Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To Save America

On Sunday, I created my first post on the Obama Trial You Haven't Heard About. At the time, The Conservative Monster was the only blogger (that I found) who was covering the trial. Today, Citizen Wells: Obama trial, May 19, 2010, Obama indictment, Pastor James Manning, Columbia University indictment, Days 1 to 4 recaps has a post up that includes the recaps provided by Conservative Monster.

According to The Conservative Monster author, Steve Cooper, there were 20,000 different IP views of his Sunday post. I don't know how many regular readers he has, but it is good to know that the word about this trial is getting out in the blogosphere.

I have noticed that many conservative bloggers are angered and disturbed that some conservative commentators (i.e. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Michele Malkin, and even Andrew Breitbart) are not reporting on this trial.

We must ask ourselves, what do they all have in common?

They are all employed (some, just as contributors) by the Fox News Channel. Since Fox News is 17% (guesstimate) owned by a Saudi billionaire, I'm sure that these people are probably under strict rules not to bring up or discuss the Obama eligibility issue and controversy.

The writers over at World Net Daily are willing to discuss all of the Obama eligibility cases. Again, they are not under contract by any cable news organization. We all know that Lou Dobbs was most likely fired by CNN when he questioned Obama's eligibility status on his T.V. show several months ago.

Michael Savage is another conservative radio talk show host who is willing to discuss the various Obama lawsuits. I do not know whether or not he has mentioned Pastor Manning's lawsuit and trial, however.

I keep telling people that I think Glenn Beck truly believes that Obama can be stopped through exposing his Crime Inc. discoveries. Perhaps this is true. However, I also believe that we must be diligent and share ALL of the lawsuit action going on out there against Obama, Reid, and Pelosi because the Lamestream Media of Mass Deception will not do it!

I am asking my fellow conservative blogger friends to share this information with as many people as you can. I realize that I am sticking my neck out reporting on it, and you will be doing the same if you report on it, too. But I think that our Constitutional Republic is in trouble because of this radical gangster government that wants to devolve our beloved nation into a Marxo-Fascist regime!

At first (back in 2008), Newt Gingrich didn't take Hannity's warning about how dangerous a candidate Barack Hussein Obama was. Gingrich has now told Sean that he was absolutely right to be highly concerned about Obama. Gingrich has now written a book about it called To Save America: The Vision to Save Our Country From Obama's Secular Socialist Machine and is quoted as stating on Fox News Sunday (video at this link):

"The secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did."

As I have stated in the past, I do NOT agree with everything that Gingrich says or believes. However, the fact that this very educated, seasoned, wise, and intelligent conservative leader is agreeing with what Hannity and Beck are saying, then it is time for most of America to sit up and take notice of what is happening and the danger it presents to our liberty, freedoms, capitalist economy, national security, and our way of life as a Constitutional Republic.

Back to the eligibility trial.

Pastor Manning believes that he can prove, in a court of law, that Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro) NEVER attended Columbia University. His church is located quite close to the campus of Columbia. His research has shown that there is NO EVIDENCE that Obama was ever at Columbia. He interviewed 400 people who NEVER SAW HIM THERE. At the time, there were very few (apparently, according to reports) black students and attending the university over those years and Obama would have stood out quite easily. How is it that 400 people, who attended the university over the years that Obama purports to have been there, do not remember ever seeing him on campus?

The Post & Email: Latest Update on Columbia University Trial

I encourage you to read the entire Post & Email exclusive interview with Miki Booth. I wanted to highlight one thing, however:

Miki: [T]here is something interesting that he said: in Pakistan there is a log or journal of all of the heads of state; kings, queens, that sort of thing, and he found on that list “Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States” and then “(Kenya)”.

I recall seeing that at the Pakistani website many months ago. Once the link found its way around the blogs, the "Kenyan born" (that's how I recall seeing it) part was scrubbed from the site.

Miki Booth is due to testify in the trial today.

I still hold onto the belief that one day, the truth about Obama will be made known for all to see. Meanwhile, those who still support him and call the rest of us derogatory names, will continue to ignore all of the lies, cheating, deceit, money laundering, pay-offs to lawyers and judges, destruction of our Constitutional Republic and the liberty and freedoms that go with it. I pray that one day, the Lamestream Media of Mass Deception will awaken to the fact that this Marxo-Fascist regime machine that is financing and advancing these terrible policies, are just using Obama as their puppet to accomplish their evil "transformation of America" that would be detrimental to our nation and all of our people.

Meanwhile, it will be just the brave few people who continue to report on the important information that the media withholds from the public (Soviet Union tactics...anyone??) and the power of our votes will be made quite evident in today's primaries, the primaries that will happen across America next month, and in November, 2010, and ultimately in November, 2012 when the usurping liar is booted out of office!!

Hat Tips:

The Conservative Monster

Citizen Wells

The Post & Email


  1. Hi Christine,

    Thanks for sharing your sensible, genuine sentiments about the present state of affairs in our nation. Appreciate the informative links covering Dr. Manning's trial too. The situation at the mouth of the Red Sea initially looked bleak too until Moses cried out to a God that answers prayers. Hopefully our generation will be delivered as well.

  2. Thanks Al, and welcome! I pray every day for our nation. Many others are as well.

    We must remember that His ways are far above ours. We must continue to pray and trust in Him.

    Taking action, just as Moses had to do, is also needed.

    We can get out of this and through repentance and reconciliation with God through Christ, we WILL be delivered for all eternity! Hopefully, God will have mercy on our souls and nation, and deliver us from this tyranny here on earth as well.

    Thanks so much for coming by and commenting!


  3. Save America? And when the demented, delusional right wing lunatic fringe "saves" America, who is going to save us from you?

