthrow will happen spontaneously, do you?

    ”Mr. Hofstadter had it wrong when he claimed that "[He] sees his own country as being so weak" Our country is strong...because We The People are still strong! It's the idiots in Washington D.C. that are trying to make it weaker and weaker each and every day.”
    Tell me, who sends those 'idiots' to Washington? “We the People”, right? Bachman, Chambliss, Jackson...all there because they persuaded us to send 'em there. If we think they're idiots now, what does that say about us, who made them Senators and Congressmen and gave them permission to rule us?

    ”One day, we who are still alive on this earth shall see whether or not America is included in the "young lions" quote in the book of Revelation as it relates to the end times Bible prophecies.”
    We're probably not. After all, the British once thought they were the ones. Why would you care anyway? You believe that you'll be gone before the wheels come off.

    ”Anyway, I see that you have been over to Steve's Cry and Howl blog a few times. You and his resident liberal leftist lunatic John Liming have a lot in common!”
    Yeah, well, you and steve share similar delusions, too. He has Liming, and you've got me. Think of it as nature's way of maintaining the balance.

    ”The fact that you continue to support a treasonous traitor like Obama is very telling about you. Apparently, liberal leftist Marxist ideology and support for radical Islam (and probably loyalty to your race) will not allow you to wake up from the ObamaBorgBot stupor you have been under all these years. That's really sad... “
    One more time: I know too much about Marxism to ever support it, I loathe radical Islam as much as I do radical Christianity (I won't name names), and the only 'race' I'm obliged to be loyal to is the human race, because I belong to it. What makes you think I might be black, anyway? Because I support Obama? By that logic, Stacy Dash has the same complexion as you, which obviously isn't so!
    I'm waiting for Inauguration Day 2017, when you suddenly realize you've wasted most of a decade fighting a boogeyman of your own making. You could have traveled abroad, or written a book; instead you've maintained a years-long hatefest based mostly on Obama's 'foreign' origins and 'alien' beliefs...none of which have proven to be true. And you'll likely go to the grave still believing it.
    That too is really sad.

  6. If you had read the San Diego article that I had posted after the event day, you would have seen that it was mostly men who attended the Poway area event.

    You criticize me for not attending. You don't even know why my family and I were unable to attend. You just assume certain things in your own head and make baseless accusations against me. So...what else is new!

    You wrote:

    "Tell me, who sends those 'idiots' to Washington? “We the People”, right? Bachman, Chambliss, Jackson...all there because they persuaded us to send 'em there. If we think they're idiots now, what does that say about us, who made them Senators and Congressmen and gave them permission to rule us?"

    THAT bolded section explains the major difference between you and I. I do not believe that the Senators and Representatives (look up that definition!)are elected to "rule over us." On the contrary, they are employed by us and are supposed to represent their constituencies in order to work FOR US - not the other way around as dictatorial demagogues (hmmm...demagogues...democrats)that attempt to lord it over the voters) IMPOSING THEIR OWN WILL against the will of the public. Obama has succeeded in getting enough people in slavery via food stamps, unemployment, hand-outs (cell phones) and various other goodies that those who have been dumbed down by the liberal establishments have become proletarian serfs to the wannabe communist elitists in the government. Benjamin Franklin rightly surmised that the Founders have "given you (us) a Republic...if you (we) can keep it." He instinctively knew that there might be nefarious individuals who would get into the American government and try to change it from a Constitutional Republic into whatever "ism" they wanted to impose. Biggest reason why the Second Amendment exists and was strengthened by the Supreme Court ruling a few years back (to the dismay of progressive Dems who should be relabeled IMO, as regressive a**ses er...donkeys). The efforts of "people control" (sometimes erroneously called "gun control") who would stomp on Americans constitutional rights to bear arms (not for hunting - but for protection and also to battle against a rogue and evil government) will fail miserably in the end (and they know it) because no matter what illegitimate "law" they might want to pass will inevitably be ignored, challenged and stricken. The Day of Resistance was just a small example of this fact.

    The "young lions" in the Bible can mean several nations. Note the "s" at the end. We are a nation that grew out of, and away from Britain. Australia may also be considered in the description.

    You say that you would never support Marxism. Well, if that were true you would never support Obama.

    So why are you waiting for the election of 2017? Unhappy with your Obamessiah this time around?

  7. CJW: ”If you had read the San Diego article that I had posted after the event day, you would have seen that it was mostly men who attended the Poway area event.”
    I did read it. So what? Was it a men-only event, or are women not allowed to pack some heat?

    ”You criticize me for not attending. You don't even know why my family and I were unable to attend. You just assume certain things in your own head and make baseless accusations against me. So...what else is new!”
    All I know is that after all the piss-and-vinegar raves you made about this seminal event, you didn't go. That makes you part of the Keyboard Kommandos.

    You wrote:

    ”I do not believe that the Senators and Representatives (look up that definition!)are elected to "rule over us." On the contrary, they are employed by us and are supposed to represent their constituencies in order to work FOR US - not the other way around as dictatorial demagogues that attempt to lord it over the voters) IMPOSING THEIR OWN WILL against the will of the public.”

    There is a difference between “rule” and “rule over”. Parliaments do one, dictators the other. Oddly enough, for all your talk about the virtues of a federal republic, you seem to have no problem accepting the idea of rule by (and worship of) an absolute monarch. The very idea of such a system as ours isn't even mentioned in the Sacred Scrolls, but kings are everywhere, and all IMPOSED THEIR OWN WILL on their people...including the supernatural king.

    ”The "young lions" in the Bible can mean several nations. Note the "s" at the end. We are a nation that grew out of, and away from Britain. Australia may also be considered in the description.”

    That would also include Canada. But neither they nor Australia seem interested in such fantasy. Either way, you still believe you won't be here when it happens.

    ”So why are you waiting for the election of 2017? Unhappy with your Obamessiah this time around?”

    Recalibrate your eyes. I didn't say I was waiting for the election of 2016, I said I was waiting for Inauguration Day 2017, for reasons I stated above. Whether a 'Pub or a Dem wins office next time around, Obama will be gone, and you and a hundred thousand other birfers will have to find someone/something else to spew against. Losing your 'job' can be stressful, I know, but deal with it.

  8. You have just proved, once again, that you did not read (or, you didn't read it carefully enough) the San Diego article. The participants left their guns home!

    Your incoherant rant about a "supernatural king" seems to be where you go whenever you are losing an argument.

    I can't wait for the day that I won't have to hear the name "Obama" in the press ever again. In fact, that is why I turn my TV off so often these days. I'd rather listen to worship music from The Message.

  9. CJW: ”You have just proved, once again, that you did not read (or, you didn't read it carefully enough) the San Diego article. The participants left their guns home!”

    You have just proved, once again, that you, that you'll try to change the subject. The fact remains that you still weren't there. You said the crowd was 'mostly' men; what were the rest?

    ”Your incoherant rant about a "supernatural king" seems to be where you go whenever you are losing an argument.”

    Yeah, and you throw Bible quotes at me when you're losing an argument. So we know each other's patterns now.

    ”I can't wait for the day that I won't have to hear the name "Obama" in the press ever again. In fact, that is why I turn my TV off so often these days. I'd rather listen to worship music from The Message.”

    You'll never get that wish granted. He's part of history now, like it or not. You can listen to all the “sing to the king” music you like; I won't mind.


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