Saturday, January 08, 2011

Another Terrible Tragedy [Update 7]

Since my computer is still awaiting repair, I turned on the borrowed laptop and the front page headline at The Wall Street Journal website revealed the terribly tragic news that Arizona Congresswoman - Gabrielle Giffords - was Shot in the head and feared killed. Fox News is reporting that she is still alive and in surgery. Several others were shot, too.

Gateway Pundit has additional details. Be sure to read the link to that awful blog - The Daily Kos - for some startling information. I don't want to directly link to it. They have a blog post up with the headline: "My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!"

Prayers go out to her, the additional victims, and their families.

Of course, the blame game begins. I was disheartened to hear Fox News tell a story that someone involved with the TEA Party was responsible.

Why would anyone volunteer to serve in Congress knowing that crazy kooks out there who disagree with a person's ideology and/or politics would resort to such an evil, deathly act of revenge??

Gateway Pundit reports: AZ SHOOTER: JAROD LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto


You can get updates about what is transpiring anywhere on the blogs. I have become curious as to why the Daily Kos scrubbed the following story and comments from the blog!


The Daily Kos story has been scrubbed. Unfortunately, I do not know how to take a screen-shot, but the following is what was written there before it was scrubbed. [NOTE: BAD LANGUAGE ALERT - I will clean up the cuss words found within the copied comments when I get the time.] - Christine


My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
ShareNew 0by BoyBlue
Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:07:17 AM PST
I am from the Tucson area and live in Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords' district. I worked like a dog for her elections when she was in the Arizona house, surrounded by rightwing nutcases. When Arizona re-districted in 2002, a seat opened up and she was right smack in the middle of it. So was I because I live in Oro Valley, Arizona, which is at the heart of that - then - new CD. I
was one of several people to talk her into running and pledging complete loyalty and pledging to raise as much money as possible for her.

She ended up running for the first time against a fellow AZ House member, Randy Graf who was a rightwing whacko who advocated guns in bars and was the "Russell Pearce before Russell Pearce" vis-a-vis border issues. With a LOT of hard work and plenty of money, Gabby won. Easier than thought, too. I never like to throw money in people's faces, but i have given Gabrielle Giffords THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars in both good times and bad times for me financially.

BoyBlue's diary :: ::
Fast forward to this election season. A weirdo asshole named Jesse Kelly who advocated ELIMINATING Social Security and was a tea bagger favorite got the GOP nom to run against her. I am gay and had been married and my spouse left me January 15, 2010. I shot myself in the mouth in a serious suicide attempt, because of that. Barely surviving, I spent two months in the hospital and still have some paralysis. I did receive a severance from my employer, as i had been laid off in December, 2009. That may have been part of the reason my spouse left me.

Anyway, after months of physical and mental rehab, I got back into the political scene and started working for Gabby once again. I raised over $100,000 for her and maxed her out myself out of my severance, even though i still don't have work and could not qualify for state aid because of my severance.

She wins her re-election and told me she was still a supporter of Speaker Pelosi at her victory party. We talked about how Nancy Pelosi was a successful woman and accomplished oh so much in just four years as Speaker.

Today, just a little while ago, I saw on Andrea Mitchell Reports (out of the one eye in can still see out of) that Giffords voted AGAINST Nancy Pelosi as our Minority Leader. Rhetorical question: I fought back from my condition and jumped in with both feet to help Gabrielle Giffords for THIS s**t???

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is dead to me now. I won't lift a finger, make one phone call, nor will i EVER vote for her in the future. And why did she do this? Giffords never told me she was conservative Democrat. And her voting record is okay. Damn.

Tip Jar (11+ / 0-)
Recommended by:fcvaguy, tiponeill, LordMike, BoxerDave, ybruti, BachFan, gooderservice, john07801, kafkananda, Nica24, willie2011

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:07:18 AM PST

Look, it DOESN'T matter WHY (3+ / 0-)
Recommended by:LordMike, BoxerDave, happymisanthropy
she did this or whom she voted for. It could have been Elvis or Jesus accomplishes NOTHING but plays into the MEDIA NARRATIVE of Democrats against Pelosi. Just watch.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:53:00 AM PST

[ Parent ]

BoyBlue, you stated (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:kurt, scotths
her voting record is okay.

