Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day of Resistance - Saturday, February 23, 2013 Government: Day of Resistance Coast to Coast Rallies Set To Challenge Obama Agenda


Conservatives and Tea Partiers plan to reignite the flame of 2010 next Saturday at rallies in cities and towns across America. The event is titled the "Day of Resistance," and head organizer Dustin Stockton told Breitbart News that February 23 was picked as the date for several reasons.

“The first is one which I’ve been getting ruthlessly abused for and that is because the AR-15 caliber is .223,” Stockton said in a phone interview. “It’s also the day that we raised the flag in Iwo Jima and it’s also a Saturday, so people who work regular hours can also attend.”

More than 50,000 Americans have already signed up for 97 rallies in more than 30 states across the country. The rallies will focus on Second Amendment issues and President Barack Obama’s push for gun control, but they will also branch out into all aspects of oppressive big government.

“The main hook is Second Amendment defense and executive actions by Obama,” Stockton said. “At the same time, we feel like the GOP establishment argument on guns is that ‘this is all crazy talk, what you’re hearing doesn’t matter and they’re not going to actually come take your guns away.’”
Stockton claimed the average law-abiding gun owner believes the president is seriously pushing for gun control, among other left-wing policies, and cannot stand the establishment GOP’s unwillingness to fight back. However, guns are not the only issue that has conservatives upset: the gun control fight is a new launching pad for a bigger discussion, similar to how Obamacare sparked the Tea Party movement’s beginnings in 2009.

“We think that gives us an opportunity to talk about how Obamacare is affecting people’s personal privacy and all the other issues the Tea Party movement has to talk about,” Stockton said. “We’ll talk about over-regulation, bailouts, crony capitalism, Benghazi, Fast and Furious."

"Fast and Furious is a big one for me," Stockton explained. "When the top cop in the country is as crooked as Eric Holder, it really cements our argument that ‘yeah, you really need to not be counting on law enforcement for protection. You need to be taking personal responsibility.’”

Those interested in getting involved can either find a rally near them on the Day of Resistance website, or they can (through the end of this week) sign up to create their own event in their own town or city. “You have three options: You can sign up to attend, you can sign up to volunteer, or you can sign up to organize your own rally,” Stockton said.

Stockton has a Political Action Committee, Western Representation PAC, that is spending $25,000 from its cash reserves on the rallies in addition to money they have raised for the events; he said about $9,000 has come in thus far. is sponsoring the events as well.

Nice Deb shared:

Via Matt Bracken, someone who connected the dots – (readers of this blog should know what I’m talking about) - created this unsettling video.
This video highlights the relationship between socialism, tyranny, the right to keep and bear arms and American freedom from 1776 until today.

Can any glib politician, pundit or ivory tower academic give us an ironclad guarantee that tyranny will never arise in the United States? Not even a popular tyranny, like those of Ataturk, Stalin, Hitler or Mao? Can anyone assure us that today’s “commonsense” gun registration lists will not be used for future gun confiscation? Of course not.

The future may be unknowable, but history is well understood, and American gun owners know and understand the history of democide in the 20th century. That is why they will never accede to what is currently portrayed in the predominantly left-wing mainstream media as “commonsense and reasonable” new gun control laws.

While American gun owners lament and regret the inescapable fact that deranged individuals in a free country may on rare occasions murder a dozen or a score of unarmed victims, they also understand that government democide murders by the million. And in every case, tyrants can conduct these democides only after disarming their unwanted minorities, rendering them helpless to resist murderous government pogroms.

American gun owners will never permit this historical pattern to be repeated in their country, because they understand that the government’s heavy hand will be kept in check only as long as they are armed. Ask yourself: Were the Armenians, the Jews or the kulaks treated better, or worse, after they were disarmed and rendered helpless by their oppressors, who thereafter held an absolute government monopoly on armed violence? The answer is too obvious to require elaboration.

Naive utopians and other “low-information voters” might not understand the historical pattern, and we don’t expect them to bother to learn it. Cynical and dishonest “progressives” who do understand the historical pattern cannot yet reveal their ultimate goal of creating a disarmed and helpless American citizenry. Nevertheless, millions of Americans understand their hidden aim with crystal clarity, seeing through the false sincerity of power-hungry leftist politicians who are actually Marxist wolves dressed in Democrat sheep’s clothing—for now.

But unless and until these secret Stalinists and sundry other “progressives” can figure out a way to disarm Americans, they cannot execute their historically standard final solution to the “reactionaries-standing-in-the-way-of-utopia” problem. And this is a thorny problem for them, because tens of millions of Americans, disbelieving their deceitful bromides, will stick to their guns no matter what.
Hat tips to all links.

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