Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family and Freedom Before It's Too Late

While listening to the Sean Hannity radio show this afternoon, I heard an amazing commentary spoken by James Robison. Robison is the founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, a worldwide Christian relief organization. He is also the host of LIFE Today, a daily syndicated television program that reaches 300 million homes in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia. He is the author of many books including The Absolutes, True Prosperity and Living in Love, and has spoken to millions of people through evangelistic crusades since entering public ministry in 1962.

Mr. Robison and Jay W. Richards have written a book together entitled, "Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family and Freedom Before It's Too Late.

There is a book signing bus tour going on across certain parts of the country and you can see the locations HERE.

There is a long list of people with stated accolades about the book at the Amazon.com link. But I found the following review most convincing to me that every American needs to read this book!!

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars You can't cherry-pick when it comes to freedom, February 21, 2012
By Ryan Freed (Paradise Falls, AZ) - See all my reviews
(REAL NAME) This review is from: Indivisible: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before It's Too Late (Hardcover)

This book is a thorough survey of what has become the greatest debate of our time--the role of the government in our lives and the prospect for personal freedom. This is unabashedly a Christian conservative book. As such, it will be disregarded off hand by anyone who leans away from the religious right. But that would be a terrible mistake. Like another awesome book on the modern political system, Juggernaut: Why the System Crushes the Only People Who Can Save It, this book delves into some of the most fascinating paradoxes of the modern world and shows just how twisted it has become. It is an argument that everyone can appreciate, no matter what his political stripe is.

The insight begins with the title. What exactly is indivisible anyway? The authors bring up the fact that freedom cannot be divided between fiscal and social issues. If you want freedom, you must strive for freedom in both. This is where the interesting part comes in. When the authors say that one must strive for freedom, they are not saying that one must be able to do whatever they want to do. As they put it, freedom is "getting to do what you don't want to do, not to do what you want to do." And by taking this frame, the authors make the claim that, in order to defend freedom, you not only have to prevent government intrusion on the fiscal and economic plane, but also on the social plane.

To be sure, the authors oppose government intervention in fiscal areas, but they also oppose government intrusion in the social realm as well. What is interesting is that they don't take this to mean that we should legalize everything from abortion to gay marriage. To the authors, defending freedom in the social realm is to in fact defend laws against things like abortion and gay marriage.

This might seem a little counter-intuitive at first glance. This is how the logic works: The authors bring up an important point: In the beginning of the country, religious freedom was seen as important so that no state government could impose its brand of religion on its citizens. Now the situation has flipped. No longer is there a need to prevent state governments from imposing its religion, it is necessary to prevent state governments from imposing its atheism on its subjects. It used to be that free thinkers were the main beneficiaries of religious freedom; now the truly religious are the only ones who can benefit. Ultimately, the moral of the story is the same: the only way that people can exist side-by-side together in a complex society is if they are able to practice their religion freely without encumbrance from the government. If you have this foundation, you have a thriving people, determined to produce for themselves and capable of conducting the trade essential for productivity and growth. Without this foundation, you have a calumnious people, determined to fight each other until their way of life is protected.

Government is supposed to be non-religious, that is true. But it is also supposed to be limited. When government expands the way it has in the last several decades, its non-religious foundation means that there are atheistic standards infiltrating our day-to-day activities. Sure, we can be religious outside of our affiliations with government, but, increasingly, it is becoming harder to do anything outside of government's purview.

An excellent read for anyone interested in the big battle going on these days.

Hat Tips to all links.


  1. In an earlier post today, Christine said:

    “I trust Benjamin Netanyahu. I trust him more than our own government right now. I think that he will do what is necessary for the survival of the Nation of Israel. That is why he is in the office of Prime Minister at this time in history”

    Those words are good food for thought. My prayer this hour is for the Holy ONE of ISRAEL to bless his chosen people all over the globe this day.

    Remaining yours in the Messiah Christine with much love to your family, the remnant all over this world, today. (ss)

  2. ”Ultimately, the moral of the story is the same: the only way that people can exist side-by-side together in a complex society is if they are able to practice their religion freely without encumbrance from the government. If you have this foundation, you have a thriving people, determined to produce for themselves and capable of conducting the trade essential for productivity and growth. Without this foundation, you have a calumnious people, determined to fight each other until their way of life is protected.”