If you are satisfied with the way she votes; why not vote for her again?

by Kitty on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:56:38 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Very very poor timing and (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius, Deicide
extremely poor choice of words BoyBlue especially now that she was assassinated an hour ago. Maybe you'll think twice before using terminology like this.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is dead to me now.

The beatings will continue until morale improves. -8.50, -6.92

by ferallike on Sat Jan 08, 2011 at 11:30:12 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Why are you telling us this? (6+ / 0-)
Recommended by:wader, ybruti, murrayewv, bagman, BachFan, Nica24
Call their office and let them know... handwrite this diary on stationary, sign, and hand deliver it to her field office. Those kind of letters get attention.

DARTH SPECTER: I am altering the deal! Pray I don't alter it any further!
LANDO REID: This deal keeps getting worse all the time!

by LordMike on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:09:05 AM PST

because this is a blog. (8+ / 0-)
Recommended by:fcvaguy, BoxerDave, Mikecan1978, UncleCharlie, BachFan, fizziks,
gooderservice, BoyBlue

"I drank what?!" -Socrates

by bagman on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:11:09 AM PST

[ Parent ]

already done. but people need to know (8+ / 0-)
Recommended by:fcvaguy, LordMike, BoxerDave, Mikecan1978, BachFan, sfbob,
Nica24, oxfdblue
about our turncoats. i have even left a message on HER cell. which she won't return.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:11:50 AM PST

[ Parent ]

She voted for Rep. John Lewis (27+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Marie, tiponeill, polecat, Samer, BoxerDave, ybruti,
CanYouBeAngryAndStillDream, homogenius, furi kuri, pat208, bagman, quaoar,
peacestpete, BachFan, mcronan, buckstop, fizziks, TooFolkGR, kurt, BoyBlue,
davehouck, artisan, bythesea, lineatus, DaNang65, gramofsam1, wwjjd
Not Shuler. Statement:

Congresswoman Giffords today cast a ceremonial vote in the process of confirming Rep. John Boehner as the next Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The congresswoman’s vote for Rep. John Lewis signaled her desire for courageous leadership and high moral standards at a critical time in our nation’s history. He is one of our nation’s most prominent civil rights leaders and a hero to all Americans.

John Lewis spent a lifetime standing up for the enduring values that sets our nation apart from all others. He is widely admired by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both houses of Congress. Sen. John McCain, put it well in his 2004 book, “Why Courage Matters: the Way to a Braver Life.” Sen. McCain wrote that “John Lewis was as courageous as anyone could ever hope to be.”

In words and deeds, John Lewis should be a clear and bright guiding light for every member of Congress and every American. His integrity and civility is an example for us all.

by Adam B on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:13:49 AM PST

I thought you meant against Pelosi as Min. Leader (3+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius, kurt, lineatus
For THAT I could see your vitriol, but on this?

What was essentially a coronation for Boehner? Not so much. Heck, she could have voted for Donkey Kong, and I wouldn't care much. [But I agree that Shuler would be a terrible choice.]

We don't want our country back, we want our country FORWARD. --Eclectablog

by Samer on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:19:42 AM PST

[ Parent ]

She Might Have (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Samer
If memory serves, Giffords kept her Minority Leader vote on the DL.

Too Folk For You

by TooFolkGR on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:27:02 AM PST

[ Parent ]

well thanks for this but it is silly. (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Samer, BoxerDave
why? because she is helping the media narrative that NINETEEN Democrats voted against Nancy Pelosi. I always knew Gabby wasn't the brightest bulb (but always voted correctly), but i must say, that vote and that statement, in lieu of how the media spins things like this is just....STUPID. And Pelosi has a LOOOONG memory and our CD is now at the bottom of the barrel because of this. She embarrassed the former Speaker, she embarrassed herself, and she embarrassed ME as a former supporter.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:19:48 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Um... (4+ / 0-)
Recommended by:eddytom, kurt, Kickemout, Neuroptimalian
You always knew she wasn't the brighest bulb? Why would you give thousands of your own dollars away to someone you thought was stupid? Sounds like you may be the one who isn't the brightest bulb.

by MRobDC on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:22:41 AM PST

[ Parent ]

perhaps, but i wanted a more left congressperson. (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:30:37 AM PST

[ Parent ]

A Couple Points (14+ / 0-)
Recommended by:tiponeill, polecat, Samer, BoxerDave, Catte Nappe, homogenius,
furi kuri, peacestpete, mcronan, fizziks, kurt, gramofsam1, wwjjd, FiredUpInCA
First: Giffords is an actual Blue Dog (not like the way Kossacks use it) so if you've worked so hard for her I don't know how you wouldn't know that.

