Thursday, June 13, 2013

Snowden Job? Update: Breaking News!

Good grief!!  Sometimes it takes a very intelligent, pro-America writer, blogger, and yes online JOURNALIST from New Zealand to break a story that will probably take Fox News a week to discover.

Someone who pingbacked this exclusive story over at Trevor Loudon's New Zeal blog:  Exclusive!!! NSA Leaks Journalist Glenn Greenwald, Addressed a Marxist-Leninist Conference, re-named it This Is Starting To Sound Like A Snowden Job.   That's where I borrowed this blog post title from.

[Breaking News!!

Glenn Beck is apparently presenting a document soon that may bring down the entire house of cards known as the ObaMARXIST BADministration.

Western Journalism: Beck New Whistleblower Document Will Take Down GovernmentA commenter at the site speculates:

According to articles released on both the Birther Report and Before It’s News, they both have stories that were written that Glenn Beck received a copy of an email that was,”Hacked,” out of Justice John Robert’s email account, that supposedly clearly indicated that if he did not vote to pass the Affordable care Act, his family would be eliminated.

If evidence to that effect is produced and verified to be true, and if it can be traced back to Obama or the Administration and if nothing is done about any of it, America is lost and we are being ruled by a corrupt and criminal dictatorship and are no longer a Republic.

It is now up to Glenn Beck to come forward, and produce what he has to the American people. So far all that we have without the document being presented, is speculation. Hopefully we will all soon learn what indeed Glenn Beck has that can take down the Administration.]

I remember thinking that Chief Justice John Roberts must have been threatened (or, his family was) back when he wrote the ruling on Obamacare! If this "hacked" document is true, then perhaps it will get out into the open and the Obama Regime will crumble.

Also see: Before Its News: Rumor: Glenn Beck; NSA Used to Blackmail Chief Justice Roberts for Obamacare?

A comment there contains information that I had heard that Roberts was blackmailed regarding his adopted children:

UPDATE: From a reader….what’s apparently on a lot of people’s minds…
FYI, after pondering what the big issue could be yesterday, I too thought that at least part of it would be related to how the Soetoro machine got to John Roberts. I believe that they found actual records proving that he & his wife literally bought their 2 children from an organization in Ireland, had them sent to Costa Rica where the Roberts picked them up. Such an arrangement is apparently illegal for a U.S. citizen to do, but that alone doesn’t rise to the level of an issue so crushingly embarrassing that it would cause a Chief Justice of the United States to violate both his oath of office AND the Constitution itself. There must be something else that forced Roberts to sell out 330 million Americans.

Back to original post:

 If true, how apropos! The author of the I'm a Man! I'm 41! blog writes:

It is becoming clear to me that conservative bloggers, including myself, are almost as easily manipulated as the people that Limbaugh describes as low information voters. Although well-informed, I’m afraid that our eagerness to nail Obama is making us like feisty little dogs chasing a light on the wall, and it is the Obama regime that is holding the flashlight.

Look at the headlines of the Drudge Report. Do you see one link to a Benghazi story? No, they are all on this Snowden character, who to date has not released one thing that we didn’t already know.

Everyone is sitting on edge, hoping that he will dump something damning when we already have Obama lying on tape. What could be more damning than that?

He straight-up lied to cover his involvement, or disinterest, in four American deaths and is up neck deep in an IRS scandal that no doubt leads all the way to the White House.
Let me repeat that first one again. We have rolls of film with the President of the United States outright lying about the cause of four American deaths.

Now we learn this: “Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who helped Edward Snowden launch the NSA leaks scandal, addressed a radical Marxist-Leninist conference in 2011.

The guy who Snowden confided in to help him go public with the NSA link story is a radical leftist (Marxist-Leninist) – that means he is an Obama lover.

Go bark at that dot if you want. I don’t believe that Snowden’s whistle blowing is much to do about nothing.

Hmmm...what an evil web is being woven by the global!  I think this helps to explain why some conservatives thought of Snowden as a "hero" while others thought of him as a "traitor."  Turns out he just might be working for the traitor in Washington, D.C. after all!  No wonder he fled to China for "protection" and why no one is willing to either extradite him or go after him.  Plus, so far, hasn't there been silence (hear crickets chirping?) from the White House?

