Friday, August 30, 2013

A Personal Story To Lift One's Spirit!

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[Hat tip for graphic:  Network]

Christians are to emulate [meaning follow] Jesus.  Just as He was "not of this world," (meaning not being of the earthly "kingdoms" set up by man and avoiding the pitfalls of evil that surround us), so too are we to not be of this world system.  We are to work within the world,  for the specific and ultimate purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is certainly a rewarding mission!  Yet, the distractions of this world can get any one's heart downtrodden and sad.

Recall the Scriptures, especially in Psalms, where the sons of Korah (temple assistants) ask the question, "Why are you cast down O my soul?"

One example:

Psa 43:5     Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

Notice the answer in all three separate Scriptures at that link:

 "Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God."

These days, the turmoil and chaos happening in the Middle East,  and looming threat of  America getting involved in another war in Syria certainly highlight the truth of the prophecies that tell us "there will be wars and rumors of war" the closer we get to the end times.  While reading the following posts, I could not help but feel depressed!

Walid Shoebat
Sultan Knish



And, if those posts haven't confused you enough, read this one:
Answering Muslims



 However, the uplifting experience that I had last night makes such depression "blow to dust and fall away*."
You see, when I come back to Scripture, prayer, and worship songs,  I am gladly reminded that God's truth (see 1 John 2:27) provides the right path to follow, and God's light (see 1 John 1:5) provides the clear vision to follow it.  If you feel surrounded by darkness and uncertainty, follow God's light and truth!  He will guide you!
 Now, a brief recap of my uplifting experience last night.
The early evening began when I met a great friend for dinner. We chatted about some good news within our own families, but then we also got on the topics of the bad news going on in this world.  The threat of war in Syria, the terrible "Common Core" indoctrination into socialism that is happening in public schools, the fact that all the scandals happening are increasing and no one is being held get the picture! 

My friend asked me if I would hold a Bible study in my home again like I did several years ago.  Great idea! Or, perhaps we could find an evening study to attend.

Staying in the Word of God helps alleviate the depression, fear, disgust, and anger at what is becoming of America and what is happening around the world!  No matter what...God wins in the end and our Savior and Lord - Jesus Christ - is totally victorious!
When I got back from having dinner and completing a quick run to the grocery store, it was already getting dark.  I wanted to walk my two dogs.  So with a flashlight in my pocket I started up the street.  My neighbor was outside, staring into the sky at the last remnants of a beautiful sunset.  She waved at me and yelled that she was praying.  I told her, "nothing like a gorgeous sunset and prayers being sent up to God to lift up one's spirit!"

You see, were are MEANT to worship God ANYWHERE!  In a car, listening to a great praise song.  And, even at the sight of a gorgeous sunset near the end of a neighbor's driveway!

I was SO  blessed last night!!!  Why?  Because two simple signs of Christ's Presence with me came shining through!  While driving home, a favorite song came on from the Christian music station called, "The Message."  It was the Newsboy's song entitled, "It Is You."  Seeing my neighbor "coming to this place" [lyrics from the music video below] at the end of her driveway;  worshipping God and praying at the sight of His wondrous creation and beauty of a sunset, gave me Holy Spirit chills of joy!!

Yes, Jesus!  It IS YOU!  It's all about You!

Enjoy a great worship song, "It Is You" by the Newsboys!

In Christ,

~  Christine
As we lift up our hands
Will You meet us here?
As we call on Your name
Will You meet us here?
We have come to this place
To worship You
God of mercy and grace

It is You
We adore
It is You
Praises are for
Only You
The heavens declare
It is You
It is You

And holy, holy is our God Almighty
And holy, holy is His name alone, yeah
And holy, holy is our God Almighty
And holy, holy is His name alone

It is You
We adore
It is You
Only You

As we lift up our hands
As we call on Your name
Will You visit this place
By Your mercy and grace?

But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will [fn] abide in Him.
(2:27) NU-Text reads you abide.

This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

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