Monday, December 13, 2010

News Roundup

As usual for a typical Monday morning, there is so much news to share that it is difficult to select just one blog topic. Therefore, it is time for a News Roundup.

The following is just a small compilation of some of the good, the bad, and the ugly news stories of the morning.

The Good:

posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 8 minutes ago
U.S. District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson ruled today that the federal mandate in Obamacare is unconstitutional. (WREX) The judge ruled that the Constitution’s commerce clause prevents the federal government...

Virginia Judge Declares Health Care Mandate Unconstitutional
posted by William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 34 minutes ago
A Judge in Virginia has held the health care mandate to be unconstitutional. The decision is here and embedded below. The Judge rejected the position of the government that the mandate was an exercise of...


Change… 60% of American Voters Now Favor Repealing Obamacare
posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 2 hours ago
The Obama Administration will no doubt explain this away as just another lapse in communication. 60% of likely voters favor repealing Obamacare in the latest Rasmussen poll. Only 34% are opposed to the idea...

Obama, Pelosi and Reid thought that the majority of American people would fall for their scheme. Well guess what? THEY HAVE NOT!! YAY WE THE PEOPLE!!!

Historical Theology: A Bibliographic Essay
posted by Bill Muehlenberg at CultureWatch - 5 hours ago
Admittedly my writings may not always be everyone’s cup of tea. Here I almost guarantee to reduce my audience quite substantially. Indeed, I may be down to about eight people on the planet who will wish to...

I must admit, this is a weaker area of knowledge for me. I have learned of certain heresies and apostasy over the years, but haven't really studied it as intently as I should. Now I just need to choose which book to start reading!

The Bad:

LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial
posted by citizenwells at Citizen WElls » LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial - 5 hours ago
LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial “Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and...

Spread the word about this case. I have had dozens of hits here at this blog due to searches on information about this travesty of justice against LTC Lakin.

The Theft of Ground Zero
posted by null at American Thinker - 10 hours ago
Islamic supremacists are grifting the system big time. And yet the biggest theft of all is one that everyone has overlooked.

The UK learned the hard way that appeasing Islamic supremacists DOESN'T WORK! When will the liberal elitists wake up to this fact?

The Ugly:

Sarah Palin and the Haters of American Normal
posted by null at American Thinker - 10 hours ago
We are just south of Christmas, and the nation's insiders have declared open season on Sarah Palin.

The next post shows how utterly ridiculous the Palin haters really are! Shows just how far and how deep PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) goes into the evil and cruel hearts of the leftist thugs!

This Is Exactly Why I Don’t Want Sarah To Run
posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb » This Is Exactly Why I Don’t Want Sarah To Run - 1 hour ago
This sweet moment of Bristol Palin straightening out her mom’s hair in Haiti, was captured by an AP photographer, upon her arrival, Saturday. Since Bristol’s face was obscured by her elbow, the left-wing m...

Personally, I think that Sarah Palin does far more damage to the credibility of Obama and the rest of the liberal leftist loons by just being who she is and doing exactly what she has been doing over the past two years. If she does run for president, I think that she should wait until 2016 or later. Just my opinion. However, she has my full support if she chooses to run in 2012.

I Love It When PDS Sufferers Get Humiliated
posted by William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 3 hours ago
Michael Shaw, who blogs at HuffPo, has a serious case of PDS. Upon seeing an AP photo with a caption asserting that Sarah Palin had "her hair done during a visit to a cholera treatment center," Shaw went...

I love it when the liberal leftist lunatics get humiliated too!

Thug in Chief Obama: I’m “Itching For a Fight”
posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 1 hour ago
HOPE and CHANGE – Chicago-Style (Townhall) He’s a uniter. ** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun” ** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!” ** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger...

The title says it all! What a dangerous creep Obama is!

Iranian Regime Sentences a Man to Be Blinded By Acid
posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 4 hours ago
The Iranian regime sentenced a man to be blinded with acid as punishment for a recent attack on his lover’s husband. The Herald Sun reported, via ROP: IRAN’S supreme court has upheld a sentence of blinding...

Speaking of dangerous creeps, I can't decide if the mullahs in the Iranian regime are worse than the North Korean dictator and his ilk. Where are the anti-torture critics on this one? Islam...the religion of peace? That's a big fat NO!

High Treason and Espionage - ©2010 drkate These pages have discussed the legal definition of ‘treason‘ as consisting of the waging of war against the states and the provision of aid an...
10 hours ago

"True Patriot" sums it up well: "If there has ever been a clear case of treason it is spelled OBAMA."

There is much more to report, but that will do it for now.

Hat tips to all links!

1 comment:

  1. ”LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation..”

    No, the separation will come when the Lieutenant Colonel is relieved of his commission, his rank, and (possibly) his pension. Unless he pulls a Perry Mason-style blockbuster revelation (or unless Orly Taitz does it for him—she said she'd be there), that's exactly what's going to happen. His job is to patch up soldiers, not put holes in 'em, but he seems not to want to do that anymore.

    He received lawful orders, and refused to follow them. Deal with it.

    ”Islam...the religion of peace? That's a big fat NO!”

    You don't happen to remember the words of the Prince of Peace, do you? (Mat 10:34~36, NIV):

    "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn " 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law- a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'

    Now tell me: what practical difference is there between his words and Muhammed’s?


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