Monday, June 17, 2013

Personal Lives Monitored Through PRISM and Were Being Blackmailed By It

In the comment thread over at Obama Release Your Records blog, more information has been shared regarding how Chief Justice John Roberts may have been blackmailed into supporting Obamacare in the landmark decision.

Beck Update: Rep King Drops Bombshell; Sen Lee To Talk Claim SCOTUS Chief Justice Blackmailed

Excerpt via Leftist Kyle Mantyla @ RWW: On his radio program this morning, Glenn Beck was interviewing Rep. Steve King and mentioned that, on Monday, Sen. Mike Lee will appear on the program to discuss the theory that Chief Justice John Roberts was "pressured" into ruling in favor of health care reform, possibly through the use of information gathered by the NSA's PRISM surveillance program.

When Beck asked King if he believed that lawmakers were having their personal lives monitored through PRISM and were being blackmailed by it, King responded that there was no doubt that such capabilities existed. In fact, King said, he recently had a private conversation with a Democratic strategist who told him that, during the last election, they knew which websites opposing candidates where visiting.

That caught Beck's attention and he asked King to repeat it, which he did, saying "they knew what Internet sites we were looking at" and that the revelation "was a pretty chilling thing to go into my ear." King said he doesn't know how they obtained such information but he assumes it was through something similar to PRISM:
[...] -

Helen Tansey ·writes:

mirrose - thanks so much for providing a link to the regarding the Roberts adoption story. I am the owner of the T-Room who took that story found on a thread over at Liberty Caucus to help give it more exposure. As an alt news site I am constantly seeking out tidbits of info such as this story by awesome researchers like "Trip" whose work deserves exposure. Trip did some great research on Roberts, his families adoption and the plethora of national and international laws that relate to his children's adoption. Here is my preface to "Trip's" work -

(Editor's Note: Found the below post when reading headlines over at WhatReallyHappened dot com. The headline reads "How Roberts was blackmailed to support ObamaCare" and it was written by a poster at the Liberty Caucus blog who goes by the user name "Trip." This poster has done some digging into Supreme Court Justice John Roberts adoption of two Irish children born months apart by two different mothers, which in and of itself is fairly benign, but there is a problem, the laws governing adoption in Ireland are clear--"all adoptions go through [a] government board, An Bord Uchtala" including what American's call "private adoption." Yet, the Roberts adopted these two children through an unspecified Latin American country. If, and this is a really BIG IF, but if the Robert's adoption of these two children circumvented Ireland's laws by having the mothers transported to a Latin American country with friendly adoption laws to give birth, well then the Chief Justice may have very well have broken a few laws and IF, again, this is a really BIG IF, if someone in DC learned of these facts who is to say they may not be using them to blackmail the Chief Justice? We know former Illinois Sen. Ryan's sealed divorce records mysteriously became public when he was running against Mr. Obama in 2004. Who is to say a similar tactic wasn't used to convince Roberts to be the swing vote that brought us Obamacare? It's as good a theory as any other. Roberts did switch his vote at the last minute...why?)

Given the information all of us are now learning about PRISM and BoundlessInformant I'm now of the opinion this dragnet indeed snared the Robert's private affairs and was certainly used as an advantage by his political adversaries. I am also of the opinion that much of the leadership in the House and Senate have also been dragneted by the same programs, hence a possible reason why we hear crickets on the Article II and fraudulent ID docs put forward by zero and team.

But go to the t-room or liberty caucus to read Trip's's awesome -

Whatever you decide to do please spread the word and/or links. Spreading the word builds momentum and we need to get better at building momentum for these issues.

In liberty...h

Consider the words of another commenter:

 Exmil-UK · 2 days ago
@Mary Katherine
About 75% of men could be blackmailed just based on the websites they have visited. Some could be completely controlled by the blackmailer - that is the power that PRISM gives a political entity with the ruthlessness to use it.
And another:
KingKong · 2 days ago
So imagine all your life indiscretions and moments of peak emotion, maybe you looked at a naughty website, or maybe had an affair, or maybe sent a picture of yourself, or maybe visited obamareleaseyourrecords five times per day, or maybe you wrote a diary on your own computer which you did not share, or maybe you called a friend and cried about someone you loved dying when you were horribly sad...etc.

Imagine it all, all of it...digitized forever. Your past isn't in the past, it's on a disc in some warehouse. They hope they can box out any opposition from running for office, because they can splice together enough "stuff" to paint anyone badly. Nobody should fear blackmail over "the stuff of life"...but if you did something egregious like say adopted 2 kids illegally from Ireland...but even then Roberts should have manned up and not destroyed a nation over that. Snowden was willing to risk his entire life.
I would venture to say that the possibility of thugs from the White House threatening the lives of Robert's children could have been the reason why he couldn't be a whistleblower like Snowden.
No matter what, all of the scandals being exposed certainly help to explain why there has been such a huge amount of cover-ups over the massive corruption of the Obamafraud BADministration!
Hat tips to all links.


