Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Rick Santorum Is Genuine; Obama Is Vain

Congratulations to Rick Santorum for his hat-trick victory in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado last night! I like what I am hearing from him on the campaign trail and apparently, so do thousands of voters in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado.

Of course, it didn't take long for Donald Trump to come out and criticize Santorum:

posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 2 hours ago
Donald Trump was on CNN this morning with anchor Ashleigh Banfield to discuss Tuesday’s GOP primaries. [Trump] is not getting the whole Santorum thing. “Rick Santorum was a sitting senator who in re-elect...
What Trump isn't telling people is that many in Pennsylvania REGRETTED their votes against Santorum's Senatorial re-election bid.  Why?  Because it brought in a liberal who voted for Obamacare.  Now that the state of Pennsylvania and states across the nation see what is in the awful Obama/Pelosi/Reid Healthscare bill, they deeply regret that it had been passed.  The fact remains that the Democrats manipulated the system in order to get it passed so that added insult to injury.
I don't know what religion, if any, Trump practices.  But so far, I haven't heard him express outrage against the Obama Administration for the terrible destructive move against religious liberty that was defiantly done against the Catholic church recently.  Many evangelical Christians are speaking out in defense of the Catholics because we all know that freedom of liberty, religious freedom, freedom of association, and freedom of speech are at stake.  The Founders were correct!  Our freedoms come from God - not from government!  WE THE PEOPLE do not want such a tyrannical decree against people of the Christian faith by Obama and his cohorts to stand.  I have been hearing that the Zero regime is beginning to realize that they might need to back down on this issue.  Of course, it's only for political expediency in an election year that they would do so.
Back to Trump "not getting" Rick Santorum.
I get it.  I get his ideology, political views, and how he views our nation.  He wants to restore America and work FOR THE PEOPLE, not talk down to them the way Obama does. Santorum believes in what the Declaration of Independence says and stands for. He desires to adhere to the U.S. Constitution - something which Obama has constantly trampled upon for the past three years.

In a previous post, I expressed how much I like Santorum's campaign slogan, "Faith, Family and Freedom." I also cheered about his steadfast stance against partial birth abortion and how he was instrumental in finally getting the bill banning that horrendous practice (of killing a baby that has been birthed except for the head - where scissors are inserted into the back of the neck to kill the child before it is completely out of the womb) passed and signed into law by President George W. Bush.

That is a deed straight out of the bowels of hell!!  Anyone who would condone such a practice must not have a conscience!  Abortion is MURDER...PERIOD!  And to perform an abortion in such a way as is done by partial birth abortion is a kind of murder that could be labeled as a new holocaust placed upon unborn children.

Children are a gift from God.  Such gifts should not be snuffed out in such a horrific way.  Those who adhere to such evil practices (and never confess such sin and ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives) will find themselves absent from the Book of Life in eternity.

Speaking of eternity, I began reading the study guide called Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven by Dr. David Jeremiah again this week. In Lesson 11 - Tough-Minded About Heaven - I read many things that could be applied towards the good beliefs and policies that Rick Santorum holds in his personal and political life.

Chapter 11 is very interesting because it teaches us how we should be living our lives in the present - in light of God's plan for eternity.

Dr. Jeremiah writes:
In his first epistle, Peter encouraged his readers (and us) to "gird up the loins of [their] mind" and to "be sober" (1:13). [T]his is a military term, meaning to pull up the folds of one's robe and tuck them in the belt so as not to impede one's forward progress. Applied to the mind, Peter is saying, "Don't be sloppy in your thinking. Don't be casual. We're in a battle and have to prepare ourselves for victory."

If we, as Christians, don't gird up our minds, we will absorb the thinking of this world. We'll start believing that the world system is all there is--that there is no future, no heaven, no rewards, no eternal worship of God, and no service of God in the new heavens and new earth. If we don't stay focused on heaven, allowing that hope to pull us purposefully through this world, we will get bogged down spiritually and lose our edge.

I think that hundreds of thousands of Americans [many non-Christians, some discouraged Christians] are feeling "bogged down spiritually" by the lack of true AMERICAN leadership of this Marxist bully in the White House and thus erroneously think that we have "lost our edge."

