Sunday, November 25, 2012

Nevertheless, Give Thanks [Updates]

The entire time that the BHO campaign made such a stink about "rich people not paying their fair share," and "spreading the wealth around," I had an uneasy feeling about it all.  Pitting the poor against the rich, blacks against whites, Hispanics against whites, women against men, liberal (a.k.a. pro-abortion and pro-homosexual "marriage") women against conservative (a.k.a pro-life and pro-traditional family) women made for the most divisive and attack-filled campaign that I have ever seen in my lifetime.  I'm not really sure which one of the aforementioned battles was more damaging.  They were all terribly disgusting, in my mind.

I know a man, a Christian and honorable man, who never earned a college degree.  Nevertheless,  he excelled in the business world via a fast food company that originally hired him as a retail planning engineer.  Over his twenty-two year career, he worked his tail off to reach the level of a corporate vice president.  This man experienced poverty in the early years of his life.  However, his parents would not take any handouts of government money.  Back then, it was considered embarrassing and shameful to do so.  Right or wrong, most Americans back then had the attitude of "pulling their own weight" and the handouts were just for the very poor, ill, desperate, old and disabled.  [Please note:  I am not telling this story to disparage the unemployed or those on food stamps.  I'm just stating a fact that people back in the 50's,  60's and 70's often thought this way.]

[Update: How's THIS for a lesson in irony?

Thanks to Major Wood for the outstanding idea.

A great lesson in irony, honest and profound.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.”

Their stated reason for the policy is because “The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.”

This ends today’s lesson in irony.]
We need to ask the question about exactly why this government would be "proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 46 million people?"  Answer:  DEPENDENCY= votes for the Marxist Democrats.

Back to the original post.

This man, in his younger years, worked every kind of job he could in order to help out his family. He started with a paper route when he was 13 years old.  He took odd jobs over the years that included roof work, painting, bar bouncer, bartender;  just to name a few.   He even took a job that he absolutely hated - as a collection agent.  It was a job that he got through a connection with his father.  He quit that job just a month later because he finally told his dad that he could not stand it.  Knocking on doors of people who owed money but could not pay was too much of a burden on his conscience.  It wasn't a job that he would ever had taken if he knew beforehand what it required him to do.  He didn't want to disappoint his dad, but there were so many reasons why he needed to leave that job and move on.

Back when he was growing up, the family moved a lot and both his dad (when he wasn't ill) and mom worked really hard to keep the family going.  This man attended a trade school and that is what got him into several jobs leading up to his 22 year career with a fast food company.

He once told me the story that when his dad was ill and unable to work, his aunt and uncle took the family in.  The relatives did not have a big house, so his bedroom was his sister's small, walk-in closet.

This man isn't rich today - but you might consider him to be more well-off than many others.  However, if the Democrats had their way, he would be forced to pay huge amounts in taxes that will come out of his retirement money*. 

I haven't even included any of the details about how his work helped "save" the company over the years he worked there.  I haven't included all the individuals he has hired over the years to do work for him, or about the charitable giving, or about the generosity towards his family.

It really bothers me to hear the BHO people continue to attack the so-called "rich" and blather on about them "paying their fair share"  and "spreading the wealth around."  That is a Marxist (a.k.a. communism) mindset, people!  Clear, plain, and simple!  However, the few liberals who visit this blog deny that label (of Marxist/communist* accusations against BHO - even Russia sees it)  and want to continue to demonize me - a member of the "other side."

Remember, dear people, that when it comes to Marxist ideology, there are the "elites" who run everything, dictate, and lord-it-over the plebeian who, (whether given up voluntarily, gradually or  suddenly because of dependency on government rather than God) end up having their rights, liberties, religious freedom, and general freedoms taken away by a dictatorial-type government.

I get scolded by some who come to visit this blog and claim that "I'm not very Christian" when I reply to their odd-ball comments in a harsh (but truthful) way.  Well, Jesus was harsh with those who would do harm to others; those who would lie, cheat, sin, steal and do evil (especially to children - but that's another topic) in order to get their political way.  This is what happens (and, did happen in the  Nov. 6, 2012 election) when government is taken over by reprobates and unrepentant types.  What they sell to the plebeian (whom they really only use to get elected) sounds good; until the common people realize what it will cost them in the end.  That cost is loss of freedom, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness.

The first words that Jesus uttered when he began his 3-year ministry on earth were, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Mat 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The liberal, progressive, socialist, Marxist, communist, anti-colonialists mock, disparage, debase, insult, ridicule, and demonize the opposition in such a way that I'm sure is not of God. 