Second: She didn't vote for Shuler. She voted for John Lewis; as did fellow Blue Dog John Barrow.

Too Folk For You

by TooFolkGR on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:19:06 AM PST

not so shocking (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave, TooFolkGR
that a blue dog is against Pelosi.

by House of Gin on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:20:35 AM PST

[ Parent ]

No, And It Will Play Well In Her District (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:mcronan, DaNang65
Same for Barrow when the time comes.

Too Folk For You

by TooFolkGR on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:22:17 AM PST

[ Parent ]

do YOU live here? Pelosi was NOT an issue (0+ / 0-)
in this election. keep buying into the media BULLS**T, bro!!!

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:27:56 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Your District is R+4 "Bro" (3+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius, mcronan, bythesea
I didn't say Pelosi was a big factor in the district, but she's even less of a factor now that whoever runs against her next time won't be able to say, "And she voted to continue San Francisco Liberal Nancy Pelosi's tenure as speaker!"

Too Folk For You

by TooFolkGR on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:31:23 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Tucson "Rs" are usually moderate to even liberal (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:54:37 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Yup - the kind that might vote for a Blue Dog (0+ / 0-)
but not for a real progressive. So, advantage Gabby.

You might consider moving to Raul's district if it means that much to you...

by furi kuri on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:43:20 PM PST

[ Parent ]

read my comment to Adam B below please (0+ / 0-)

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:28:25 AM PST

[ Parent ]

yeah but fact remains (0+ / 0-)
she's a freakin blue dog. The shocking thing is you believed her lies and worked for her. Lesson learned.

by House of Gin on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:24:38 PM PST

[ Parent ]

she has told me personally that she is a (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:tiponeill, BoxerDave
BDINO = Blue Dog In Name Only

So, yeah, i did know that. And she comes from a rich family so let her finance her own ***dam elections from now on. But i hope she loses. Rumor has it Arizona's "Independent" Re-Districting Commission (but in reality, is a GOP shill group) is planning on tossing her and Grijalva into the same CD for next time. Well, hmmm, since i helped them BOTH in 2010, and now this backstabbing from Giffords, who do you think i will work for next time??? Hint: i LOVE Raul
and he is a friend as well and is sooo strong on my signature issues of gay rights.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:26:47 AM PST

[ Parent ]

She Lied To You (3+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Adam B, tle, peacestpete, mcronan
ProgressivePunch rates Giffords almost dead last among Democrats when it comes to voting on the right side in the areas of Aid to the Less Advantaged, Fair Taxation, and Making the Government Work for Everybody, Not Just the Rich and Powerful.

Too Folk For You

by TooFolkGR on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:29:19 AM PST

[ Parent ]

okay, so she's a liar and i am an idiot. (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave
she's STILL dead to me.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:31:19 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Considering that much of Jesse Kelly's campaign (7+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Samer, Catte Nappe, Mikecan1978, mcronan, fizziks, VClib, wwjjd
consisted of painting Gabby as a "Pelosi Democrat", can you conceive that the Lewis vote was for protective cover come 2012 ("I voted against Nancy Pelosi") and may even have been with the new Minority Leader's blessing? It's not like the vote was critical, or even close. Perhaps you're overreacting here.

Pancho needs your prayers it's true, but save a few for Lefty, too. Townes van

by DaNang65 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:20:07 AM PST

wrong. do YOU live here? (0+ / 0-)
That was NOT a central tenet of his whacko campaign. Don't say s**t unless you
know, k???

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:29:35 AM PST

[ Parent ]

In fact I do live in Tucson, in CD-07, (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius, mcronan
and heard a never ending stream of tv commercials by or on Kelley's behalf. Perhaps you think of Oro Valley as representative of CD-08, I think it's much more about Cochise County and the east side of town.