But Jesus instructs us in the five ways we need to remain tough-minded:

1. Tough-Minded About Our Purity (2 Peter 3:11) There is a longer description in the booklet, but the following portion can be applied in realizing the attraction of conservative voters to Rick Santorum's campaign:

The opposite of pursuing godliness is denying ungodliness. In Titus 2:12 Paul wrote, "Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age."
Pursuing godliness and denying ungodliness are not theoretical ideas, they are actionable ideas --hands-on goals to pursue. In the world we live in, anyone who is not "pursuing" and "denying" is going to get caught up in the things of this world.

Mr. Santorum is not afraid to call what is wrong - wrong (e.g. abortion); and what is evil (e.g. the Iranian regime) - evil.

2. Tough-Minded about His promises (2 Peter 3:12).

we need to be tough-minded about Christ's promise to return and not let the world lull us into apathy and ungodliness.

Rick Santorum has often stated that this election IS CRUCIAL for the defeat of Barack Hussein Obama. I agree with him, and whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be needs to relently expose and combat the terrible direction Obama has taken this nation.   I believe whole-heartedly that Santorum is up for that job!

3. Tough-Minded About Our Purpose (2 Peter 3:14)

Dr. Jeremiah:

Every believer has been given one or more spiritual gifts--and that certainly should impact our life purpose. We must be diligent in applying those gifts in the body of Christ. It's easy to become a spiritual "couch potato" and lapse into doing nothing -- just marking time and taking up space. That is not why God saved us. There are works He saved us to accomplish, and being diligent about our purpose means accomplishing those tasks (Ephesians 2:10). One day we will stand before Christ and give an account of what we have done (or not done) for Him.

Rick chose "Faith, Family and Freedom" as his moniker for his presidential campaign. It is obvious that he puts God first in his life, family second, and the call to preserve our nation's freedom as his purpose in running for president. It's not an "ego" thing with him. I think that is attractive to many people, as well.

We already have a narcissist-in-chief who just desires to be "cool" again. How is that working out for you, America? The "hope and change" became "nope and chains" against what WE THE PEOPLE want in a president and government for our nation. We want a president and government FOR THE PEOPLE, OF THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE!! NOT a tyrannical one that dictates to us from cradle (if one escapes abortion and is born in the first place) to grave (which hopefully will be a long life unless the death panels in Zerocare kill us sooner)! As Rick said during his victory speech yesterday, (paraphrased) 'if government gives you rights, then government can also take away your rights.'

4. Tough-Minded About Our Profession (2 Peter 3:17)

Dr. Jeremiah:

Peter warns his readers about "untaught and unstable people" who try to twist the Scriptures to their own advantage (verse 16). then he says, since you know they're going to do this, "...beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked."

If that isn't a perfect Bible verse that describes and refutes Obama then I don't know what would be!

5. Tough-Minded About Our Progress (2 Peter 3:18)

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen."

Bible-based Christians can immediately spot someone who is genuine in their faith. For others, it may take a while. But I think that even non-Christians, at this point, have recognized the vanity of Obama and his cronies who deliberately and defiantly continue to trump the will of the people!  The American people instinctively know that those in public office arel SUPPOSED TO SERVE the PEOPLE here in the United States of America - not the other way around!!

At the end of the chapter, there is a "did you know" paragraph that I think sums up the stark differences that Rick Santorum offers as a presidential candidate, verses what Obama has shown us over the past three years.

The idea of "vanity" is made more clear by the meanings of the original Hebrew and Greek words. In the Old Testament the Hebrew word hebel {translated "vain" in Ecclesiastes 1:2) meant vapor or breath--something that had no substance and was easily dissipated. The New Testament Greek word for "vain" is kenos--a word that meant empty or empty-handed.

I think that Obama has proven himself to be vain. Most of the people of America see him and his "promises" from the election of 2008 as "having no substance and easily dissipated;" as well as "empty and empty-handed."

In both cases it is easy to see how the English word "vain" was used to translate these original words.

Whether they realize it or not, I think that one of the big reasons why Americans are now flocking to Rick Santorum's campaign is because he is a genuine person; whereas Obama appears to be empty and like a vapor. You can't fake being genuine for very long. A person's real beliefs and motives are ultimately found out.

The chapter concludes with this important thought:

A life without certainty of heaven could easily appear to be empty or like a vapor.