Because it is not only wrong in the eyes of most discerning people, but it is also not biblical!!   It is opposed to God's Word!   I knew this intuitively, but I didn't realize at what a profound degree this was true until I listened to Dr. David Jeremiah's message.  Then, it all made perfect sense!  Those who had fallen for the hype and chains of BHO's message [Update: by even labeling him as "their messiah???"**] were brought along by methods that included free stuff; but it was lumped in with class warfare, division, hatred, lies, and envy.  The "free stuff" was the hook, while the added vices of warfare, division, hatred, lies, and envy was the sinker.  Time will tell how these people will feel once they realize how badly they were duped.

Back to the main topic.

Please go to the link below to view and listen to the message.  Then come back to share your thoughts in the comment section here at Talk Wisdom.

David Nevertheless, Give Thanks

[Note: To immediately get to the message portion, fast forward the cursor (at bottom of video screen) to 19:00 minutes ahead.]

Life is seldom without challenges, but one thing remains constant, and that is the blessing and guidance of Almighty God. In every situation we can and should give thanks.***



Dr. David Jeremiah

“Nevertheless, Give Thanks”
Daniel 6:10

November 25, 2012

Daniel 6:10

I. Be Thankful in Spite of the Pressure Against You

Daniel 6:5-9
Esther 8:8
Acts 13:28
Daniel 6:10
1 Kings 8:44, 48-49
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Daniel 6:10

II. Be Thankful in Spite of the Problems That Affect You

Daniel 6:10
Ephesians 5:20
Philippians 4:6
1 Thessalonians 5:18

III. Be Thankful in Spite of the Pain That Is Around You

***That quote from the video sermon page is a very tame description compared to what Dr. Jeremiah discusses in the message. Even the outline seems innocuous. But I guarantee that every person who would take the time to listen to the message that Dr. Jeremiah brings forth in his sermon would squirm in their seats at several points!  It's THAT GOOD in exposing what (and who) is behind the "rich vs. poor" mantra and the jealously and/or guilt that permeates us to the core regarding such disparagement.

I will tell you that there is nothing outwardly political in the video message. There is no mention of the election, or the two campaigns, or what transpired over the months leading up to the election on November 6, 2012.

But what I learned via the message can be directly applied against all the attacks that the BHO campaign used (apparently, successfully) against the Mitt Romney campaign, supporters and voters during the 2012 election campaign.

And guess what?   If you didn't already know or understand this:

Their tactics were opposed to what the Bible teaches!!!

I realize that most thinking and discerning people might already have realized this.  But the fact that Dr. Jeremiah shared Scripture and human interest stories that deeply counter the tactics used by that particular political group added a measure of proof about the truth of what I'm sharing today.

In order to hear the proof of my observation, you will need to view or listen to the sermon message.

The final portion of the sermon message - "Be Thankful in Spite of the Pain That Is Around You" is such a powerful, relevant, and at the same time both humbling and encouraging one!  That's the Bible - the humbling and encouraging book of the ages!!   I must admit that  I will never forget it!!!

The message is exceedingly helpful to all of us - rich or poor (and everyone in between), liberal or conservative, woman or man, black, white, Hispanic or any other race, color or creed. If you take the time to watch and listen to the entire message - you will be astonished at the end! You will also come away with a more thankful attitude despite the chaos going on all around us and the pain that we all go through individually, and even the pain experienced by groups of people at certain times on this earth.

Every person alive has pain.  There is no escape from it!  There are all different types of pain.  Some are excruciating to go through (been there, done that!); while others turn out to be mild disappointments (had them too).  But even in the midst of such pain, God is there to get us through it!! And...the secret is...ONLY GOD CAN ACCOMPLISH THIS FOR US!

There is nothing more important in this life than knowing God through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord!! His forgiveness, mercy, grace and love surpasses all understanding; and if more individuals would seek God via His Word and find and accept His Living Word - Jesus Christ, our grief would be turned to joy in every circumstance on this earth as we wait in joyful hope of the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

May your Thanksgiving blessings continue on throughout the rest of this year,  in the year to come, and during all the days of your lives.

~  Christine

Hat tips to all links.