Pancho needs your prayers it's true, but save a few for Lefty, too. Townes van Zandt.

by DaNang65 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:34:12 AM PST

[ Parent ]

I know CD-07 better. I walked, er, limped it. (0+ / 0-)
MANY times. And it is FULL of "Giffords Republicans." full of liberal Republicans in general? Do you know the names Jim Kolbe, Toni Hellon, and Mike Hellon???

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:04:33 PM PST

[ Parent ]

Is this some sort of twenty questions game? (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:mcronan
Do I get to ask any?
Of course I know who Jim Kolbe is. Being in LD-27 I'm not as familiar with the Hellon's, but have a vague awareness of their existence. Now my turn. Why was it necessary to put the word CongressWOMAN in that capitalization? Should I infer something from your sig line?

Pancho needs your prayers it's true, but save a few for Lefty, too. Townes van Zandt.

by DaNang65 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:16:22 PM PST

[ Parent ]

we both had expressed admiration for a WOMAN (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave, Catte Nappe
Speaker and how things have come a long way. Then she throws Nancy under the bus? Giffords isn't qualified to carry Pelosi's Prada handbag.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:40:45 PM PST

[ Parent ]

That's an acceptable explanation, although (0+ / 0-)
it might have been better spelled out in the text. Obviously any inference I might have drawn would have been inappropriate. I still disagree with the necessary truth of your assertion that Rep. Giffords threw the former Speaker under the bus, and neither you nor I really know what,
if any, transactions occurred privately between them. Politics ain't beanbag, as Mr. Dooley noted.

Pancho needs your prayers it's true, but save a few for Lefty, too. Townes van Zandt.

by DaNang65 on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:58:42 PM PST

[ Parent ]

The inference I made.... (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoyBlue
to the capitalization is this: Democratic women might want to support other Democratic women achieve as much power as possible in Congress (since women are underrepresented there).

Should BoyBlue (and the other gays reading this diary's thread) infer something about comments in this thread which ask "Why are you telling us this?" (and thank you bagman for your appropriate reply to that question....I'd tip you 100xs for that if I could), or that make an ad hominmen attack on the diarist by suggesting he's hysterical (you know us gays, how f**king hysterical we can be) and needs to "calm down"?

by BoxerDave on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:43:41 PM PST

[ Parent ]

Oh, and might I add.... (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoyBlue
...that five kossacks (I'm naming them in case they delete their tip) tipped the ad hominem comment.

Adam B, homogenius, Annalize5, mcronan, bythesea, you should all be ashamed for
tipping such an attack.

by BoxerDave on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:54:33 PM PST

[ Parent ]

It was an attack on the tone of the writing. (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius
However, had I known the author was gay (I take your word for it), I wouldn't have tipped it b/c of the word hysterical -- nor do I like seeing it used against women. For that reason, I'll pick up the rec.

by Adam B on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 05:17:46 PM PST

[ Parent ]

Thank you so much for ur support. (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave
I appreciate it...bigtime. and, if you're gay like i am, even on progressive sites like this, we need to stick together. Giffords voted to repeal DADT and always accepted my being gay. THAT'S kinda why her vote "hurt" so much. I am bringing it up at our next local Democratic precinct meeting. Thanks again, Dave!!!!

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 06:01:48 PM PST

[ Parent ]

Looking at previous diaries (4+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius, Annalize5, mcronan, bythesea
You seem to have a knack for writing alarmist, hysterical diaries. Have a nice cup of tea, watch a little TV, and calm down a little before writing diaries please.

by MRobDC on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:37:47 AM PST

Perhaps I *feel* a little too much. (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave
I am working on that stuff with my shrinks after my suicide attempt. But thanks (sarcasm) for pointing that out. Actually, and THIS is silly, part of what went through my mind before i pulled the trigger - aside from the end of my gay marriage - was Blanche Lincoln killing the public option and the general feeling that HCR wasn't going anywhere. THAT'S how dedicated i am.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:59:33 AM PST

[ Parent ]

That's not dedication (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:mcronan
It is something I am glad to hear you are working hard on with your "shrinks".