Hat tips to all links.


Also see:
posted by nicedeb at Nice Deb - 3 hours ago
Last night was not only a great night for Rick Santorum, it a great night for conservatism. Although he was massively out-spent by the front runner, Santorum managed to win by huge margins in Missouri and ...


  1. Christine shared: “Our freedoms come from God - not from government!” I like that.

    I think the slogan "Faith, Family and Freedom” is in the heart of every God-fearing believer.

    Having been delivered from a death-style I chose to practice for more than 20 years (passive and active), and having been set free from the bondage of alcohol addiction that I chose to practice for more than 30 years, i fall on my knees before the ONE G-D of ISRAEL in thankfulness for his grace and mercy.

    I know my redeemer lives in the hearts of all Bible-believers.

    In particular I appreciate Dr. Jeremiah’s words: “Peter warns his readers about ‘untaught and unstable people’ who try to twist the Scriptures to their own advantage.”

    Thank you, Christine. I love having friends who choose to SPEAK TRUTH! (ss)

  2. Good morning Christine. It would be good for Santorum to win the nomination. But I seriously doubt Obama will be defeated, which saddens me immensely.

  3. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for your input! I like having friends who come here to comment and speak the TRUTH!

    We certainly do have a LOT to be grateful for here in America. God has truly blessed us here with His mercy and grace.

    When Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:6-7 "see that ye be not troubled" it is comforting to know that he has told us what "must come to pass." Here is the entire verse:

    "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdoom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." - Matthew 24:6-7.

    Aren't we experiencing all of those things? Haven't we been experiencing them for quite a long time? (Especially since Israel was re-born as a nation in 1948.)

    I recently received a letter from Dr. Ed Hindson - one of my favorite Christian Apologist writers - asking for a donation to an organization called "Christians In Defense Of Israel." With a $30.00 donation, you get a copy of a booklet and DVD - "What To Do If You're Left Behind." It is designed for those who have missed the Rapture. I plan to review it and possibly order many more copies for relatives that I know aren't born again Christians yet.

    Wow! I just did a search and found the video online at Dr. Hindson's website!

    The King Is Coming: What To Do If You Are Left Behind

    Going back over there to watch it right now! I plan to do a blogpost on this topic soon! May God bless your day, Susan!

  4. Hi Steve,

    Why do you think that Obama cannot be defeated?

  5. Too much money. The entire media covers and props him up, ignoring his distructive policies and actions, acting like a propaganda machine for him. The Republicans are far too nice and will never point out with force his failures. "They" didn't put him where he is for just one term. Judi McLeod at CFP wrote an excellent piece today ... check it out:

  6. Hi Steve,

    Just a quick note because I need to walk the dogs. I will read that article from Canada Free Press. I like the articles there. However, I hope that the fact that over 30% of the public who get their news via the Internet - including blogs and such - will no longer be fooled by the media of mass deception this time.

    I just listened to Rick Santorum's speech at CPAC. He spoke with his entire family (except for little baby Bella who is still recuperating at home from a serious bout with pneumonia) standing close behind him on stage. That was a powerful statement in itself! He drew the sharp contrast ON ISSUES that he would present to America as president vs. Obama's terrible, power-grabbing and overbearing failed government policies. I am recording the entire CPAC event, including the speeches from Gingrich and Romney.

    I liked everything that Santorum said in his speech. If you get a chance, go to C-Span because they will probably have the video available there sometime today.

    I think that millions of Americans who supported Obama in 2008 have been driven away from him in droves! No matter how much money the Zero-man has, it won't change those minds. There will always be ObamaBorgBots who would vote for him no matter what; but hopefully, most of the moderates, independents, and conservative Democrats will rally around our nominee. Voters have even left the Democratic party in droves, too! Once our nominee is announced, millions of people who probably voted for Obama in 2008 (and really regret their votes!) will vote for ANYONE but Obama. Perhaps I'm being naive and too hopeful. But I will continue to pray ever so fervently for God's Holy Spirit to move in this nation and convict the hearts of those who compromised their faith, values, fortunes, and sacred honor in 2008 to come BACK to the TRUTH and flee from the evil of this current pResident in the White House and reject the propaganda that unfortunately got him into office in 2008.


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