Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One Liberal Has Awakened and Smells the BHO Tyranny

I'm not quite sure what exactly set Kirsten Powers of the Fox News Channel off regarding her opinion piece entitled  Obama vs. Fox News -- behind the White House strategy to delegitimize a news organization. However, I'm glad she wrote the article and appears to have awakened from the stupor of Truman Show mentality that so many "liberals" who have previously turned a blind eye from the "progressive" [PROGRESSIVES = SOCIALISTS = COMMUNISTS = LEFT-WING RADICALS = ANTI-CAPITALISTS = UNAMERICAN...HT/ Commieblaster] descent into tyranny being forced upon America by this BADministration!


There is no war on terror for the Obama White House, but there is one on Fox News.
In a recent interview with The New Republic, President Obama was back to his grousing about the one television news outlet in America that won’t fall in line and treat him as emperor. Discussing breaking Washington's partisan gridlock, the president told TNR,"If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News...for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it."

Alas, the president loves to whine about the media meanies at Fox News. To him, these are not people trying to do their jobs. No, they are out to get him. What other motive could a journalist have in holding a president accountable? Why oh why do Ed Henry and Chris Wallace insist on asking hard questions? Make them stop!
Alas, the president loves to whine about the media meanies at Fox News. To him, these are not people trying to do their jobs. No, they are out to get him.

The president seems more comfortable talking to "real journalists" such as Chris Hughes, who asked the question in the TNR interview that elicited Obama's reflexive Fox hatred. Hughes is the new owner of TNR and is a former major Obama campaign donor and organizer who was featured on the cover of Fast Company, with the headline, "The Kid Who Made Obama President." You can't make this stuff up.

This latest volley from the president is just one in a long line of comments from his White House as part of their campaign to silence any dissent they detect in the press. corps 
Recently, the White House has kept Fox News off of conference calls dealing with the Benghazi attack, despite Fox News being the only outlet that was regularly reporting on it and despite Fox having top notch foreign policy reporters.

Read it all: Obama vs. Fox News -- behind the White House strategy to delegitimize a news organization.

Perhaps this not-so-little fact made Powers' blood boil:

A Media Matters memo found its way into the public domain and if you care at all about decency and freedom of the press, it will make you throw up. If you like McCarthyism, it’s right up your alley. It details to liberal donors how they have plans to assemble opposition research on Fox News employees.
Yep...it's true! The typical Marxist + Alinsky Rules for Radicals + Cloward Piven strategy is not only used against the BADministration's so-called "enemies" [e.g. Christians, Conservatives, Republicans, TEA Party Patriots, those who support the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence etc.]; it is EVENTUALLY used against some of their own - especially when their peon "useful idiot" status is no longer needed!

Hey Kirsten!  Can't say your buddies at Fox News didn't warn you!

Most thinking, propaganda rejecting, and wisdom filled Americans [i.e. those who voted for Romney] already know what a lying, sniveling, petty, divisive, argumentative, hateful, spiteful, propaganda spewing, wasteful spending, job-killing, black vs. white instigating, rich vs. poor hating, whining, and constant ridiculous campaigner BHO is.

It is certainly good to see someone like Kirsten Powers finally open her eyes!

We need to see how many more Americans will finally wake up and see the danger of BHO's latest attack on America via the next battle of the day:   Cloward-Piven 101: Obama To Grant Amnesty To 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens .

Hat Tips:

Fox News
Now The End Begins

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