Recall how important it is to "watch what the other hand is (or, in the case of Benghazi, isn't) doing!"  This is one of the main tenets of Alinsky's rules for radicals*; a book, mind you, that was dedicated to Lucifer. That one fact alone tells you the intentions of these people who agree with and follow such "rules for radicals" [Obama, being one of them].

We could also incorporate the Cloward and Piven strategy of orchestrated crisis into the evil brew of poison.

Mix them both together and you have the radical political "bomb" of evil that the instigators are using to destroy America as we know it.   Toss into the brew the fact that Obama's Spies on Everyone Except Mosques, Missed Boston Bombers"** and we have a thick stew of poison that would be unimaginable.  Be sure to read additional blogs listed at end.

Those who refuse to believe that America is being led into the Marxist-Leninist way of socialism (which leads to communism), haven't looked at history in the correct way. I was a bit disappointed (but not surprised) that more people did not respond to the posting here at Talk Wisdom, or, the posting at the TEA Party Community, or, the email that I sent out encouraging all to view one of THE most important documentary videos of this century: Agenda: Grinding America Down.

Here is the direct link. You can view it FREE for a limited time! Vimeo link - Agenda: Grinding America Down.

Ehhh...don't bother to watch it.  Perhaps "ignorance is bliss" and people just don't have the time to view it.  It's an hour and a half of your time that would allow you to put the pieces of history together in order to find out how we got to where we are in this fight for America's survival.  Nah...go watch a baseball game.  That's three hours of entertainment.  Nothing to see here.  /sarc off

Hat tips to all links.

*End note:  Here is just a portion of "Alinsky rules for radicals."   See if you can see this particular tactic being applied via many of the scandals going on today.

Moreover, said Alinsky, whenever possible the organizer must deride his enemy and dismiss him as someone unworthy of being taken seriously because he is either intellectually deficient or morally bankrupt. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength,” said Alinsky.[80] He advised organizers to “laugh at the enemy” in an effort to provoke “an irrational anger.”[81] “Ridicule,” said Alinsky, “is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”[82]

According to Alinsky, it was vital that organizers focus on multiple crusades and multiple approaches. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag,” he wrote. “Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time … New issues and crises are always developing…”[83] “Keep the pressure on,” he continued, “with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.”[84]

Toward this end, Alinsky advised organizers to be sure that they always kept more than one “fight in the bank.” In other words, organizers should keep a stockpile of comparatively small crusades which they are already prepared to conduct, and to which they can instantly turn their attention after having won a major victory of some type. These “fights in the bank” serve the dual purpose of keeping the organization’s momentum going, while not allowing its major crusade to get “stale” from excessive public exposure.[85]

**  Daily reads for more about Radical Islam:

Answering Muslims
sharia unveiled

Note from Christine:
I think that my computer may have been hacked today.  I'm not positive [tech challenged] but it just automatically shut down as I was trying to complete this post.  When I turned it back on, there was nothing on the screen except the cursor in the upper left corner.  Used another computer to finish this post.


Breaking News!!

Glenn Beck is apparently presenting a document soon that may bring down the entire house of cards known as the ObaMARXIST BADministration.

Western Journalism: Beck New Whistleblower Document Will Take Down Government A commenter at the site speculates:
According to articles released on both the Birther Report and Before It’s News, they both have stories that were written that Glenn Beck received a copy of an email that was,”Hacked,” out of Justice John Robert’s email account, that supposedly clearly indicated that if he did not vote to pass the Affordable care Act, his family wold be eliminated. If evidence to that effect is produced and verified to be true, and if it can be traced back to Obama or the Administration and if nothing is done about any of it, America is lost and we are being ruled by a corrupt and criminal dictatorship and are no longer a Republic. It is now up to Glenn Beck to come forward, and produce what he has to the American people. So far all that we have without the document being presented, is speculation. Hopefully we will all soon learn what indeed Glenn Beck has that can take down the Administration.
I remember thinking that Chief Justice John Roberts must have been threatened (or, his family was) back when he wrote the ruling on Obamacare! If this "hacked" document is true, then perhaps it will get out into the open and the Obama Regime will crumble.

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