Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sarah Palin on Yom Kippur..... "May G-d Bless the Jewish People"

Best Wishes for the Jewish High Holidays

Todd and I would like to offer our best wishes to the Jewish community as they celebrate the High Holy Days. With the celebration of the Jewish New Year this week and the observance of the Day of Atonement next week, we are reminded of the hopeful commitment to renewal and peace exemplified by the Jewish tradition and the Jewish people throughout history.

Yom Kippur, the most solemn and important of the Jewish holy days, is a time of reflection and supplication for forgiveness. The timeless human struggle to promote justice, harmony, and peace is seen here in this process of atonement – in humbly seeking pardon for past wrongs in the hope of a new beginning. It reminds us that if we wish to co-exist globally, we must all strive for forgiveness and tolerance.

A speech was given at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday that was full of hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric. It was a shameful display before a body whose very charter is premised on the need for co-operation and harmony in pursuit of peaceful co-existence between nations. Such talk was especially abhorrent coming as it did during the Jewish High Holidays. The world community must speak with one voice in declaring anti-Semitism and all forms of intolerance and racism utterly unacceptable. There is no place in the community of peace-loving nations for those who traffic in hate or deny the terrible atrocity of the Nazi Holocaust.

In this holy season, we join the Jewish people in the struggle to promote justice, harmony, and peace. May God bless them.

-Sarah Palin
I did not want to get "political" about what Sarah wrote here, but I find it necessary to speak up regarding what she revealed about a U.N. speech.    I did not know about "[the] speech [that] was given at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday that was full of hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric" until Mrs. Palin mentioned it in her good wishes to the Jewish people. 
I wonder...did any other speaker at that meeting step up to the microphone and condemn such a speech?  Probably not.  The anti-Semitism [and, more importantly, the anti-Zionism] that wreaks with a stench from the U.N.  to high heaven is absolutely appalling! 

What's more, someone who left a comment at Pam Geller's blog post on Sarah's essay revealed another slap-in-the-face spectacle that occurred at the White House:

Timur said...
And what did the Pretender In Chief do for Yom Kippur? Oh, that's right! He invited 50,000 moslems to come to the Capitol and pray!

People, these are not "coincidences."  Some may try to brush each of these offenses off, but there is much more evidence that in the minds of President Zero and the U.N. General Assembly, Islam not only trumps any civil recognition of holy days for Israel; but as in the case of the U.N., the Jews deserve hate-filled rhetoric too. 

And, the lack of concern by both Obama and the U.N. for the  protection of Christians in Muslims lands (who are being persecuted, tortured for their faith and in many instances killed) is even more evidence that Islamism [even radical Islamic jihadists in Syria!!!] is held in better regard - no matter what atrocities they are guilty for committing!! There is an ongoing political war on Christians here at home, too!

What is wrong with this picture?

As an aside to this topic, those who place the "coexist" bumper stickers on their cars don't actually believe in what it is supposed to represent [e.g. for what Sarah Palin meant in her essay].  See that link for an explanation of the real reason why  the "secularists" created that symbol.

I challenge readers to go and read everything being posted at Walid Shoebat's blog.

 Last night, I listened to a radio show interview there that revealed that Walid is being targeted by the Obama regime over the fact that he revealed that Obama's brother - Malik Obama - is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood. No surprise there! Obama has shown complete deference towards the Muslim Brotherhood throughout his presidency at the White House! A parade of Muslim Brotherhood members have been there over the past 4 1/2 years!   Hasn't the Muslim Brotherhood been identified as a terrorist group?  Heck - even Egypt didn't want Muslim Brotherhood member Morsi as the leader of their country!

Well, I apologize for getting off topic here.  But I felt that I needed to reveal all of these things that are happening because the media of mass deception certainly won't!

Back to the topic of Yom Kippur.

Joel Rosenberg has a great blog post up, celebrating the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.  He also shares some important historical facts about Yom Kippur.

