Sunday, January 09, 2011

Libs Using Tragic Event to Spark Anger?

Recall that Glenn Beck warned that the progressives would start a fight to try and get Conservatives, Independents, TEA Party Patriots, and Sarah Palin supporters (etc.) angry enough to cause people to resort to violence? Could the use of this terribly tragic event be the spark that they are using to try and do that?

Patriots, don't let them change you! Don't let them turn your (our) focus away from the plans we have to peacefully, and through voting and legal ways, bring our country back from the clutches of Soros, Obama & all their evil cohorts!

Remember to utilize the 4 E’s!

Some of the evidence:

State-Run Media Interviews Friend of Shooter… Completely Ignores Her Claims That Shooter Was “Left-Wing” and “Quite Liberal” (Video)
posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 1 hour ago
More deceit from the state-run media… ABC interviewed a friend of the Tucson gunman, Caitlin Parker. Yesterday Caitlin tweeted that Loughner was “far left” and “quite liberal.” If you thought that ABC woul...

Big Government
Arizona Massacre Exposes: Tea Party Is Afforded Less Benefit Of The Doubt Than Radical Islam! - What does the Ft. Hood massacre, and Saturday’s Arizona massacre have in common? Almost nothing. With Ft. Hood, an open islamist gunned down dozens in an a...

The Blaze - Stories
Washington Post Eugene Robinson Violent Rhetoric Comes Exclusively From The Right -

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, January 9, 2011, 11:08 AM
Don’t ever let a horrible slaughter at a supermarket go to waste.

Big Journalism
As Arizona Shooting Story Unfolds, Media Already Blaming Tea Party/Sarah Palin - Even as the early, sketchy details of the shooting incident in Arizona were still emerging some members of the left-leaning media were already trying to ti... - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
Within Minutes of Shooting, CNN Finds Local Liberal to Blame State's 'Rabid Right' and Gun 'Fetish' - Within minutes of reporting the horrific shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other innocents in Tucson, as the early reports wrongly cited Giffords...

The Media & The Shooter - “*The tea party movement won* in November. *Winners don’t go on shooting sprees.*” This morning we pray for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, her family, ...

A Time For Choosing
Listen Up Lefties: The Difference Between The DNC’s Bull’s-Eyes And Sarah Palin’s Surveyor’s Crosshairs - By Gary P Jackson The radical left and their allies in the media have been working over time trying to blame the tragic mass murder in Arizona Saturday mor...

Atlas Shrugs
Hitler Lover Loughner Targeted First Jewish Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords - In this video, the Arizona political leftwing radical mass slaughterer, Jared Loughner, is dressed up as a terrorist as he sets the American flag on fire. Th...

Disgusting. AP Goes There… Blames Palin & Tea Party For Shootings By Marx-Supporting Liberal Lunatic
posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 5 hours ago
Friends described shooter Jason Loughner as “far left” and “liberal.” For some reason that did not make the AP story. Federal Judge John M. Roll, a Bush appointee, was among the people fatally shot outside...

Two Sicknesses On Display in Arizona
posted by William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 6 hours ago
The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of several people by gunman Jared Loughner in Arizona yesterday has revealed two sicknesses. The first and most serious is the sickness liv...

Hat Tips to all links


  1. “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Barack Hussein Obama

    Remember Mr. Obama saying this and those in the media thought it was so clever. It makes me sick.

  2. ”Recall that Glenn Beck warned that the progressives would start a fight to try and get Conservatives, Independents, TEA Party Patriots, and Sarah Palin supporters (etc.) angry enough to cause people to resort to violence?“

    No. You mean it was liberals who were packing sidearms at political rallies last summer, as well as talking about 'second amendment solutions'?

    Gee, I must have missed that...

    ”Could the use of this terribly tragic event be the spark that they are using to try and do that?”

    No. I could see some demagogue seizing on this (and in fact, I see some trying),
    If you have evidence that supports this you should be telling the FBI--oh wait, you don't trust the government, do you?

  3. GMpilot,

    If I ran for congress and won, would you trust me?


  4. Sosthenes: ”If I ran for congress and won, would you trust me?”

    If you ran for Congress, presumably you'd have told everyone what you support and what you disapprove of. If I agreed with them, I'd not only trust you, I'd vote for you.

    If I disagreed with your viewpoints and you won anyway, I'd likely protest, depending on how strongly I felt...but I would not use violent imagery calling for your removal, nor would would I carry heat in order to remove you from office myself.

  5. Gmpilot, please google these quotes and tell me who said them:

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
    Get out there and “punish our enemies”
    “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
    “Punch back twice as hard.”
    I want to know “whose ass to kick”
    “…I’m itching for a fight.”

    It wasn't the Republicans...


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