Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Harassed by American Community Survey People?

If you are one of the unfortunate citizens of the United States of America who are currently being harassed by an American Community Survey person for refusing to participate in the survey, I have done some research on it. I am providing what I have found here, hoping that it will assist anyone who is interested in legally refusing to participate in the survey. [Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and cannot vouch for the 100% accuracy of what is written. However, it made sense to me and I am using this information for refusal to participate in the survey if the harassment continues.]

When you type American Community Survey - Just Say No into Bing, you get two really good blogs to peruse.

The best one is this one:

Truth Is Treason.Net - How to legally refuse to participate in the census survey

Another one to check out is this:

No To ACS Blog

Near the end of the post at the first link (Truth is there is a letter that you can print out and send (along with your blank survey if you still have it) which will legally allow you to refuse to participate in the survey. Here is a copy:

To Whom it May Concern,

Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information you are empowered to request is the total number of occupants at this address. My “name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, telephone number, relationship and housing tenure” have absolutely nothing to do with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Therefore, neither Congress nor the Census Bureau have the constitutional authority to make that information request a component of the enumeration outlined in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. In addition, I cannot be subject to a fine for basing my conduct on the Constitution because that document trumps laws passed by Congress.

Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894)

“Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [such as the Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. We said in Boyd v. U.S., 116 U. S. 616, 630, 6 Sup. Ct. 524,―and it cannot be too often repeated,―that the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and it’s employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life. As said by Mr. Justice Field in Re Pacific Ry. Commission, 32 Fed. 241, 250, ‘of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value.’”

Note: This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned.


A Citizen of the United States of America

You might want to read through the entire post at the link above, but here is the pertinent information as it applies to the American Community Survey:

The American Community Survey

As stated above, the Census Bureau will be using the American Community Survey to extract personal data that it previously received on the old long form. Once again, this information will have absolutely nothing to with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives.

Authority for the Census and the American Community Survey

On their web-site, the Census Bureau claims the American people are “required by law” to provide the information requested on either form and our response is “mandatory.”

For the Census, they cite the provision of the Constitution referenced above as their authority to request the information.

For the American Community Survey, they cite Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 141 and 193 as their authority to request the information.

Section 141 (d) states, in part: …the Secretary, in the year 1985 and every 10 years thereafter, shall conduct a mid-decade census of population in such form and content as he may determine…

Section 141 (e) (2) states: Information obtained in any mid-decade census shall not be used for apportionment of Representatives in Congress among the several States, nor shall such information be used in prescribing congressional districts.

Section 141 (g) As used in this section, “census of population” means a census of population, housing, and matters relating to population and housing.

Section 193 states: In advance of, in conjunction with, or after the taking of each census provided for by this chapter, the Secretary may make surveys and collect such preliminary and supplementary statistics related to the main topic of the census as are necessary to the initiation, taking, or completion thereof.

The first thing reader should note is the difference between the statement of authority for the 2 surveys. The Census falls under the Constitution while the American Community Survey is merely based on a statute passed by Congress.

The second thing the reader should note concerning section 141 is the reference to a mid-decade census of population. There is no constitutional authority for mid-decade census. See again Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution.

The third thing the reader should note concerning section 141 is the statement that the information obtained from the mid-decade census cannot be used for the constitutional purpose of the actual Census.

The fourth thing the reader should note concerning section 141 is the statement that the mid-decade census is being used for housing, and matters relating to population and housing. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 does not contain a grant of power concerning these subjects.

This takes us to the other section cited as the authority for the American Community Survey. Section 193 restricts census surveys and the collection of preliminary and supplementary statistics…to the main topic of the census…necessary to the initiation, taking, or completion thereof. Constitutionally, the only topic of a census is a head count for apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 does not contain a grant of power for any other census. The other ones referenced in section 193 fail to meet the constitutional topic of the only census enumerated in the Constitution.

