Thursday, July 15, 2010

No One Can Duplicate It

If you haven't taken the time to review the videos at Watch Glenn July 13, 2010 Show - Collective Salvation, then you might want to view them before reading this essay.

I have been thinking about the comparison between Biblical Christianity - which portrays the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary and His subsequent resurrection from the dead as a victorious achievement - with that of what Black Liberation Theology (BLT) teaches. If you viewed the videos (link above), then you saw the founder of (BLT) actually describe what his brand of religion believes and teaches. Rather than portraying Jesus Christ as the Victor over evil, sin and death, Mr. Cone and his followers claim that Jesus Christ was a victim. He even labeled it as "one of the worst lynchings" known to man. Such a declaration is wrong on so many levels! However, I will share two reasons - from the Bible - that demonstrates how wrong Mr. Cone is in his thinking.

1. Jesus tells us that he willingly "laid his life down for his friends."

Jhn 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.

2. In Mat 26:53 - Jesus says to one of his disciples who just drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus: "Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?"

Now, don't you think that if Jesus could have summoned twelve legions of angels to prevent his arrest by the Roman soldiers, that he also could have called to His Father in heaven to send angels to rescue him from the cross?

Jesus didn't call for rescue. Instead, His atoning act RESCUES ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIM from separation from God because of sin and nixes the penalty of eternal death.

These are just two examples of why Black Liberation Theology fails as a Christian religion. They have skewed the meaning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a false gospel that fits into their own mindset, politics, and demands for liberation and justice. In other words, they have corrupted who Jesus really is and made Him into their own "image and likeness."

I had dinner with a good friend last evening who is in despair. Who isn't these days?? The gangster government that appears to be working against our beloved country and appears to hate America and Americans, is enough to cause despair in anyone! She doesn't usually have the time to read blogs, so I often fill her in on what is being written about and said on them. She mentioned that the news stations she watches (not cable ones) all sound alike during their evening news broadcasts. It's as if they are each reading from a script. Truthfully? I wouldn't be a bit surprised!

Later during our dinner discussion, she asked me how I can deal with all of the evil, deception, lies, corruption etc. going on in the world and write about it on my blog without going into a deep depression. I told her that I do get depressed at times. It looks like there is nothing that WE THE PEOPLE can do right now to stop the madness coming out of Washington D.C. Our supposed "representatives" are not listening to the majority of Americans who call, write, fax, email and demand that they don't vote for the latest terrible legislation. It is obvious that these elected individuals are not really representing the people. They are busy voting for bills they don't read and passing legislation that will harm rather than help our economy. What's more, they seem much more interested in getting what they want done rather than what their constituents want done.

I told my friend that when I get down, I listen to the Christian music CD in my car. I read the Bible. I read the appropriate Christian book that will point me back in the right direction, away from the despair that the evil leaders in this world all wallow in and want spread around.

Today, while returning from a visit to the dentist, I was listening to a song by the Newsboys called "In The Hands Of God."

As I was listening to the song, I prayed for our nation and that what I do here on this blog and in my life would be pleasing to God. When the chorus of the song played that says about Jesus, "You're amazing, You're amazing You are" I couldn't help but think that everything that man does on this earth could never compare to, change, or overcome what Jesus has done for us!

Jesus' own words comfort us through all that we go through, cope with, and endure in this world:

Jhn 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Then, the thought came to me! In fact, it ended up being the title of this post!

No one can duplicate what Jesus has done!

There are many great videos of "In The Hands Of God" at the YouTube site. I chose this one because I think the visual pictures emphasizes the title of the song and helps us to focus on the great lyrics.

Have a blessed day!


  1. Christine said:

    "Jesus' own words comfort us through all that we go through, cope with, and endure in this world"

    Amen! (ss)

  2. CJW: “Rather than portraying Jesus Christ as the Victor over evil, sin and death, Mr. Cone and his followers claim that Jesus Christ was a victim. He even labeled it as "one of the worst lynchings" known to man. Such a declaration is wrong on so many levels!”

    Well, it wasn't exactly a lynching, even though Jesus was accused of a crime that he wasn't guilty of, and even though no one spoke in his defense, not even himself; and even though the presiding official (Pilate) couldn't find a reason to convict him! But you gotta admit, even the ADF wouldn't sit still for that kind of “justice”!

    ”Now, don't you think that if Jesus could have summoned twelve legions of angels to prevent his arrest by the Roman soldiers, that he also could have called to His Father in heaven to send angels to rescue him from the cross?”

    He certainly spoke in a confident manner, yes. That's why his wail “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” just isn't compatible with his earlier statement. That cry sounds like someone who'd just realized a very unpleasant maybe those angel legions weren't coming after all.

