Monday, March 26, 2012

Can This Be True? [Update]

If you have been paying any attention to what has been going on behind the scenes due to the lack of reporting by the media of mass deception, you might be asking the question, "can this be true?" about many situations that are NOT BEING REPORTED out there in T.V. news land. That is when we must turn to the Internet to help us surmise the truth that is being deliberately suppressed.

Have you been wondering what the REAL motive is of the Obama administration's support of the so-called "Arab Spring" uprisings in the Middle East? Why is it that the terrorist organization - The Muslim Brotherhood - is poised to take the place of several formerly moderate Arab nations due to the ousting of the previous leaders and/or dictators? Perhaps the following video will answer our questions!

And I ask readers....why is THIS happening:

If you think that ObamaFRAUD has been "the worst pResident ever," you may be absolutely correct. However, based on what was shared in that video, if he ended up being re-elected (GOD FORBID!!!) then we haven't seen ANYTHING yet. The evil, corruption, sin, death and destruction that would continue to occur here in America, against Israel, and around the entire world would be unleashed at such a level that the horrific results may not allow us to ever recover.

This blog has reported extensively on the birth certificate issue, as well as the fact that Obama cannot be a natural born citizen of the United States of America if his biological father was Barack Hussein Obama Senior. However, there is evidence out across the Internet that Obama's nativity story is entirely a hoax. In the usual Talk Wisdom Reports - You Decide manner, I present just a few items to consider.

1. The fact that Obama's handlers went to great lengths to hide his bona fides, including the original paper document of his long form birth certificate, may be precisely because his true identity would NEVER have allowed him to be elected in the first place.

Please see:

Terrible Truth: Malcolm Gone Mad

I have posted a few blogposts about the possibility that Obama could be the bastard son of Malcolm X However, sometimes a picture (or, in this case, a VIDEO) is worth 1,000 words! Keep in mind that the presenter (and narrator) of that video is (or was) a SUPPORTER of Barack Hussein Obama who just wants "the truth" to be revealed!

2. In the ongoing story about the mailman who recently revealed that he spoke with the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers' parents in front of the elder Ayers' home about a foreign student named Barack Obama back in the 1980's, we now find out that people in the mailman's own family "didn't want to hear" what the postman learned outside that house. This may help to explain why he didn't go public with the story until now.

World Net Daily: Mailman Discouraged From Telling Obama Story

In the comment section of the World Net Daily article (link above), there is a very informative comment that tells us why the two so-called "birth certificate/COLB" that were each placed online are forgeries - even without the extensive investigation that was done by Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse.


The average person will find the White House released Birth Certificate a fraud for three obvious reasons.

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes'. The phrase 'African-American' on the certificate did not become commonly used until the mid 1970’s.

2. The White House birth certificate shows his father’s age as 25 years old and born in "Kenya, East Africa". At Obama’s birth, Kenya was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".   It didn’t become ‘Kenya’ until 1963.

3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home," respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until their merger in 1978. These issues exist with the White House released BC even before one considers the bungled computer manipulated PDF layers and fonts. BUT, the reason for the supposed ‘cover-up’ and lack of records for Barak [sic] Obama is actually very simple. Mr. Obama’s second father legally adopted Barak[sic] and changed his name to ‘Barry Soetoro’.   Nearly all the ‘missing’ records from the 1960-80’s;   schools, student loans,  scholarships, legal, travel, professional, etc. are under his ‘Barry Soetoro’ name or derivatives thereof.   Both names were used by Barak[sic]/Barry as a convenien[ce] when needed.