Also see:

Another Whistleblower Comes Forward After Being Bullied By State Dept Employees
nicedeb at Nice Deb - 15 hours ago
Whistleblower, Kerry Howard I’ll tell you what. That Hillary Clinton sure ran a tight ship when she was in charge of the State Department. /sarc Last week we found out about whistleblower, Aurelia Fedenisn, the former investigator at the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General who said she was threatened by Regime goons after […]
I like that title for the bullies of Obamafraud...REGIME GOONS!


  1. "MAY have"? Is that all you got?

    Those extensive quotes you added can't conceal the fact that it's just speculation; you can't claim someone is guilty or innocent just because you suspect he MAY be.

    No wonder you hate jury duty. But you sure do seem to love trying people in print, especially if they're people you don't like.

  2. What's wrong with writing, "may have?" When the proof comes out (as in paper documentation) that the PRISM collection of emails conclusively presents the case, then I can say with certainty that this is the truth.

  3. Oh, you've been VERY careful to make that distinction (as has Rep. King). But you sound as if you're trumpeting it up as fact, when, as you admit, there is none--just a suspicion.

    BTW, blackmailers often don't have documentation, and even if they do, it's not on something like PRISM. It's locked away in a safe somewhere, particularly if a member of Congress is involved.

  4. And when the truth doesn't come out, because this is just another phoney conspiracy theories, I'm sure you'll retract the whole post and set the record straight, because that's what you do...right?


    Right?...Oh wait!

  5. The fact that the two of you prefer to ignore all of the scandals and still blindly and ignorantly continue to support the corruptocrats in the ObaMARXIST BADministration speaks volumes.

  6. I haven't 'ignored' anything. I'm rather disappointed by some of what the current Administration has done (or hasn't done). But I do believe Obama is trying, and I especially believe that he is still a better chouce than the alternative we were offered last year.
    Thing is, what I see you do screams so loudly that I can't hear what you're saying.

    “When Beck asked King if he believed that lawmakers were having their personal lives monitored through PRISM and were being blackmailed by it, King responded that there was no doubt that such capabilities existed.”
    Spoken like a true politician. He didn't actually SAY that such things were actually happening, only that 'such capabilities existed'.
    ”...[Beck] asked King to repeat it, which he did, saying 'they knew what Internet sites we were looking at' and that the revelation 'was a pretty chilling thing to go into my ear.' King said he doesn't know how they obtained such information but he assumes it was through something similar to PRISM...”
    Apparently no spyware exists in the world of Glenn Beck or Steve King, and so there are no measures taken against it. The average ad spyware knows where you go, and how often, and it helps its user to target you better by deducing your preferences from that data. I shouldn't have to tell you that. No fancy secret system such as PRISM is needed: just a good tracking server.
    But that hardly sounds as thrilling as 'blackmail', does it?

  7. I haven't 'ignored' anything. I'm rather disappointed by some of what the current Administration has done (or hasn't done). But I do believe Obama is trying, and I especially believe that he is still a better chouce than the alternative we were offered last year.
    Thing is, what I see you do screams so loudly that I can't hear what you're saying.

    “When Beck asked King if he believed that lawmakers were having their personal lives monitored through PRISM and were being blackmailed by it, King responded that there was no doubt that such capabilities existed.”
    Spoken like a true politician. He didn't actually SAY that such things were actually happening, only that 'such capabilities existed'.
    ”...[Beck] asked King to repeat it, which he did, saying 'they knew what Internet sites we were looking at' and that the revelation 'was a pretty chilling thing to go into my ear.' King said he doesn't know how they obtained such information but he assumes it was through something similar to PRISM...”
    Apparently no spyware exists in the world of Glenn Beck or Steve King, and so there are no measures taken against it. The average ad spyware knows where you go, and how often, and it helps its user to target you better by deducing your preferences from that data. I shouldn't have to tell you that. No fancy secret system such as PRISM is needed: just a good tracking server.
    But that hardly sounds as thrilling as 'blackmail', does it?

    Oh, almost forgot: regarding the Saudi Bomber Person of Interest connection cover-up, Glenn Beck's weekend 'ultimatum' to the government was...what, two months ago?
    When's he going to follow through on it? He sounded as if he actually possessed something of interest, and now it seems that something has possessed him instead.
    Why haven't you brought it up again?

  8. Christine,
    Keep "sifting"...the truth will remain!

  9. Christine, This question really has nothing specific to your posting, but I wanted your thoughts even though I'm sure your readers will think I'm courting controversy. Do you believe that a person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, who have asked for forgiveness of their sin and who are now living a Holy Spirit-filled life can legitimately hold radical, liberal views? While it is true the no man can judge another man's heart, Jesus did say that we can know them by their fruit. For example, how could any real follower of Christ believe in general abortion?
    Thank you for your opinion. I REALLY enjoy your column and your comments back to those who oppose you. The fact is there is only ONE truth and you know it thoroughly.