*  A comment from the WND site gives us a horrible history lesson:

In 1917 the Bolsheviks won the Russian Revolution and communism began in Russia. Vladimir Lenin became the Premier. Lenin died in 1924 and a power struggle for leadership followed between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. In 1927 Stalin won the struggle and took control. Leon Trotsky was thrown out of the party and forced into exile. Trotsky was later hunted down and killed by Stalin's agents in 1940 in Mexico. By 1928 Joseph Stalin was solidly in control of Russia and he began his "5-year-plans" for the collectivization of the country and the removal of all political opposition. The Ukraine area of Russia was the "breadbasket" of the country. It was inhabited by tribal groups of farmers that wanted to maintain their independence and identity. Stalin raised the quotas of wheat that were to be taken from these farmers by the state and thus engineered a famine in the Ukraine which resulted in the deaths of nearly 7 million Ukrainians by starvation. Other 5-year-plans resulted in the removal of many opposition factory workers that wound up in gulag slave labor camps that were scattered all across Russia. Most occupants of these gulags were overworked and under fed resulting in millions of deaths. Those of us that are over 50 are a problem for Obama. We are the ones that had the highest percentage of voters that opposed him. We remember the atrocities of communism. We remember the communist control over the eastern European nations after World War 2. We remember the Hungarian Revolution in the 50's, the Berlin Wall, and the uprisings and fight for freedom in Poland. We must be gotten rid of. Obamacare will deny us proper medical care and shorten our life span and the inability to control our retirement funds will undoubtedly result in substandard living conditions and permature deaths for many. Read your history books folks. History always seems to repeat itself. Those that don't will get screwed. Do not underestimate the evil in Barack Obama and his cohorts.

#12 November 26, 2012 at 1:38 am
Bigkahuna commented:
Wow the sh@t is getting deep. These people are insane. Please tell me again how 9% unemployment and 15% in black Americans [unemployment] and 50% of black youth unemployed and a crappy economy with little hope in sight and massive debt and debt along with record foodstamps and welfare make him a god, a savior or anything else but a massive fraud and failure?

Ultimately, we need to keep what Marcie says here in mind:

#48 November 26, 2012 at 9:22 am
Marcy commented:
It’s O.K. folks…we know how this story ends. Have faith in the one true God.


  1. CJW: ”It really bothers me to hear the BHO people continue to attack the so-called "rich" and blather on about them "paying their fair share" and "spreading the wealth around." That is a Marxist (a.k.a. communism) mindset, people! Clear, plain, and simple!”

    Prepare to be further bothered, then.
    I pay taxes just like you, and unlike some “so-called 'rich'”, it's all on money I have earned. I don't have money stashed in an offshore bank, providing me with tax-free extra income. A few people I know have done that, but most people I know can't. Their money goes into the house, or the car, or their kid's teeth...or, if they manage it well, a vacation. Spreading the wealth around doesn't Peter to pay Paul. But Henry Ford had the right idea: he wanted his workers to be able to buy the cars they built. That's sharing the wealth!
    Lady Rmoney's horse gave her a tax break of $77,000; your daughter could only get you a tax break of $1000. Are horses more valuable than children? Some people think so, but I wouldn't want to know them.

    ”However, the few liberals who visit this blog deny that label (of Marxist/communist) and want to continue to demonize me - a member of the 'other side'."

    I'm one of those who don't believe in demons, so trying to make you into one would be a waste of time. But I will tell you when you're talking crazy talk.

    ”Remember, dear people, that when it comes to Marxist ideology, there are the "elites" who run everything, dictate, and lord-it-over the plebian who, (whether given up voluntarily, gradually or suddenly because of dependency on government) end up having their rights, liberties, religious freedom, and general freedoms taken away by a dictatorial-type government.”

    Elites like that can be found in every society, hostess. The old USSR had them: If you weren't a member of the Party, you'd hit the 'glass ceiling' pretty quick. The Party members were the ones who got quick advancement, unqualified appointments; they were the ones allowed to tour abroad, because they had both the money and the connections. And of course we have them here. Rmoney's infamous advice to youth attending college was “borrow money from your parents”. Did he do that? No, he lived off his trust fund in college! (Must have been rough.)
    I remember a 'dictatorial-type government' which took away some general freedoms in this country. The so-called “Patriot” Act strips citizens of the right to habeas corpus. Yeah, I know, only the guilty have reason to fear it, right? But it means that I—or you—can now be held without sufficient cause or evidence. And it's still in effect—something I'm upset with Obama about.
    'Dependency on government'? Say hello to the Transportation Safety Administration, whose members now have the power to decide whether or not you can even get on an airplane (i.e. the “No-Fly List”). Heaven help you if you're too dark-complected, or heavily bearded, or carry something a bit too shiny, or seem nervous in airport terminals; some people are simply afraid of flying, but that won't stop the mighty TSA. And what happens to you if you refuse to submit to a body scan? Don't ask.
    Rights taken away from us with our full cooperation...and not a Marxist in sight.
    Feel safe yet?

