Friday, December 02, 2005

The Left's Hatred of Religious Freedom

Last night on The O'Reilly Factor, Bill had Ann Coulter on as one of his guests. During the discussion, Ann shared that her liberal left opponents are attempting to keep her from appearing on any CNN (Communist News Network) news show. She also revealed that there was a liberal-left blog of haters that suggested that Ann should be raped.


Because of her views on issues which have been widely publicized and well read through her extremely successful books. She went on to reveal that apparently some of the comments by feminist bloggers made the claim that they don't usually sanction rape against women, but in Ann's case they would make an exception.

What?? This is awful, people. Totally uncalled for, too.

Yet this kind of hate speech doesn't deserve a peep of protest from any of those who would condemn it if it was hailed at a liberal-left author??

It just makes me so angry that a group which presses for "hate crimes" legislation would say something so hateful and vile! And don't tell me that it was satire, or that they were just kidding. They're not kidding. And, I might add, who in their right mind would kid about something as horrendous as rape??

Bill certainly got it right when he said, "They are awful people...just awful." You could tell that he was concerned for Ann's safety. Ann, the trooper that she is, brushed it off and said that it gives more publicity for her books. Let the haters rant!

My friend Stephen Bennett was the target of much verbal hateful rage of liberal left bloggers several months ago. In fact, when I created some posts here in defense of his needed ministry, I was also verbally attacked and threatened. But it is those Christians who are directly in the public eye, in the media through news broadcasts, news analyst shows, radio programs and especially Christian ministry that speaks out against any topic of the liberal left agenda who are continually being attacked. And now that Stephen and his wife Irene have a successful radio and internet broadcast called Straight Talk Radio, I can only imagine how the attacks against his ministry have increased. But the good news is that the truth about these important issues is getting out there.

I just listened to yesterday's broadcast. It was excellent and I encourage you to go to the archives page and listen. Stephen and Irene's guest for yesterday's (and today's) broadcast is Janet Folger, the author of the new book, "The Criminalization of Christianity."

From the Straight Talk Radio website:

"The cover of “The Criminalization of Christianity” says “Read this book before it becomes illegal.” It's no joke.

Right now, people in powerful places want nothing less than to eradicate Christian faith from American society.

At first the attacks were subtle. The Supreme Court ruled that children can't pray in school. The Ten Commandments were removed from our classrooms and, later, our courtrooms. Now pastors are being imprisoned for speaking out against homosexuality from their own pulpits, people in New York are fired from their jobs, and kids in California are suspended from school. Their "crimes"? Nothing more than exercising their religious freedoms.

How in the world did we get to this place in a "free" and civilized society? And how far will it go?

While you have the right to remain silent and watch as Christianity becomes criminalized in America, it's not what God would have you do. Listen to part one of Stephen and Irene’s compelling interview with Janet Folger."

(Note: With a $25.00 donation to keep Straight Talk Radio on the air, you can now receive a free copy of Janet Folger's book.)

That bolded statement above is so important. It is my hope and prayer that as more Christians see what is happening in our country today and recognize that the assault on our Christian heritage, symbols, freedom of speech and freedom of association is real and increasing day by day; then they will become actively involved in speaking out against such assault and doing all that they can to counter it! My friends, we need to speak up and counter such things as:

1. Elimination of any or all Christian symbols
2. The 'politically correct' decisions of stores to eliminate any reference to Christmas
3. No display of nativity scenes in public
3. The attempt to criminalize Biblical verses and moral Christian speech and label them as a 'hate crimes' (or, even as hate thoughts)
4. Atheistic attempts to force "under God" from the pledge and "in God we trust" from our currency

Although this is only one case among many assaults on Christianity that are going on worldwide and here in the U.S., the case against Ake Green, (the Christian pastor in Sweden) whose trial has just ended with an acquittal (thank God!) should be a huge wake-up call for us all.

Here's a quote from this Lifesite Article:

“Today we have seen Sweden’s Supreme Court uphold true human rights, the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression. Pastors across that country can now exercise their human rights, without fear of going to prison for transgressing the hate-crimes law used to prosecute Pastor Green. The ruling is consistent with natural law and norms recognized by the international community, which a lower court had violated with the conviction of Pastor Green.”

“It is important to understand exactly what was at stake with this case: the defense of fundamental human rights and a precedent that sets a standard regarding the right to religious freedom and the right to freedom of expression. The effort to send Pastor Green to jail is an example of the dangerous implications of pro-homosexual legislation. Today’s ruling is a victory for those who believe in true human rights and in the key importance of religious freedom around the world.”


  1. I enjoyed part two of Straight Talk Radio's interview with Janet Folger and I look forward to reading her book soon.

    It is difficult for me to think in terms of the left against the right or vice versa. True Christians have only one enemy. The enemy can use people on the left and on the right to try and thwart the plan of God; however, God does not fight evil... HE USES EVIL for His good will and purposes.

    God is using the evil, abominable sin of homosexuality in the lives of certain true believers today such as Stephen Bennett to set others free and show them the way to be delivered. Salvation is of the Jews and His Name is JESUS. Praise His Name.

    Shabbat Shalom. (ss)

  2. Thanks for the plug Christine! STR is going fantastic. 4.5 million listenership area nationwide, 6,000 listeners on-line daily and growing - in only three weeks of broadcasts! All the glory goes to God!

    Call me so I can give you a Premium Membership to STR (username and password so you can listen to all of the broadcasts, anytime - and we'll send you out a copy of Janet Folger's book.)

    By the way, Ann Coulter is coming to Straight Talk Radio!! We should have the date announced shortly.

    Hope all is well -

    Much love,

    Stephen and Irene

  3. You seem to have limited knowledge of what hate crime laws are in the USA. They is not a currentl movement in the country to violate anyone's free speech. There is a movement in this country to stiffen the penalty for those who commit crimes motivated by hate based on race, RELIGION (I made that big so you understand that hate crime laws protect christians), sexual orientation is not considered a hate crime in most states, but soon it will be I pray. These laws are no different than say murder 1 as opposed to manslaughter. Motive is a important part of how crimes are punished and always has been.

    Much like killing a police officer will get someone a stiffer sentence, hate crimes laws are designed to make sure the punishment fits the crime. As I have already said this doesn't apply to speech and never will, you argument is nothing more than a slippery slope you use to bash gays and lesbians. Sad for you!

  4. Joe,

    You can go to some previous blog posts to see a variety of reasons why hate crimes legislation for one specific "protected" group based on behavior is a very bad idea.

    Error of Hates Crimes Law

    Secular Drive to Marginalize Faith

    Trampling Parent's Rights

    Destroying Freedom of Conscience

    David Parker Case

    Its About Manipulation

    Straight Talk Radio


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