Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Nuclear-Armed Iran Would be a Threat to Israel's Very Existence

The gall of this AWFUL administration is beyond belief! Imagine...an administration that sides with Islamists in the Middle East wants to dictate to Israel (more like BEG) NOT to strike Iran's nuclear facilities!

Let me ask you this. If America was the immediate target of the Iranian crazies, would our government listen to another country telling us not to strike a rogue nation that aims to blow us up in a nuclear attack? The answer is NO - OF COURSE NOT!

I trust Benjamin Netanyahu. I trust him more than our own government right now. I think that he will do what is necessary for the survival of the Nation of Israel. That is why he is in the office of Prime Minister at this time in history.

We may not have known it at the time, but the election of 2008 brought into being the worst pResident in American history! An administration that sides with radical Islamists, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, radical environmentalists, and liberal leftist thugs isn't going to do all it can to protect WE THE PEOPLE of America - no less the people and state of Israel! Right now, here in America, the inmates are running the asylum. Millions of Americans see this for what it is - a usurper who is a puppet of all of these radical groups trying to destroy our nation!

Recently, a campaign advisor for Rick Santorum appeared on a news show and incorrectly stated that Santorum's comments about Obama's worldview being a "theology" was because of "radical Islamist theology." She later corrected herself, saying that she meant to say, "radical environmentalist theology" and apologized for the error. But that won't matter to the liberals and the Obama regime. Do you think they might use that slip of the tongue for all it's worth to attack Santorum's campaign? It has been revealed that the Obama regime is now considering attacking Santorum more than Romney now because of Rick's surge in the polls.

On the other hand, maybe the leftists won't use it. Why? Because perhaps they don't want to draw attention to what writer Essam Abdallah has exposed! We shall see...

But was Alice Stewart's comment a Freudian slip? Could it be that she is well aware of Essam Abdallah's article?

Does anyone in their right mind REALLY think that sanctions will stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon?

Excerpt from Now The End Begins blog:

Both Israel and the West believe Iran is trying to develop a nuclear bomb — a charge Tehran denies. But differences have emerged in how to respond to the perceived threat.

The U.S. and the European Union have both imposed harsh new sanctions targeting Iran’s oil sector, the lifeline of the Iranian economy. With the sanctions just beginning to bite, they have expressed optimism that Iran can be persuaded to curb its nuclear ambitions.

So...what does Iran do?


On Sunday, Iran’s Oil Ministry said it has halted oil shipments to Britain and France in an apparent pre-emptive blow against the European Union. The semiofficial Mehr news agency said the National Iranian Oil Company has sent letters to some European refineries with an ultimatum to either sign long-term contracts of two to five years or be cut off. The 27-nation EU accounts for about 18 percent of Iran’s oil exports.

Yeah right..."sanctions" are working! /sarc

Concluding argument excerpt:

Israel has welcomed the sanctions. But it has pointedly refused to rule out military action and in recent weeks sent signals that its patience is running thin.
Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat to its very existence, citing Iran’s support for Arab militant groups, its sophisticated arsenal of missiles capable of reaching Israel and its leaders’ calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Last week, Israel accused Iran of being behind a string of attempted attacks on Israeli diplomats in India, Georgia and Thailand.

There is precedent for Israeli action. In 1981, the Israeli air force destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor. And in 2007, Israeli warplanes are believed to have destroyed a target that foreign experts think was an unfinished nuclear reactor in Syria.

Israel will need to come to the rescue once again. God be with Her!

Hat tips to all links.


  1. CJW: “Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat to its very existence, citing Iran’s support for Arab militant groups, its sophisticated arsenal of missiles capable of reaching Israel and its leaders’ calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.”

    If Israel believes that, then let Israel launch a strike on Iran. They can claim it's self-defense, and most of the world will believe them, since Israel has had to fight for its survival before.
    But if they want to launch a war with Iraq, we're under no obligation to help them. Saddam tried to pull Israel into the first Gulf War by hitting Israel with missiles, remember? What did Israel do? They hunkered down under our Patriot missiles, but did not counterattack, as they had a perfect right to do.

    You say that you believe Netanyahu will do what's necessary to ensure the survival of Israel. So, Obama shouldn't do what's best for the USA? Should we allow Israel to drag us into yet another war, when we've just ended one and we're still involved in another one?
    I hear a lot of saber-rattling from Iraq, especially last month when the USS John C Stennis entered the Persian Gulf. They did nothing, except warn the Stennis not to come back again. Two weeks later the USS Abraham Lincoln entered the Gulf, and again the Iranians did nothing. Funny how you neglected to mention that.
    When one ship carries more combat planes than your entire air force, it's smarter to lie low.

    Iran can make all the noise it wants to, but you normally don't knock down a neighbor's door just because he's noisy.

    Since you're so convinced that Obama will 'side[s] with radical Islamists, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, radical environmentalists, and liberal leftist thugs', then why the heck do we have the Fifth Fleet over there for? Why do we even bother to talk to Netanyahu, since he won't listen to us any more than Ahmadinejad does? And why are you complaining that Obama even tries to talk with them?