    That only works if the government itself is neutral. But governments are composed of people, and they, usually, are not. King Henry VIII, as you know, started his own Church because the established Church would not grant him a divorce.
    Catholics have fought Protestants, Muslims have fought Buddhists, and nearly all of them have fought with Jews. A religion by its very nature cannot coexist with another religion—but it can coexist with a lot of other religions. Voltaire got it right over 200 years ago:

    ”If my land has a hundred religions, there will be peace. If my land has only two, they will cut each others' throat and consume me.”

    I doubt very much if Robison and Richards mean what they say. When you've spent a lifetime supporting one way, on truth, and one life involving one god, you do not want any competition, and you will co-opt the civil government, if you can, to guarantee supremacy to YOUR religion. If I were a Jew, I'd reach for my rifle, or my passport, every time I heard that “This is a Christian nation” spew.

    Just what is meant by the government's non-religious foundation meaning that 'there are atheistic standards infiltrating our day-to-day activities'? Since atheism isn't a religion, that's as it should be!
    We shouldn't have a 'Christian' army any more than we should have a 'Buddhist' fire department!

    Well, look at the 'certain parts of the country' where Robison and Richards are touring: Florida. Alabama. Mississippi. Oklahoma. Texas. Gee, Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia must feel neglected: they were part of the old Confederacy, too. Or maybe that argument just works better there.

  3. Hi Susan,

    When Obama usurped the presidency, I remember so vividly thinking that God will protect Israel through the election of Netanyahu as Her strong leader for such a time as this.

    When Obama said that he "would side with the Muslims," alarm bells should have gone off in the minds of every American!

    Yes! We must continue to keep Israel and her people in our prayers! God bless!

  4. GM,

    The point you are missing is the fact that our particular nation - the United States of America, was built on Judeo-Christian values, which gives the freedom for people to choose what religion they want and the freedom to worship without fear of tyranny, oppression, and loss of their free exercise of religion. Unfortunately, we are seeing that change negatively under Obama. The contraception mandate is just the tip of the iceberg. The fact that our current government will dictate to the Catholic people of faith what they MUST DO in the health care bill should alarm EVERY person who believes in what the Declaration gave us - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The liberty to not go against one's religious beliefs via a health care ordered mandate was unheard of before ObamaSCARE came into the law.

    I think it's sad that you are criticizing the writers of a book that you haven't even read. Typical - though.

  5. CJW: ”The fact that our current government will dictate to the Catholic people of faith what they MUST DO in the health care bill should alarm EVERY person who believes in what the Declaration gave us - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The liberty to not go against one's religious beliefs via a health care ordered mandate was unheard of before ObamaSCARE came into the law.”

    According to polls, at least two-thirds of American Catholics believe it's possible to practice birth control and still be a good Catholic. I suspect the only reason you're whining about Catholics is because you used to be one. If they were that good, you'd still be one.

    In any case, President Obama made a very Solomon-like decision. If the religious-based institution won't support a contraception proviso, then the religious-based individual may do so. The institution may thus remain unsullied by the intrusion of government, while the individual can feel protected by that same government. It's the greatest good for the greatest number, which is a rare ideal. What are you complaining about?

    ”I think it's sad that you are criticizing the writers of a book that you haven't even read. Typical – though.”

    I remember you telling me three years ago that you wouldn't read The Golden Compass either, but you burned a great many electrons criticizing a book YOU hadn't read. Typical, though.

  6. You were quite busy posting comments last night GM. I will be back later today to respond.

    P.S. I read excerpts and commentaries about The Golden Compass so I knew what the movie was about; unlike you, who apparently can't even get through an entire sermon video. What's the matter? Were you feeling some sort of terrible fiery sensation or something? Were you about to burst into flames so you had to quit watching it?

  7. CJW: ”You were quite busy posting comments last night GM.”

    You were quite busy yourself, posting left and right. You should be happy: someone is actually reading and responding to them.

    ”What's the matter? Were you feeling some sort of terrible fiery sensation or something? Were you about to burst into flames so you had to quit watching it?”

    I read your review of Jeremiah's book/sermon. I've heard and seen him before, so I had a good idea what to expect.
    No, there was no sudden warmth, nor any other Christian juju, when I heard it. Magic spells don't work in this world.

