Friday, August 23, 2013

Race-Baiting Adults Are Partly to Blame For Killings

I don't like talking about the horrendous killings that have happened ever since the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial because inevitably, someone is not going to agree with what I have to say about them.  But now,  I feel that I need to speak out.

I think that the race-baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Obama and others have used the Trayvon Martin shooting as a method to ratchet up severe and dangerous grievances among the black community; so the ignorant, dumbed-down, no-parents-to-guide-them-at-home black, mulatto, and white kids (like the ones that killed Chris Lane from Australia) and the one black kid that killed the baby in the stroller take what these adult, idiot "hate whitey" evil liars say as reasons to go out to commit these crimes! They are partly responsible!! They should be so ashamed of themselves!! These terrible race-baiting adults may not have pulled the trigger - and these kids are ultimately responsible for there awful crimes - but the "Sharptons" of this nation did help lead these kids to kill because of spewing their hate-filled rhetoric against Zimmerman.   Their constant broadcasting (via the media of mass corruption) of victim-hood-racial lies, along with the never-ending cries of "racism" (whether that is genuinely a factor or not) prevent the next generation from moving past the racial grievances of the past!  

While the three stooges (Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama) try to claim that "gun control" is the answer to these senseless shootings and deaths, we see that the weapons of the fists of two black teens who wanted to rob an 89-year-old veteran can cause a horrible, painful,  and senseless death too!

Jesus had harsh words to say against adults leading children to sin!

Mat 18:6 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

I also believe that the absence of fathers in the black community households harms children greatly as they grow up.  The statistics (if accurate) that Juan Williams recently shared on Fox News stated that 30% of white children, 60% (not sure of that stat)  of Hispanics, and a whopping 80% of black children are born out of wedlock!  Many end up with no father figure in the home.  This is very tragic!  So we must ask, why don't the Sharptons, Jacksons, and Obamas of this nation address these most important issues?

Update:  Fox News has just reported that the killing of Chris Lane - the visiting Australian baseball player was NOT because "the teens were bored."  It was GANG RELATED INITIATION.  They had a list of victims. [Note: Did not see an article about this yet, but will post one when becomes available.]

So I have some questions for the Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama race-baiting adults of this nation - why aren't you protesting against gang violence and speaking out against gang "initiation" plots?  Why are you selectively outraged by tragic events like the Trayvon Martin death due to Zimmerman's NEED FOR SELF DEFENSE while he was being attacked?  Was Martin in a gang too?  Could that be why he was  the aggressor against Zimmerman and didn't go home when he had the chance to do so?  I watched the trial.  The defense showed a 15 min. gap between when Zimmerman first encountered Martin, and then when Martin showed up again to attack Zimmerman!

Why did the race-baiters and the media of mass deception reporters work together to deceive viewers and create massive, nationwide anger against Zimmerman in that one case? 

Most informed and knowledgeable readers here know the answer!

That's my opinion - what's yours?

Hat tips to all links. 


  1. ”Why are you selectively outraged by tragic events like the Trayvon Martin death due to Zimmerman's NEED FOR SELF DEFENSE while he was being attacked? Was Martin in a gang too?”

    Who had the sidearm, and who had the beverage?
    Who followed whom down the street in his car, and later emerged to confront him? That's not usually within the limits of 'self-defense' unless the defense occurs on one's own property.

    Yoa ask if Martin was in a gang. If he was, it never came out at the trial, and IF he was, none of his homeboys were around to help (or avenge) him. Since six weeks passed between the incident and Zimmerman's being taken into custody, there would have been plenty of time for this nonexistent 'gang' to take action...but there wasn't any.

    I can see a marathon coming. I'll get the popcorn.

  2. GM,

    Obviously you didn't watch the trial or follow it closely enough like I did.

    The FACT that Martin had left (and was gone for 15 minutes - courtroom stood in silence to count down how long a time it really was), but then RETURNED TO CONFRONT Zimmerman, showed that he wasn't just a skittle & beverage carrying teen (who was afraid of George). It showed that he WANTED TO CONFRONT Zimmerman and ended up attacking him. The kid was a thug, and lots of evidence within his life (including his tragic lifestyle because of his father's infidelities and multiple divorces - which took him away from his stepmom who seemed to be the only adult in his life that really cared about him) as well as what he wrote on his Facebook page showed that he wasn't just this innocent little kid as Obummer and the media of mass deception tried to portray.

    I wish that he was only wounded by the gun shot and lived. But when someone tells you "you're gonna die tonight" (as Martin said to Zimmerman), is on top of you bashing your head onto the pavement and punching your face; breaking your nose with no help coming (despite George's several calls for help), Zimmerman had to do what was necessary to save his own life. Twelve jurors agreed. Case closed.

  3. So there was no gang, then.
    Why did you raise that spectre if it didn't exist?

    What happened to Martin, and others since, is indeed tragic. But to claim that as an excuse to 'hate whitey' and commit similar crimes is of course bullsh.

    ”Their constant broadcasting (via the media of mass corruption) of victim-hood-racial lies, along with the never-ending cries of "racism" (whether that is genuinely a factor or not) prevent the next generation from moving past the racial grievances of the past!”
    Funny...that's not unlike what I constantly hear from the Middle East, from both Palestinian and Jew!

    Despite the race-baiting on both sides before and after that event, the person most responsible for the crime is the criminal. There is no rule, no law, no tradition that says that hate must go into one ear and stay there.
    (Well, there are those infamous verses in Exodus, but you probably don't want to hear that. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”, I think Gandhi said.)

    As for your other assertions, I'll get back to them later. I've other things to do now.


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