Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Genuine, Brave American Hero [Update]

Regular readers here may have noticed the increased hits here at Talk Wisdom over the past several weeks. One of the most frequent searches that lead people here is the phrase, "the meaning of Christmas."


How sad is it to realize that people have to search for the answer to such an obvious question these days? I could understand people needed to learn about it in a Muslim country, but here in America?

When I was growing up, EVERYONE knew the true meaning of Christmas - even if they weren't necessarily believers.

The second most frequent search that leads new visitors here is the phrase (or something similar), "LTC Terry Lakin."

I have just read THE best article on this brave man's challenge - LTC Terrence Lakin - for proof of Obama's eligibility to be POTUS and Lakin's subsequent court martial hearing for disobeying orders over at American Thinker: Crucible of a Hero.

This has to be one of those rare times that I have seriously considered printing out and framing a blog post!


When Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, M.D. walks out of the chamber where he has faced a court-martial this week, he will emerge -- regardless of the verdict -- a towering American hero.

Nothing like the stupendous display which he has mounted -- of principled, sustained self-sacrifice and fearless defiance -- has been seen in decades on the American political stage. Together with the peril of actual battlefield engagement, it ranks alongside the greatest courageous stances even of the American Revolution itself. Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale -- those kinds of stances.

This case is of shatteringly great significance, and if you don't know about it, well, you can thank the cowards, commies, and crooks at your favorite mainstream media Bureau of Disinformation, National Desk. Lt. Col. Lakin has been abandoned by the establishment press, dastards and lackeys almost to a one. In a just post-Obama world, there is hope that one day, there will come the destruction of a thousand shameful careers in what was once journalism -- via abdication by the press of its vital role as Fourth Estate; desertion of its watch as the protector of American liberty; and its own unforced, alacritous auto-castration.

For historical background and the underpinnings, foundations, and history of this case, see Lt. Col. Lakin himself and Thomas Lifson, both in April 2010; see also

I am so tempted to copy and paste the entire essay here! But before I provide the link to the rest of the story, I must share this paragraph:

In fact, there is more than a certified, long-form birth certificate -- a lot more -- about Barack "Barry Soetoro" Hussein Obama that no one outside the hermetic world of sworn-to-silence hospital personnel, state vital records workers, and college bursar-level functionaries has ever seen. A partial list would include, in addition, Neolani kindergarten records, the Obama-Dunham marriage license, the Obama-Dunham divorce records, the Soetoro-Dunham marriage license, Soetoro adoption records, the Punahou School application and records, Noelami Elementary School records, the Soetoro-Dunham divorce records, consistent selective service registration info, SAT scores, LSAT scores, Occidental College records, financial aid records, passports, Columbia University records, putative Columbia thesis on "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament," Harvard University records, Harvard Law Review records, any writings as president of the Harvard Law Review beyond one tough anti-fetus fragment, Illinois bar records, certificates of baptism or adoption, medical records, Illinois State Senate records from 1997-2004, Illinois State Senate schedule, law practice client list while at Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard, University of Chicago scholarly articles, and more. Oh, but we do have a document from the Fransiskus Assisi School in Jakarta, a Catholic institution, which shows him enrolled as Barry Soetoro -- as a Muslim and an Indonesian.

What a great summary of all that Soetoro-Obama is hiding! What's more, that last sentence in the above paragraph is quite the kicker!

Oh wait. I can't resist ending with this quip:

This is the kind of courage -- after the crawling, burrowing, light-averse invertebrates of the political landscape have long since slithered away and vanished -- that gets statues of a man built in public squares.

Read it all HERE

Hat tip:

American Thinker



While reading the article links in Mr. Richard Kantro's essay, the link to SafeguardOur Constitution was blocked! Live link:

Safeguard Our

More stories about Lakin:

Standing with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin - ©2010 drkate Ironic, isn’t it, when we as Americans have standing to be punished, but not enough standing to ask about our own National Security and its je...

The Post & Email
Is the U.S. now ruled by Military Dictatorship? - WHAT AUTHORITY DO THE ARMY COMMANDERS TRULY HAVE OVER TERRY LAKIN? by Sharon Rondeau (Dec. 15, 2010) — In a move reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984, Lt. C...

