Friday, March 01, 2013

New Mini-Series: The Bible

Episode 1: Beginnings

  • The Bible: Cast Gallery

  • Episode 2: Homeland

  • Photo credit: The Bible: 


    I heard about the new, upcoming mini-series entitled, "The Bible" on a segment of The O'Reilly Factor.  It will begin this Sunday, March 3, 2013 on The History Channel!

    Finally there is something very worthwhile to see on television!  I will be watching and recording the entire series!

    ~  Christine

    Political Christian writes:

    Mark Burnett, executive producer of The Apprentice and Roma Downey of Touched By An Angel and other wholesome small screen programs have created a ten hour miniseries to be shown on the History Channel, named, appropriately enough, The Bible.

    I have not had the opportunity to view the production yet, however the word from some people who I trust and respect, is that it is an honest portrayal of the stories found in God’s Word. Why, one would ask, if the program is so great, would the epic begin its life on the History Channel instead of one of the major networks. It seems that these networks were not interested in this Judeo-Christian portrayal of the lives of Biblical heroes and villains. To their secular mindset, which some have labeled “anti-Christian bigotry”, there is no market for such fare… and if there is, they certainly are not going to cater to it.

    They don’t believe you and I exist, or at least that we are not worthy of recognition and acceptance. It also appears that they do not think we would rather watch something uplifting like this instead of the usual perverted, socialist propaganda that passes for entertainment. In other words, they think we are just Bible thumping hypocrites. While we are far from the people we would like to be, or we were created to be, it would be good for such people to see that there is a desire and willingness to support programs such as The Bible. It would be good for the world to see that we are trying to live by the values we say we stand for.

    But more than the external benefits of Christians coming together to view this spectacle, viewing a retelling of the stories contained in God’s Word, can help build our faith, commitment and righteousness. Understanding that the heroes of the faith were real flesh and blood people who walked the earth as we do, and had struggles like we do, can only help build within us a greater concept of what each of us can do if we turn ourselves over to our Creator – relying on His wisdom and His power, instead of our own.
    Hat tip:


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