Friday, December 02, 2011

Godly Counselors Are Following Jesus

Today's guest blogger, Susan Smith,  has always been gracious enough to give me permission to post any of her weekly email newsletters here on Talk Wisdom. The moment I finished reading today's newsletter, I knew that it was a great message to share here!  The following is Susan's newsletter for December 2, 2011. It is AWESOME! I pray that the words shared will bless each reader!

In Christ,



A while back we talked about King Hezekiah. The United Kingdom of ISRAEL got divided, and Hezekiah was one of the many kings of Judah, the southern kingdom. Israel was the northern kingdom. Hezekiah was a king who trusted God.

Hezekiah became mortally ill. He prayed to the Lord, and the Lord spoke to him and gave him a sign. However, Hezekiah did not respond commensurately with the benefit done for him, because he had grown proud; thus he brought anger on himself and on Judah and Jerusalem as well. But Hezekiah then humbled himself for his pride, both he and the people living in Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord did not come on them in the days of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 32:24-26). Wow!

Can you relate this story to our world today? All our leaders are mortally ill. Are we not all leaders in some way? Do we not rule our own lives? Physical death is inevitable for all our governmental leaders or kings today. The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who in their unrighteousness keep suppressing the truth (Romans 1:18). Jesus the Messiah is the truth.

He is the ONE God of ISRAEL who is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God (Revelation 19:13). “And on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, ‘KING of kings, and LORD of lords’” (Revelation 19:16). Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through him (John 14:6). Do you believe?

If you choose to believe, then you are not a sinner. Nowhere in the Newer Covenant (New Testament) are believers ever called sinners. Paul, one of the greatest Jews, addressed his letters to the SAINTS. I might sin, but that does not make me a sinner. I might tell a lie out of ignorance or stupidity, but that does not make me a liar.

The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44). I am not a child of the devil, but of the Living God. I am a child of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Jesus told the people in Jerusalem that he is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob! He is not the God of the dead but of the living (Matthew 22:32).

The only thing a human counselor can touch is your soul (defined to be your mind, will and emotions according to Watchman Nee). In our world today, we have both pastoral counselors and clinical counselors. Some are godly and others are wicked. Some follow Jesus, and others are children of the devil, because they are habitual liars.

It is the power of God that can touch your spirit (conscience, communion and intuition according to Nee). Godly counselors are following Jesus! They are not following the ways of the world in which we live. However, some carnal counselors are following the ways of this world, and they are very proud.

Now think back again about King Hezekiah who grew proud, and he brought anger on himself and on Judah and Jerusalem as well. What does the older covenant (Old Testament) say about such a thing as this? The written Word tells us about the proud one. His or her soul is not right within, but the righteous will live by HIS faith (Habakkuk 2:4). Jesus is the faithful ONE. He is faithful even when we are faithless (2 Timothy 2:13).

I like David Stern’s translation of the Habakkuk verse: “Look at the proud: he is inwardly not upright; but the righteous will attain life through trusting faithfulness.” So how do we know who is proud and who is not? All I have to do is look in the mirror.
~ Susan Smith


BIG Hat Tip:

Susan Smith


  1. Hi Christine,

    I thank the ONE God of heaven and earth for your diligence and labor at Talk Wisdom over the years.

    YOU are a beautiful blessing to the ONE CHURCH body. JESUS the MESSIAH is the head of HIS BODY.

    Jesus is building his CHURCH, HIS WAY and I am very thankful. Keep fighting the good fight of faith, Chris.

    This comes from the east to the west with much love to you, your family and all your worldwide readers this DAY. Susan Smith

  2. ”He is the ONE God of ISRAEL who is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God (Revelation 19:13). “And on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, ‘KING of kings, and LORD of lords’” (Revelation 19:16). Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through him (John 14:6). Do you believe?”
    The 'ONE God of ISRAEL' is 'clothed in a robe dipped in blood'. Wow, it's a good thing that I'm an American, then! From that description, he actually sounds more like his enemy: a fearsome, bloody-handed god with nothing more on his mind than destruction. A description, I might add, he has lived up to a number of times, as told in his own book.