Update 12/16/10

I find it interesting that Fox is reporting on this story today. Could it be for the reason that LTC Lakin has pleaded guilty to one of the charges against him and now admits that he used the wrong venue to bring forward the question of Obama's eligibility and unreleased documents that would have proved to all of America whether or not Obama is a natural born citizen?

The article is quite fair in that it DOES mention the fact that natural born citizenship is necessary for an American citizen to hold the office of POTUS. However, it would have been a stronger argument if it had mentioned that Obama's (supposed) biological father was Kenyan and NEVER became a U.S. citizen. That is the entire crux of the matter. As I have posted on my sidebar:

At Barack Obama’s web site, the following admission:

“ Clarifies Barack’s Citizenship

‘When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children…’ “

Read that last line again.

“That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children…”

That’s an admission that Great Britain “governed the status” of Barack Obama, Jr. He has chosen to highlight this on his own volition.

And this leads to the relevant question:


A natural born citizen’s status should only be governed by the United States.

Hat Tip: Natural Born Citizen blog

All that we know (via several judges statements) is that if Obama's records were released, it would have been "an embarrassment" for him. Embarrassed about what? Could you imagine if George W. Bush hid his bona fides and a court judge declared that releasing them would cause embarrassment to him how the libtards and the media of mass deception would have reacted? Keith Olberdummy's head would have exploded!

Unfortunately the "birther" issue and the focus on the hidden vault-length COLB can (and has been) used as a distraction against the REAL issue. No matter what Obama's B.C. says or where he was, in fact, born; if Obama Sr. is Barack's biological dad, there is NO WAY that Obama Jr. could possibly be a natural born citizen of the United States of America. At best, he is a naturalized citizen. At worse, (in the case of him never being naturalized) he is an illegal alien. The only other possible explanations (in my mind) are that Obama's biological father was not Obama Sr., or, the box on the original vault-length COLB was left blank. Does anyone have any other possible explanations for hiding his records?

All of the court cases that have been dismissed with the lawyerese excuse of "not having standing" is a travesty of justice, IMHO. It may have been legal to do so, but obviously not an ethical move. Big surprise...huh? America is filled with unethical judges, lawyers and law clerks.

The cover-up of Obama's bona fides is being tracked by the Library of Congress via The Obama File. If you will notice, the site was selected (way back in 2008) by the Library of Congress for inclusion in their historic collection on the Obama years:

The United States Library of Congress has selected
for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials.

Question: Why would this site be selected if it was not considered a "legitimate collection of Internet materials" about Obama?

Answer: Because the Library of Congress must KNOW that something is suspicious about the hidden records of Obama's past.

One day, all (or most) will be revealed about Obama and I'm sure that if America survives the Obama years, WE THE PEOPLE will have witnessed the closest attempt to take over and overthrow our Constitutional Republic and make our nation into a terrible progressive, Neo-Marxist utopia doomed for the same failure as every other nation that embraced national socialism (a.k.a. Nazism), Marxism, and/or communism.

God help us until this corrupto-crat is removed or voted out of office!

The comments over at Fox are quite interesting. A lot of libtards have invaded and are busy spewing their hate-filled rhetoric against LTC Lakin. One day, when Obama bona fides are revealed, Dr. LTC Lakin will be recognized as a hero for what he did to expose the truth about Obama. It may take a long time, but he will be exonerated - no matter what the Army chooses to do regarding this court-martial.

Here are some of the good (and some funny!) comments over at Fox

Well all I can say is the taxpayers will save alot of money with this president when his library is built, it will be about the size of an outhouse and the only thing in it will be a worn out teleprompter and a blackberry with all the information of course erased.

23 people liked this.

theengineer 3 hours ago

"Why?" it is the real question.
Why is Obama hiding his birth certificate?
Why is Obama hiding his school records?
Why is Obama hiding his college records?
Why is Obama hiding his bar records?
What is he hiding?
What happened to his promised 'transparency'?
Now an honorable man takes a hit to try to do what Congress and/or the Supreme Court has refused to do. What a shame.

