Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bible Prophecy Being Fulfilled

I think that the election of 2012 is a huge wake-up call for Christians not to put their hope or faith in any political party or person.  This year's Thanksgiving post explains why.

Since that particular election day on November 6, 2012, I have read so many blog posts and comments at other sites which reveal how absolutely devastated people are (not just Christians) that BHO was re-elected. For some, it has even spoiled their Thanksgiving holiday. Many are worried, scared, fearful, anxious, and feel doomed because they have seen what this BADministration has already done to crush our freedoms, rights, liberties, and pursuit of happiness. Therefore, the next four years can only take us further away from the foundations that our nation was built upon by installing a socialist, dependent, cradle-to-grave existence which we know has not worked throughout history and is currently destroying many European countries like France, Greece, and Italy.

In addition to this, there are many members of the communist party U.S.A. in Congress who approve of the awful direction we are being forced into which will decimate our Constitutional Republic.

Yes. There is a LOT to be worried and concerned about! However, everything that is happening (including the rise of radical political Islam in the "Arab Spring" takeover of nations previously friendly and tolerant of Israel) has been prophesied in the Bible.

Psalm 83:2-8 is a prophecy of David where three thousand years ago, God inspired King David to predict that the reborn nation of Israel (in 1948) would be immediately surrounded by enemies, including the Arab nations of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Psa 83:2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

Psa 83:3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

Psa 83:4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

Psa 83:5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:

Psa 83:6 The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;

Psa 83:7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;

Psa 83:8 Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.

God is given the glory for continued protection of the Jewish State of Israel!  The creation of the Iron Dome defense system has shot down the majority of rockets recently fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel.

I can still recall the ridicule that President Ronald Reagan received from the Democrats in the 1980's over his vision of creating an anti-missile defense system - mockingly called "Star Wars."  Today, such a vision has become a reality - and just in time to be used by our friends and strategic partners in Israel against the recent attacks from the terrorist leaders of Hamas.

Hamas has never recinded it's call for complete destruction of the Jewish state, and they spend millions of dollars to smuggle weapons and rockets to shoot into Israel (where 5 Israelis died) instead of using the money for feeding and improving conditions for the Palestinian people (where over 100 died in this latest attack).  What is wrong with this picture???  It is PROOF that the terrorists do NOT want peace and NEVER WILL HAVE PERMANENT PEACE WITH ISRAEL because their goal (along with previous Arab terrorist countries) is to destroy Israel.

No matter how hard they try, it WON'T HAPPEN.  Why?  Because the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ will intervene at a pre-destined moment near the culmination of history and with only one weapon -his Word - and just the word spoken will decimate the opposition.

I first read about David's prophecy in a book called "The Signature of God" written by Grant R. Jeffrey in 1996.  I picked it up to read again, just to see how much closer we are to many of the prophecies included in the Bible and to renew in my own mind the reality about the incredible precision of Bible prophecy that has already been fulfilled in this generation.

The desire of the progressives (which includes a boat-load of nefarious individuals including liberals (the Saul Alinsky radicals), socialists, communists, radical Islamists, environmental fanatics etc.)  around the world to create a "one world government" was predicted over two thousand years ago by the prophets Daniel and John.  They described that there would be a global, world government led by the coming dictator, the Antichrist in the last days (Daniel 7:14). 

"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them:  the power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him" (Revelation 13:7,8).

There has never been a world government during thousands of years of human history, but the U.N., WTO, and the World Court are moving us quickly beyond the days of national sovereignty and individual nations.

If you go to the link above, you can read a summary of what else in covered and described through Biblical prophecy in the book.  It's a fascinating read!

(to be continued)


  1. "That statement is factually incorrect, but for the record, why don't you give us their names anyway!

