Thursday, April 18, 2013

FBI Photos Of Bombing Suspects; G. Soros Obit Prematurely Posted; Obama Investigation Blogger Detained By FBI

Whew!!  What a day this has been!  The information highway is getting so crowded (and I didn't even mention the disaster about the fertilizer plant that blew up in Waco, Texas in this post!) that it is hard to keep up with everything!

Other bloggers have provided some important stories.  You might call this trio of information:

 "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly."

The Good:  (Inching closer to apprehending and arresting these thugs!!!)

Images and video of suspects in Boston Marathon Bombing
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 1 hour ago

Just released by FBI: CBS Boston Live Stream Tweets from @LegInsurrection/boston-marathon

OFFICIAL VIDEO & PHOTOS of FBI Boston Marathon Bombing ‘Suspects’
1 hour ago
The Bad:  (Bad because it hasn't happened yet!!)
Reuters accidentally publishes George Soros obituary
17 minutes ago
Reuters publishes George Soros Obituary prematurely
William A. Jacobson at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - 1 hour ago
It’s still live on the internet. George Soros, enigmatic financier, liberal philanthropist dies at XX Full Obituary available here.
The Ugly:  (Ugly because it's guaranteed that you won't hear a peep about this from the media of mass deception!!)

FBI Raids Blogger Over Obama Ineligibility Evidence - ©Bridgette@WTPOTUS 2013 Al Hendershot, ObamaHustle blogger, Raided By FBI!! 4 His Computer Containing Evidence of Obama-Fraud Was Removed and Taken ...
3 hours ago
BREAKING NEWS – FBI Detaining People Connected To Obama Investigations
7 hours ago
Team Obama has resorted to harassing bloggers who are exposing him …

The Obama Hustle

If there were nothing to Obama being a fraud, why this? Why is he detaining regular Americans for something like this if there’s nothing to it? There are no threats, just someone making information available the major media has been hiding all along. Yet the FBI pays this guy a visit and confiscates his property … I’m sure there’s more to come. Obama can’t hide behind lies forever.



  1. Good morning Christine! I just stopped by to say hello. I'm reading a book, The Lord Is My Shepherd by Robert J. Morgan. He gave a definition of 'faith' which I think is about the best I've heard (read):

    Faith is the margin between our point of need
    and God's point of action.

    Have a very good day dear lady!

  2. My dear friend Steve!! I am reading that book too! I'm currently in chapter 10.

    That's a great definition! What chapter is it in?

    With all that is going on these days, Psalm 23 gives us the peace and power to rest, and reminds us daily of our Faithful and True God and His Son Jesus Christ!

    Your wonderful comment just made my day better!

    God bless!

  3. It's in one of the earlier chapters maybe 3 or 4. It just kind of jumped out to me. He also made a point that hit home with me. Something like "we are driven by goals ... but we're content in terms of outcomes." Being content with what God provides us regardless of our original goal.
    I hope you and your family have a very good weekend.


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