  10. Hello Arlen,

    Great question! IMHO, the answer to your first question is a big fat NO!! I have had discussions with friends about that subject, and most of us came to the same conclusion. Radical leftist (progressive=socialist(including Nazism)= communist =tyranny) views all ultimately lead to rejection of God's living Word - Jesus Christ, as well has His written Word, the Bible; and thus they embrace the opposite of The Truth which includes evil, sin and death.

    One friend of mine wondered if a person could have been born again in Christ, but has become backslidden in their faith, and therefore embraces liberal et al views. I suppose that it is possible, but I find it hard to believe that he/she was genuinely born again in the first place. Like you mentioned, the Bible tells us, "by their fruits you shall know them" - meaning all those who are genuinely and willingly born again in Christ.

    I have an acquaintance/friend and we met at a Bible study. She confessed that she was liberal in her youth and had 3 abortions! Now, as a born again believer, married with 2 children, she is a changed person. Jesus changes us - forever, I believe, and the "old life" willingly (and gratefully!) submits to a new life in Christ. This is but one example, of course.

    For me, abortion is unthinkable. God's Word backs this up: "Thou shalt not murder." Abortion is the deliberate murder of an unborn child - period. Of course as with all sin, we can be cleansed when we confess, repent and accept Christ as Lord and Savior. Repenting means to "turn away from" sin. To return to one's sin can be illustrated by a "dog returning to it's own vomit." A dog may not know any better (or does this for survival), but humans should know better.

    The human soul is uneasy until it is reconciled back to our Creator God. And the only way to achieve this is through Christ's provision via the cross at Calvary. Once we invite Him into our hearts, the Holy Spirit indwells us. He guides us into all wisdom and knowledge regarding right and wrong, and helps us study God's Word and leads us towards applying it to our lives.

    Thank you for your kind words regarding this blog. I learn new things every day from God's Word. We have never "arrived" this side of eternity, but one day we will be face to face with Christ in heaven and how glorious a day that will be!!

    God bless you!

    In Christ,

  11. Hello Christine! I see you were soundly rebuked for writing "may have been" ... and these guys/gals think that's a "gotcha" moment? Geez, that isn't nearly as lame as GM writing he does "believe Obama is trying" ... You're kidding, right?
    Trying what? Is that all YOU got? Just what is Obama "trying"????
    This guy comes into office with a $10 TRILLION debt, bitches about it and in just four years he adds another $6 TRILLION with no end in sight. This guy and his minions spy on every American citizen and media outlet, but Islamic mosques in America are off limits to surveillance. Better than 80% of them preach and promote violent jihad. Whatever you do, don't watch the one source of where terrorists are bred in America.
    Obama swears his policies keep Americans safe (except for border patrol agents, U.S. servicemen/women via rules of engagement, foreign diplomats, and marathon runners)... tell me pray-tell how not securing the borders keeps Americans safe?
    In 3 1/2 years of Obama twice as many Americans died in Afghanistan than during the full 8 Bush years.
    "Trying"!!! That is probably the most naïve thing I've ever heard (read) ... "trying" ... gawd!!! "he's trying". jeez.
    I've got to stop and try to get a handle on that one. Un-freaking-believable! "Obama's trying"!??

  12. Glad you caught that Steve! Your scathing rebuke against GM is much appreciated! Couldn't have said it better!

    People like GM and "Jenny" are unreachable. An ObamaBorg Bot can easily be spotted when no matter what scandal or criminality is done by BHO and/or his BADminstration and then exposed, they dismiss it all out of mind and make ridiculous claims that "he's trying." How lame!

    Obummer is just a puppet of the progressive/commie/Islamo-fascist handlers that control him. When O's teleprompter was hard to view due to the sun in Germany, he couldn't speak without it!

    I think Rush is right when he recently stated that Obummer must follow the teleprompter so that he doesn't speak off the cuff and inadvertently reveal his true self and intentions. Everything is jibber-jabber rhetoric to try and fool people into believing that he and his handlers aren't systematically TRYING to destroy America as we know it.

    The scandals have awakened many people who once supported Obummer. That's a good start. The walls are crumbling down around the regime and the Truth is rising once again in America. I don't know what it will take to turn things around, but I continue to pray to God that His Will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

    No matter what tyrants try to do here on this earth, their time is limited. Bad actors live, and then they die. All that they think that they have accomplished will one day fall to dust and blow away. The Author and Finisher of our Faith wins in the end. That is a comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding, and clinging to Jesus through all the chaos and turmoil gets me through each day of lawlessness here on earth.

    Thanks again for coming over here and commenting Steve. I know that you are busy with work and that you actively post at your blog. Keep up the GREAT work!

    Your friend in Christ,


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