  2. Perhaps you are asking for the ancient and modern names of the nations?

    This ancient prophetic list of nations is fascinating, as it enumerates virtually every one of the nations in the Arab confederacy that oppose Israel's existence today:

    Edom.........from Esau, brother of Jacob (Jordan)

    Ismaelites...descended from Ishmael, son of Hagar (Arabs)

    Moab.........son of Lot, (Jordan, east of Dead Sea)

    Hagarenes....descended from one of the 12 sons of Hagar

    Gebal........ancient Byblus, (north of today's Beirut)

    Ammon........son of Lot, (capital of Jordan)

    Amalek.......descended from Esau (southern Jordan)

    Philistines..from Ham, (throughout Palestine, Syria)

    Tyre.........a Phoenician city (Lebanon)

    Assur........founded Assyria; (Iraq - Iran)

    Children of Lot, Moab, and Ammon, (Jordan)

    Ezekiel 35:1-5, 10 describes the coming judgment of God against these Arab nations, including Edom (Mount Seir) in Jordan, because of their centuries-old hatred of the Jews.

  3. Who is this pugnacious "Sherry"? geez, you attract as many ignorant types as I do Christine. I've got this one guy John Liming, I'm sure you remember him who is always giving some kind of faux history lesson that never has anything to do with the post he may be commenting on. Just like the ditz that claimed your "statement" is factually incorrect. What statement is she/he (never know for sure) talking about? I would have not been as kind as you probably, but you're better at comforting the feebleminded than I am. I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. This statement:

    "In addition to this, there are many members of the communist party U.S.A. in Congress who approve of the awful direction we are being forced into which will decimate our Constitutional Republic."

    I'd like the names of the members of Congress who are in the Communist Party U.S.A., please.

  5. Oh gosh Steve! You really called that one! Obviously, "Sherry" wasn't really interested in the main point of the post. She-he is just anxious for me to post the names of people in Congress who are members of the communist party U.S.A.!!

    There are some outspoken ones who don't give a rip who knows that they are members. Others are a bit more crafty at trying to hide it. But since Newsweek announced that "we are all socialists now," perhaps there is no shame in it anymore.

    Steve, you ALWAYS know just how to give me a laugh! Thanks so much for the comic relief!

    Our family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hope yours did too!

  6. How very kind Steve. So I'm an ignorant, feeble-minded ditz. So Christ-like of you!

    I thought since Christine made the statement she should be able to back it up. I knew the question would be dodged. I am now given a feeble statement that because someone is progressive or left leaning that automatically means they are socialist-communist-anti capitalist and unamerican.

    Seriously ...CommiBlaster? Seriously?? And you call me unamerican?

    You people are disgusting.

  7. CJW: ”God is given the glory for continued protection of the Jewish State of Israel! The creation of the Iron Dome defense system has shot down the majority of rockets recently fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel.”

    If God had 'created' the Iron Dome, none of those rockets should have hit Israeli territory, so one must assume he's slacking off on the job...again. AFAIK, it was men who were responsible for the 'creation' of the missile defense system.

    ”I can still recall the ridicule that President Ronald Reagan received from the Democrats in the 1980's over his vision of creating an anti-missile defense system - mockingly called 'Star Wars'."

    The Strategic Defense Initiative, to use its official name, was to use a network of orbital and ground-based laser weapons to destroy incoming missiles; nuclear missiles, that is. It would not have been effective against battlefield missiles OR cruise missiles; an enemy submarine so equipped could have surfaced off the US coast and fired cruise missiles on any city within its range (1000~2000 miles). The lasers proved largely ineffective during tests, and the power sources required to run them would have been prohibitively costly even by Pentagon standards. So, it was shelved.
    Once again, you display your ignorance of history.

    ”...the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ will intervene at a pre-destined moment near the culmination of history and with only one weapon -his Word - and just the word spoken will decimate the opposition.“

    Then you should be jumping for joy. Bible Prophecy is Being Fulfilled, and things are going exactly the way your God wants them to. And you're on his side; when the wheels come off, you won't be here.

    So why am I reading so much disgust and despair from you on these pages?


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