Sunday, May 01, 2011

Big News! Osama bin Laden is Dead! [Update 5]

I was driving home from a quick run to the grocery store when I first heard on Geraldo's show that Bin Laden is dead! The first blog on my blogroll to announce this was Atlas Shrugs.

Praise be to God that our brave military continued to pursue the illusive Al Qaeda murderer and mastermind and was finally successful!!!

HT: Atlas Shrugs


P.S. During Obama's comments tonight, he stated that the events that killed Osama bin Laden happened "today" but the reports say it happened a week ago!! Hmmmm....a teleprompter error? Or was Obama trying to take credit for an event that happened without his influence?


Update 1

I found a link via WorldNetDaily of photos of the compound after the killings. Warning! Many are bloody and gruesome.

ABC: Photos inside Osama bin Laden kill zone

Update 2

There is also a video

The people are speaking Arabic so I don't know what they were saying.

Also see Osama Bin Laden Killed Near Islamabad.

Hat tip ABC News.


Update 3

I thought that it was only fair to include some links to what skeptics have written about this news:

Veterans Today: Obama Announces bin Laden Still Dead

[Take special note of what the late Benazir Bhutto said about bin Laden being murdered years ago in a video at above link.]

Stevex09: Osama Bin Laden dead … but the body is conveniently disposed of … in the sea!

Drkatesview: Chess Moves by the CIA


Update #4 - 5/3/11

I think that the photos of Osama bin Laden's body need to be released. Many Americans need to see if the terrorist is really dead.

News Yahoo: Not everyone believes bin Laden really is dead

Even some Pakistani youths are mocking the U.S. over it!

'Osama is alive!' mock Pakistanis outside compound

Some Pakistanis think "it was faked."

News Yahoo: Bin Laden's luxury hideout raises questions.

And please note that this is NOT coming from a right-wing blog! Quote from end of article:

Many Pakistanis doubted the U.S. account of the raid, with some refusing to believe that bin Laden was dead.

"It is not possible. Like other incidents, I think this is faked," said Mohammad Bashir, a 45-year-old cab driver in Abbottabad. "It seems that in the coming days, suddenly Osama will come out with a statement."


Associated Press writers Zarar Khan in Abbottabad, Munir Ahmed and Chris Brummitt in Islamabad and Rasool Dawar in Peshawar contributed to this report.


Update # 5

Just as I published my last update, I found out via Gateway Pundit:

White House to release bin Laden death photo.


  1. Did anyone else notice this? I listened to the re-broadcast tonight to be sure I heard it correctly.

    During Obama's comments tonight, he stated that the events that killed Osama bin Laden happened "today" but the reports say it happened a week ago!! Hmmmm....a teleprompter error? Or was Obama trying to take credit for an event that happened without his influence?

  2. Nope, He approved the mission last week, operations were carried out early Sunday 1:30 am according to this,1518,760025,00.html

    Obama doesn't need to take all the credit, the Special Agents did all the leg work ;) He just said fire.

  3. Anonymous,

    Thanks for the clarification. Perhaps the news report I had heard was incorrect. It said that the killing happened last week but wasn't reported until today - after the DNA tests results confirmed that it was bin Laden.

    How long does it take to have a DNA test done? If it only takes one day or just several hours, then the timeline makes sense.

    I found a link via WorldNetDaily of photos of the compound after the killings. Warning! Many are bloody and gruesome.

    ABC: Photos inside Osama bin Laden kill zone

  4. Seems a couple of your link buddies don't seem to believe that Bin Laden is dead.

    Well, of course not. The conspiracy never ends, after all. Obama used his Muslimness to somehow entice OBL into revealing his location, and then dispatched some Navy SEALs to remove him from this mortal coil. All so he could, once again, distract the public from Donald' Trump's questioning his birth certificate. Right?

    Still, the world is a better place with Bin Laden out of now we can start to dismantle all those scanners in the airports and get Freedom Tower finished in time to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the tragedy that made Osama so famous. We can finally get our troops out of Afghanistan, because the guy we went in there to get is now dead.
    Possibly even people like yourself who talked about Obama 'waving the white flag of surrender' will finally STFU, because his scalpel worked better than GWB's sledgehammer.

    Yeah...and maybe all the Christians will be raptured on the 21st of this month, too--but I wouldn't count on it.