    (conclusion to follow)

  2. (concluding:)

    ”...if the Democrats had their way, [my friend] would be forced to pay huge amounts in taxes that will come out of his retirement money.”
    Show me, as you like to say, 'book, chapter and verse' of that. I don't believe you can.

    ”The liberal, progressive, socialist, Marxist, communist, anti-colonialists mock, disparage, debase, insult, ridicule, and demonize the opposition in such a way that I'm sure is not of God.”

    You mean you favor colonialism?? As far as I'm concerned, the only place we should be planting the flag now is on the a permanent base.
    If God doesn't like the opposition being disparaged, he'll probably say so. He reportedly has done so before. In any case, I'm sure he didn't tell you how he feels about it!

    “Life is seldom without challenges, but one thing remains constant, and that is the blessing and guidance of Almighty God. In every situation we can and should give thanks.” That's what DJ said, and that's what you quoted, but that's not how you behaved. After the election, you stepped up your hatred and vitriol of all things Obama, so much so that you reported a satirical website as fact (and not for the first time, BTW).
    If you couldn't see the truth, how can you claim to lead others to it?

    ”Back to the main topic.”

    Okay. I give thanks to the electorate. They often make mistakes, but not this time. They chose between a fake Muslim and a real Moron Mormon, and the “fake” turned out to be more real.
    I am thankful to the Republican primary candidates, that clown-car lineup where Rmoney actually looked to be the sanest of the lot. (He wasn't—that was Huntsman—but who noticed him?)
    I am thankful to Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in their respective states.
    I am thankful to Rmoney himself, for not abandoning them even when it was clear they were dragging down the GOP's chances with women. I'm also thankful to him for his face-showing tour of the other hemisphere, which turned into exactly the “apology tour” he accused Obama of making. He got the Brits angry at him, the Palestinians angry (and the Israelis upset) with him, the Poles amused with him, and the GIs in Afghanistan disgusted with him—by not stopping to visit them, nor mentioning them at all in his acceptance speech.
    I'm also thankful to him for that “47 percent” speech he made to his fellow patricians, and I hope that number haunts him for the rest of his life.
    I'm thankful to him for his sour-grapes hypothesis of why he lost, which should guarantee that we'll never have to see him in politics again.
    To quote the late Ann Richards, "he was born with a silver foot in his mouth."

    "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."

  3. GM,

    Your opinions about what I wrote are what I'd expect, however, did you listen to Pastor David Jeremiah's message?

  4. Since you haven't said anything new, I haven't either. Why should I?
    Unlike some people, I'm not afraid to have my beliefs (or lack of them, in this case) challenged. So yes, I did listen to Dr. J's recording.
    You have a point to make?

  5. Obviously, you didn't get the same thing out of the message that I did.

  6. "Obviously, you didn't get the same thing out of the message that I did."

    No, I guess not. So do you have a point to make, or are you just frying electrons for nothing?

  7. So, what's the big news here?
    You know, I've not been able to find this story on many sites yet, apart from the right-wing ones. I trust them as much as you would MSNBC, so I won't say anything until I've looked further.
    Six billion dollars? Pocket change. According to one source I checked, we spent more than three times that amount in our first two months in Afghanistan! Of course, we were trying to kill Muslims then, not help them, so that's all okay with you, right? How much have we spent over there since then? More importantly, what have we gotten out of it? Feel safer now?

    Offhand, I think 'green energy' is a good idea. Even if if comes from Muslims. Right now, Indonesia and tiny Brunei are rich in fossil fuels. Alternative energy would not only help them (especially if they can export it), but it might also help them evade the threat from China, badly in need of certain resources of its own. The Three Gorges Dam, despite its enormous labor and cost, doesn't appear to be meeting their energy needs. And Indonesia isn't that far away...
    How do I feel about Obama regarding this? I'm not happy, because I don't know his reasons. I'm not happy with him over Guantanamo either. Or the 'Patriot' Act.
    But it's hardly a 'travesty'. I'll reserve that judgment until later.