For instance, Columbia only certifies Barak[sic] Obama’s surname for his first year of residence but not for the second year of the degree. But that’s because his Columbia 2nd year (actually about 10 months) was done in study abroad, in Pakistan. The college registration, passports, travel there and back, and his student loan applications were all made out under Soetoro. That’s because US foreign policy would prohibit a Hawaiian Barak[sic] Obama to travel to Pakistan but an Indonesian Muslim named Barry Soetoro could go. Show Columbia the legal adoption paperwork, add a friendly Professor or two, and you are good to go. Additionally, the Student Loan System at the time was nearly entirely manual and filed by SSAN.   It was common for students to use different SSAN’s to get more money (which might explain the use of multiple Connecticut SSAN’s).   Congress didn’t seriously address Student loan fraud until the 1990’s.   Obama’s use of both names would be simple pragmatism for a smart young black man to get money, experiences and credit by using whatever appeals would work. Since there were very, very few smart young black men in college, he would readily get all the help he needed.

There is no ‘original, long form’ Hawaiian Birth Certificate because it is no longer filed under Barak [sic] Obama; it was pulled, manually changed and properly refilled under Soetoro when he was legally adopted back in 1966.   It remains sealed even from the Hawaiian Governor; because Obama did not give permission or petition the Probate Court to legally ever changed it back!   Why?   Because while probably ultimately harmless, none of this pragmatism on his part was very attractive to a Presidential Candidate.

Exception to that last statement.  If Obama LOST his citizenship when he became an Indonesian citizen when he was adopted by Soetoro, then there may have been ramifications in that scenario. 

If Martha Trowbridge of Terrible Truth (this is a different link than article above so please read!) is correct, and Rev. Dr. Phil Valentine's analysis is correct, then we might have at least one answer as to why Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah etc. has hidden his past from the public.

Hat tips:

Radio Patriot for video find.

Hat tips to all additional links.


Update: And the media blackout continues!

posted by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit - 12 hours ago
Earlier today Forbes posted an excerpt from the book Hope Is Not a Strategy by John Mariotti and D. M. Lukas. The author provided an excerpt from the book for the article where he describes Barack Obama as...

Cached copy of the now scrubbed Forbes article: Is There An Imposter In The White House? An Excerpt from "Hope Is Not A Strategy"

A comment at above link that fits quite well with this post:

lordhowardhurts3 hours ago

Please don’t shoot the messenger, BUT when speaking of “Natural Born” citizen, and the controversy surrounding the Obama Presidency, has anyone thought about this: Compare a photo of Malcolm X, and a photo of Obama Sr., with a current photo of President Obama, and tell me what you think. I see a striking similarity between President Obama and Malcolm X, and no similarity between his, supposed father, Obama Sr. Now couple this visual with the fact that President Obama’s mother knew Malcolm X, and that President Obama’s father also knew Malcom X, and then add the facts that Obama Sr. needed documentation to stay in the U.S., and that Malcom X could not afford a “love child”, and you might have the reason for Obama not letting anyone verify his birth certificate in the vault in Hawaii. There is something not logical in this posting of the Obama birth certificate on the Internet. Please also note that experts on document fraud have declared this posted birth certificate an amateur hoax. When something is not logical there just might be a problem between the actual truth, and the “declared truth”.
Lord Howard Hurts

Here is a copy (minus the links in the original article) of the scrubbed (but still cached) page:

There is something very wrong when the sitting president refuses to divulge huge pieces of information about his background. What is he hiding? Maybe the “birthers” were a little extreme, but is there something wrong with this “manufactured candidate,” whose history remains sealed from public view? What is he hiding?

Could the “Hawaii birth certificate” be a forgery? Is there something much worse—like “sponsorship” by an unnamed special interest? I don’t know. I do know that the man in the White House now is an imposter. The only question is which kind of an imposter: an incompetent “pretender” or a genuine phony, a “Manchurian candidate,” who is a liberal, ½ black and ½ white, and an obvious Muslim sympathizer (despite claims of being a Christian—in clear conflict with his non-Christian behavior).

Will this campaign expose him as the imposter, and the pretender his behavior has revealed? Will it expose his hidden history and murky background. We know about his failures and mistakes.

