Thursday, March 07, 2013

Stand With Rand!

I watched a lot of Rand Paul's Senate filibuster yesterday and thought that it was about time SOMEONE did SOMETHING to defend our Constitutional rights!  Even though only 14 Republicans joined in the discussion and one Democrat, the fact that Senator Paul got the nation's attention on an important matter was really awesome!

I thought it ironic that Obama decided to invite several Senators out to dinner on that same evening.  Not sure if it was already planned before Rand's filibuster, or if it was a "spur of the moment" decision.  If I recall correctly, one or two of the invited Senators also participated in Paul's filibuster.  But how disappointing it was to see some of the "old guard" Republicans (like Lindsey Graham and John McCain) criticize Paul; claiming that Rand did not have a legitimate complaint!  It just shows how much contempt they must have towards those who agree with the TEA Party Patriots.

Another ironic development was the fact that the ACLU and Code Pink had the same concerns as TEA Party activist turned Senator - Rand Paul!  This shows that it was actually a concern of millions of AMERICAN people!  Individuals and groups on both the right and the left of the political spectrum (at least those who were paying close attention to this issue) found themselves in agreement with Paul's concerns!

A good friend of mine - Donna - sent me a text this morning:

"Chris, Rand Paul and Cruz are my new heroes.  I have been praying for Rand.  I have never seen a filibuster in action."

I wrote back:

"It was great!!  Forced an answer from the WH (White House)!  I watched a lot of it (on the computer) and was so proud of those who had the courage to stand up and talk with Paul!"

Rand Paul filibustered for almost 13 hours!!  That is how important his unanswered question of whether drone strikes against individual Americans on American soil was Constitutional or not!

While watching Megyn Kelly of the Fox News Channel interview Rand on her show this morning, she shared a brief letter from Eric Holder that answered Paul's question and concerns about possible unconstitutional drone strikes on average Americans on American soil!

There are many bloggers who have written about this so please visit their blogs [links below] and see what they have to say!

A BIG WOO HOO!! and shout out to Senator Rand Paul for his awesome efforts on this issue.  He has accomplished more than we could ever know at this point in time!  It may turn out to be a huge turning point in the political world!

~  Christine


Ted Cruz and Rand Paul stand tall on civil liberties
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 1 day ago

Two of the Republican Senators most demonized by the liberal media, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, are doing the job liberal politicians and media refuse to do out of loyalty to Obama. From Mediaite: On Tuesday, the Department of Justice sent shockwaves through the nation when Attorney General Eric Holder informed Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) [...]
Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Jerry Moran Join Rand Paul’s Senate Filibuster Over Drone Strikes – Update: Ron Wyden and Marco Rubio Join Too
nicedeb at Nice Deb - 1 day ago
Senator Rand Paul began his filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination to lead the CIA as a one-man protest against the Obama administration’s drone policy but he has now been joined by Senator Mike Lee of Utah, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, and Senator Jerry Moran of Kansas (so far.) The filibuster started at 11:47 am [...]
Rand Paul found that sliver of principle on which right and left agree
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 9 hours ago
Rand Paul’s filibuster of John Brennan yesterday, which went on for over 12 hours, was a phenomenon. He was joined at various times by Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ron Wyden, and late in the night, Tim Scott, Ron Johnson and others. As the screenshots in my post yesterday show, it was the banner [...]
Shout out to Sen. Ron Wyden
Leslie Eastman at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 5 hours ago
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s 12-hour filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination yesterday was so outstanding because brought people representing the entire spectrum of political belief together to defend constitutional due process rules. As a Palin Democrat, I would like to make an observation. As I conduct much of my media outreach on Facebook, I noted many [...]
The many and varied Rand Paul filibuster accomplishments
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 3 hours ago
In no particular order: Exposing, Once Again, the Old Failed Republican Guard and hastening their political demise. Exposing, Once Again, the Old Failed Democratic Guard The Guardian: Democrats Shamefully Silent on Obama Administration’s Assertion of Right to Assassinate Americans on U.S. Soil Rand Paul carried out a historic 13-hour filibuster of dronemaster-in-chief John Brennan’s nomination for CIA [...]


  1. I disagree, and I'm not the only one.
    John McCain called Paul's words “simply false”. The Wall Street Journal, certainly no great friend of the Obama administration, pointed out:

    ”The U.S. government cannot randomly target American citizens on U.S. soil or anywhere else. What it can do under the laws of war is target an 'enemy combatant' anywhere at anytime, including on U.S. soil. This includes a U.S. citizen who is also an enemy combatant."

    McCain put it quite bluntly what he thought of Paul's marathon speech when he said, “All Rand Paul's stunt did was fire up impressionable libertarian kids in college dorms...The filibuster filled the attention void on Twitter and cable TV. If only his reasoning matched the showmanship." Paul apparently said nothing in those 13 hours that he couldn't have said in one; but the Teabaggers put him in DC, and he gave them what they wanted.
    I hardly see it mattering to you, as your attitude seems to be “let's you and him fight”. Are you implying that if some future Timothy McVeigh blows up another government building, we can't use a drone to find and kill him? What makes him different from, say, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (whose death you cheered in '06)? And if somehow you should be targeted by a drone...shoot it down with your AR-15, why dontcha, since no one has seen fit to take it away from you...