    ”...In our world today, we have both pastoral counselors and clinical counselors. Some are godly and others are wicked. Some follow Jesus, and others are children of the devil, because they are habitual liars.”
    A pastoral counselor is an habitual liar, because they begin from an unprovable assumption (God) and commit themselves to it to the exclusion of all else. A clinical counselor, as far as they follow the same path from an unprovable assumption, is likewise such a liar. Fortunately, most clinicians deal with the real world.

    ”It is the power of God that can touch your spirit (conscience, communion and intuition according to Nee). Godly counselors are following Jesus! They are not following the ways of the world in which we live. However, some carnal counselors are following the ways of this world, and they are very proud.”
    Yes, and Godly counselors are never guilty of such pride. Sure.

    ”Now think back again about King Hezekiah who grew proud, and he brought anger on himself and on Judah and Jerusalem as well. What does the older covenant (Old Testament) say about such a thing as this?”
    Think also upon Job, who followed all the rules, obeyed all the laws, who “was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” (Job 1:1) Then think upon what happened to him, who suffered in order to satisfy a tyrant's pride. What does the older covenant say about such a thing as this?

  3. GM,

    As usual, you take what is written out of context in order to appease your own negative thoughts about the one true God of the Bible. My guess is that you knew you were doing it, but I write this to inform other readers of your misconceptions.

    You call "pastoral counselors" liars, without any proof of YOUR assumption about God, and YOU are committed too your own opinion about the God of the Bible.

    Perhaps Susan will choose to come back here and answer your folly in her own way. That would be a good thing. You have chosen a path away from the sacrifical death of Jesus Christ, and therefore your anger against the God of the universe remains. You continue to use the story of Job as a tale of your own twisted logic. You lack the wisdom and knowledge of God, as it is revealed through the Holy Spirit of God Who indwells believers in Christ. Therefore, you will never "get it" GM, because your own pride of self doesn't allow you to humble yourself before God in order to be saved through Jesus Christ.

    When Job was suffering, his friends and even his wife wanted him to "curse God and die." That is a subconscious message from the enemy of our souls - Satan himself. Job ignored them and he was restored, with greater blessings than he had had before Satan attacked him.

    This account is in the Bible as an example of how steadfast faith - no matter what a believer goes through - is the key to being immune to the attacks of Satan. Though he may slay the body, he cannot touch the souls of the faithful in Christ. And, what is more important? This puny, short life here on earth or eternal life?

    Each person dies physically, but there is a second death which is spiritual for all of those who choose in this life not to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

    Job's story in the Old Testament showed his faithfulness in God the
    Father, as he waited for the promised Messiah. The Messiah came to earth long after Job died physically, but his steadfast faith at that time (as he waited for the Messiah) was accounted to him as righteousness (which was also said of Abraham) and therefore Job was saved as a result of Christ's appearance hundreds of years later.

    I am probably wasting my time going into such detail with you, but perhaps there will be a reader who will come along and see this answer, reconsider his/her skeptic position, and seek the truth. That is always my prayer for the unsaved who come to this blog. Perhaps one small piece of information shared by me or others will help them to reconsider Christ.


  4. I am not naive. I realize that there will be many who will not heed Christ's admonition that He "is the way, the truth and the life, and that no one comes to the Father but by Him."

    Why? Because the Bible tells us that the road and narrow and few find it. The way is broad for those headed towards destruction. But hope remains eternal. Jude tells us:

    Jud 1:17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ:

    Jud 1:18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts.

    Jud 1:19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

    Jud 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

    Jud 1:21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

    Jud 1:22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction; [fn]

    Jud 1:23 but others save with fear, pulling [them] out of the fire, [fn] hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.