    After every war, we reduce the size of the armed forces, didn't you know that? During WWII we had something like 14,000,000 men under arms. Do you believe we kept them all on active duty after 1945?!
    This war is no different. Some will be discharged soon, others will simply not be replaced when their enlistments are up. That's the way 'force reduction' works. (Fewer people being shot = fewer corpsmen needed.) We're NOT just going to dump 20,000 Marines on the street in one day and say good luck. Obama's not Donald Trump, to call in each Marine and say “You're Fired!” Talk to the Chief of Naval Personnel, if it upsets you so.

    Afghanistan in particular has been mostly a Marines' war. As usual, they are the first to arrive and the last to leave. After 11 years, don't you think they deserve a break? Like most people, many of them had other lives before they became Marines, and would like to get back to them. The twenty thousand or so who will be leaving can be quickly replaced if it becomes necessary, but the fact that we can afford to let them go should cheer you up.
    Of course we could always reinstate the draft. That may comfort you, since your son is probably too old now to be called up. You never did say how he felt about military service.

    But I thought this topic was to 'nevertheless, give thanks'. What's the point you're trying to make?

  8. It is one of the most laughable things I've heard (read in this case) Obama a "fake Muslim". Christine, if a feathered, webbed footed, winged creature, with a bill and tail feathers, is walking a quacking like a duck ... I kinda think I'd say "Now that's a duck".
    I see GMpilot is thankful for a lot of stuff. I don't know if he has a mortgage ... but I do and I'm not particularly happy with the "givernment" eyeing closing the deduction of interest on mortgage payments, which is about the only deduction I get. Seems like I recall the "fake Muslim" pledging to not raise taxes one dime on the middle class.
    I love a liberal when attempting to comment on something they haven't a clue as to how to sound intelligent, will give a history lesson so they can say "see how smart I am."

  9. Many religious people are proud, even boastful, of their religion. Even in adversity. There are texts which emphasize Believer X's standing tall for his god, even when surrounded by people who believe otherwise. It's possible that steve may even be familiar with some of these stories. I know you are, hostess; perhaps you could ask him.
    Supposedly, in this country, a person doesn't have to conceal their religious identity. The Constitution certainly doesn't make any religious requirements in regard to political office. BTW, there's been no further mention on these pages about Obama's secret Muslim decoder ring, and I suppose Cryin'Howell hasn't either, or you would have quoted it. So I guess it's a dead issue now.

    Why is steve so surprised that I'm grateful for 'stuff'? I'm not even a Christian, and I know that gratitude is not exclusive to that religion. In any case, he now has a chance to exercise his further, in accordance with Dr Jeremiah's sermon.

    Perhaps your paladin should review his piece on “Opinions and Facts”. What I said about Indonesia and China is my opinion; what I said about the Marines are the facts. All the snark he can muster can't change that.

  10. GM,

    My point was the fact that the Bible doesn't approve of pitting the poor against the rich. That is what BHO's campaign was all about and the gimme-dat people who want to stay on the dole are of the opinion that the government should take care of them - cradle to grave - and the socialism mantra of "spreading the wealth around" by having the government take more money from the rich to redistribute it to the poor has always turned out very bad for many nations.

    The so-called "white guilt" that leftist liberal pundits seem to spew is a LIE. Pitting different races against each other is wrong, too. this was another sin of the BHO campaign.

    There are people who are very poor and need that assistance. But there are others who are gaming the system. The original reason that the entitlement was established was to help those who had desperate needs with no where else to turn.

    There are church organizations that provide food, clothing, shelter, etc. for the needy. This is due to generous donations of the people (rich, poor, and in between) congregations. When government gets involved, it becomes a wasteful behemoth and cycle of dependency that won't change unless there is entitlement reform. Dems HATE that idea. They want Republicans to concede the "no new taxes" pledge, but are unwilling to cut spending - of any kind - or reform entitlements. Maybe the fiscal cliff is our current destination; but there is still hope that reform will come when we get a Republican back in the White House and keep the House and gain the Senate as well.

  11. Finally, a point! It's not on-topic, but it's a point. Got it.

    CJW: ”My point was the fact that the Bible doesn't approve of pitting the poor against the rich.”

    Perhaps; but it has some things to say about that. Since these are from a text that you revere, perhaps you'll pay attention:

    Prov 18:11 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it an unscalable wall.
    Prov 22:16 He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty.
    2Sam 12:24 "Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him."