I know that, but I don't believe it

by Catte Nappe on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:24:23 PM PST

[ Parent ]

Understand that political change is a long-term (6+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Catte Nappe, blindcynic, mcronan, BoyBlue, john07801, psychodrew
job. Please don't bet your life on such things again.

Good luck.

Freedom has two enemies: Those who want to control everyone around them...and those who feel no need to control themselves.

by Sirenus on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:30:00 PM PST

[ Parent ]

This is silly. (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:mcronan, bythesea
This is a district vote and one that is meaningless because she knows Pelosi will get the Leader position anyway. Giffords is a good one in a very red state (I live her too). It's standard fair to allow the purple districts to take some "face-saving" votes.

by BrowniesAreGood on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:52:23 AM PST

it plays into the media narrative of (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:LordMike, BoxerDave
"Democrats against Pelosi" that only serves to help the repugs.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:56:22 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Until unemployment is under 9% (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:mcronan
it won't matter if she voted for Jesus Christ for Speaker. She's in an R+4, she's lucky she squeeked by this time.

by MRobDC on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:58:12 AM PST

[ Parent ]

Look at her previous elections. (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave
Her CD is VERY moderate, even liberal...VERY liberal in parts. and pro-gay. +R
sometimes means less than people here think.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:02:06 PM PST

[ Parent ]

A very moderate district (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:tiponeill, mcronan
doesn't give Jesse Kelly 47.2% of the vote and the libertarian 3.9%. If the Liberterian hadn't been the race, Kelly would be your rep now. keep that in mind.

by MRobDC on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:07:35 PM PST

[ Parent ]

I don't buy that thinking. Sorry. Sell crazy (0+ / 0-)
someplace else, cuz i ain't buyin'.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:42:22 PM PST

[ Parent ]

It's a meaningless gesture (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:Catte Nappe, mcronan
and doesn't affect her important votes (such as her vote for DADT repeal ).

And next election you will have the choice of her or Jesse Kelly again.

I'm in Gabby's district now, and she has always been a blue dog - but she has always been the politican that saves us from the Jesse Kelly's of Arizona.

John McCain is deeply disappointed that Barack Obama has failed to follow through on John McCain's campaign promises.

by tiponeill on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:03:23 PM PST

Don't write a just diary about it.... (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:tiponeill, BoyBlue
....Write her an email. Easy enough to find the necessary link.

Then look for her name and go to her website; then check for a Contact link.

Someone who has given her as much support as you should make an impression if you complain.

And....just a suggestion....ease off a bit from now on. You shouldn't beggar yourself supporting any political candidate. Direct more of your money and your energy to your your own concerns and good health.

Freedom has two enemies: Those who want to control everyone around them...and those who feel no need to control themselves.

by Sirenus on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:28:13 PM PST

Oops! That subject line should be (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave, BoyBlue
"don't just write a diary."

My bad.

Freedom has two enemies: Those who want to control everyone around them...and those who feel no need to control themselves.

by Sirenus on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 12:32:44 PM PST

[ Parent ]

After reading your diary, and.... (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoyBlue
...nearly all of the comments in this thread, you deserve an empathic response from me BoyBlue. I'll do my best; here goes.

That Giffords did not bother to return your call after all the work you did for her, says something about her. If I had worked for her as you did, and if she had, after all my hard work, not returned my telephone call, I'd be furious with her. You'd be crazy not to be angry about that.

Thanks for writing this diary and for putting her name on my radar; I knew little about her before this diary/diary thread.

You certainly don't need to be asked "Why are you telling us this?", or "have a cup of tea" and chill out (not sure if there's some subtext to those comments or not, but the thread, overall, has put me in a surly mood). Some people are cruel mo********kers; but, you know this.

Stay strong; stay active; stay vocal.

by BoxerDave on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:22:23 PM PST

thank you for the VERY kind words!!!!!!!!! (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave
: )

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 01:44:32 PM PST

[ Parent ]

you are sooo cool and sweet!!! thank you again!!! (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:BoxerDave
my facebook, if ur interested, can be found at my private email:

You keep the faith, too, buddy!!!

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 06:04:15 PM PST

[ Parent ]

sorry my facebook can be found at: (0+ / 0-)

left out the 9 the first time.

