Thursday, December 01, 2011

Now The End Begins Blog!

I have had a wonderful Christian-based blog on my blog roll for some time now, but today I was very pleasantly surprised to learn that a Christian friend on Face Book writes at this terrific blog! It is called Now The End Begins. There are over 24,000 followers on Face Book! The current post there is entitled, "Obama Says He Needs 4 More Years To ‘Finish The Job'."

Here is the description of the blog's content on the front page:

The Betrayal of America

For generations the Bible has warned of the coming End of Days, and you are now living in that time. America, a nation raised up by God to spread the Gospel and to be a beacon of freedom for people around the world is about to be forever silenced by those sworn to protect her - her leaders. THAT THE TRUTH!!! The corruption, crime, betrayal, lies, treason, traitorous evil and ugly sin going on in Washington D.C. over the years has ratcheted up big time over the past 3 years with Obummer in office!!! Speaking of the pResident in Cheat:

My comment there:

As bad as ObaMAO has been (and it’s been REALLY BAD) I still think that he is holding back the worst offenses in order to get re-elected. If he would be re-elected (God forbid!!!), this puppet and his puppet master George (a.k.a. satan’s son) Soros would unleash the worst evil our nation has ever seen. God’s Word tells us “I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel) and curse those who curse you.” This admin has treated Israel miserably – and unfortunately, we are paying the price for it in our nation today. But God is good! Praying fervently for a godly, conservative Christian to get into office in 2012!

I HIGHLY recommend this blog! The posts are excellent because the author continues to share the TRUTH - something that we often do not get from the media of mass deception!

BIG Hat Tip:

Now The End Begins

Thanks Geoffrey!!!


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1 comment:

  1. ”For generations the Bible has warned of the coming End of Days, and you are now living in that time. America, a nation raised up by God to spread the Gospel and to be a beacon of freedom for people around the world is about to be forever silenced by those sworn to protect her - her leaders.”

    The modern “end of days” began, as far as I can tell, in 1948 when the nation of Israel was established. But I've read reports of the End Times as having begun many times before that. I've lived through at least three that I know of, and I've read of other dates, notably 1914 and 1945.
    Fact is, every generation of Christians since Jesus' day has believed that theirs would be the last generation, and every one of them has lived as though they don't really believe it. They still work, and eat, and marry, and have children, and tell those children that they will witness The End...and it never quite comes to pass.

    God has given no explicit statement that he 'raised up' the USA to do anything. Even if he did, the Bible gives numerous examples where he has cast down nations, too, for one reason or another. Even his own hand-picked king, Saul, was a victim (and so were his people). Given that record, is there any reason whatever to think America is exempt? If there is such a reason, can you describe it?


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