    Yes, of course the photos in that link are bloody and gruesome! What did you think happens in war?

  5. Hey Christine;
    You know, I'm taking heat even from some long time friends over my post and that saddens me somewhat. But I have great difficulty believing anything the Obama regime says. It's always filled with doubt and inconsistencies. Devvy Kidd mentioned in an article about Osama being killed years ago (I can't find it right now) and I have to agree with her on that.
    Way too much stuff in too short a time to be believable.

  6. GM,

    I'm just reporting what I have been finding out via other blogs. What is wrong with being skeptical?

    I have three questions.

    1. How long does it take to get results back from a DNA test?
    2. Why aren’t there any photos of Osama dead?
    3. Why would he be hastily buried at sea when that goes against Islamic law?

    Over at Steve's blog, he answered that a DNA test certainly takes more than one day or just a few hours.

    Why all the rush to bury bin Laden? Why aren't photos being released so that the American people will know he was killed?

    The Bush Administration released photos of Saddam Hussein dead.

    The reason I stated the obvious about the compound where bin Laden was allegedly killed were "bloody and gruesome" is so that visitors here can choose whether or not they want to look at them.

    Any more complaints?

  7. Steve,

    I'm with you. I find it difficult to believe anything that NObama and his radical cohorts say as well.

    I don't know why people cannot rationally discuss incidences like this without losing their composure (or blasting us for sharing disagreeable information with them).

    When I see people on Facebook talking about their obsessions with movie stars and/or their activities with their pets; yet don't give a hoot about what is REALLY happening in the world, it makes me wonder.

    I think that many people just assume that the United States of America will always be here - no matter what - and that all is well without taking any effort in warning others of the consequences of this gangster governments' actions.

    I know that I have links somewhere in my blog to bloggers who posted good articles in the past about why they thought that Osama was killed years ago.

    Remember that huge funeral service that was done at Tora Bora and our military backed off and didn't bomb all of the Taliban members that gathered to mourn whomever was killed? Maybe bin Laden died of kidney disease?

    I agree that there are too many unanswered questions, inconsistencies, suspicious actions, and like you said, "Way too much stuff in too short a time to be believable."

    Keep on keepin' on Steve. Don't let the naysayers keep you from reporting what you know, discover, or suspect as an inconsistent report or event.


  9. I have to say I’ve never been more proud of a US President than I am today of Barack Obama. Congratulations to the President and to the Navy SEALs who put their lives on the line for this mission.

    They have the right to say, “Mission accomplished.” Well done.

  10. Thanks Anonymous. But everyone else seems to be saying that DNA tests take 3 - 5 days. Just sayin'!


    I hope that everything that is being shared about this event is legitimate. It's just that there are so many questions that are not being answered.

    Here's a link that shares more doubts and the legitimate reasons behind such doubts:

    Daily Thought Pad - Tuesday, May 3, 2011
    Noisy Room: Bin Laden - Doubts and Questions Abound.

    John, do you find it odd that a photo of the dead bin Laden has not been released? Perhaps it will be released soon. I certainly hope so. Too many people are doubting the authenticity of the claims being made about bin Laden's death and I think that the public needs to see his dead body in order to believe that it was him who was killed.

  11. Heh heh heh...

    I like the typo in the following paragraph from Ms. Monroe-Hamilton's post:

    "Now, this morning, I hear Bin Laden was buried at see [sic] because of Muslim tradition. Well, isn’t that convenient? No body to have to come clean on. Since when do we follow religious observation for terrorists?

    She makes some good points.

    Let's see more than the burial at sea. Let's see the dead body.

  12. Update #4 - 5/3/11

    I think that the photos of Osama bin Laden's body need to be released. Many Americans need to see if the terrorist is really dead.

    News Yahoo: Not everyone believes bin Laden really is dead

    Even some Pakistani youths are mocking the U.S. over it!

    'Osama is alive!' mock Pakistanis outside compound

    Some Pakistanis think "it was faked."

    News Yahoo: Bin Laden's luxury hideout raises questions.

    And please note that this is NOT coming from a right-wing blog! Quote from end of article:

    "Many Pakistanis doubted the U.S. account of the raid, with some refusing to believe that bin Laden was dead.