Not a single issue voter, but if I was, gay rights would be it. I just want Democrats to be tough. And I wish Obama were tougher. That's all. I'm a proud gay!

by BoyBlue on Fri Jan 07, 2011 at 08:36:56 AM PST

[ Parent ]

What's your feelings now she IS dead? (2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:homogenius, guinea
Words aren't always just words.

If I were a praying person, I'd pray for both of your souls.

by ColoTim on Sat Jan 08, 2011 at 11:16:10 AM PST

This dairy is chilling with the shooting (1+ / 0-)
Recommended by:ColoTim

by guinea on Sat Jan 08, 2011 at 11:57:09 AM PST

[ Parent ]

The author did post on the first front page (0+ / 0-)
diary about this, saying how he was very upset about this and how he had been planning on going to the event but changed his mind due to his mother's illness.

My guess is they'll never use the "dead to me" term ever again.

by ColoTim on Sat Jan 08, 2011 at 12:05:49 PM PST

[ Parent ]

You killed Gabrielle Gifford, you bastard! (0+ / 0-)
Way to go.


Update 2:

The following link has a screen shot of the original Daily Kos post:

Ellis County Observer


Also see:

Michelle Malkin - Horror: Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shot at Tuscon event, 4 5 dead; Update: Reports that Giffords still alive, in surgery; President Obama, Speaker Boehner, Palin, Brewer react; shooter ID’d as Jared Loughner


Update 3: While posting comments on Sarah Palin's Facebook page, one commenter there has written back to me and identified the Boy Blue blogger as the shooter! I cannot confirm this at the moment, but will try to get more information and report it here.
- Christine


Update 4: Here is the conversation that I had with Albert on Facebook:

Christine W. January 8 at 8:52pm
I just wanted to confirm that what you wrote on Sarah Palin's wall is a fact. How do you know (for certain) that "Boy Blue" is the shooter? Have you seen the (now scrubbed) posting about Boy Blue and his comments at the Daily Kos blog? I have a copy of it at my blog. Here is the link.
Talk Wisdom: Another Terrible Tragedy [Update 2]

Talk Wisdom's goal is to defend the tenets and values of Biblical Christian faith. We defend our Constitutional Republic and Charters of Freedom, especially when speaking out against destructive social and political issues. As followers of our Savior and Lord, we should boldly stand up for Jesus Christ.

Share Albert W. January 8 at 8:56pm Report
Here is the scrubbed original page!-And-is-now-DEAD-to-me

Here is the cached (saved page)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation

I am from the Tucson area and live in Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords' district. I worked like a dog for her elections when she was in the Arizona House, surrounded by rightwing nutcases. When Arizona re-districted in 2002, a seat opened up and she was right smack in the middle of it. So was I bec

Share Christine W. January 8 at 9:00pm
Thanks Albert -but I really wanted to know how you know that "Boy Blue" is Jared Loughner?

Albert W. January 8 at 9:08pm Report
Somewhere there is a screen capture of BlueBoy profile that shows he is Jerad Loughner. Can't seem to local at the minute but will keep looking.


Update 5: TONS of information, photos, saved scrubbed web pages, and videos about the killer, Jared Loughner, at Hillbuzz. In fact, they are asking the same question that I am asking:

UPDATE: 311pm CST Shooter has been identified as Jared Laughner. Was Jared Laughner a regular reader/writer/commenter on Daily Kos?

Is Jared Laughner “BoyBlue” from Daily Kos or is he in any way affiliated with Daily Kos?

Also, while you are over at Hillbuzz, be sure to read the following link:

Identify instances where the Leftist media tried to pin something on the Tea Party where it ended up being Muslims or Leftists who committed those crimes.

Here's a copy of the post:

Today, in the wake of the assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (which left 5 confirmed dead and over a dozen seriously injured, including the Congresswoman herself), the Leftist media tried desperately to pin this attack on the Tea Party movement and conservatives.

In reality, the would-be assassin was 22 year old Jared Lee Loughner, a confirmed Leftist who was upset Congresswoman Giffords opposed Nancy Pelosi and the Left’s open borders agenda.

