Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Israel Takes Action

Good thing that Israel is willing and able to be pro-active in defending itself. We know that BHO and his ilk [a.k.a. BADministration] won't!!

God has kept Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in charge in Israel.  Thank you Jesus!!!  When America is suffering under a wannabe tyrannical dictator like BHO, God's Providence provides the protection that Israel needs via her own competent leaders.

When BHO celebrated and championed the so-called "Arab Spring," hundreds of conservative and libertarian commentators were warning of the consequences.  Seeing the ongoing massacre in Syria where Assad's military has been instructed to kill his own people [and even use chemical weapons which were shipped there from Iraq before the war], and seeing the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt [which is against the will of the people there - btw - and they are again protesting against another tyrannical (this time, Islamist terrorist) leader in Morsi]; Israel will not wait any longer to take action in protecting Her country and her people!

We are well into end time Bible prophecy concerning "wars and rumors of wars."  Is the battle of Armageddon closer than ever?  I think so.  Whether it's months or years away, the "birth pangs" of the end times are here.  Most of the signs that we have been warned about in prophecy are happening right before our very eyes!

People...are you ready?  Are you spiritually ready?  If not, please visit this page:

Becoming a Christian

~  Christine


Blogs covering the story:

Israeli warplanes reportedly strike targets on Syria-Lebanon border; Israel on high alert over Syrian WMD
joelcrosenberg at Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - 7 hours ago

“Israeli warplanes attacked a target on the Lebanese-Syrian border overnight Tuesday, foreign media reported on Wednesday,” according to a report in the Times of Israel. “While some reports said the purported strike was carried out on the Syrian side of the border, according to one source the target was a weapons convoy that had crossed [...]
Israeli air strike hits targets on Syria-Lebanon border
Anne Sorock at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 5 hours ago
There are reports that the Israeli air force conducted an overnight air strike on targets along the Syria-Lebanon border. Although the Israel Defense Forces have declined to confirm, sources say that the targets may have been trucks carrying anti-aircraft missiles being transported to Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. Lebanese sources have reported a series of Israeli aircraft sorties in [...]

Tensions with Syria escalate. Netanyahu orders Iron Dome batteries deployed in North. Number of Israelis seeking gas masks triples.
joelcrosenberg at Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - 3 hours ago

“Two Iron Dome batteries have been deployed in northern Israel over the past few days, the IDF said on Sunday,” reports Ynet News. “One battery of the missile-defense system was deployed in the Krayot area, while the other was installed in the Galilee region. Additional, fully operational batteries have already been deployed in the Haifa are [...]
Egyptian state headed for implosion warns Army chief
joelcrosenberg at Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - 2 hours ago
“Residents of this Mediterranean coastal city burying their dead from Egypt’s wave of political violence vented their fury at Egypt’s Islamist president and the Muslim Brotherhood on Tuesday, demanding his ouster and virtually declaring a revolt against his rule, as the head of the military warned Egypt may collapse under the weight of its turmoil,” [...]

Hat tips to all links.

1 comment:

  1. ”When America is suffering under a wannabe tyrannical dictator like BHO, God's Providence provides the protection that Israel needs via her own competent leaders.”
    Then we can dismantle our Iron Dome defense for Israel and go home, right? I mean, if God will protect them, then they don't need us. But God has a poor track record in protecting his Chosen People in the past few hundred years...

    ”Seeing the ongoing massacre in Syria...and seeing the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt...Israel will not wait any longer to take action in protecting Her country and her people!”
    Which means what, exactly? Muslim Brotherhood or no, the quickest way to get Egyptians to stop protesting Morsi is to attack Egypt. One sure way to get Syrians away from each others' throats is to give them Israeli throats to go for. Even Netanyahu isn't that stupid.

    ”Is the battle of Armageddon closer than ever? I think so. Whether it's months or years away, the "birth pangs" of the end times are here.”
    I disagree. We've witnessed a few stillborn Armageddons in the past few decades (although the number of them seems to have increased since 9/11/01).
    How many do you have to have before you figure're just not fertile?


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