Yeah...she's for "free speech" only when it's her own! She cuts off Elizabeth Hasselbeck every day on "The Spew."
G.Beck: Rosie O'Donnell, The Only Loon Allowed an Opinion
Even her minnions of gushing trogolodyte (using dictionary.com's definition #4: a person unacquainted with affairs of the world; although some over there might even fit into the categorical "troglodyte" meaning of "cave-dwellers," or an "animal living underground," too...heh heh) followers can't respond. O'Dimbat must have gotten lots of objections to her rantings.
Just goes to prove the point that when a person is as hopelessly wrong as Rosie, the only option left is to shut off the rest of the world...
Sanjaya isn't the only one, (as Simon quipped on American Idol) living in his own universe!
No wait...Rosie fits the second definition of "troglodyte" better:
2. a person of degraded, primitive, or brutal character.
Some readers may wonder why what Rosie says matters and what harm it does. A great friend of mine who currently resides in Israel often says, "words are powerful."
They certainly are!
I chose mine carefully here. I could have used many different kinds of insults, but they would have been said out of anger and not accurate to the points I was attempting to make.
One of the saddest things that I heard about as a result of Rosie's blathering came from the father of a soldier killed in Iraq. He said that Rosie's lies were hurting the troops, his daughter-in-law, and his grandchild. I'm sure that there are people across America who feel exactly the same way about this. Rosie is giving aide and comfort to our enemies: al Qaida, Iraqi insurgents, Iran, and terrorists in general.
This is not just a "free speech issue." I think that because of the huge forum that she has been given by ABC at The Spew, she should be held accountable for bashing our troops, our government, our country, our people and the efforts being waged against the war on Islamofascism. The nuclear ambitions of Iran don't seem to matter to this woman. People like her and Sean Penn and Harry Belafonte don't see how their inexcusable, ignorant rantings are dangerous for the security of our country.
Yes. We have free speech here. But the liberty to speak doesn't mean lies, distortions and licentiousness should reign and go unchallenged. The opposite view, or views, should be given the fair and balanced chance to counter such lies. ABC executives, including Barbara Walters, should be ashamed of themselves! Their liberal left lunatic bias is showing...big time! As a result, they are endangering our troops as well as our nation. They are traitors and cowards...the entire bunch of them!!
One correction from yesterday's Roundup. Regarding the JAY LENO..." HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD" post, Jaded was kind enough to share a link that tells us that Jay Leno did not say all of what was originally posted. Only the last quote is his.
Whomever did say, or write the rest of it certainly made several excellent points!
Update: 8:45 a.m. PT
The following video link is probably one of the most important videos you will see today.
Please, Please view it RIGHT NOW!
Glenn Beck Uncovers Muslim Plot to Silence Dissent in America
People, if you viewed the video and have a blog, please do your small part and post a link at your blog. This needs to be sent around the blogosphere because the MSM just won't do it!!!
HT: Little Green Footballs
A great quote from a great, historical American leader:
"In this and like communities, public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed. Consequently, he who molds public sentiment, goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions. He makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to be executed." - Abrahan Lincoln, Ottawa, Ill., 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates
Update: 9:24 a.m. PT
I'm in YouTube heaven!
There is an entire library of Glenn Beck videos to see!
Just loved the following:
Glenn Beck Destroys MSNBC's Kool-Aid Drinker Keith Olbermann
Update: 10:16 a.m. PT
An unfortunate, but true letter that was posted in the letters-to-the-editor section on WorldNetDaily describing the raging hatred of the radical left:
Leftist hatred akin to Islamic fanaticism
One benefit of the Internet is that the general public gets to be the "fly on the wall" to hear and read the discussions among the compassionate, tolerant liberals when they're among themselves and feeling free to be open about what they truly believe.
Only then do they allow the pure, raw, visceral hatred to flow out. Such were the cases with Vice President Cheney and now Tony Snow. Merely because of political disagreement with these two men, the liberals are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of them suffering and dying. What about the Snow and Cheney families? Do the liberals consider the impact to these two families due to the loss of a husband, a father, a grandfather? Of course not. With the left, the message is clear: "Either you agree with us or die."
It is sick beyond description and is eerily similar to the Islamic fascists who kill other people and each other over political and religious disagreements. The way I see it, the only difference between the Islamic terrorists and these "tolerant" liberals is that the terrorists actually act on what they say instead of hiding anonymously behind a keyboard. The hatred and intolerance is absolutely the same.
Mike Michaelian