Tuesday, July 16, 2013

God's Route 66

Moments With God on Route 66, 230+ Moments with God in one beautiful book...Request Yours!
Moments With God on Route 66, 230+ Moments with God in one beautiful book...Request Yours!
Moments With God on Route 66

Many years ago, I was a teacher at an elementary school back east.  For about 2 1/2 years, I taught physical education, health and safety for grades K-5.  Part of the safety curriculum included a Disney created cartoon series starring the little character of Jiminy Cricket who would begin each safety message singing:

"Oh...I'm no fool, no sirree, I want to live to be 93!  I play safe for you and me 'cause I'm no fool."

Of course, those films dealt with physical and mental safety; and how not being foolish with our every day activities can help us avoid injury or even death.  But there is also a need within our souls to realize that avoidance of moral, emotional and spiritual foolishness is equally, if not even more important!

I thought of these films today while reading a little book called "Moments With God On Route 66" by Dr. David Jeremiah.

On the page discussing the virtues of  "counsel," Dr. Jeremiah writes:

"We hear the words "fool" and "foolish" often enough that it is easy to lose sight of their true meaning."

But before I continue with the message, I wanted to explain what this particular book is all about.

On the back cover, we find out:

There are not many people left who can say, "I got my kicks on Route 66!"  But between 1926 and 1984, U. S. Highway (Route) 66 was America's "Mother Road" --2,448 miles of asphalt stretching from Chicago to Los Angeles.  The sections of Route 66 that are left today are unmarked, known only to the locals.  But for decades many Americans dreamed about motoring west on Route 66.  And if they couldn't make the drive, they did it vicariously through the Route 66 hit TV show that aired from 1960-1964.

God has given us His own Route 66 that stretches from your front door to the doorway of heaven--the 66 books of the Bible.  And since 2007, Pastor David Jeremiah has been airing one-minute insights into God's Route 66 on radio stations across the nation.  In Moments With God on Route 66 you will find 230 of the best of the nearly 1,400 Route 66 spots aired through 2012.  Just like the Bible there is something in these short devotionals for everyone, seekers and saints alike.

So take a short drive on God's Route 66 every day.  You'll find His divine highway will keep you focused and moving faithfully toward your heavenly home!

I was young when that show aired, so I don't remember much about it.   But I do recall hearing that it was a very popular series at the time for young adults.  If you are interested in learning more, read a recent article at AV Club: Why the mostly forgotten Route 66 was one of TV’s most ambitious shows. The article includes a few film clips too.

One sentence from the article intrigued me and I'd like to view the episode:

The series even featured future stars in smaller parts, as when Ed Asner played a young Jewish boy’s father, who later died and kicked off a crisis of faith in the boy.

Getting back to the subject of counsel.

There are many Bible verses discussing and warning about "the way of the fool."   We would be wise to heed such warnings.

Dr. Jeremiah continues:

A verse in the Book of Proverbs makes it clear: "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes." In other words, a fool is a person who refuses to heed the moral advice of those who are wiser. A fool does what he wants in spite of the pain it causes him and others.

From the Bible's perspective, the fool is a person who refuses to listen to God's counsel or warnings. But the wise person is the one who submits his reasoning to God.

Accept direction on the road to new life.

Discover God's thoughts...on Route 66.

Hat tips to all links.

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