    "It is not possible. Like other incidents, I think this is faked," said Mohammad Bashir, a 45-year-old cab driver in Abbottabad. "It seems that in the coming days, suddenly Osama will come out with a statement."


    Associated Press writers Zarar Khan in Abbottabad, Munir Ahmed and Chris Brummitt in Islamabad and Rasool Dawar in Peshawar contributed to this report.

  13. Update # 5

    Just as I published my last update, I found out via Gateway Pundit:

    White House to release bin Laden death photo.

  14. CJW: I have three questions.

    1. How long does it take to get results back from a DNA test?
    2. Why aren’t there any photos of Osama dead?
    3. Why would he be hastily buried at sea when that goes against Islamic law?

    Since you asked:

    1. Look it up. Better yet, call a doctor/forensics specialist. He (or she) will be able to give you correct answers. You seem to think steve knows; couldn't he give a more specific time than 'more than one day or just a few hours"?
    A deployed aircraft carrier usually has two or three surgeons on board, so it seems likely that they would have a good idea of what is necessary for a DNA test--catastrophic disasters can happen at sea too, y'know.

    2. None have been OFFICIALLY released yet. Unless, of course, there's a WND reporter embedded with SEAL Team Six who broke security...

    3. That's obvious--so there'd be no place for any Al-Quedalings to gather and mourn over his grave. BTW, why should you of all people care if Bin Laden was buried according to Muslim tradition or not? I personally would have stuffed a pork sausage into his corpse just in case there's a Muslim heaven, simply to keep him out of it...but that's just me.

    I find it laughable that you believe that the lack of a body means that Osama is still alive. Reportedly quite a few people saw him die, including the sailor who killed him; one of his wives and one of his sons confirmed that it was indeed Bin Laden.
    Now, if he rises out of the Arabian Sea in the next 24 hours, and appears to a few hundred people, you may have something to be suspicious about--but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

    "Let's see more than the burial at sea. Let's see the dead body."

    I'd ask the same about Jesus.

  15. I wish you would not denigrate Islam the way you do... my boyfriend is a PROUD pakistani muslim, and I am a PROUD gay christian american and clearly we are not at war with each other!

    Be nice to people!

  16. Anonymous,

    People like you who comment that way and never return to continue the conversation are usually considered as just "drive by" commentators. You make your point and never return for the response. However, I will reply for the sake of those who may read what you wrote.

    I am not speaking about individual relationships. I am just telling the truth about the political ideology of radical Islam vs. the U.S.A., Israel and the West.

    Have you not seen and heard about all the carnage and devastation done by radical Islam against the West?

    It is also true that one kind of Islamist rises up against another type - and kill each other.

    I suggest that you do some research and educate yourself about what is going on in the world. You appear to be living in your own kind of plastic progressive/liberal bubble.

  17. Jacob (a.k.a. Anonymous @ May 4, 2011 6:06:00 AM PDT),

    This is a Christian blog. I do not post readings from the Koran. Please eliminate that from your comment and I will post it.

  18. Dear Christine,

    I am not interested in posting a censored version of my post, when all I was doing was showing the common things the three great religions believe regarding the unity and greatness of God. I must say that as a Christian (a devoted member of the Episcopalian church), I know that my faith in Jesus Christ is so strong that it can survive reading other people's scriptures!

    Your attitude reminds me of that of John Calvin when he condemned Michael Servetus to the stake for his sincere attempts to bridge the religious divide in his own day. I myself am a believer in the orthodox Christianity of the Holy Trinity, but to my eyes this credo is only my feeble attempt to grasp the Infinite God who transcends time, space, number, and sect.

    To God alone is the truth and the understanding thereof! On our wanderings paths, I greet you with hope and charity, and may the love of Jesus the Lord light up all your days.

    In the name of our compassionate and merciful god,

    Good day,


  19. Jacob,

    Jesus Himself said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me."

    Do you take Jesus at His word on this or not?

    Being politically correct may be fashionable during this brief life on earth, but as followers of Jesus who gave us The Great Commission, we do not have the luxury of thinking that all paths lead to God. They don't. Period.

    As far as the religion of Islam is concerned, please see this previous post about why Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God.

    Talk Wisdom: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

    Perhaps it will explain to you why I do not post readings from the Koran.


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