    In 1981, the Israeli air force destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor, and Saddam did nothing, because he was already fighting a war with Iran, and he knew his air force wasn't up to a retaliatory attack. That was thirty years ago; things are different now. But if Israel thinks it can do it again, more power to them.
    It's been an open secret for decades that Israel has nuclear weapons of its own. But using them would make Israel look like the bad guys, and “justify” Iran's desire to develop nuclear weapons. Nobody wants that...except the Christian Nationalists.

  2. My husband and I were discussing this at dinner tonight. The fact is, Israel could use our help. One or more(?) of Iran's suspected nuclear sites in located deep in the ground under concrete. Israel could use our bunker buster bombs. But with the current pResident in the White House who once said that he "would side with the Muslims" if given a choice, I would doubt that he would ever come to the rescue of our closest ally in the Middle East to carry out the destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities. But, he does go in and bomb in Libya - without going through the proper channels of Congress. Who does he think he is? A king? Or more likely just a tyrant.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Redacted.

    CJW: ”My husband and I were discussing this at dinner tonight. The fact is, Israel could use our help.”

    Yeah? Why? Surely you believe that Yahweh will come to their aid, don't you? Or does that apply only to the Great Invasion from the East?

    ”One or more(?) of Iran's suspected nuclear sites in located deep in the ground under concrete. Israel could use our bunker buster bombs.”

    Perhaps you hadn't heard that Israel bought some of those “Bunker-buster” bombs (the GBU-28) over two years ago. Israel had requested them in 2005, but Bush refused the sale, because the Pentagon suspected that Israel was transferring advanced military technology to China. All US-Israeli projects had been put on hold.
    But Obama approved the sale. Yeah, he sure sided with the Muslims, all right.

    ”...I would doubt that he would ever come to the rescue of our closest ally in the Middle East to carry out the destruction of Iran's nuclear facilities. But, he does go in and bomb in Libya - without going through the proper channels of Congress.”

    In case you haven't been paying attention, we bombed Vietnam, and Cambodia, and Bosnia, and Afghanistan, and Iraq—all 'without going through the proper channels of Congress.' Only Congress has the power to declare war—and they haven't done that since 1941. Ever since the War Powers Act was enacted (under a Republican administration, mind you) it's been possible for Presidents to do what Congress apparently lacks the nads to do. This is why I favor abolishing the Department of Defense, and giving it its old name back. Maybe people will then take notice of what's being done in our name.

  5. Look, perhaps you know more about the bunker-buster bombs sales to Israel than I do, but I recently heard that there was a problem that Israel's technology may not be sufficient. Could it have something to do with the delivery over the course of almost 1,000 miles?

    It's funny how the Democrats didn't squawk about Obama starting a third war with Libya. If G.W. Bush did that...they'd be screaming at the top of their lungs! Just because "their guy" did it, it's OK with them. What hypocrites!

    The misnomer known as "the Arab Spring," that was cheered about by Obama when it first started is now turning into a Muslim Brotherhood disaster! Oh wait...maybe that is why Obama approved of it in the first place? Hmmm....

    I also heard that the Nobel Peace Prize committee is wondering if they made a mistake giving the prize to Obama so early in his pResidency. Well....I guess it was fitting for Obama to get it - just like the terrorist of the PLO - Arafat did.

  6. CJW: ”...I recently heard that there was a problem that Israel's technology may not be sufficient.”

    They obviously thought it was, or they wouldn't have bought the bombs, then. GBU-28s aren't cheap...and Israel bought at least fifty of them! That's pretty lame reasoning, hostess.

    ”It's funny how the Democrats didn't squawk about Obama starting a third war with Libya. If G.W. Bush did that...they'd be screaming at the top of their lungs! Just because "their guy" did it, it's OK with them. What hypocrites!”

    Changing the subject now because you've been stumped again. What a hypocrite!
    Libya was just as “illegal” as all the others...or not. Like in Bosnia, all we did was fly air strikes, and supposedly only in support of the underdog side. The war in Libya had begun before we got involved, same as Bosnia. Nobody complained much about Bosnia either—some faraway place with weirdly-named people, that's all.

    ”The misnomer known as "the Arab Spring," that was cheered about by Obama when it first started is now turning into a Muslim Brotherhood disaster!”

    That sounds as if it's turned into a disaster for the Muslim Brotherhood, and that's good. I haven't heard of them taking over in Egypt, or Yemen, or Libya. But according to Herman Cain, it was the Taliban who had taken over in Libya. If true, we can expect to see civil war there again real soon. Don't count on it.
    The “Prague Spring” of 1968 didn't end well either, but the young people who took part in it then were still around 21 years later when the Communist regime fell. You should learn from that.

  7. How is it that you knew that Israel might be having tech problems with the bunker-busters, but you didn't know the Israelis already had the bombs in the first place?! The US government is the sole source of the GBU-28; how could you say that Obama 'side[d] with the Muslims' when he sold such powerful bombs to the IDF?

    It's because you didn't know he had, that's why. And the rest of your information is probably just as defective as that was.
    Israel had been lobbying for GBU-28s for five years before they got them; that's plenty of time to do some research. If they can't get the bombs they wanted to work with their aircraft, that is hardly Obama's fault.


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