Note: See again the first 2 constitutional principles discussed at the beginning of this article and then apply them to the American Community Survey.

Penalty Provisions for Failure to Comply with Either Survey Request

On their web-site, the Census Bureau states the penalty provision for failing to comply with either survey request is found in Title 13, U.S.C., Section 221.

Pursuant to this section, refusing to provide the requested information or neglecting to complete either survey subjects you to a fine of not more than $100.00. Willfully giving information that is false subjects you to a fine of not more than $500.00.

Then, in what I believe is a blatant attempt to misrepresent federal law and install fear in the hearts and minds of the American people so they will provide the requested information, the Census Bureau included the following statement after their reference to the section 221 penalties referenced above:

Title 18 U.S.C. Section 3571 and Section 3559, in effect amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 by changing the fine for anyone over 18 years old who refuses or willfully neglects to complete the questionnaire or answer questions posed by census takers from a fine of not more than $100 to not more than $5,000.

A review of Title 18 shows it is entitled:“CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.”

Section 3559 is entitled: “Sentencing classification of offenses.” Section (a) states: “Classification.—An offense that is not specifically classified by a letter grade in the section defining it, is classified if the maximum term of imprisonment authorized is—(9) five days or less, or if no imprisonment is authorized, as an infraction.

Section 3571 is entitled: “Sentence of fine. Section (a) states: “A defendant who has been found guilty of an offense may be sentenced to pay a fine.” Section (b) states in part: “…an individual who has been found guilty of an offense may be fined not more than the greatest of—(7)for an infraction, not more than $5,000.” This is the only reference to a fine in the amount cited by the Census Bureau that matches the provision in section 3559 above.

The $5,000.00 fine referenced in section 3571 is a post conviction fine that only applies to an individual who has been charged and convicted of a criminal infraction as defined in section 3559. Unless an individual has been charged and convicted of some criminal offense connected to the Census and the crime is classified as an infraction, this $5,000.00 fine does not apply. Thus, their assertion that these sections changed the fines in section 221 to $5,000.00 is…you fill in the blank. In my mind, it’s a blatant lie that borders on fraud.

Another website to read:

Technology & MSG - American Community Survey Makes Me Uncomfortable

The original post was created in 2007, but take note of these brief updates:


05/14/08 - There have been quite a few visitors lately, referred here both by other web sites and by Google. So here’s an update. I haven’t heard anything from the Census Bureau about my failure to participate in the American Community Survey. I have received no further correspondence. I have not been contacted. I have not been fined. The threats of fines and jail time appear to be just that… idle threats.

03/13/10 - Still nothing.

Hat Tips:

Truth Is Treason.Net

No To ACS Blog

Technology & MSG Blog

Update @ 4:50 p.m. PT:

Another website to read about this issue:

Nolan Chart - Invasion of Privacy: The American Community Survey


Second, the Fourth Amendment guarantees my right to be secure .

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

To gather all of the information below, they would have to invade my home, and search my documents for this data. I contend the information requested is my property and the US Government has no valid claim upon it.

My answers to this survey are not private forever, as in 72 years they are released to the public. None of the questions beyond how many people live at my address would seem to apply to fire stations, libraries, or schools, and so, I must confess I will not be answering them.

According to the Washington Post, over 1,100 laptops have been reported missing from the Commerce Department since 2001 including over 250 from the Census Bureau.

Do I really want the answers to the questions below floating around on a laptop that is misplaced or stolen?

Searching the internet, I have discovered I may be in for some harassment as Big Brother attempts to force me to complete this form. I have read reports of Census workers harassing individuals in an attempt to get them to complete the survey. For some interesting stories check out this link.

You will read some interesting stories about what will be done to collect the data.

