Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You're Not Shaken

Some wonderful and encouraging words were shared by Al in the previous post comment section. What he shared brought to mind a song that I have been listening to and singing to myself over the past few weeks. It is a song that really is designed to comfort us as we go through chaotic times here on this earth. Steadfast faith is especially needed when we don't always know the whys of the world; and/or when our questions seem to go unanswered.

In response to this post, here is what Al wrote:

Al said...
Hi Christine,

Thanks for sharing your sensible, genuine sentiments about the present state of affairs in our nation. Appreciate the informative links covering Dr. Manning's trial too. The situation at the mouth of the Red Sea initially looked bleak too until Moses cried out to a God that answers prayers. Hopefully our generation will be delivered as well.

May 18, 2010 10:41:00 AM PDT

So beautifully stated, Al! Thank you!

There are SO MANY different YouTube videos of Phil Stacey singing his song "You're Not Shaken." I chose the following one because I liked the messages it conveyed as the song was being sung.

I hope it encourages your heart and blesses your day as much as it did for me!

In Christ,

P.S. Thanks again, Al!

Link to YouTube Video: Your Not Shaken by Phil Stacey.

bluetru40 — September 14, 2009 — Walk By Faith, Not By Sight: Sight (the flesh) can be deceiving.

Song by Phil Stacey "You're Not Shaken"


  1. Hi Christine:

    The written Word of God tells us there will be one last shaking (Hebrews 12:26-28). We who believe are standing on an unshakable Rock (i.e. Jesus the Messiah).

    The written Word becomes the living Word of God when we choose to believe.

    Much love to you and your family. (ss)

  2. In a word, Christine, this song is absolutely WONDERFUL! Thanks for sharing the inspiring message with me today. Appreciate Susan Smith's shared scripture reading as well. The Lord is taking delight in your willingness to proclaim his Kingdom here on Earth. Blessings ladies...

  3. Susan,

    I love when you share Scripture and apply it to our unshakable Rock - Jesus Christ!

    You wrote:

    "The written Word becomes the living Word of God when we choose to believe."

    Well said and completely accurate!

    Those who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ are perishing.

    1Cr 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

    We all die physically, but those who reject Christ die spiritually (the second death) as well.

    2Cr 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward [man] is being renewed day by day.

    Susan, as such a beautiful believer, you are one of the "fragrance of Christ"...

    2Cr 2:15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

    ...for your "inward [man] is being renewed day by day!"

    And when the written Word of God becomes the Living Word in us through Christ, the Holy Spirit takes residence in our souls and guides our hearts and minds.

    I always wonder. How could anyone choose to reject such a wonderful Gift?

    God bless you this day!
    Love in Him,


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