  4. John, you foolish serf, conservatives respect and revere the rule of law. So who will save you from us? THE CONSTITUTION! Try reading it sometime.

  5. You're welcome, Christine. Please continue to share your wisdom here, and may Heaven help heal the great divisions within our land, so we may return to a day where life is sacred, and the Golden Rule is the norm instead of the exception. God Bless America!

  6. Thanks for putting John in his place, madmath1.

    I only release just a few of the mentally disordered liberal's comments. Often they are laced with profanities, so I just delete them. When I do get one that passes the filters (although they are usually still mocking in nature), I release them so that the public can see the derangement we are dealing with when it comes to the diehard ObamaBORG Bots.

    Notice how John never links to a profile or blog of his own. What a scaredy cat! Must be one of those paid Obamatons who go around spewing their silly rhetoric. Anyone who supports ObamaFRAUD now is either evil or not paying attention.

  7. Hi again, Al! You are correct. Only the God of Heaven can heal our land and restore our hearts and minds.

    Jesus told us in Scripture that "in this world you will have trouble (tribulation). But take heart! For I have overcome the world."

    It will be only when we get to Heaven that the true desires of the Christian heart will be met.

    I am currently reading a book/study guide called "Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven" by Dr. David Jeremiah. Just last night I read this section:

    The Holy City (Revelation 21:2)
    First, we read that the New Jerusalem is a "holy city." I've seen some big cities in the world, but I've never seen a holy one. Here's how the Wycliffe Bible Commentary describes the holy city: "A holy city will be one in which no lie will be uttered in one hundred million years, no evil word will ever be spoken. No shady business deals will ever be dicussed, no unclean picture will ever be seen, no corruption of life will ever be manifest. It will be holy becuase everyone in it will be holy"

    Only those who have been cleansed of their sins by the blood of Christ will be able to enter the holy city.

    Awesome! This is what the heart of every Christian believer in Jesus desires! To be with Jesus and be holy like Him!

  8. Yeah, wow Madmath1 you really put me in my place. I'm such a scardy cat...haven't heard that since 3rd grade!!
    Actually I have read the constitution, in full, several times. I refer to it often. It's a brilliant document. And I know it can be altered. I don't know if you know this, Madmath, but they are called "Amendments". That scares the hell out of me when far right-wing lunatic fringe idiots obtain power. The latest amendment attempted was the freedom of Marriage Act which was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution which would have limited marriage in the United States to unions of one man and one woman. The FMA would also have prevented judicial extension of marriage rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples. That's called discrimination if you didn't know. So please don't get all "holier than thou" on me. And Christine, just as an FYI, I don't have a blog, and I don't release much info after my identity was stolen. So you can stop with the slurs...I am neither evil nor am I not paying attention. Just like you to paint everyone who disagrees with you with a wide brush. Spoken like a true "christian", your Jesus would be proud.

  9. John,

    I'm sure that madmath1 can answer for himself. However, I just can't resist pointing out the ridiculous position you have taken:

    "The FMA would also have prevented judicial extension of marriage rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples.

    Or other unmarried couples?? Like who...or what? A cat and a man??

    Plus...isn't that the point that conservatives make? Unmarried couples are just that - not married. The thousand year old definition of marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Why do gays have the right to change that definition? Call it something else - like civil unions. But no. That isn't enough for the radical gay activists. Nope!


    Because their evil intent is to destroy the original meaning of marriage which was not given by the state - it was given by God through His Word, the Bible.

    And don't give me any lectures about what Jesus would think of me. Look in the mirror and ask that same question.

    Do you know Him?

    Have you been born again?

    If not, then you are lost for all eternity. But don't take my word for it - Read John 3.

  10. FYI Everyone -

    I don't know what happened, but John's comment that I released didn't post. Here is the emailed copy and my reply:

    John has left a new comment on your post "To Save America":

    Yeah, wow Madmath1 you really put me in my place. I'm such a scardy cat...haven't heard that since 3rd grade!!
    Actually I have read the constitution, in full, several times. I refer to it often. It's a brilliant document. And I know it can be altered. I don't know if you know this, Madmath, but they are called "Amendments". That scares the hell out of me when far right-wing lunatic fringe idiots obtain power. The latest amendment attempted was the freedom of Marriage Act which was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution which would have limited marriage in the United States to unions of one man and one woman. The FMA would also have prevented judicial extension of marriage rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples. That's called discrimination if you didn't know. So please don't get all "holier than thou" on me. And Christine, just as an FYI, I don't have a blog, and I don't release much info after my identity was stolen. So you can stop with the slurs...I am neither evil nor am I not paying attention. Just like you to paint everyone who disagrees with you with a wide brush. Spoken like a true "christian", your Jesus would be proud.

    Posted by John to Talk Wisdom at May 19, 2010 6:50:00 PM PDT


    Christinewjc has left a new comment on your post "To Save America":


    I'm sure that madmath1 can answer for himself. However, I just can't resist pointing out the ridiculous position you have taken:

    "The FMA would also have prevented judicial extension of marriage rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples."

    Or other unmarried couples?? Like who...or what? A cat and a man??

    Plus...isn't that the point that conservatives make? Unmarried couples are just that - not married. The thousand year old definition of marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Why do gays have the right to change that definition? Call it something else - like civil unions. But no. That isn't enough for the radical gay activists. Nope!


    Because their evil intent is to destroy the original meaning of marriage which was not given by the state - it was given by God through His Word, the Bible.

    And don't give me any lectures about what Jesus would think of me. Look in the mirror and ask that same question.

    Do you know Him?

    Have you been born again?

    If not, then you are lost for all eternity. But don't take my word for it - Read John 3.

    Posted by Christinewjc to Talk Wisdom at May 19, 2010 9:03:00 PM PDT


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