Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama Has Betrayed Israel

I plan to do a huge linkfest tomorrow on Obama's betrayal of Israel in his speech today. For now please see Beck: U.S. Policy Trouble For Israel

Tonight: Who needs Yasser Arafat when you have the President of the United States saying what he did today in his speech regarding Israel? Something happened today for the first time in history. Glenn believes the President has betrayed one of our strongest allies in Israel. It appears that the President’s policy is to see a two state solution. It appears he wants to divide Israel up, which basically will kill it.

Palestinian MP: Jews Ingathered for Us to Annihilate Them - Yunis al Astal, a member of the Palestinian Authority parliament, spelled out his organization's vision for the genocidal annihilation of the Jewish people...

It’s All About Oil, Stupid! - IS THE CURRENT SHADOW GOVERNMENT WORKING TO DESTROY ISRAEL…AND THE U.S.? by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet (May 19, 2011) — And we’re not talking Arab oil, or ...
Obama Sides with Palestine/Hamas Over Israel! - By Bridgette BREAKING NEWS! In Obama’s Middle East Speech one half ago… Obama sides with the Palestinians over Israel! He called for the borders of Israe...

1 comment:

  1. Fortunately, Israel has better sense than to believe Obama when he promises that the US will stand up for Israel. When you live under the constant threat of war, you have to be able to spot the gutless weenies to stay alive.


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