    It does seem that the Bible speaks not so much against wealth, but the ways that wealth is used. Getting some of it down to the lower levels of society isn't Socialist (as you seem to interpret the term), and it won't turn that society upside-down.

    ”That is what BHO's campaign was all about and the gimme-dat people who want to stay on the dole are of the opinion that the government should take care of them - cradle to grave - “

    Even if I believed that to be true, which I don't—I'd rather it was Americans on the so-called dole rather than the Iraqis or the Afghans. We've built for them roads, schools, and hospitals in the past ten years while similar structures here have fallen into disrepair.

    ”- and the socialism mantra of "spreading the wealth around" by having the government take more money from the rich to redistribute it to the poor has always turned out very bad for many nations.”

    Yeah? Show me one. You said there were 'many', so that should be easy. Show me.

    ”The so-called "white guilt" that leftist liberal pundits seem to spew is a LIE. Pitting different races against each other is wrong, too. this was another sin of the BHO campaign.”

    The “Southern Strategy”--I'm sure you've heard of it—was put into practice (by the GOP) decades before BHO came upon the scene. Both sides may even realize it's wrong, but as long as the politicians can get away with using it and as long as the electorate allows it, it will be used.

    (conclusion to follow)

  12. Conclusion:

    ”There are people who are very poor and need that assistance. But there are others who are gaming the system. The original reason that the entitlement was established was to help those who had desperate needs with no where else to turn.”

    So the solution is obvious: find those gamers and prosecute them. If you're going to lump them into the same bag with the actual poor, the latter will see what you're doing as an actual threat to themselves, and behave accordingly. Just like...oh, Latinos and immigration, for example.

    ”There are church organizations that provide food, clothing, shelter, etc. for the needy. This is due to generous donations of the people (rich, poor, and in between) congregations. When government gets involved, it becomes a wasteful behemoth and cycle of dependency that won't change unless there is entitlement reform.”


    ”Dems HATE that idea.”

    That's BU**SH**. Do Dems hate the dependency, or the idea of reforming entitlement? Everyone hates the idea of extending entitlements; as long as they've got theirs, they guard it jealously against anyone else getting it. A hundred years ago, you wouldn't have been allowed to vote; now women are over half of all voters!

    ”They want Republicans to concede the "no new taxes" pledge, but are unwilling to cut spending - of any kind - or reform entitlements.”

    Okay, what would you have them cut? Where and how much? Defense, Social Security and Medicare are the three biggest pieces of the budget. Defense has reduced; 20,000 Marines are being 'fired', USS Enterprise is being decommissioned this weekend (after 51 years' service), and the Pentagon is preparing to cut back almost every area of military spending: the nuclear arsenal, warships, combat aircraft, salaries, and retirement and health benefits. (As a retired veteran, I am concerned about my entitlements being reduced, but I'm in fairly good health, and I still have all my parts. Those who were in Vietnam or Iraq had it much worse, and need it much more.)
    So, who do you want to kick to the curb? Your Mom? Old Harry, who has two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart and still limps from an old wound? Your neighbor Bill, who's been feeding into SS every working day of his life and is only a year short of retirement?
    All these people are in every Congressional district, and it'll take a wiser man than I am to answer that. So what do you want cut? DoE? FEMA? HHS? FDA? NASA? I'm sure you have a hit list, and it's longer than Rick Perry's—he couldn't even choose three.

    ”Maybe the fiscal cliff is our current destination; but there is still hope that reform will come when we get a Republican back in the White House and keep the House and gain the Senate as well.'

    Maybe. And maybe not. The people who walked us to the edge of that 'cliff' should not be trusted to walk us back.

  13. There was nothing in those Bible verses that said the government should step in. are not happy about the reasons for BHO's muslim green energy plans, you think that BHO is wrong to keep Gitmo open and you don't like that he kept the Patriot Act.

    What about this:

    Noisyroom: Analysis Of Obama’s Benghazigate Cover-up

    Why doesn't this BADministration's cover-up where 4 Americans were killed bother you?

    Why doesn't that cover-up bother you? Don't you want to know the truth?

  14. Cover-up?
    Got evidence?
    Gone anywhere with it? Like the Justice department, or the state Attorneys General? (If two or more of them support it, then you've got a story with legs. Right now, it's in a power chair.)

    So far, the only 'truth' I know is that you haven't got any. If you did, it would be obvious. The people in Congress know more about the Benghazi incident than you do, and even they don't say it's a cover-up. So I'm supposed to believe you?

    As I know they must have said in Joisey: put up or shut up.


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