28 people liked this.


What a surprise!
Lakin was not allowed to defend himself. He (wrongly) thought his court martial would not be a kangaroo court.

Of course, if his judge Col. Denise Lind had allowed Lakin to defend himself, that would have ended her political career. I am sure it was an easy decision for her: Lakin or her. She had to make sure it was a kangaroo court.

What a travesty!

What is the Manchurian President hiding?
17 people liked this


john_henry_at_yahoo 2 hours ago

What's the difference between Maobama and his dog? His dog has papers.
9 people liked this. Like [Ha ha ha haaaa!]



So despite the fact that Obama has spent millions hiding his personal documents, you are willing to take him and the officials in Hawaii at their word - all of this in light of several secrets that have been exposed by WikiLeaks, which at the very least, indicate that government officials are not "transparent".....this makes you look naive and ignorant.

The website is running VERY SLOW. More later...


  1. Once more, the lying, demagogic, incendiary and just-plain-wrong birfers slink away, licking their wounds and trying to claim 'victory' from a senior army officer who admitted to disobeying lawful orders. Not a word here at TalkWisdom or other birfer sites about the major who had to step in and go to Afghanistan in place of this officer who refused to do his duty (but still requested pre-deployment leave!).

    Not that it really matters here, but I understand that Lakin's brigade commander is that rarest of creatures, a living Medal of Honor recipient. Maybe some of these erstwhile patriots could learn something from him, rather than Lakin.

    As I write this, I do not know the results of the court-martial, but I do know Lakin faces 18 months in Leavenworth, loss of rank and privileges, and separation "at convenience of the government", a polite way of saying “booted out”.

    So weep all you want about LTC Lakin; he is no Claus von Stauffenberg. There will be no statues to him. Considering the situation and the time of year, I'm starting to conclude there might be a Santa Claus after all.

  2. Read "Pretrib Rapture & Demons" on Joe Ortiz's Dec. 14th "End Times Passover" blog!

    [spied above on web - Patricia]

  3. " Maybe some of these erstwhile patriots could learn something from him, rather than Lakin."

    I would have voted with the court to convict Lakin. Nevertheless, I think we can learn a lot about bravery and patriotism from the man.

    Unlike every major liberal politician during the Bush administration, he stood his ground and faced the consequences. Kerry, Edwards, both Clintons, Gore, and the lot of them all claimed that Iraq definitely had WMDs right up until the point that it was time to do something about it. Then they hedged, they fled, they changed. When consequences came, they denied their words.

    At the funeral of Senator Byrd recently, Bill Clinton honored Byrd for lying about his political views on race so that he could get elected, justifying public deception in advance of liberalism as a positive good. And this from a man who lied about his sexual use and abuse of women, while the feminist watchdogs cheered him on because he could publically forward their cause. And this was a commander in chief who actively sought a deferment and escaped the war in England.

    Yes, Lakin disobeyed orders. For that, it is proper that he be punished. He was also a man who did so and acted within the system. Unlike Kerry, who through someone else's awards over a fence in the dead of night and fled, Lakin stood up and claimed his actions.

    As examples go, we could do a lot worse.

  4. No, Mr. Baker, you don't excuse yourself from your duties just because you despise the man at the top. You sign a contract, you live up to it. He did not. I loathed one Commander-in-Chief I had, but I would not have dreamed of making someone else take my place on the line because I was angry at him. As I said, he is no Claus von Stauffenberg. Or maybe he is; he failed, too.

    The hammer has fallen on LTC Terry Lakin.
    Convicted of 4 charges, and receives:
    6 months confinement
    loss of all pay and benefits
    dismissal from the army

    Eighteen years service and he's pissed it all away.

    If he was quartered in base housing, his family will have to move out.
    His pay will cease the day he enters confinement.
    Lieutenant Colonels make pretty good money, and I'm sure he'd saved some; and he is/was a brigade surgeon, so he'll still have that skill to fall back on. But it'll be tough.