Lots of links to read here:

CheckPoint The U.S. Census Bureau's
American Community Survey (scratch that) Interrogation


  1. I have just discovered that the “Integrated census data collection system” our census system is designed and managed by Lockheed Martin. The US arms manufacturer. What strange bed fellows.
    Link 1
    Link 2

  2. Thank you so much. I've been harrassed so much that I can't sleep. I live in a gated community and 4 times this month the census worker has gotten in. Last night at 6:30 pm he was banging on my door so hard that it was rattling inside the door frame. In between the banging he rang the doorbell, then he stuck his brochure in my door. 10 minutes later he was back banging on my door.

  3. Thanks JWL. I know that your comment posted several months ago but I guess I forgot to check out those links.

    I have had MANY bloggers come to this blog post every week since I posted it. This comes up on my stat report.

    Hi Anonymous,

    So glad that this post helped you. Sounds like you were harrassed far more than even I was! But don't worry. It DOES stop after a while. When I sent that letter out I never heard back from anyone (by phone, mail or in person) again! But there is always next year. Keep a copy handy. I am printing it out right now so that I will have it for the next time they come by harrassing our family!

  4. ...Well, I've been dealing with them for over 4 years now! Apparently I was so lucky to have my name randomly chosen out of the database and Im told Im stuck in it for life? I've moved 3 times (life of a single mom =) in 4 years and they track me down like a bloodhound!! I've had the cops escort them off my property once before, but not until she made HUGE ruts in my yard with her car! Tonight I receive a call from a lady called "Sissy" main harrasser! She threatened me tonight and told me that "they" were coming for me, and I would be sorry when "they" showed up at my door step and that she would see to it I was thrown in prison. Well, being a single mom, and living alone...I called the sheriffs dept here, waiting on soemone to call me back. Hopefully I can get a restraining order or something. How can I stop this mess?!! They show up at my house and they dont leave unless I call the cops, they threaten and harrass me and try to intimidate me, they have even harrassed my mother and once call her to ask her for my address because they wanted to send me a gift card to WalMart, my mom blindley gave it to them, but she learned her lesson real quick when they caused more drama on property! Ugh!! Oh and the number that "sissy" calls me from when I google it comes up as Birds Next Enterprises, which is a flower shop in Austin....interesting....

  5. Anonymous - 2010 was the first year that I was approached about this survey and I turned them down each time (as was revealed in original post). When I printed out that lawful refusal, the survey person never contacted me again. It works! I printed several copies and have them ready if I get bothered by anyone ever again. Here's another copy:

    To Whom it May Concern,

    Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information you are empowered to request is the total number of occupants at this address. My “name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, telephone number, relationship and housing tenure” have absolutely nothing to do with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Therefore, neither Congress nor the Census Bureau have the constitutional authority to make that information request a component of the enumeration outlined in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. In addition, I cannot be subject to a fine for basing my conduct on the Constitution because that document trumps laws passed by Congress.

    Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894)

    “Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [such as the Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. We said in Boyd v. U.S., 116 U. S. 616, 630, 6 Sup. Ct. 524,―and it cannot be too often repeated,―that the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and it’s employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life. As said by Mr. Justice Field in Re Pacific Ry. Commission, 32 Fed. 241, 250, ‘of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value.’”

    Note: This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned.


    A Citizen of the United States of America

  6. Thank you for this. We started getting letters a couple of weeks ago. Someone i-d'ing herself as a Census employee showed up for the ACS Sunday night after dark and knocked and knocked and I was afraid to go to the door. Finally I did when I saw it was a woman with a badge on and she wasn't going to leave. I said I was not going to ask her in and she could call with her survey. I had no idea what this was about because I did not open the letters. I thought the survey was a short one and I was amenable. I said I would respond to the survey on the phone. I was extremely busy the following day, not home, and she turned up two days later as I was trying to leave. I was angry and said I would not answer the survey questions. By then I had read the questions were highly invasive and that there would be followups for four months. She argued. She said she would "report" me to "a supervisor" for refusing to comply. I have always done my "duty" but I am extremely upset by this! Have people gone to their congressional representatives for help or do the reps just say take the abuse and answer the survey?

