Friday, October 04, 2013

The House: Getting Our Priorities Right

Legal Insurrection has the information about what is going on in the House.  It will be interesting to see if the Democrats reject these resolutions.

House to vote on 11 funding bills including child nutrition, FDA, Head Start, FEMA and Intelligence Agencies
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 1 hour ago
There is agreement, just announced by Tom Cole, to provide back pay for furloughed employees. The White House will sign the bill. The House also is debating a special Rule to allow votes on 10 other spending bills covering a wide variety of the issues about which Democrats and the media have been complaining, including Nutrition […]
There is agreement, just announced by Tom Cole, to provide back pay for furloughed employees.  The White House will sign the bill
The House also is debating a special Rule to allow votes on 10 other spending bills covering a wide variety of the issues about which Democrats and the media have been complaining, including Nutrition for Low Income Women and Children, the FDA and Intelligence Agencies, National Weather service, Head Start, FEMA, and guaranteeing that furloughed employees get back pay:

H.J. Res. 75—Nutrition Assistance for Low-Income Women and Children Act
H.J. Res. 76—Nuclear Weapon Security & Non-Proliferation Act
H.J. Res. 77—Food and Drug Safety Act
H.J. Res. 78—Preserving Our Intelligence Capabilities Act
H.J. Res. 79—Border Safety & Security Act
H.J. Res. 80—American Indian and Alaska Native, Health, Education, and Safety Act
H.J. Res. 82—National Weather Monitoring Act
H.J. Res. 83—Impact Aid for Local Schools Act
H.J. Res. 84—Head Start for Low-Income Children Act
H.J. Res. 85—National Emergency and Disaster Recovery Act
H.R. 3223—Federal Employee Retroactive Pay Fairness Act

Watch live on C-Span HERE


Hat tip:  Legal Insurrection


WOW!  The following link is a MUST READ!

The Matt Walsh Blog: An open letter to President Obama.

My comment there:

Matt -
You have ABSOLUTELY NAILED IT in this "open letter!"  Millions more people are now seeing Obama for who and what he REALLY is - and it's truly an ugly, ugly picture.

Of course there will always be the "hear no evil," "see no evil," [but speak a LOT of evil against those with whom they disagree] ObamaBorg Bot Democrats who would follow this awful pied piper of doom right off the edge of reality into a cesspool of hell.  I have only read a few of the comments on the first page here, but some of these trolls have turned up here at this blog to disparage you for what you wrote.  The truth hurts, and they can't stand it that the awful truth about Obama is getting out for all to see.  Therefore, since they can't defend Obama's terrible policies,  all they can do is attack and disparage messengers like you.  You have shown time and again that you stand for Liberty, Justice, and Freedom - in fact - everything that the Founders envisioned; while standing against all the nefarious corruption, crime, and hatred that Obama and his ilk live by. 

As a fellow blogger - I applaud you!  Keep up the great work!



  1. Oh, sure. Cut funding of the National Weather Service and FEMA, and when the next hurricane hits the Southeast or the Gulf states, watch the House GOP scatter like roaches under a light. THAT will certainly be 'political', won't it?
    Sure, let New Orleans drown again and another thousand people die, so long as we get “our” priorities right. What makes an Inuit or Navajo think they are entitled to good health or a good education, anyway? We gotta get OUR priorities right!!

    I mean, it's not as if Border Security and other furloughed Federal employees exist in a vacuum. Most of them have families, commitments, lives; all of them have bills to pay and responsibilities to meet; and they haven't been laid off due to criminal activity or incompetence. They're being hurt, deliberately, because one faction of one party in one branch of government is trying to extort the rest of that government.

    If the House and the White House can come together on this, they can come together on the big items. It's just a matter of scale, not priorities.

  2. Yay! Talk Wisdom made top 100 World Politics blog list at Technorati!

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  3. GM,

    Your buddy Obama has repeatedly said that he will not negotiate. Harry ReiDUNCE does what he is told by the wannabe dictator. We shall see what happens the closer we get to the upcoming debt ceiling fight.

  4. Obama is not my buddy, any more than your god is.
    Why should he negotiate with those who wish to kill the signature achievement of his administration? They made it clear over the past five years that they don't want it. Never mind that they've been defeated in all the proper arenas. The Legislature approved it; the Supreme Court upheld it; the public voted yes on it by re-electing him. It's now the law; even Speaker BONER admitted that, just recently. So why should Obama allow Teabaggers to hold his bill, and the economy, hostage?
    Imagine how frenzied you would be if this had been Democrats, trying to force Bush to rescind his beloved tax cuts!

    ”We shall see what happens the closer we get to the upcoming debt ceiling fight.”

    Yes, we will. Ask Newt Gingrich about the effectiveness of government by tantrum.

    Oh, congratulations on making Technorati's list...although I find it funny that a blog whose primary goal is “to defend the tenets and values of Biblical Christian faith” has made it onto a list of political blogs!

  5. GM,

    When born again, Jesus calls us friends.

    I don't blame you for not regarding Obama as your "buddy." He is doing all that he can to destroy our beloved nation. Remember? The one that you once defended while in the military.

    Not all laws are good. There are ways to overturn the bad ones. Obama's "signature" law is a very bad one! I applaud the Republicans for standing their ground on this issue.

    Obama lies when he states that "we will default on our debts" IF the debt ceiling isn't increased. That's downright false! The government takes in @ $800 billion a month. Paying the loan and interest is @ $80 billion. Therefore, we won't default immediately on Oct. 18th. Therefore, Obama is fear mongering and lying to Americans!

    The $80 billion to pay our debts leaves a lot to pay the military and other obligations like Social Security.

    It's interesting to see how many non-essential government workers there are! For instance, the EPA doesn't need 94% of the workers to function! Imagine that!

    About Technorati. They choose to list my blog in several categories. When certain stories get picked up by other sites and traffic increases, my ranking goes up under the particular category that the aggregate site chooses.

    Part of defending the tenets and values of Biblical Christian faith involves engaging within the culture. You left out the next sentence in my blog goals:

    "We defend our Constitutional Republic and Charters of Freedom, especially when speaking out against destructive social and political issues."

  6. Talk Wisdom in Top Ten Movers today! 10/7/13

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  7. Hey GM -

    Just to let you know that other Christian bloggers also get rankings in political authority lists, here's today's top movers in Politics [note Albert Mohler's blog (in bold) on list]:

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    19 Sultan Knish Politics Authority: 749 moved up 7 places 7

    32 Taegan Goddard's Political …Politics Authority: 723 moved up 6 places 6


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