    Jud 1:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you [fn] from stumbling, And to present [you] faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,

    Jud 1:25 To God our Savior, [fn] Who alone is wise, [fn] [Be] glory and majesty, Dominion and power, [fn] Both now and forever. Amen.

    (1:22) NU-Text reads who are doubting (or making distinctions).
    (1:23) NU-Text adds and on some have mercy with fear and omits with fear in first clause.
    (1:24) M-Text reads them.
    (1:25) NU-Text reads To the only God our Savior.
    (1:25) NU-Text omits Who . . . is wise and adds Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    (1:25) NU-Text adds Before all time.

  5. Perhaps I upset you a little, because every time I do, you start throwing biblical quotes at me, Christine.
    Exactly what did I take out of context? Does Revelation not say exactly what I said (especially since I repeated the exact words as written)? I didn't even mention the writing said to be on his thigh; I'll leave that delicate subject to the scholars.

    ”You call "pastoral counselors" liars, without any proof of YOUR assumption about God, and YOU are committed too[sic] your own opinion about the God of the Bible.”
    I formed my opinion about the God of the Bible the basic way: I read it. I read the good parts and the bad parts. I read the parts that preachers love to emphasize, as well as the parts they won't approach. I'm told this book is God's Word™ and every part of it is 100% true and accurate, and when I find parts that aren't, I must plaster them over with faith. I tried. Didn't work.

    You have never been able to tell me what Jesus sacrificed with his death. Considering who he was supposed to be, he lost nothing; he was a god wearing the skin of a man, and he shed that skin the same way you look forward to someday. He did not lose the love of the Father; that Father decided that Jesus' death was necessary, and arranged to make it so. He did not die, or at least, he didn't die your supposed 'second death', because even now, he sits at the father's right hand...or so we're told. So: where was the sacrifice?
    At best, he was inconvenienced for a day and a half. None of the disciples saw him buried, none of them saw him rise, and the first people to be aware of his return were not believed.

    You said that Job 'was restored, with greater blessings than he had had before Satan attacked him.' Fine. But why did Satan attack him? And why did God allow it? For a wager, that's why. 1 Corinthians states that love “does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud (13:4, NIV). Now read Job 1:6~12 and tell me again what a sterling example of Godly love that is.
    See, I know how to quote the Bible too, and I can probably find quotes that'll precisely counter your own.
    Even believers don't believe everything about their belief. If they did, the label Christian wouldn't apply to sects as different as Episcopalian to Quaker to Coptic. You are an Evangelical; a mere 100 years ago there was no such thing. The denomination of Christianity you came from isn't even considered “Christian” by many other Christians, even though it's older than nearly all of them.

    Like you, I also hope that one small piece of information shared by me will help others to reconsider Christ...just not the same way.

  6. GM,

    What you refuse to acknowledge is the fact that the biblical quotes I "throw" at you have the wisdom and knowledge of God in them. They are far better than any words that I could muster in response to you. I'm sure that your eyes glaze over as you either glance at (or totally ignore) the meaning behind each verse. But that is typical of someone like you.

    It is the same thing regarding what Jesus sacrificed with his death on the cross at Calvary. You refuse to see (or accept) God's infinite wisdom, knowledge and ways of accomplishing salvation for sinful mankind over your finite human knowledge. God answers your foolishness with this verse:

    Pro 2:5 Then shalt thou understand 995 the fear 3374 of the LORD 3068, and find 4672 the knowledge 1847 of God 430. (Concordance numbers included in vers here).

    The concordance at Blue Letter Bible explains the first "fear" word to be read as:

    c) fear (of God), respect, reverence, piety

    Blue Letter Bible

    Without respect, reverence and piety towards God, it follows that a person can't understand the knowledge of God that is given to them via the Bible. As finite beings, we cannot possibly know all that God knows, but what He has shared through His Living Word, Jesus Christ, His written Word, and the Holy Spirit is enough for believers to see the TRUTH. It is your misfortune that you refuse to believe because you have chosen to hate God, His Son, and His Word.