For those who don’t, here is another in this series of revealing excerpts from HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY: Leadership Lessons from the Obama Presidency. The book is now available on in paperback and Kindle versions. Other in e-book versions are available at

Excerpt from the chapter: Beware the Pretender:
…”No matter how many times President Obama refers to the “problems he inherited,” he has now been in office three years. Certainly many of the current problems can be traced back to events that happened during the eight years that Bush held the top office, and some can be traced back to even earlier presidencies—but far from all of them.
Many of the problems are newly created (or made worse), and Barack Obama owns them. Candidate Obama stepped up and essentially said, “I want the job, and everything that comes with it” by running for president. After three years in office, the problems now belong to him and his presidency. He caused them, made them worse, or didn’t solve them. Either way, they are his now.
…In leadership, you cannot “pretend” to be a leader. You either are—or you aren’t—a leader. One or the other will become apparent very quickly.
If you want the leadership job, you must step up and take full ownership of it. A “pretender” or “poser” is like an actor who has learned all the right lines, but has no idea what they mean. Once the script has been followed (or deviated from), the actor is clueless about what to do next. This is the job of the leader. Unfortunately, in this government, the “directors” often seem clueless, having learned in academia where results and wins/losses are theoretical, or in politics where success (at getting elected) is more a matter of rhetoric than results.
If you are not ready for a position, or do not believe that you have what it takes to rise to the challenge (or clean up the mess even if you believe it is not your mess), then do not take the job. This was Barack Obama’s fundamental mistake. He grossly underestimated the difficulty of the position he was running for, and overestimated his preparedness to actually do the job. Just because he could “talk a good game” (thanks to a phalanx of speech writers and the omnipresent teleprompters) does not mean he actually knew what to do or how to do it. The presidency of the United States of America is not a place for heavy OJT (On-the Job-Training)….”

After the first three plus years of the presidency, it is painfully clear that Barack Obama was a “pretty face,” and “glib speaker” and a lightweight liberal politician with a community organizer/radical background. The American people should be outraged at this man’s behavior and even his candidacy. Why are they not? Because of the misinformation delivered by sympathetic liberal/mainstream media who loves his nonsensical form of governing.

…”Obama’s perceived preparedness for the presidency is a terrible delusion, from which it is difficult to escape. Mistakes build upon each other and result in even more complex problems. Difficult problems that are mishandled become even more difficult to fix. When you have too little experience, lack substance (other than the words of your latest speech), then leading, managing and problem solving simply don’t happen. And that is what has occurred. When you compound the problem by surrounding your self with like-minded theorists, lacking in real-world experience, things become worse yet. The theoretical solutions to problems often don’t work due to the messiness of the real world—and the reasons are almost unfathomable to these rookie executive/politicians. …”

What should Americans think about this “imposter?” Will he divulge his true background so we can all see who he is and where he came from—really? If not, is this just a man who should never have been sworn into the office of President in the first place, and who has crippled Americans miserably during his term?

Will we continue to believe his misstatements (the politically correct term for lies)? Can he simply use the media to “erase and forget the past three years of misery and missteps?” Or will we learn from his imperialistic behavior and terrible results and throw him out in November?

That is what why we wrote HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY: Leadership Lessons from the Obama Presidency. To learn more go to: and sign up—and go to and buy the book—and see for yourself! There are thirty chapters that reveal what was behind Barack Obama’s mistakes, failures and lack of leadership.

John Mariotti is an internationally known executive and an award-winning author. His newest book, co-authored with D. M. Lukas, Hope is NOT a Strategy: Leadership Lessons from the Obama Presidency is at, and other leading on-line booksellers.

Mariotti’s 2008 book, The Complexity Crisis was named one of 2008’s Best Business Books. His critically acclaimed 2010 novel, The Chinese Conspiracy, merges an exciting fictional thriller with the reality of America’s risk from Cyber-Attacks. Mariotti does keynote speeches, serves on corporate boards and is a consultant/advisor to companies. He can be reached at .

