Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Iranian Plan to Annihilate the Jews

I was very glad to hear Mike Huckabee's report from Israel today on Fox News regarding the problem of Iran getting nuclear weapons. He didn't mince words when asked about the Israeli government's opinion when an American official stated that "the Iranians are rational actors."

I agreed with the reactions Mr. Huckabee shared. Have you ever heard such a stupid and utterly clueless statement in your life?? The Iranian PEOPLE may very well be rational - after all, they tried to get freedom from the Islamic regime back in 2009 (or 2010?) during a freedom uprising there. But what did Obamafraud do? NOTHING!! A missed opportunity - to say the least! But Obama gets involved in the Libyan and Egyptian uprisings to oust those leaders? We must ask why?

Could it be that Obama is the kind of Muslim sympathizer that agrees with the Iranian Mullahs?

Mind you, that is a HORRIBLE thought and I sincerely hope that it is NOT TRUE - but what are we to think when we see the Obama administration send officials over to Israel to beg them not to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities; all the while knowing even more horrifying information than what you are about to read here?


There are two articles over at American Thinker that are must reads! The media of mass deception isn't going to cover such issues in depth, so we must utilize online media to keep up with the TRUTH about Iran and the dangers the fanatics in that regime present not only to Israel, but also to the United States and the rest of the world.

posted by null at American Thinker - 9 hours ago
Pamela Geller interviews the former CIA agent inside Iran's bloodthirsty Revolutionary Guards.
I recently interviewed Reza Kahlili, and what he told me was revealing.
Pamela Geller: Do you think the Iranian statements about Israel's imminent demise portend a nuclear strike from Iran against Israel?
Reza Kahlili: Though it is difficult for the West to understand, the decisions and actions by the leaders of the Islamic regime in Iran are based on an ideology which is deeply rooted in "Mahdiism," and that's the promise by Allah for the day that the last Islamic Messiah (the Shiites' 12th Imam, Mahdi) will reappear to raise the flag of Islam in all corners of the world.  As per centuries-old hadith, the trigger for the coming is the destruction of Israel.  The Iranian leaders are on a path to bring about that trigger, believing that it will bring about the final victory of Islam over infidels.  Their nuclear program is for the destruction of Israel and the West.
PG: What do you think should be done to prevent Iran from striking at Israel?
RK: I think the best course is regime change, as any attack just on the Iranian nuclear sites will not only fail to solve the threat posed by the radicals ruling Iran, but will engulf the region.  The only solution to this problem is a regime change in Iran, which would go a long way toward securing world peace and global stability.  That can only be achieved by helping the Iranians, who are one of the most westernized people in the region, to bring about change in Iran, while at the same providing every reason for the loyalists to abandon the regime.
PG: Is Iran a danger to the U.S. now?  How is that likely to change in five years?
RK: Unfortunately, not many in the U.S. realize that the leaders in Iran not only pose an existential threat to Israel, but also to America.  The fact that the U.S. could destroy Iran in a matter of minutes in case of an attack will not deter the Islamic regime in Iran from an attack on U.S. soil.  The Iranian assets, including Quds forces and Hezb'allah cells, have long infiltrated the U.S.  The Iranians run a complex operation through several entities and organizations, such as mosques, Iranian Islamic student associations, the Muslim Brotherhood's Muslim Students Association and others.  In helping U.S. intelligence, I once established contact with a Revolutionary Guard commander who posed as a student here in the U.S.  Another time I was informed of a very important Guard commander who had come to the U.S. under a fake passport, and was meeting with the heads of Muslim Students Association groups.  So not only terrorism at home is very likely when the leaders in Iran decide to take action, but a more dangerous scenario is a launched missile with a nuclear payload, either from Iran or off of a ship close to U.S. shores.

The next article is very difficult to read.  It shows the utter contempt, hatred, evil, and maniacal beliefs against Israel and the West that exists in the minds of the radical Islamic regime in Iran!

posted by null at American Thinker - 9 hours ago
A well-known strategist within the Iranian government has introduced a new doctrine not only to destroy Israel in a preemptive attack, but to commit to genocide and kill the Jewish people.

Though it is difficult to post just a small excerpt, here is a portion that contains a link as proof of what the author is discussing in his piece:

For many years, I have tried to raise awareness not only of the threat posed by the fanatics ruling Iran, but also of the injustices done to the Iranian people.  This has drawn the ire of the mullah-appeasers and those in alliance with the criminal Islamic regime in Iran.
Recently, I revealed a shocking piece, "Ayatollah: Kill All Jews, Annihilate Israel," in which a well-known strategist within the Iranian government introduced a new doctrine not only to destroy Israel in a preemptive attack, but also to commit to genocide and kill the Jewish people.  The piece got international attention and made headlines across the world.

The facts in my piece were an exact copy of the original piece, which was published in Iran.  I even left a link to the Iranian piece that interestingly was not only written in Farsi, but also translated into English.  I wanted to make sure that the world could see that my piece was a true and accurate reflection of what was said in Iran.
I wanted the world to see that the jihadists in Tehran had no shame in openly calling for the mass murder of the people of another nation.  I wanted the world to realize that we were once again dealing with madmen who had no interest in humanity, love, or peace, and that they were determined to commit a grave crime, based on their belief in glorifying Allah.