Israelis mark Day of Atonement, reflect on 40 years since surprise attack nearly lost the country.
joelcrosenberg at Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - 18 hours ago
(Dallas, Texas) — Today is Yom Kippur, or the “Day of Atonement.” It is a Biblical holiday, the day when God called the children of Israel to repent of their national and individual sins and sacrifice animals to receive atonement, or forgiveness, of their sins. It is the highest holiday in Judaism. Yom Kippur also […]
(Dallas, Texas) — Today is Yom Kippur, or the “Day of Atonement.” It is a Biblical holiday, the day when God called the children of Israel to repent of their national and individual sins and sacrifice animals to receive atonement, or forgiveness, of their sins. It is the highest holiday in Judaism.
Yom Kippur also marks the day when the modern state of Israel was nearly “wiped off the map” by her enemies. Forty years ago today, the Russian-trained and equipped air forces and armies of Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on the Jewish State, a move that nearly succeeded in destroying Israel.

Today, therefore, many Israelis are fasting and praying and reflecting on their lives and going to synagogue — some because of tradition, and some to follow Old Testament customs (albeit complicated by the lack of a Temple in Jerusalem).

 Read it all HERE.


Best wishes to all of my Jewish friends on this Day of Atonement.  May G-d bless you, the Holy Land of Israel, and may God continue to bless the United States of America!

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD, and stand with Israel!

And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Hat tips to all links.


  1. It drives me nuts to know that we are the number one contributor to the UN. In 2008 the top ten contributors included the US at 22% with Japan the only other country in double digits at 16.62%. America contributed over 7.5 billion dollars to the UN in 2010! (National Review, 2012). This includes monies contributed not just by the state department but from other systems of the US government such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That's my money and your money and our money going to an organization where our voice is becoming more like a whisper in the wind every day. Even the building they meet in was a gift from Rockefeller and the city of New York!

  2. CJW: ”I did not know about "[the] speech [that] was given at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday that was full of hateful anti-Semitic rhetoric" until Mrs. Palin mentioned it in her good wishes to the Jewish people.

    I wonder...did any other speaker at that meeting step up to the microphone and condemn such a speech? Probably not.”

    Did any other news outlet report this? Or must we take the half-term governor's word for it? I've done a search and I can't find any record of it.

    ”Forty years ago today, the Russian-trained and equipped air forces and armies of Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on the Jewish State, a move that nearly succeeded in destroying Israel.”

    I remember that! My unit wasn't very far away, and some of my mates were looking forward to a front-row seat at Armageddon. It didn't turn out that way.
    Israel is under Yahweh's protection, and no one's allowed to mess with them (unless he wills it). It's just his usual M.O.: whenever a disaster overtakes his Chosen People™, he always leaves a 'remnant' to thank him for sparing their lives, and it gives him an opportunity to do the same thing all over again.
    Egypt has learned to live with Israel, just as we've learned to live with Cuba. Neither one will vanish overnight. Eventually, the rest of the region will do the same.
    Meanwhile, Israel must depend on God's provenance...and Patriot antimissile batteries...and the Iron Dome. 'Cause God just might, you know, change his mind.

    Oh, wait a minute: that 'yesterday' you mentioned was a speech from 2009!
    Boy, that Sarah, right on top of current events...
    ...and you, recycling old news when no new lies can be found.

  3. I agree Nomad! It's such a terrible waste of TAXPAYER money - just like so many of the wasteful "programs" that Dems have dreamed up over the course of many decades. No wonder we are in such a terrible financial mess!

  4. GM,

    The date of Palin's essay doesn't matter so much because in 2009, it still happened under Obama's BADministration.

    I don't recall the news media covering what Palin wrote back then.

    Egypt "lived" with Israel (in peace) when Mubarek was in charge. Morsi tried to stir up trouble and the people ousted the Muslim Brotherhood jihadist! Now it's up in the air who will lead Egypt. The same thing can be said about Syria. Assad had an agreement with Israel. But now we don't know what will happen there, either.

    Seems to me that Obama's "Arab Spring" has become a springboard into disaster. But Obots like you will still support him. He's black...and don't ya know that it's raaaaccisstt to disagree with his bad policies and foolish foreign policy foibles?

  5. CJW: ”The date of Palin's essay doesn't matter so much because in 2009, it still happened under Obama's BADministration.

    It matters because it was recycled news—-a four-year-old item masquerading as something hot off the web. I suppose you could call Pam “Atlas” Geller to account for this...but she'll just...shrug.

    ”I don't recall the news media covering what Palin wrote back then.”

    Try doing a search (with a non-Google engine, of course), and you'll find plenty. That's how I uncovered your lie so quickly.