Also see:

YouTube Video: Adobe Expert Mara Zebest vs. Congressman Lungren: Obama's Identity Document Fraud

Just one example of how some Republicans are complicit in the fraud of Obama.


NOTE: In case you missed the news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” you can view it here.


This is certainly bad news!!

Gulag Mitt Romney’s Mentor, his Father, a Fan of Saul Alinsky

Does the apple fall far from the tree? Perhaps there is more truth to that Etch-A-Sketch comment than we ever realized!!



  1. Re back in 1961 people of color were called “Negroes…”

    The question is whether the Hawaii birth certificate required people to list their race according to some specified definition. The answer is that it didn’t. It allowed people to describe their race using any words that they wanted to. (There is even a blogger from Hawaii who said that his parents listed their race as “Italian,” and that is the way that the birth certificate reads.)

    That being the case, the only question remaining is whether an African exchange student would list his race as “African,” and it turns out that that was the common way that African exchange students described their race in the 1960s.

    Kenya existed in 1961. It was called the Kenya Colony (That was the name since 1920). And Kenya was in East Africa, so the words “Kenya, East Africa” are correct.

    Kapiolani Hospital did exist in 1961, as the birth certificates of the Nordyke Twins, born one day after Obama at Kapiolani Hospital, show. You can find them on WND’s web site.

    THREE Republican officials in Hawaii and the current head of the department of health of Hawaii have confirmed the facts on Obama’s birth certificate.

    No official in Hawaii-–and they are the authorities after all–-has said that there is anything wrong with Obama’s birth certificate or that there is anything different in the published image of it from what they sent to Obama.

    Other research done on this issue:……………

    The director of health of Hawaii stated in a letter that she had seen the original birth certificate being copied onto security paper and that was the document that she gave to Obama’s lawyer. That physical copy was passed around in the White House press room and everyone there got a chance to hold it, and feel the seal. One reporter even photographed it.

  2. The "Terrible Truth" article is very involved and each time I read something like that I call to mind the mockery of some that ... 50 years ago Barack Obama was born and groomed to become president of the United States, etc etc ... in essence mocking a "conspiracy" going back that far just for Obama. Who knows. I'm pretty sure that Malcom X and he are 'closely' related though ...
    Oh, I couldn't find the comment on that article on WND, but that is some pretty good stuff!

  3. Anonymous,

    Since you do not see any resemblance between 6'3" Malcolm X and 6'2" Obama, but you think that Obama Sr. (who was 5'6" or something close to that?) is his real biological father, then let's discuss why Obama has hidden so many of his records.

    Anyone can "claim" that they have seen, felt the seal, touched the paper birth certificate. But that does not necessary mean that it's fact. Why didn't Obama bring the paper copy with him to the news conference where he discussed his long-form COLB? Why use an online forgery as "proof"?

    The other questions about his fraudulent selective service document, why he has a Connecticut SS#, why he has hidden all of his college records, and why so many times it was said by several people that "Kenyan born Obama" was becoming a U.S. Senator? Even though Snopes (a leftist organization) tries to cover up for Obama by claiming it was a "false" report, there are at least 6 African Newspaper Articles Calling Obama Kenyan Born. When you go to that link, you will see that there are links to The Obama File (link below and at site above) pages that copied the original page articles before they were scrubbed by the "powers that be."

    For all the research sites you give, I could give you double the amount of sites negating what is written at each of them. You could start with these two pages:

    Commie Blaster

    The Obama File

    I hope that you will take this opportunity to educate yourself.

  4. Hi Steve,

    Isn't it odd that the mailman to the Ayers home spoke with Mrs. Ayers several times about an African foreign student here in America that they were helping to get into college? And then the mailman actually met Obama outside their house - and Barack tells him that "I'm going to be president"?

