Thursday, February 21, 2013

Treason, Fraud, and Obstruction of Justice within the Supreme Court of the United States?


Hat tip for photo:  Kevin D. at Tea Party Community

Found a new website called Red Flag News today and added it to my blog roll.

While reading posts at the site, I ran across this bombshell:

Red Flag Treason, Fraud, and Obstruction of Justice within the Supreme Court of the United States?

Copy of post:

Clerks of the Supreme Court never forwarded to 5 out of 9 Justices one single page of pleadings regarding Obama Forged IDs & Eligibility, they also did not forward to any of the Justices the Supplemental Brief.   Demand for investigation forwarded to Congressman Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee of Congress...

Read the letter demanding an investigation to Chairman of the Committee on Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Is there anyone in America (except, of course, the liberal left lunatics who support Obummer and his radical ilk no matter what!!) who is not alarmed, appalled and disgusted about this obvious obstruction of justice???

Political Press Release: Employees Of The Supreme Court Of The United States Caught With-Holding Legal Documents From Supreme Court Justices!


Press release: clerks of the Supreme Court never forwarded to 5 out of 9 Justices one single page of pleadings, they also did not forward to any of the Justices the Supplemental Brief. Demand for investigation forwarded to Congressman Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee of Congress.
You can go to the link at Political to read the entire letter written and send to Rep. Goodlatte.

Two comments there that help sum up exactly what (and why) President Abraham Lincoln warned us to watch out for the deliberate perversion of the Constitution by treasonous and evil elitists who might get into our government and suppress the truth (see the quote at the top of the page):

Comment #1:

Karol Hancock says:
Anyone can go to at the bottom of the screen, look for “contact us”, this will take you to a page with phone numbers, address and email. You can leave an email, which they will receive today when they come in. It would be easy to flood the email and phone calls. We as citizens of America are entitled to request that our highest court review the information and hold a hearing on the same, that has been presented by Orly Taitz, Our Constitution says our President must be a “natural born citizen”, which means 2 parents that are citizens. Anyone running for the office of President of the United States, must provide proof of citizenship with a valid birth certificate and legal documentation, Social Security Number, Drivers License, Selective Services Registration. It is a known public fact, that all of Obama’s papers are forgeries. His birth certificate from Kenya has been located, it is in England, however, Obama has paid again to have it sealed. The Supreme Court can demand this be opened and England will abide. We must exercise our Constitutional rights and request or demand that the Justices of our highest court, The Supreme Court follow the Constitution that they swore an oath to.

Comment #2:

gigiregnier says:
Orly Taitz’s, based on proof of his foreign birth, made it to the Supreme Court and there the clerks HID the records!!!!!!!!!! Call the Judiciary at 202-225-3951 , 9-6 eastern time, M-F
Hat tips to all links.

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