Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama Releases "Long Form" Birth Certificate? [Update 3 5/2/11]

What a surprise! Barack Hussein Obama has now released his vault length long form Certificate of Live Birth! After 2 1/2 years, doesn't it seem strange that he would do this? Why here? Why now? In particular, why TODAY?

Due to time constraints, I will just link to the first blog post that I read about this development:

Legal Insurrection: Obama Releases "Long Form" Birth Certificate?

I'm glad that the author put a question mark at the end of his blog post title. I will do the same! Be sure to read the comments there! Eye opening - to say the least!

How ironic that Glenn Beck claimed that the birth certificate issue is, and would continue to be, a huge distraction. While I may not agree with him entirely, I DO AGREE that the choice of releasing it TODAY, in particular, is very, very suspicious. Why? One commentator at Legal Insurrection tells us:

Stop shouting... said...
1. It looks nothing like the Nordyke Certificate.
2. The BC is irrelevant -- the issue is one of "Natural Born", and as his father was not a US citizen, he does not meet that proof.
3. The pressure is getting to the WH. His internal poll #'s must be even lower than what the lapdog media is reporting.


This is an Administration which EXCELS at misdirection.

Everyone's talking about the BC now.
How many people remember that the FED is holding their first press conference in almost 100 years at 2 pm Eastern today?????

How "convenient" that the BC would be released, today, of all days.


My comment is still in moderation over there (as of 7:34 a.m. PT), but this is basically what I wrote:

Uh oh.... this COLB also states that Kenyan born Obama Sr's race is "African." Back in 1961, that "politically correct" description wasn't used for race. If authentic, it would have read "black" or "negro."

Even so, the TRUE eligibility question is not being answered. If Obama's biological father was Obama Sr., we know for a fact that Obama Sr. never became a United States Citizen. Therefore, with a foreign father, Obama Jr. cannot possibly be a natural born citizen of the United States of America.

If Obama's father was someone other than Obama Sr. and that person was (is) a U.S. Citizen, then Obama would be eligible but his past would be revealed as a fairy tale lie.

Checked again and the comment is now posted over at Legal Insurrection:

Uh oh....this one also states father's race as "African." Back in 1961, RACE would have been written "black" or "negro," wouldn't it?

Plus, since his father was born in Kenya and never became a U.S. Citizen, this certificate also proves that Obama Jr. could not be a natural born citizen of the United States of America and thus he is, and ever shall be, ineligible for POTUS. That is, unless this COLB is a fake and the biological father is someone other than Obama Sr.

At Barack Obama’s web site, the following admission:

“ Clarifies Barack’s Citizenship

‘When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children…’ “

Read that last line again.

“That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children…”

That’s an admission that Great Britain “governed the status” of Barack Obama, Jr. He has chosen to highlight this on his own volition.

And this leads to the relevant question:


A natural born citizen’s status should only be governed by the United States.

Hat Tip: Natural Born Citizen blog

But let's not let this issue cause people to ignore the FED news conference today.

How many people remember that the FED is holding their first press conference in almost 100 years at 2 pm Eastern today?????

How "convenient" that the BC would be released, today, of all days.

Good question. I guess we will find out at 2:00 p.m. today.

Hat Tip:

Legal Insurrection



Several blogs are now reporting that the new long form birth certificate is a fake. Is anyone really surprised by this? I'm not.

Will add blog posts as I find them:

1. The Post & Email: Dr. Ron Polland Evaluates Obama’s “Birth Certificate”

2. IBTimes: Obama birth certificate is fake.


5/1/11 Update

Watch the video at Youtube which reveals the expert analysis that the document was changed:

Youtube: JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! - Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)

See this one too!

100% PROOF! Obama "RESOLVES" That He Is Not Eligible To Be President! (Condemning Info!)

Update 3

Found a very interesting tidbit of information from this blog:

Obama Crimes: Could this be the Real Obama Birth Certificate?

Notice this post in the comment section:

Judith Neeley says:
May 1, 2011 at 2:13 AM A friend just forwarded me this info about the ‘new’ birth certificate. I haven’t seen mention of these things here, so thought you’d find this of interest: (Keep up the good work, by the way. I’d donate, however I lost my house to foreclosure and barely surviving)

The problem with this “new” birth certificate is that it’s well….NEW.

It lists his birthday as August 4, 1961, then list his fathers native country as Kenya. The problem with that is Kenya didn’t exist until 1963, it was British East Africa or East Africa Protectorate until then. It also lists the hospital of his birth as Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, which didn’t exist until 1978. Prior to that time it was Kauaikeolani Children’s Hospital. It’s is also dated April 25, 2011 with Dr. Alvin T. Onaka signing to the stamp of ” I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii Department of State Health”. Being an abstract does not mean it real or official, it means it matches what is in the electronic system, which would have been put in some time after 1978 because of the hospital name, and as recently as April 25, 2011 because of the date, or any time in between.


  1. "Even so, the TRUE eligibility question is not being answered. If Obama's biological father was Obama Sr., we know for a fact that Obama Sr. never became a United States Citizen. Therefore, with a foreign father, Obama Jr. cannot possibly be a natural born citizen of the United States of America."

    Wrong. You need to read the U.S. Constitution, and the many Supreme Court cases which say that a child born in the U.S. becomes a citizen, regardless of whether his parents become citizens.


    This whole thing is crazy.

  3. Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit

    "But that’s not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator."

    He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. “I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

  4. "A natural born citizen’s status should only be governed by the United States."

    And it was.
    It is.
    It's been confirmed yet again, right now.
    Tinfoil Taitz has been screaming for and about it for two years. Now she's got her evidence. But she doesn't believe it, any more than you do. That doesn't make you right, it just makes you (and her) delusional.

    What will you say when she's squashed again in court on May 2?

  5. 5/1/11 Update

    Watch the video at Youtube which reveals the expert analysis that the document was changed:

    Youtube: JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! - Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)

  6. Update 3

    Found a very interesting tidbit of information from this blog:

    Obama Crimes: Could this be the Real Obama Birth Certificate?

    Notice this post in the comment section:

    Judith Neeley says:
    May 1, 2011 at 2:13 AM A friend just forwarded me this info about the ‘new’ birth certificate. I haven’t seen mention of these things here, so thought you’d find this of interest: (Keep up the good work, by the way. I’d donate, however I lost my house to foreclosure and barely surviving)

    The problem with this “new” birth certificate is that it’s well….NEW.

    It lists his birthday as August 4, 1961, then list his fathers native country as Kenya. The problem with that is Kenya didn’t exist until 1963, it was British East Africa or East Africa Protectorate until then. It also lists the hospital of his birth as Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, which didn’t exist until 1978. Prior to that time it was Kauaikeolani Children’s Hospital. It’s is also dated April 25, 2011 with Dr. Alvin T. Onaka signing to the stamp of ” I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii Department of State Health”. Being an abstract does not mean it real or official, it means it matches what is in the electronic system, which would have been put in some time after 1978 because of the hospital name, and as recently as April 25, 2011 because of the date, or any time in between.


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