    The Commie Blaster site has so much information that it boggles the mind to go through it all. But when Obama admits on a secret but open mic that "the powers that be" want Romney to get the Republican nomination, what are we to think of that? Is it a conspiracy theory to question such things that are listed at both the CommieBlaster and Obama File sites? The Obama File has much damaging information about Obama. Nonetheless:

    The United States
    Library of Congress
    has selected
    for inclusion in its
    historic collection
    of Internet materials

    When the truth finally comes out, that site should win the Pulitzer Prize (or whatever award of merit would apply) for exposing the truth all along!

    I will try and locate the comment I copied. I wonder if it was scrubbed or deleted because of some inaccuracies (like the ones anonymous pointed out)?

    What did you think of what Obama told Medvedev when he didn't know that mic was on?

    I immediately realized that even if Obummer loses the election, we are going to suffer through three more months of his hell-on-earth policies before the new president is sworn in. I REALLY hope and pray that Sheriff Arpaio's investigation gets him booted out and in jail before the election!

  5. Steve,

    I had to scroll through several pages, but found it here today between these two comments:


    G-bye von ricthcloven.
    Glad ya could go.

    1 day ago
    in reply to Edward von Richthoven
    1 Like



    The average person will find the White House released Birth Certificate a fraud for three obvious reasons. 1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes'. The phrase 'African-American' on the certificate did not become commonly used until the mid 1970’s. 2. The White House birth certificate shows his father’s age as 25 years old and born in "Kenya, East Africa". At Obama’s birth, Kenya was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate". It didn’t become ‘Kenya’ until 1963. 3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until their merger in 1978. These issues exist with the White House released BC even before one considers the bungled computer manipulated PDF layers and fonts. BUT, the reason for the supposed ‘cover-up’ and lack of records for Barak Obama is actually very simple. ...
    show more

    1 day ago



    You are preaching to the choir here. The crime
    is well-known and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Everyone knows it,
    including those who will not admit it.

    We have now moved on to the next phase - wrenching our nation from the
    hands of the traitors. Still a chance it can be done without violence.
    As stated earlier, we are patiently awaiting the outcome of the
    election. If the usurper is reinstalled, the time will have come for separation.

    This war will between patriots and Democrats. There will be no clear physical lines. It will be most of the Midwest and Southwest,
    Alaska, and most if not all of the South against most of the Northeast, the
    West Coast, and a couple of Midwestern states.
    Generally, it will be 37 patriot states against
    the socialist states.

    I suspect it will be a rapid rout, as the socialist states
    are dependent sorts incapable of free thought, ingenuity, improvisation, or
    self-sufficiency. The socialists will be expecting their false messiah
    to pull a rabbit out of a hat and save them.
    Their little peas will be transformed
    into green popcorn upon the realization of their messiah being nothing more than
    a dumb jive turkey Honky hater.

    show less

    1 day ago
    in reply to FrederickR


  6. Steve,

    Here is a link to a forum discussing the Obama/Medvedev convo caught on mic:

    The Obama File: Obama caught selling out USA

  7. At least one Congressman was extremely alarmed and wrote for an explanation of what ObamaTRAITOR meant:

    Rep. Turner of OH noticed!

    That’s not fooling Rep. Michael Turner, who chairs the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, which has direct oversight on missile-defense issues. Turner sent a letter to the White House this morning, demanding answers from Obama on whether he’s planning on defying Congress and trading away missile defense:

    Dear Mr. President,

    I request your urgent explanation of your comments to President Medvedev in Seoul this morning.

    During the New START treaty ratification process, you made specific promises that Russian concerns about missile defense will not be allowed to affect U.S. missile defense deployment plans. You further committed that the United States will make both qualitative and quantitative improvements in its missile defenses. You have already walked away from detailed promises to modernize the U.S. nuclear deterrent; are you now planning to walk away from your promises regarding U.S. missile defense as well?