  2. It's too bad they were more worried about the drone strikes than Brennan's background.

  3. GM,

    If it was clear that the Obama
    Admin. would not target American citizens that were not enemy combatants, then why did Eric Holder write a letter answering Rand Paul's question?

    I learned something else. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Previously, I did not know that the CIA cannot conduct missions within the United States. Only the military can? That is another reason why the language regarding use of drones on American soil against Americans had to be clarified.

    McVeigh was not immediately identified for the Oklahoma City bombing...was he? He was tried, convicted and executed...wasn't he? The system worked. Obviously drones weren't in existence back then. When new weapons are invented, the use of them must be clear...wouldn't you agree?

    Obama is drone-kill happy. But the civilians in other countries who get killed don't seem to matter to you anymore because it's not Bush ordering the killings. So much for Ozero's "peace prize."

  4. I agree, Steve. Brennan's background is not only questionable, but highly dangerous. Like Obama, he hates Israel. As a Muslim himself, he will most likely be like Obama - catering to them first and the hell with Jews and Christians.

    What a mess Ozero made with his involvement in the "Arab Spring." Benghazi should have landed him and Hillary in jail! But we have the most evil, lying, corrupt, and nefarious attorney general - Eric Holder - in U.S. history blocking and hiding all of Ozero's (and Hillary's Benghazi cover-up attempts) crimes.

    I don't agree with everything Rand Paul believes. At least he is better than his father. I'm just glad that Paul used that opportunity to expose the Ozero BADministration for what they are - lying, corrupt, nefarious, and evil haters of America that will do ANYTHING to bring this country down.

    We are seeing their Alinsky radical/Cloward & Piven tactics not work anymore (thank God) and people are waking up from the stupor of the propaganda being fed to them by Zero and the media of mass deception!

  5. Yeah, I can answer that. The CIA's charter does not to allow it to operate within the United States. We have other agencies for that, notably the FBI. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you didn't know that, but I am; I keep imagining you're well-informed.

    ”Obama is drone-kill happy. But the civilians in other countries who get killed don't seem to matter to you anymore because it's not Bush ordering the killings.”

    Obviously civilians getting killed in other countries didn't matter to you when Bush was ' ordering the killings'. But now that there's a possibility (however faint) of it happening here, you've suddenly grown a conscience.
    You might be astonished to learn how many agencies in the US operate drone aircraft now. Be glad that most of them don't have budgets that allow for GBD-38s or Hellfires. In any case, they should never be used on any object smaller than a building, IMHO. Using one to blow up a car is straight out of a bad spy movie.

  6. Thanks for the clarification about the CIA charter. I have been watching too many episodes of "Burn Notice."

    Speaking of being "well-informed," I suppose you have purposely ignored the exposure of the absurd white house sequester claims. [Hat tip to my friend Steve at Cry and Howl] Also, the IRS is holding up income tax refunds in order to inflict more pain upon the American taxpayer. It's funny...the "gimme dats" get THEIR money, but those who work hard for a living have to wait several more weeks or even months to get back THEIR OWN MONEY that was taken out of their paychecks.

    But, I guess you don't see anything wrong with this picture. Figures.

  7. G.M. is much like John Liming. They cheer on the very people who are destroying them and the future of their children.

  8. There's a great deal of absurd claims about the the effects of the sequester, and Obama is just as guilty as any member of Congress about it. (Of course you recognize hyperbole when you hear it--you've tossed the word around quite a lot over the years.) But then again...who made the sequester necessary in the first place?

    “Thanks for the clarification about the CIA charter. I have been watching too many episodes of "Burn Notice."

    Like I said...I keep imagining you're well-informed.

    ”Also, the IRS is holding up income tax refunds in order to inflict more pain upon the American taxpayer. It's funny...the "gimme dats" get THEIR money, but those who work hard for a living have to wait several more weeks or even months to get back THEIR OWN MONEY that was taken out of their paychecks.

    But, I guess you don't see anything wrong with this picture. Figures.”

    You mean the sequester is going to delay tax refunds? Guess again.
    As a retired veteran, I guess I qualify as one of your “gimme dats”, but I'll bet Mr. Romney and Mr. Trump won't have to wait for THEIR money, either. I'll bet you also don't see anything wrong with this picture.

    “Burn Notice”...oh, brother.

  9. Steve,

    And the worst part is that they don't even care that they are destroying the future of America; especially the freedom, liberty, justice and future of our children and grandchildren!

    One day the cards will all come tumbling down and the ignorant will say, "what happened?"

  10. "Any day'll happen, just you wait! Any day now...any day now..."

    Heard that song before, Christine.


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