Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Suspect Arrested in Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack! [Update: Link to Photos of Possible Suspects]

Update 4/18/13 @ 8:03 a.m. PT

Whoa!! Some of the images have been removed from the 4Chan Think Tank link! What is THAT all about????

If I recall correctly, they were images comparing Chris Kyle's Navy SEALS hat logo with one of the individuals seen at the Marathon route with the same hat, a black backpack, and on a cell phone.

Update 4/18/13 at 8:30 a.m. PT:

Here are some of the photos that went missing at the 4Chan Think Tank link!  I don't know what is going on, but some are reporting that there was a "drill" going on the same day that the explosions happened. 

Prison Navy Seals spotted at Boston Marathon wearing suspicious backpacks? Fox News is reporting that a suspect, who was identified via a Lord and Taylor store surveillance video, has been arrested for the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon.


Also see:

communist obama marxist socialist maoist progressive
Seals with Back Packs at Marathon?

- Was Released Saudi Man Member of al-Qaida Clan?
- Obama's Unscheduled Meeting With Saudis
- Navy SEALs with Back Packs at Bomb Site? ...More
- Did FBI Know in Advance?
- Fox, Youtube Pull "Family Guy" Episode with 2 Bombs and Dead at Boston Marathon, THEN MEDIA CLAIMS THE EPISODE WAS A HOAX!
- Runners Warned If You Run Tomorrow You're Going to Die
- CNN: Bomb is “Signature of Right-Wing Individuals”

Hat tip:  Commieblaster

Update at 11:34 a.m PT:

Another website has LOTS of still photos of the two possible suspects: - 4Chan Think Tank

Could these photos at the link above be examples of the photos that the FBI is currently looking at?  Hints about this were stated during a conversation between Hannity and former detective, Mark Furman (I think) last night on Hannity's Fox News Channel show.  [Hannity stated that he has seen these photos, but can't show them on TV right now.]  Hannity was describing the look, clothing, and backpacks being worn by the men circled in red at the above website.

Update at 11:49 a.m. PT:

Now Fox News is reporting that "no arrest has been made." Other news outlets (like CNN) also reported that an arrest had been made.

Sigh...can't anyone get anything right these days???


Bill Hemmer stated that there is a photo going around on the Internet of the suspect.  The only image that I have found thus far is at this site: Boston Bombing Suspect ID’d on Surveillance Video; ARREST MADE

[Note: scroll down to "Dan Brechlin's" tweeted photo.]

I don't know if this is the genuine suspect. Will continue to search for the photo that Bill Hemmer was referring to just a few minutes ago (@ 11:15 a.m. PT).

There is also a photo at the same website showing a man on the roof near where one of the bombs blew up.

Again, I don't know if either of these photos are pictures of the suspect.


Update at 11:34 a.m PT:

Another website has LOTS of still photos of the two possible suspects: - 4Chan Think Tank

Update at 11:49 a.m. PT: 

Now Fox News is reporting that "no arrest has been made."  Other news outlets (like CNN) also reported that an arrest had been made.

Sigh...can't anyone get anything right these days???

Here's a copy of CNN'S website  front page:  (it may change)

Marathon bomb suspect arrested

An arrest is made in the Boston bombings probe, based on two videos showing images of the suspect, a federal law enforcement source tells CNN.

(CNN) -- [Breaking news update at 2:44 p.m. Wednesday]

Investigators in Washington and Boston denied Wednesday that an arrest had been made in the bombing of the Boston Marathon. They had earlier said there was "substantial" progress in the case.
[Breaking news update at 2:36 p.m. Wednesday]
There is conflicting information as to whether someone has been arrested in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings. A federal law enforcement source told CNN's Fran Townsend that someone was arrested. But later, two senior administration officials and another federal official told Townsend that there had been a misunderstanding among officials and that no one has been arrested.

