Monday, May 16, 2011

It's About Allegiance

Question: What is the whole natural born citizenship controversy surrounding Obama really about? The answer: IT'S ABOUT ALLEGIANCE. Since  I have not been able to post this week, I wanted to link to one of the most important video interviews that I have heard in a long time.  Over at DrKatesView: "Allegiance" - you can hear an interview between the moderator and Dr. Herb Titus; who outlines what the REAL issue is concerning Obama's citizenship.

Why are so many people stunned and concerned about Obama's lack of fidelity when it comes to allegiance to the United States of America? Dr. Herb Titus tells us why:

The way he [Obama] has operated, we have seen starkly demonstrated why its so important to have a singular fidelity that can only come from a natural born citizen… Dr. Herb Titus

Couldn't have said it better!

I have listened to the entire interview, and Dr. Titus lays it on the line like no one else that I have previously listened to (except for Mario Apuzzo and his case against Obama)regarding the Natural Born Citizen clause in Article 2 Section 1 clause 5 of the United States Constitution!

Hat Tip:



Read this too:

The Post & Email Speaks with Susan Daniels, Private Investigator - IS OBAMA’S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PART OF A MANUFACTURED FAKE IDENTITY? by Sharon Rondeau (May 16, 2011) —Susan Daniels is a licensed private investigator ...
3 hours ago

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