    ”...Black Liberation Theology fails as a Christian religion. They have skewed the meaning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a false gospel that fits into their own mindset, politics, and demands for liberation and justice. In other words, they have corrupted who Jesus really is and made Him into their own "image and likeness."

    So has every other so-called Christian religion, from Gnostics to Anabaptists to Quakers to Evangelicals. What's your point?

  3. Christine, that was something else watching this Mormon, Glenn Beck, break down Black Liberation Theology! What an intriguing show! But what he did so importantly, is tie that heretical philosophy to the frame of mind of our current president, who sat under these teachings for 20 years under Rev. Wright!

    But yes, isn't Christ wonderful? To avoid complete despair all we must do is remember that God is still in complete control of this mess and that this present earth is our temporary home. Thanks for sharing the scriptures of how much Christ loves us and what's He's done for us! Amen Amen!

    Well, you know I haven't blogged much this year and I thought I stop by and respond to the Black Liberation show. Sadly, many black people I feel have such an inferiority complex that they must seek other false gods to make them feel better. Black Liberation falls under that - a very dangerous false teaching.

    I promised you I'd share a link about this topic written by biblical scholar Ron Rhodes: "Black Theology, Black Power, and the Black Experience"

    His article touches on many of the points shared by Glenn Beck on the show and he breaks down the teachings of James Cones, known as the father of Black Liberation Theology. The crux of his teaching is the "victimization" of Jesus Christ which many of us believe provides the belief system of Obama and his many victimization policies.

    Enough on Obama...didn't really want to go there, but Glenn Beck took me to that place! Lol!

    Take care Christine!

  4. As always I love your posts here. Always uplifting. Thank you!

    Excellent point! No, Jesus was not a victim. Isa. 53:10-11:

    Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

    He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied ...

    Jesus was satisfied with the results of his 'travail' of which he willingly accepted.

  5. Hi Christine,
    What, in your opinion, does Jesus means when he stated, in Luke 4:18-19: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

    Everyone has their 'take' on Christianity. People pick and choose what they like and dislike. For black theologians, the message of Jesus is for the poor and the oppressed. Blacks in this country have been oppressed. It makes sense that they would see the Bible and the words of Jesus in this way. How else should they understand the scripture from Luke?

  6. Thank you so much for your comments Carlotta and Stevex09! I have featured them in my new blog post!

    Deceived By Collective Salvation?

  7. Kevin,

    Jesus was quoting Isaiah 61:1,2. He was speaking spiritually. If you read Luke 4:20-21, you will notice that Jesus states "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

    Isaiah was referring to a future Messianic age, because the deliverance of Israel from exile in Babylon as a Year of Jubilee when all debts are cancelled, all slaves are freed, and all property is returned to original owners (see Leviticus 25) had not brought the fulfillment the people had expected. They were still a conquered and oppressed people. [Notes taken from NIV study Bible.]

    This statement is a problem:

    Everyone has their 'take' on Christianity. People pick and choose what they like and dislike.

    That may be your view, but it certainly isn't biblical.

    There is nothing wrong with people being concerned about the oppressed. In fact, we SHOULD BE! Christians are active throughout the world helping people in their physical needs as well as spiritual needs (without government help - I might add). However, when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is skewed by certain individuals who choose to twist Scripture "to their liking" because of a political, social, emotional, or cultural agenda; and then used as a tool to get people to follow another "gospel," - that is called heresy. Warnings about heresy are written throughout Scripture! See the book of Jude, for one.

  8. Hi Christine,
    How do you know that Jesus was speaking spiritually? Jesus said that 'today' this scripture is fulfilled. Does that mean that it wasn't fulfilled until the time of Jesus? Or is Jesus referring to something that happened in the past and he is just informing people that the people are now free?

    Mary, at the beginning of Luke, also states: "He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty' (Luke 1:52-53). People who are 'lowly' and 'hungry' look with hope to this saying. Poor people can also look at this and say that the rich will be empty of God's message. The reason I bring this up is because it shows that people can read the Bible and take away slightly different messages, depending on the circumstances. A rich, white woman will in some cases reject this passage. A poor, black woman in some cases will not.

    You state: ""to their liking" because of a political, social, emotional, or cultural agenda." But who lives in a non political, non-social, non-emotional, non-cultural place?

    You said: "That may be your view, but it certainly isn't biblical." I totally agree! The Bible isn't going to say 'pick and choose.' But that is what everyone has done, primarily because the message of Paul and the rest of the New Testament writers is not totally clear. Paul encountered this with the first generation of Christians. Every generation since has had to deal with what certain words or phrases mean.


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