    “I will be back later today to respond.”

    Bring it, lady. I'll get back to you eventually.

  8. I can see GM is in true form. I meant to comment yesterday but was way too busy at work. I'll try to get here today. Keep making a difference Christine ... you are a beacon on the bay here.

  9. Once again, GM, you are skirting the true issue at hand. Since it has been explained to you and you still reject it - there is nothing more I can do to convince you otherwise. If you choose to believe that the issue is only about contraceptives and not about the violation of religious freedom which is guaranteed by our U.S. Constitution, then you have the usual liberal leftist blinders on.

    Speaking about juju, GM, it is YOU who chooses to remain under the great deceiver's lies, evil and spiritual death sentence.

    Jesus Christ faced a few battles against satan during his ministry here on this earth. He won each one of them - including the battle for men's souls after physical death. I will take Christ's TRUTH over the enemy of our souls lies any day of week - in fact, for all eternity. That is what is ultimately at stake. Where a person will spend eternity. You have made your choice. I think that such a choice is ignorant, prideful, and lacking wisdom from God simply because you think you know better and reject God and His Word. As the Bible says, "so be it." No one can convince you otherwise. Why? Because it takes humility to realize that you are a sinner in desperate need of the Savior. We all are. In the case of born-again Christians - we all were. It isn't because of our selves - it's because of what Christ has done for us.

    [Any new readers please visit Becoming a Christian for more information.]

    As 2 Corinthians 5:7 informs us, our faith allows us to live by believing and not by seeing. Why can we believe with utmost confidence? Because of God's written Word and His Living Word - Jesus Christ.

    In Whom one places their faith is the key to being reconciled back unto God. It is a fact of history that Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Son of God who ministered for 3 years, was crucified for the remission of our sins, was buried, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.

    The Bible doesn't tell us everything - only God knows that - but it tells us everything we need to know this side of heaven to be saved.

    Whether or not you believe it doesn't really matter. What matters is each individual soul who has faith enough to believe the Gospel message, confess sin, and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

    When a person physically dies, they can't take it [meaning all temporal things] with them. Just ask Steve Jobs. All that he had done, accomplished, earned, led, accumulated etc. stayed behind. All he took with him was his soul. Where his soul ended up is between him and God - but I have read that he rejected the Gospel. Lesson learned, to be sure.

    After all of these years of your bantering, you must know by now that your mocking just rolls off of my back. All that you have is what is temporal. What I have, and what millions of other Christians have - is life eternal. What could possibly be better? Answer: nothing.

  10. Hi Steve,

    I always appreciate your visits and comments here. I was busy yesterday and didn't get back to this comment thread until now.

    What GM doesn't realize is that there is a huge spiritual battle going on behind the scenes of this temporal world. Unfortunately, we often see and hear all the bad news, but not much of the good news.

    Yesterday, I sent off a quick message to my cousin via FaceBook because her dad was rushed to the hospital, in intensive care, and not doing well. He is 79 or 80 years old. I sent up prayers during the day and several other FaceBook friends sent up prayers. Today, her dad is out of intensive care and in a regular hospital room. He was able to speak - which wasn't the case yesterday.

    I believe in the power of prayer!! I believe that my uncle was given a reprieve by God himself because of the prayers going up to heaven for him to live.

    We all die one day. There is a 100% death rate in the world. It's just a matter of when one dies (and in what spiritual condition their soul is in at the time) where they will end up in eternity - our true ultimate home.

    Thanks for your encouraging words Steve. Really appreciate it! God bless your day!

  11. CJW: ”The point you are missing is the fact that our particular nation - the United States of America, was built on Judeo-Christian values, which gives the freedom for people to choose what religion they want and the freedom to worship without fear of tyranny, oppression, and loss of their free exercise of religion.”

    Tell that to the African slaves who “immigrated” here. Tell that to your Catholic associates, and read the histories of Catholic-Protestant strife in 'our particular nation'. (Start with "Philadelphia Bible wars").
    Tell it to the Mormons, who to this day aren't regarded as True Christians™ by the other denominations in this country.
    The very first rule of the Judeo-Christian god is...that's right, Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. That may be your idea of free exercise of religion, but I'm not buying it.