    What about his birfer buddies? The ones who gave him advice and support? Will that support still be there when he leaves the stockade? A year ago, he was being groomed as the crowbar that would topple the whole rotten structure of Obama's legitimacy as President, but even before he was sentenced, many of them were treating him more like an unpleasant something on the carpet. It's reported he didn't look much like a Nathan Hale—just a career military man who realized too late the enormity of his mistake.

    The wife of the doctor who had to replace Lakin—herself an officer—testified in court-martial. Lakin's family was conspicuous by their absence. That couldn't have looked good.
    All he'd had to do was wait two more years. By then, he'd have had his pension, and the US would probably have had a legitimate, white president again. But tomorrow, the sun will rise, Obama will still be President, birfers will still be birfers...but Terry Lakin won't still be a commissioned officer in the Army.
    How many other lives/careers must birfers ruin in order to fuel their obsession?

  5. No, Mr. Baker, you don't excuse yourself from your duties just because you despise the man at the top. You sign a contract, you live up to it. He did not. I loathed one Commander-in-Chief I had, but I would not have dreamed of making someone else take my place on the line because I was angry at him. As I said, he is no Claus von Stauffenberg. Or maybe he is; he failed, too.

    The hammer has fallen on LTC Terry Lakin.
    Convicted of 4 charges, and receives:
    6 months confinement
    loss of all pay and benefits
    dismissal from the army
    Eighteen years service and he's pissed it all away.
    If he was quartered in base housing, his family will have to move out.
    His pay will cease the day he enters confinement.
    Lieutenant Colonels make pretty good money, and I'm sure he'd saved some; and he is/was a brigade surgeon, so he'll still have that skill to fall back on. But it'll be tough.

    What about his birfer buddies? The ones who gave him advice and support? Will that support still be there when he leaves the stockade? A year ago, he was being groomed as the crowbar that would topple the whole rotten structure of Obama's legitimacy as President, but even before he was sentenced, many of them were treating him more like an unpleasant something on the carpet. It's reported he didn't look much like a Nathan Hale—just a career military man who realized too late the enormity of his mistake.

    The wife of the doctor who had to replace Lakin—herself an officer—testified in court-martial. Lakin's family was conspicuous by their absence. That couldn't have looked good.
    All he'd had to do was wait two more years. By then, he'd have had his pension, and the US would probably had a legitimate, white president again. But tomorrow, the sun will rise, Obama will still be President, birfers will still be birfers...but Terry Lakin won't still be a commissioned officer in the Army.
    How many other lives/careers must birfers ruin in order to fuel their obsession?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. No, Mr. Baker, you don't excuse yourself from your duties just because you despise the man at the top. You sign a contract, you live up to it. He did not. I loathed one Commander-in-Chief I had, but I would not have dreamed of making someone else take my place on the line because I was angry at him. As I said, he is no Claus von Stauffenberg. Or maybe he is; he failed, too.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. GM,

    I already said that I would have voted to convict for the charges. And the fact that someone had to take his place in the deployment is dispicable, reminiscent of the Vietnam era people who ran away to Canada when called to serve. Yes, such decisions always cause collateral damage. I can't comment on the impact on his family. It's likely that he discussed the impacts with them. His career was his alone, to do with as he chose.

    As for the question of support of others, will they be waiting for him? I don't know, and consider it irrelevant. Integrity has nothing to do with whether or not what you are doing is supported by others, which is likely why liberals have such a poor track record in the characteristic.

    As for ruined lives, Lakin is still far behind the average liberal voter in that regard. His actions were personal, affecting his personal circle. People pushing the government to regulate and over-regulate the lives of every day citizens is responsible for untold suffering.

  10. Wow! you got alot of repeats there GMpilot.
    I think you've missed the fact that Mr. Lakin refused to deploy, not because he doesn't like B.H. Obama. He refused because Mr. Obama hasn't proved his eligibility to hold the office of the presidency.
    Mr. Lakin has been denied the opportunity to defend himself. You probably should consider the violations of the oath of office Mr. Obama has committed, many times over. I think Lt. Col. Lakin has stood up for the principles he believes in. Those principles seem to be more important to him than having "statues" made of him. He feels the orders are not lawful, because the presidency of B.H. Obama is a fraud.


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