    You didn't read where I said that attacking Syria was something I disagreed with, did you, hostess? Now, please tell us how that makes me 'raaaaccisstt'. While you're at it, tell us how it applies at all, since Syrians are among the Indo-European types...just like your supposed savior.

    ”Egypt "lived" with Israel (in peace) when Mubarek was in charge. Morsi tried to stir up trouble and the people ousted the Muslim Brotherhood jihadist! Now it's up in the air who will lead Egypt. The same thing can be said about Syria. Assad had an agreement with Israel. But now we don't know what will happen there, either.”

    Which is why I think a Syria strike is a bad idea. As I told you some time ago, to many Syrians the enemy is Assad, not Israel. But one sure way to get the Syrians away from each other's throats is to give them foreign throats to go for...such as ours. With some in Congress frothing at the mouth for war with Iran, we don't need that kind of action. Congress didn't seem especially anxious to stop Obama, but seemed relieved when Putin gave them all a way to save face.


    ..and yes, steve, that is the best you've got. It should have been obvious to you eighteen months ago, with the clown-car lineup of candidates the RNC had.

  6. My "supposed Savior," GM? That's downright mean - even for someone like you - to write.

    YOU should do some research on Jesus Christ! Use the StartPage search engine. You might learn something...

    Rom 14:11

    For it is written:

    “As I live, says the LORD,
    Every knee shall bow to Me,
    And every tongue shall confess to God.”[fn]

    Rom 14:12

    So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.

  7. Earth calling Christine: I have done some research on Jesus Christ! I was once part of the Collective, remember?

    Yeah, supposed savior. What is he saving people from? Certainly not death. What is he saving people for? No one seems to know.
    Since your skin is so thin, you should learn to stop throwing things at people. They just might throw something back.

  8. Oh THAT explains A LOT! You "were" a member of the Deceived by Collective Salvation cult!

    Appears to me that you never really "left" it...the deceived part that is! It is obviously still intact within your own reprobate mind.

    Tsk tsk...such a pity.

  9. Nope, never heard of that one, and I've read of some really off-the-wall Christianities.
    But that 'THE DEATH OF MAJOR NUMBERS OF PEOPLE FOR THE "COMMON GOOD!' theme sounds familiar: isn't that what the Great Flood was all about? How about the destruction of Jericho, or Ai, or even Jerusalem? Why, the sacred scrolls even call for the destruction of Damascus. All for the 'common good', I suppose. But with all the deaths that the bible claims must occur, when Jesus returns, there'll be very few eyes left to see him!

    Black Liberation theology is a cruel scam. One cannot expect a religion that helped to enslave people to also be the instrument of their freedom. But it serves as further evidence that in social issues, the bible can come down firmly on both sides of the same question.

    I do hope you're not claiming that your cult is superior to all the other ones.

  10. One of the more "modern" purveyors of the "collective salvation" cult is Jim Wallis. In fact, he is a BIG supporter of Obama! THAT should please your reprobate mind! The fact is that Wallis and his subjects of ill repute use the terms "social justice" as their mantra, but what they are REAALY doing is rejecting the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have replaced the Savior with anti-Christian views. They either reject or twist Scripture to their liking. They reject the Cross of Christ and follow an anti-Christ path (meaning, rejection of Christ and /or replacement of Christ) with their liberalistic, socialistic, and communistic ideologies. Yet, they try and hide under the guise of "collective" salvation. It's just another cult - like yours - the cult of Obama-ism.

  11. Well, I have heard of him, at least. But his theology is as goofy as yours.

    I don't claim to know what the 'the true Gospel of Jesus Christ' is. Since he never wrote anything down, the gospel is whatever Paul (and all the others) say it is. That's for you believers to settle, and so far it hasn't worked out well. At last count there were over 40,000 flavors of Christianity. As you like to say, they can't all be how do you know you have the right one? You've switched allegiances before.

    ”...their liberalistic, socialistic, and communistic ideologies.”

    Hmm... Acts 4:32~35 certainly seem to imply socialism/communism. It's known that many in the early Church practiced it as such. It was fashionable for a while in the '60s and '70s, too.
    Maybe that's why Christianity and Communism are constantly at war—they look at each other, and see themselves.

    ”It's just another cult - like yours - the cult of Obama-ism.”

    Even if I idolized Obama—which I don't—at least I can see him, and talk to him. I must admit I'd like to see that water-into-wine trick, though. On the Science Channel, with cameras running.


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