What are other instances where the Leftist media attempted to pin some terrible event on the Tea Party or conservatives in general, where it turned out the atrocities were committed either by Leftist Democrats or Muslims?

We can think of a three others right off the top of our heads:

(1) NYC Times Square car bomb attempt: where Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Leftist media attempted to blame the Tea Party, but it was a Muslim who was responsible for attempting to detonate a car filled with makeshift explosives bent on murdering scores of people in Times Square.

(2) February 2010 IRS plane attack: where the Leftist media tried to claim the Tea Party was involved in an attack on an Austin, Texas IRS facility; turns out the pilot was a Democrat.

(3) Ft. Hood attack: where the Leftist media tried to claim the Tea Party was responsible for murders on an Army base; turns out it was a Muslim who shouted “Admiral Akbar!” at the top of his lungs while opening fire on his fellow soldiers.

Can you cite other instances where the Leftist media has tried its best to pin something on Tea Party members when in the end it turns out Muslims or Leftists were actually responsible?

I was thinking the EXACT same thing a few hours ago. I thought to myself how often it turns out to be radical Islamists or radical leftist lunatics that turn out to be the perpetrators of horrible crimes - but Sarah Palin, or TEA Party Patriots, or even President George W. Bush are all somehow blamed??

Are people seriously falling for this crapola anymore?? Geez....



Update 6:

Just learned (via Fox and Friends show during and interview with Jennifer Griffin) that Loughner may have been influenced and/or connected in some way to an anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-Zionist occupation, anti-semitic group...called "American Renaissance." Jennifer described the website postings as "anti-white double standard - it's a racially motivated group." As many people already know, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is Jewish. Searching for additional stories on this new development.


Update 7 @ 9:04 a.m. PT

Gateway Pundit is now reporting:

The American Renaissance hate group denied knowing Jared Loughner. The founder of AmRen said they looked at their books and have not record of the Tucson shooter attending any events or being a member of the organization. They don’t know where DHS got their “sloppy” information.

Mr. Jared Taylor, the founder of AmRen, told FOX News:

“I had never heard of Loughner until yesterday. That is complete nonsense. I have absolutely no idea what DHS is talking about. We have never used the term “ZOG”. We have never thought in those terms…

If this is the level of research we are getting from DHS then heaven help us.”

James Rosen at FOX News reported.

Who to believe? A hate group or Obama’s politicized DHS?


  1. Yep, the blame game has begun, and Gateway Pundit, unusually for them, seems to have started it.
    It turns out that the Communist Manifesto wasn't Jared Loughner's only favorite book.
    He also lists Plato's The Republic. Yet another is Mein Kampf. Make of it what you will.
    As for that 'watching US flags burn' crap, I decided to go straight to the source. Maybe you should, too:

    ”Why would anyone volunteer to serve in Congress knowing that crazy kooks out there who disagree with a person's ideology and/or politics would resort to such an evil, deathly act of revenge??”
    People are probably saying the same thing in Pakistan, after a similar event which happened there less than a week ago:

  2. GM,

    For some unknown reason, your comment ended up in the spam box.

    Unlike those who would try to pin this incident on Palin, TEA Party Patriots or even President Bush, at least the Gateway Pundit concentrated on the PERP and his possible motives as evidenced by his online rantings. Check out Hillbuzz for more details.

  3. I didn't name any names. The link I posted ALSO concentrated on the shooter, and quoted some of his writings and rants as well. YOU, on the other hand, cited both Daily Kos and FOX 'News' and their attempts to place blame.
    We both know the one person to blame is Loughner himself. He chose to go there and start shooting.

    So my post ended up in the spam box, eh? If you want me gone, just ban me and be done with it; don't give me some crapola about it happening “for some unknown reason”. You're the webmistress, after all.

  4. GM,

    I only wrote that to inform you of the situation. Blogger has an automatic spam filter now and occasionally, it throws legitimate comments in there by mistake. Since several hours passed by before I released your comment, I thought you might have wanted to know why since I was online the entire time posting updates to the original blog post.

    Just learned (via Fox and Friends show) that Loughner may have been a member of some anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-Zionist, white supremacist group...called "(something) Renaissance." Will post an update on blog after finishing this comment and after I get the correct name of the group.


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