    As you know, in the FY12 National Defense Authorization Act, Congress enacted, and you signed into law, a provision constraining your ability to share classified U.S. missile defense information with the Russian Federation. Congress took this step because it was clear based on official testimony and Administration comments in the press that classified information about U.S. missile defenses, including hit-to-kill technology and velocity at burnout information, may be on the table as negotiating leverage for your reset with Russia. Despite signing the FY12 defense authorization legislation into law, you then issued a signing statement signaling that you may treat that provision protecting U.S. missile defense information as non-binding. This morning’s comments, on top of that action, suggests that you and your administration have plans for U.S. missile defenses that you believe will not stand up to electoral scrutiny.

    Congress has made exquisitely clear to your Administration and to other nations that it will block all attempts to weaken U.S. missile defenses. As the Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, which authorizes U.S. missile defense and nuclear weapons policy, I want to make perfectly clear that my colleagues and I will not allow any attempts to trade missile defense of the United States to Russia or any other country.


    Michael R. Turner

    Chairman, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

    House Armed Services Committee

    Shouldn’t the media be asking these same questions?

    From commentator "Seriously" at The Obama File

  8. Whew!
    Good morning Christine! Man I'm beginning to have difficulty trying to keep up with all that's going on! Thanks for looking that up for me. Isn't it amazing how the truth is really in the uncomplicated things.
    I thought the open mic thing was very telling of just what this fraud is all about. "Just give me time to get re-elected and I'll finish my work" ... Did you see today where he was "making light" of the open mic thing. Makes me sick how he can get away with this stuff. Anyway I've been kinda writing stuff about the Trayvon Martin thing and related topics.
    I hope you're doing okay!

  9. Re: "Why didn't Obama bring the paper copy with him to the news conference where he discussed his long-form COLB? "

    Answer. He did. The physical copy of the long form birth certificate was passed around in the White House press room and everyone there got a chance to hold it, examine it, and feel the seal on the back. One even photographed it.

    Here is the photographic image of the physical copy of the long-form birth certificate that was passed around in the White House Press room, and the statement of the reporter who photographed it that she had felt the raised seal:

    That is the birth certificate that the director of health of Hawaii stated in writing she had seen being copied onto security paper, and that the copy was accurate, and that that was what she gave to Obama's lawyer.

    Moreover, we know that Obama received a birth certificate in 1961 due to the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers. In those days the Hawaii papers only took their notices from the Hawaii DOH. They did not accept birth notice advertising or birth notices from relatives, only the official notices sent by the DOH for that section of the paper. And the DOH did not send out birth notices in 1961 for children not born in Hawaii.

    In any case, I hope you are enlightened about your mistakes about "Negroes" being required, Kenya not existing and Kapiolani not existing. There was no requirement that people use any specific words to describe their race. Kenya had been the Kenya Colony since 1920, and Kapiolani did exist, as the birth certificates of the Nordkye Twins on WND's web site shows.

  10. Re: "That’s because US foreign policy would prohibit a Hawaiian Barak[sic] Obama to travel to Pakistan"

    Who told you that? It is wrong. In 1981 Pakistan was relatively peaceful and the US government had absolutely NO prohibition on visiting it. And Pakistan, which was eager to get tourist dollars in those days, had no restrictions on US citizens visiting using ordinary US passports.

  11. Anonymous,

    Watch the following video to see how the document was manually manipulated:

    YouTube Video

    Also see this one:

    You tube video: Proof the Obama Birth Certificate is a fake

    Read: Under close analysis, the birth certificate provided by Obama has serious problems that prove that it was assembled using photoshop or some other photo editing software.

  12. Whenever birthers try to prove that Obama was born outside of the USA, and fail, they turn to the opinions of the "document experts" that they believe in and their claims that the birth certificate was forged.

    Well, those are birther "experts"--and they have not proven their expertise, and they certainly have not proven that they are impartial.

    The following experts say that there is nothing wrong with Obama's birth certificate, and the State of Hawaii, which is the real expert, has not said that there is anything wrong with it.