  7. Hello Anonymous @ October 7, 2011 -

    For some reason, your comment did not appear in my comment box until December 13, 2011.

    I haven't tried to contact my congressional representative for my district about this subject. Perhaps contacting our representatives will help to get the practice repealed. I just know that the lawyer who drew up that letter knew what he/she was doing - and the letter works to get them off of our backs.

    When this was happening to me, I mailed a copy of the letter with the community survey person's notice that was left on my door. I also made a copy of the notice and the letter, and attached it to my front door. All contact, (by phone, letter and visit) ceased shortly thereafter.

    I hope that this letter gets distributed far and wide so that people who have been harrassed will now have a legal weapon that enables them NOT TO COMPLY with this invasive "survey" and ultimately, these government "employees" (who apparently make more money for filled out surveys) will cease and desist from the harrassment of the public.

  8. The collection of "statistics" is a useful function to the American People. The US Census Bureau crossed the line from "statistic gathering" to "intelligence gathering" when it began collecting "Personally Identifiable Information (PII)". Power to "interrogate" law abiding citizens can only be granted by a Constitutional Amendment and the vote of the people. Unless the US Supreme court reviews and upholds those statutes, no one should provide any type of PII to anyone. The Supreme Court should rule that the American Community Survey is illegal and instruct the Commerce Dept to eliminate all PII from its databases. Just as mail-in ballots avoid PII, the methods for "statistics gathering" should be no less stringent.

    I have combined an adaptation of Hayden's excellent refusal cover letter, excerpts from citizen's testimonials regarding harassment, a copy of the ACS I found online and mailed it to the Editorial Directors of the nation's 25 largest news agencies. I have also purchased 50 bumper stickers that say: 'Google "REFUSAL American Community Survey" as a down payment on my children's liberty. Please do the same.

    Homeland security and emigration control are very important issues; however, the people working them cannot be allowed to trample upon our Constitution. They must propose a solution and put it to the people directly. We all know that it was just this type of information gathering that allowed the German government to carry out it's atrocities in 1935. Although it's hard to imagine that happening here, there are other abuses that are easy to imagine such as phone, home, and work place harassment.

  9. Thanks for sharing that important information and ideas, Anonymous @ February 1, 2012 9:22:00 PM PST. The bumper sticker idea is a good one! So is sharing the news about this and warning others not to cave in the the demands and harrassment.

    I think I read somewhere that this type of survey started under one of the Bush presidencies. Who gave them the authority to do that? Who give Obama the authority to continue it?

    It's odd that our home was never harrassed - and not even approached with the ACS until Obama came into office.

    I think that one of the major problems today is the top down, bottom up, inside out type of dictatorship that is being forced upon the American people by the Socialist/Communist/Islamist/Progressive leftists (and some RINOS, TOO!) who no longer believe in, and would trash, our founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. They wrongly assume that what our founders created (and also warned us about) don't matter to WE THE PEOPLE here in American politics anymore. They are SO WRONG!! The TEA Party Patriot movement is a big example of how many people don't want a form of government that tramples upon our God given rights! The rights that our Founding Fathers documented for us and the centuries that our military have fought and died for to keep! As Ronald Reagan once said, "only one generation from extinction!"

    Full quote:
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
    Ronald Reagan
    40th president of US (1911 - 2004

    We are a Constitutional Republic! We are NOT an Alinsky-style socialistic community organizer failure's view of what America should be. Can't wait till Obummer is out of office!

  10. We just received the American Community Survey addressed to resident, we rent. My Husband started filling it out. They want name, sex, race, dob, where you were born, when and where you were married, how much money you make, name and address of your employer, what time you leave and return from work. How long it takes you to get to and from work. He stopped filling it out. I put N/A on the rest of it and wrote on it that they were invading my privacy and sent it back. From what I read I guess I am now in trouble?