Even though I did my best to make it easy to verify the facts, many Islamists, and those supporting negotiations with the regime in Iran, launched an attack against me and my article and did not hide their hatred for Israel and the Jewish people.
In their attacks, they not only tried to assassinate my character, but also tried to deceive the readers, claiming that my piece was a lie and that no one in Iran was calling for the killing of the Jewish people.

Even though I did my best to make it easy to verify the facts, many Islamists, and those supporting negotiations with the regime in Iran, launched an attack against me and my article and did not hide their hatred for Israel and the Jewish people.

In their attacks, they not only tried to assassinate my character, but also tried to deceive the readers, claiming that my piece was a lie and that no one in Iran was calling for the killing of the Jewish people.
Do we now see that negotiations with maniacal killers like the radical Islamists in the Iranian government is IMPOSSIBLE because of their Apocalyptic beliefs?

I agree with the writer that regime change is necessary in Iran.  Heck - regime change is necessary here in the U.S. too!  But I also think that it might be too late for regime change if the Iranian government gets nukes before such a change can happen.  Therefore, Israel may need to take action, once again, to save their own nation, the U.S. and the rest of the world from Iran getting (and then using) nuclear weapons!

Read more: American Thinker: The Iranian Plan to Annihilate the Jews

Hat tip:  American Thinker


  1. CJW: ”Could it be that Obama is the kind of Muslim sympathizer that agrees with the Iranian Mullahs?
    Mind you, that is a HORRIBLE thought and I sincerely hope that it is NOT TRUE...”

    O RLY? That's not what you said two days ago:

    ”...with the current pResident in the White House who once said that he "would side with the Muslims" if given a choice, I would doubt that he would ever come to the rescue of our closest ally in the Middle East to carry out the destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities.”

    My emphasis, your words. You liar.


    Including betray its #1 ally. Jonathan Pollard is still serving life for espionage against the United States, and after ten years of denying he'd ever worked for them, Israel decided to grant him Israeli citizenship and attempted to lobby for his release. But Pollard will never get out of prison, except feet first.

    ”...Israel may need to take action, once again, to save their own nation, the U.S. and the rest of the world from Iran getting (and then using) nuclear weapons!”

    Israel doesn't need to 'save' us from Iran: we already have nuclear weapons, and we're still the only nation who's actually used them. Iran's missiles are only theater-capable; they can't even reach central Europe, much less the United States. We, OTOH, could deliver tactical nuclear strikes from a submarine or a carrier (both of which we always have in that region), and we could launch a city-killer from the mainland in half an hour.
    Iran also shares part of its border with Pakistan, which in case you've forgotten, also has nuclear weapons. Islam aside, the two nations don't seem to like each other very much.

    Let me be clear about this: I don't favor the Israelis being nuked, and it's a sure bet that Israel is watching Iran's nuclear development very closely. But we pointed those same weapons at the old USSR (and them at us) for fifty years, and it never quite got to the point of using them. If the people in charge in Iran believe they can actually attack Israel and escape retaliation, then they really are crazy! All they will do is guarantee that both countries will be devastated. Also, the neighboring countries will not escape being affected by this: some will welcome it, most will not. If I lived in Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, I wouldn't be happy about radioactive clouds blowing over my territory.

    Considering that many people in this country have similar apocalyptic beliefs involving Israel (see LTGEN (Ret) Jerry Boykin), I think you're being just a little...selective. Don't you Christers see an attack on Israel as one of the signposts of The End, and aren't you looking forward to that?

  2. Good morning Christine.
    Obama a Muslim sympathizer?
    The guy profusely apologizes for the Koran getting burned at the same time two American service men are murdered and he doesn't say a word about that. He's more than a Muslim sympathizer. He is a disgrace and an embarrassment to America.
    The nation of Israel would do well to pay no attention to B. Obama or Hillary Clinton.

  3. GM,

    It is obvious that Obama is a Muslim SUPPORTER, supposedly of the more "moderate" Muslims. But if he is a sympathizer with the crazed Iranian regime types of radical Islamic terrorists - then we have what would amount to being a TRAITOR in the White House!

    The Muslim fanatics (a.k.a. Mullahs) in the Iranian regime believe that starting wars, chaos, and mayhem around the world will bring about the 12th Imam (a.k.a. the "Mahdi") Do a search on this for more information. Think of this character as the Muslim version of their Apocalyptic warrior "savior," but true biblical prophecy would label this so-called "mahdi" as just the opposite of Christ. This is why normal reasoning doesn't apply. After achieving their decades old goal of attacking Israel with nukes, the retaliation against them won't matter!!

  4. Hi Steve,

    I probably should have worded that better. I should have said "is Obama demonstrating that he is a radical Islamic supporter. We already know where he stands regarding Muslims - how he would "side with the Muslims." but the question is, to what extent? See my comment to GM.

    I was glad to hear that both Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich called out the weakness of Obama when he apologized for the Koran incident; but as you said, ignores the attack that killed two of our brave American servicemen!!

    I agree with you! I think that Israel already knows that they can't depend on America right now with Obummer in office and Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State.

    No one wants another war. But if Iran gets nukes - they will immediately use them against Israel! Netanyahu may have no choice but to pre-emptively destroy the nuke facilities to avoid an attack on the nation of Israel from Iran.

  5. GM,

    I have asked you to stop calling Christians a derogatory name. I have requested that you be civil here. You continue to ignore my requests. Take a hike.

  6. P.S.

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