    Dr. Neil Krawetz, an imaging software analysis author and experienced examiner of questioned images, said: \ldblquote The PDF released by the White House shows no sign of digital manipulation or alterations. I see nothing that appears to be suspicious.

    Nathan Goulding with The National Review: We have received several e-mails today calling into question the validity of the PDF that the White House released, namely that there are embedded layers in the document. There are now several other people on the case. We looked into it and dismissed it. \'85 I\rquote ve confirmed that scanning an image, converting it to a PDF, optimizing that PDF, and then opening it up in Illustrator, does in fact create layers similar to what is seen in the birth certificate PDF. You can try it yourself at home.

    John Woodman, independent computer professional, said in a series of videos that the claims of fakery that he examined were unfounded.

    Ivan Zatkovich, who has testified in court as a technology expert, and consultant to WorldNetDaily: "All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone enhancing the legibility of the document."

    Hawaii, which is the real expert on whether or not a Hawaii birth certificate is forged, has not said that it is forged. It has not said that there is anything wrong with it.

    Other research done on this issue:

    The DOH of Hawaii stated in a letter that she had seen the original birth certificate being copied onto security paper and that was the document that she gave to Obama’s lawyer. That physical copy was passed around in the White House press room and everyone there got a chance to hold it, and feel the seal. One reporter even photographed it.

    Let's back up and review the facts. This site claimed that Hawaii would have used the word "Negroes"--wrong.

    This site claimed that Kenya did not exist in 1961--wrong.

    This site claimed that Kapiolani Hospital did not exist in 1961--wrong."

    This site also made crazy claims about Obama using the name Soetoro at Columbia (Columbia says that he was called Obama) and that he had a year in Pakistan as part of his Columbia education (wrong) and that US citizens could not go to Pakistan in 1961 (wrong).

    And now there are people on this site making claims that Obama's birth certificate was forged. For that to be true the officials in Hawaii would have to be lying, and would have had to have started their lying before the 2008 election. And we know that Obama had a Hawaii birth certificate in 1961 from the birth notices in the Hawaii newspapers.

  13. It's not only the birth certificate that is forged, it is also the selective service registration card.

    Please see the entire Sheriff Arpaio news conference for more information:

    YouTube: News Conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "Cold Case Posse"

    There will be a second news conference on March 31, 2012.

  14. Hi Andrew,

    Where do you stand regarding the Obama eligibility issue?

    If you haven't seen the Sheriff Arpaio News Conference, I have re-posted it above in this comment thread.

  15. Christine; It's too bad that people like Mr. "anonymous" don't have a clue as to what they're talking about. I did just 5 minutes of research on Mr. Neal Krawetz and came up with this ...
    The guy has other problems as well. Changed his stand on some Al Queda tapes etc.
    I posted something this morning about just the ink used in the documents reveal fraud that cannot be denied.

  16. I need to look at your new post, Steve.

    I have found that some people will only see what they want to see - and that's it. No matter how much evidence is given to the contrary of their ObamaBorg Botism - they will ignore it and defend this fraud Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah! For now, the media covers the tracks of Obama's crimes. One day, the truth will be exposed for all to see. Most clear thinking people who have been exposed to the evidence already see it.

  17. Want to know what Hawaii officials and other Socialist Democrats are going berserk to hide on Obama's real Birth Certificate? It's WHO his father is, and NOBODY is going to like it: Former East German STASI "Master Spy" General Markus Wolf, master of the breeding, running, Legend-creation, Documention-forging, and political exploitation of his "Manchurian Candidates."
    I know: I'm also one of his progeny.
    Can't wait to see what comes out of the Phoenix 9th Circuit closed Grand Juries this week, long ago sent there in seal by HI Judge Richard Komo.
    I know: I was at that closed hearing, too. for the most shocking news this country will ever get.
    And then, yet again, the details of the Espionage Coup of the century.


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