  11. Hello Anonymous @ February 8, 2012 2:15:00 PM PST,

    I don't think you will be "in trouble." They may still attempt to contact you, via letter, phone, or even in person. My advice is to print out that letter above, sign it and give it to anyone who continues to harass you or your husband. Here's a copy of it:

    To Whom it May Concern,

    Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information you are empowered to request is the total number of occupants at this address. My “name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, telephone number, relationship and housing tenure” have absolutely nothing to do with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Therefore, neither Congress nor the Census Bureau have the constitutional authority to make that information request a component of the enumeration outlined in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. In addition, I cannot be subject to a fine for basing my conduct on the Constitution because that document trumps laws passed by Congress.

    Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894)

    “Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [such as the Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. We said in Boyd v. U.S., 116 U. S. 616, 630, 6 Sup. Ct. 524,―and it cannot be too often repeated,―that the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and it’s employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life. As said by Mr. Justice Field in Re Pacific Ry. Commission, 32 Fed. 241, 250, ‘of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value.’”

    Note: This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned.


    A Citizen of the United States of America

  12. Waste of taxpayers $$$ ACS Docs I have received:

    1.ACS Pre-Survey letter
    2. ACS #1
    3. Reminder postcard
    4. ACS#2
    5. Larger green reminder postcard that states I may be contacted in person to fill out the form, its mandatory, fines etc blah blah blah...

    Instead of issuing that letter to the CB rep, I will pull out my pocket constitution, reference the Census section, will have a video camera rolling and will have a notebook to collect all personal information about the rep that he/she asks me. And I will have my pistol at my side as well.

    This is a clear invasion of privacy, whether or not its advertized as that. YOU need to make the rational, human decision to not fill it out and not be scared by the intimidation tactics the CB reps use. Instead, let them know the people they work for are corrupt and that, although I respect them doing their job that they applied for, I decline to consent to their request to invade my privacy...

    The Constitution gives the govt certain powers and it certainly doesnt give the CB the authority to obtain this information as well as fine peeps for not filling it out. PERIOD. The CB has no authority over the 'Tution'.


    An American Sovereign.

  13. I am not even going to engage with these people. While I think Hayden's letter is a good one, the emerging "lexicon" out of Uncle Janet's DHS defines anyone who puts the Constitution as the highest authority of limitations of gov't power (as it should) and objects to this intrusive type of gov't regulation/interference with citizens is now classed as a potential terrorist.

    You can bet that CB will try reporting this to Uncle Janet/DHS.

    Since Feb. 1 (Got the survey at the end of Nov. 2011), I have endured 3-4 phone calls per day, door visits (one after 9pm) and yesterday a letter arrived from a supervisor of my CB stalker. I will not engage.

    That said, I'm trying to work on a letter similar to Hayden's, concentrating on the statutory and Privacy Act *violations* the ACS has. Their data is not secure, contrary to the Privacy Act, their databases are kept by NAME and ADDRESS instead of a neutral ident number, there is no security classification on the database, etc., etc. None of these sections in Title 13 authorize the snoopy, nosy information the ACS has warped into, and NOW they are even adding a demand for *parental* birthplaces. (Comment period ends on 2/27, for that notice)

    I do not need to be managed or "helped." I need to be left alone to my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, as guaranteed by the founding document of this republic. That is all.

    Thanks for your blog-- I may need to set up one to document this abuse.

  14. Anonymous @ February 14, 2012 8:13:00 AM PST,

    Thanks for your informative input. If you do set up a blog dealing with this issue, please give me the link so that I can keep track of what you are posting regarding this awful intrusion into our personal lives by this utopian/totalitarian government.

    I have just started reading Mark Levin's new book, Ameritopia. I have only gotten through the introduction and first chapter, but a blog post is coming soon! The book is very hard to put down! I want to read it all TODAY!