    ”Speaking about juju, GM, it is YOU who chooses to remain under the great deceiver's lies, evil and spiritual death sentence.”

    Then you don't read your own scriptures very well:

    And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Genesis 3: 22~24 (KJV)

    The great deceiver didn't put us under a spiritual death sentence, the all-loving creator did that.

    ”Whether or not you believe it doesn't really matter.”


    The rest of your post isn't directed at me personally: you're trying to persuade others who might be following this. I'm happy to hear about your cousin, but that's no proof that prayer has power. I'm sure most of the people trapped in the World Trade Center did a lot of praying too, but it didn't get them out of there. Obviously, according to you, god decided it was time to call them home.

  12. Our nation has often become corrupted by corrupt leaders. That isn't the fault of God - it is the fault of sinners.

    God has been clear in the Scriptures who the "father of lies" is and the fact that all of us are under satan's power until we repent of our sins and become reconciled back to God through Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter who is (or was) slave or free, black, white, brown, yellow or green; Catholic or Protestant, Mormon or any other cult-like religion - God made the rules and one rule is to not have other gods before Him. The free exercise of religion gives people the right to ignore that commandment in this life. However, where a person spends eternity depends on getting it right.

    No GM - you are wrong. God didn't put us under a spiritual death sentence - MAN's free will did - through the influence of the great deceiver - satan.

    But God has come to our rescue through the Person of Jesus Christ to allow us to escape the spiritual death sentence.

    You call me a liar because you can't accept the truth. So be it.

    Yes. I like to include additional information for those who may come upon this comment thread one day and want answers about the truth. Jesus is the TRUTH, and anything that you may say, do, think, or rant about will not change that fact. I'm sure it drives you crazy to know this, deep down in your heart. But the fact that you now reject the truth you once learned (and possibly accepted?) means that the original seed planted did not fall in good soil. I wonder which one of these examples in the parable describes you?

    Mat 13:3 Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: "Behold, a sower went out to sow.

    Mat 13:4 "And as he sowed, some [seed] fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them.

    Mat 13:5 "Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth.

    Mat 13:6 "But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away.

    Mat 13:7 "And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them.

    Mat 13:8 "But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

    Mat 13:9 "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

  13. ”The free exercise of religion gives people the right to ignore that commandment in this life. However, where a person spends eternity depends on getting it right.”

    But your god didn't allow that so-called right. His orders were to kill those who spoke for other gods, and his Chosen People® were to do that without hesitation. Fortunately, most Christians are more moral than their god.
    I don't know where I spent eternity before I was born, and I don't have any memories of it. When I go back into eternity it shall be without fear; there's no question of 'getting it right' or not. This life is ours to live now, and not a dry run for some future existence. If it isn't, you'll have to share your afterlife with all the other afterlives men have dreamed up (I rather like Valhalla, but that's just me).
    I know it's hard for you to accept that the world would dare to continue on without you in it, but don't worry. One is born, one dies, but humanity continues.

    You claimed “Whether or not you believe it doesn't really matter” but now you've added, “I like to include additional information for those who may come upon this comment thread one day and want answers about the truth.”
    So you DO believe it matters whether one believes or not, in spite of what you told me. That's what makes you a liar, and that's why I called you one.

    ”I wonder which one of these examples in the parable describes you?”

    You mean you don't know? You seem to know so much else about my “spiritual condition”, as you once called it. Whassamatta, the Holy Spirit get its signals crossed?

  14. You are just too obvious, GM. You twist my words to suit your humanistic ideologic drivel. Perhaps it would be better to respond using God's Word.

    You wrote:

    "You claimed “Whether or not you believe it doesn't really matter” but now you've added, “I like to include additional information for those who may come upon this comment thread one day and want answers about the truth.”
    So you DO believe it matters whether one believes or not, in spite of what you told me. That's what makes you a liar, and that's why I called you one."

    Jesus speaking:
    Mat 5:11 "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.

    Mar 8:35 "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it.

    GM wrote:

    ”I wonder which one of these examples in the parable describes you?”

    You mean you don't know? You seem to know so much else about my “spiritual condition”, as you once called it. Whassamatta, the Holy Spirit get its signals crossed?"

    I wanted to see if you could recognize yourself in the parable.

    Luk 8:10 And He said, "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest [it is given] in parables, that 'Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.


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