    Click here and see many times where the "fear of the Lord" is described in the same way ( as respect, reverence, piety)
    in many Bible verses.

    What you often display here is simply foolishness, and your words convict you of your unrepentant sin every time.

  7. Hello Christine,

    The sun is shining brightly in the east… purely and simply beautiful weather.

    "So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?" (Galatians 4:16, NASB).

    Shabbat Shalom to all the chosen people of the ONE G-D of ISRAEL! (ss)

  8. CJW: ”The concordance at Blue Letter Bible explains the first "fear" word to be read as:

    c) fear (of God), respect, reverence, piety

    Without respect, reverence and piety towards God, it follows that a person can't understand the knowledge of God that is given to them via the Bible.”

    Christine, I'm not at all certain that there IS a God (my knowledge is finite, after all), but I'm certain of this:
    If someone were to come along and ruin my livelihood, destroy my family, and afflict my body just short of death, that someone would never be worthy of respect or reverence, not from me. Such a person should be defied or denied, or at least ignored.
    If this is an example of the God you claim as your own, then you're respecting and revering God's power. Not his goodness, not his mercy...his power. It's a respect and reverence born of fear, and a (perfectly understandable) desire to be on the “winning side”.

    I perfectly understand the concept of “C.Y.A.” But I'm willing to risk mine.

  9. GM, because sin is blocking your ability to recognize God for who He is, you utilize your own human knowledge (in all of its finite falleness), and you dislike, object to, and criticize what you read.

    The power God has given man over the earth (a.k.a. dominion) was ruined by man's sin. But the love of God that was shown through our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the key to forgiveness of sin and the ultimate salvation of mankind. You continue to refuse to recognize how God has given us mercy and grace through His Son. No matter what happens to any human being on this earth, the fact that he/she can be saved spiritually, for all eternity, escapes you as a demonstration of the greatest love of all.

    We continue to talk "past each other" because of your refusal to accept God's wisdom, power, and love. Because YOU don't think that God did things right in the Bible and in this fallen world, you have inadvertently placed yourself above Him in your own spin of knowledge, power, and withheld love towards our Creator. This isn't something that I can help you with - for it is between you and God alone. What I can do is share His Word, and pray for you; and I can do both of those things for other people like you (the unsaved).

  10. Christine said: “What I can do is share His Word, and pray for you; and I can do both of those things for other people like you (the unsaved).”

    Thank you for speaking TRUTH at Talk Wisdom, Christine. I love you and all your readers! (ss)

  11. Yes Dear Susan - what Jesus has instructed us to do while we serve Him on this earth is to spread the Gospel and pray for others - especially the lost. I have seen much answered prayer in my life. Sometimes it takes many years (like the salvation of my father just months before he died) for a prayer to be answered, but God's timing is perfect - mine is not.

    When I was seven, I attended the Catholic church in our neighborhood with my mom, brother and sister. I often worried about my dad. He didn't go to church with us. When I became a born-again Christian, that "worry" grew into the utilization of evangelism opportunities with my dad. Thirty-three years had passed before my dad was saved while lying on that hospital bed in the den of our home back east. During those 33 years, I said a LOT of prayers for him. And God had a surprise in store for me. All of the Bible reading, studying, and praying had Him lead me to share the Gospel with my dad in January, 1994. You may recall shortly after my dad accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, both he and I witnessed a little miracle. I do believe that he was visited by an angel in that family room of our home!

    Even before that small miracle, there were others in my life. However, before being born again, I did not recognize how big and important such previously unnoticed miracles were! There have been a few others since the experience I had with my dad, but I will always remember that one as being one of the most significant events in my lifetime!

    Love you too, my friend! Keep sharing the truth here at this blog! I really appreciate it!

  12. The Messiah is the TRUTH (John 14:6). He said it. I believe it.

    Keep shining, Chris! (ss)


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