    I recommend this book to EVERYONE who rejects the intrusion of government into our personal lives and the forcing of policies that are anathema to our Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution. Levin has masterfully shown, in a general sense, what the Obama Admin is trying to do to ruin America without even referring to him or his administration! Levin utilizes strong warnings from our Founders, many others (including the critical works of John Locke, Charles Montesquieu, Alexis de Tocqueville) all the way up to and including Ronald Reagan. As I read through just the first 26 pages, I kept seeing evidence of why, what, where, and how the Obama puppet is being led by billionaire puppeteers like evil George Soros to create an "Ameritopia" against the will of WE THE PEOPLE! Those of us who have been paying attention will see Levin's book as the exposure of all the corruption and destruction that is going on in Washington D.C. today! The book is a blueprint about everything that is WRONG with utopianism (which includes the terrible errors of National Socialism, Communism, Islamism, social "justice," etc. - which the sane world and America have fought against throughout history!) I think that EVERY American who cares about our nation returning to our Founders vision of a Constitutional Republic needs to read this book!

    The harrassment of the "American Community Survey" people is only one small (but very annoying) example of what ObaMARXIST wants to "change" our Constitutional Republic into! And it is NOT GOOD!

    Levin admits that this shift to socialism/utopianism didn't start with Obama, but it has been greatly accelerated through his abominable and evil machine of an administration. We cannot survive four more years of this accelerated form of government tyranny!

    Thank you for your efforts to fight against the utopian machine here in America. If enough people WAKE UP - we can slow the monster's progress and hopefully, beat it down so that it will once again, end up in the failed government(s) dustbin of history!

  15. Anony from 2/9 again--
    Thanks, Christine!

    I'm hoping to get my story documented and have a site linking to all the helpful Refuse ACS sites I've been going through since my harrassment began (if its a 30-day cycle, I'm halfway there...). I think updating all the sneaky "updates" to the ACS would be very helpful as well-- it appears Census thinks the ACS will actually SUPPLANT the decennial, constitutionally-mandated census. Yikes.

    I've got Levin's works in my Amazon cart, need to start getting & reading them... As for Soros-- "when the wicked bloom like grass, it is to destroy them til eternity..." Tehillim/Psalms. But yes, his influence and money show just how depraved this society (politicos in particular) has become. And sadly, children are growing up not knowing ANY better, public schools encourage not standing up for what is right against evil. Even in religious (I don't include the camel herder in this) communities, we are certainly not immune, but at least we know the standards we need to adhere/aspire to. Sadly, many good people have been caught up in this madness as well. Softly, gently, and with solid examples, we need to help them come back to themselves.

    May G-d assist us with the strength to weather this and come out the other side.

  16. Hi again Anony,

    Well said! And it is true that we must continue to trust in God to help us through. As the prophesied end times events continue to unfold, we don't know when the Lord will return, but we can trust in His promises!

    Wanted to let you know that I included a link to this post in my new blogpost yesterday about Mark Levin's "Ameritopia" book. The subtitle of the book says, "The Unmaking of America." It is REALLY sad that too many people either cannot see, or refuse to see, what this current gangster government is doing to our nation! I plan to write about Levin's book A LOT at this blog - encouraging others to read the book, spread the message, and even buy books to give away to friends and relatives. The more people who are EDUCATED about what is actually going on and who wake up from the Obama Kool-Aid stupor that they have been in over the last 3 years, the better!

    Of course, there are some who will never sever themselves from the ObamaBorg ("The Borg" -are you familiar with that term from Star Trek?). But those who are now alert and realize the
    made in 2008, are actively alerting all who will listen to VOTE THIS USURPER out!

    It is then that we can tackle all the terrible legislation and get Obamascare repealed! One by one, any of the Republican candidates will take down Obummer's "road to serfdom" policies and socialist executive orders so that we can live in a sane American Constitutional Republic again!

    Keep me posted on when you get your site up and running!