[Original story, posted at 2:22 p.m. Wednesday]
Authorities arrested a suspect Wednesday in the fatal bombings at the Boston Marathon, a federal law enforcement source told CNN's Fran Townsend.
Details about the suspect's identity and motive were not immediately available. News of the arrest was first reported by CNN.
Investigators identified the suspect based on two videos taken before Monday's attack, the federal law enforcement source told Townsend.
One of the videos was surveillance footage taken at the nearby Lord & Taylor department store, the other was shot by a Boston television station, a source who has has been briefed on the investigation exclusively told CNN's John King.
The development came after a chaotic day in which investigators revealed more details about the makeup of the bombs and apparently unrelated scares over letters containing ricin gripped the nation's capital.
The bombs exploded 12 seconds apart near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and wounding about 180 others.
One of the bombs was housed in a pressure cooker hidden inside a backpack, the FBI said in a joint intelligence bulletin. The device also had fragments that may have included nails, BBs and ball bearings, the agency said.
The second bomb was also housed in a metal container, but it was not clear whether it too was in a pressure cooker, the FBI said.
The U.S. government has warned federal agencies in the past that terrorists could turn pressure cookers into bombs by packing them with explosives and shrapnel and detonating them with blasting caps.
The bombs
Photos obtained by CNN show the remains of a pressure cooker found at the scene, along with a shredded black backpack and what appear to be metal pellets or ball bearings.
Scraps of at least one pressure cooker, nails and nylon bags found at the scene were sent to the FBI's national laboratory in Virginia, where technicians will try to reconstruct the devices, the agent leading the investigation said Tuesday.
The pieces suggest each of the devices was 6 liters (about 1.6 gallons) in volume, a Boston law enforcement source said. The recovered parts include part of a circuit board, which might have been used to detonate a device.
A law enforcement official said Monday's bombs were probably detonated by timers. But the FBI said details of the detonating system were unknown.
While the clues moved the investigation forward, they did not make it immediately apparent whether the attack was an act of domestic or foreign terrorism.

Fox News reports: Conflicting reports over possible suspect in Boston Marathon bombing.
Hat tips to all links.


  1. By and large, journalism has sunk to a new low in this century.

    First, most outlets present a biased point of view (whatever happened to just the facts without editorializing?) Editorials are fine, but not in mainstream news stories.

    Second, on days when there is no massive shooting or bombing, the things that make the news cycle are things like Lohan, Spears, Hilton, Cyrus to the point where you just want to back away from all news.

    Third, the driving almighty factor is to be FIRST, regardless of accuracy. No more source corroboration (too much of that will slow us down.)

    Fourth, you know when the cable outlets think something is a big deal because they give it its own logo.

    Newspapers are dying, thoughtful commentary is disappearing, television news is a joke (let's see how many times we can show the same footage over and over) and is it any wonder that people don't care?

    When a celebrity like Ashley Judd can get more coverage just by floating the idea of a Senate run in 2014 than a substantive investigation into Benghazi, well I think you get the point.

  2. EXACTLY, Arlen. I find out much more information via the Internet than on the news shows.

    In an update today, I wrote:

    Update at 11:34 a.m PT:

    Another website has LOTS of still photos of the two possible suspects: - 4Chan Think Tank

    Could these photos at the link above be examples of the photos that the FBI is currently looking at? Hints about this were stated during a conversation between Hannity and former detective, Mark Furman (I think) last night on Hannity's Fox News Channel show. [Hannity stated that he has seen these photos, but can't show them on TV right now.] Hannity was describing the look, clothing, and backpacks being worn by the men circled in red at the above website.

    If these photos can easily be accessed by the public on the Internet, why would the news shows be prohibited from showing them on TV?

    Just more evidence that TV is completely controlled by the ObaMARXIST BADministration.

    Benghazi isn't going away. Sean Smith's mother is on Fox every few weeks to remind the public of this travesty of justice.

    It's mind boggling and terribly sad that Obummer and his ilk can get away with so much crime on this earth. But he (and they) won't get away with it in eternity.

  3. Update 4/18/13 @ 8:03 a.m. PT

    Whoa!! Some of the images have been removed from the 4Chan Think Tank link! What is THAT all about????

  4. Now the FBI has released two photos of the possible suspects.

    Gateway Pundit

    Atlas Shrugs


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