  17. Anony from 2/9 again--

    First post re: CB/ACS harrassment is up. Check out

    Working on the analysis of the various background documents. Whew!

  18. Thanks for the link! Went over and left a comment. Put your blog on my sidebar list under "We The People Blogs."

    Looks like you went through a LOT of harassment - but don't let them get to you! They have NO LEGAL LEG to stand on...and the threats are empty.

  19. i have just started being bombarded and got on internet to find what was up! i can't believe this ACS "survey" has been happening to people for over 7 years now!

    --btw this ACS survey has Nothing to do with President Obama--this survey was 'passed" by Congress many years ago and started sending survey to the people way back in 2005!

    thanks for your website and we appreciate your energy and time alerting folks about this

  20. I realize that this intrusive "survey" began back in 2005. But I was not targeted until Obama was in office. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is being used against the party opposite of whomever is in power.

    Sounds like you might still be a fan of Obama. Well, sorry to have to burst your admiration bubble. Prepare to have your blinded eyes OPENED - BIG TIME when you read the links below!

    As far as Obama is concerned, he has been involved in many nefarious activities - including ones that are illegal, unconstitutional, and even criminal! Fox News reported today that 9 Attorney Generals from different states have filed lawsuits against several of Obama's mandates (including ObamaScare) because they have all deemed his actions illegal and unconstitutional. I would hasten to add that many of his actions are downright criminal; even treasonous and traitorous! But don't take my word for it. Please see the following website:

    That site contains every link to every story that the media of mass deception doesn't want you to know about! If we are to save this nation from utter ruin, more people need to wake up and see the criminality of the Obama puppet and his puppetmaster - George Soros!

    If those links are "too much" for you, perhaps you should visit an historical archive (chosen by the Library of Congress) The Obama File for accurate information that has been accumulating over the past four years.

  21. I have been harassed not only with census people knocking at my door, but now the other day my friend was outside, and the census worker demanded to know her name and my name (thankfully my friend only volunteered her name. Yesterday they were parked outside my home waiting for us to come home. I again refused to comply stating my rights, and also advised him he was trespassing to which he replied that he had every legal right to be on MY property

  22. Are they still harassing you? Just got my second form in the mail...

  23. I too was just harrasssed in person yesterday by an employee of the census bureau.

    I told the gentleman, "Edward Dutton" that I refused to take the census and asked him 3 times to please leave my private residence (as he was standing in my garage at one point) and he would not comply and told me he had a legal right to be here.

    I pulled out my cell phone and called the Sheriff and told him we would see as I've asked him 3x now and he wouldn't comply.

    As soon as he heard me say his name and start calling for a deputy to come out, he then left....

    Tell me, what kind of America do we live in now where someone can do this to a rightful, legally respsected citizen on their own property and harass them. Just stop by whenever they want with a laptop, expect me to drop everything I'm doing unnanounced, and answer 45-1 hour worth of invasive questions!?

  24. To: March 5, 2012 8:27:00 AM PST
    Anonymous said...

    Good thinking not to give out your name. If you read through this post and thread, you now see that they cannot force you to comply. That is just a ruse they use to scare people into filling out the survey.

    Another "anonymous" commentator here called the sheriff on them! Ha! Good idea.


    To Anonymous of July 26, 2012 9:04:00 PM PDT

    I have not been harrassed since I printed out that letter of refusal. Have not been visited at all since then.


    To Anonymous of January 13, 2013 9:56:00 AM PST

    Good for you! Great idea to call the sheriff. I hope others will learn from your experience and do the same!

    These "volunteers" KNOW that they can't harass people into compliance - but they certainly try to do so.

    This certainly is NOT the America that I grew up in. Unfortunately, we have to endure the evils of this ObaMARXIST BADministration. I pray that God will give us the mercy and grace that we don't deserve - because of all of our rampant sins - and that He will see us through the storm and save our nation from this evil.


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