Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Political Ad Everyone Should See!!

I found this very powerful video over at Nice Deb and decided that it needs to go viral - so here it is!!! Spread it around!!

The Obama campaign message of "Hope and Change" in 2008 has turned into Hoax and Chains for millions of Americans who now know how disastrous Obama's policies have been!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Some Thoughts On America's Racial/Political Divide

My blogging friend Steve's latest post turned a comment I wrote over at his blog, Cry and Howl,  into a new post here at Talk Wisdom! It is a very touchy subject (what discussion about race isn't these days?) so reader discretion is advised. In other words, you might possibly find a reason to be offended...

Here's what I wrote in response to Steve's post:

Wow Steve! You are certainly bold to put the call out to vote for Romney "because he is white" out there! But the fact that Obama and Holder are racist members of the black community is spot on!

As a white Christian conservative woman, I can't know all of the reasons why the black community does what it does and/or why they would be compelled to vote for Obama again despite being the worse president in the history of this nation.  There are many social issues that come into play that I can only know about from the news and what I observe from the outside.  What I am about to write might cause me to be labeled a "racist" or some other kind of derogatory name.  But my purpose is to share just some of what I have seen and heard and apply it to the current racial and political divide we are (unfortunately)  experiencing with Obama in office.

I once asked a Christian conservative black woman (who refused to vote for Obama in 2008 because of his radical pro-death to babies in the womb stance) just why so many Christian blacks voted for Obama despite his anti-Bible ideology and secretive (back then) support for Arab states and Muslims over the Jewish State of Israel - the apple of God's eye? She told me that it was a matter of pride. They felt so very proud to pull the voting lever for a black man. ( I can understand this because as a woman, I felt great joy pulling the voting booth lever for Sarah Palin as V.P. in 2008!)

Knowing the history of all the suffering that many generations of blacks endured before the civil rights era compelled them to ignore Obama's radicalism (and the media of mass deception played right along) and think that "he can't be that bad" when voices of reason like Hannity, Savage, Beck and many others were sounding the alarm bells. Many whites were duped, too - including some of my relatives!!! ALL RACES were complicit in placing the most reprehensible person into office that I have ever seen in my lifetime!

This terribly corrupt and destructive experience known as the Obama administration demonstrates to me just how the Antichrist will one day come to power. But that's an entirely different topic!

My blogging friend hinted at the fact that many blacks still believe that they deserve reparations (that is - their descendants believe this) precisely because of mistreatment during the early years in the history of this nation.

It is certainly sad to realize that the Democratic Party takes the black vote for granted while they continue to make them dependent on "nanny state" policies that keep them in poverty.

It is only the conservative blacks that "get it." Herman Cain, Allen West, WND writer Mychal (sp.?) Massie - just to name a few - don't just identify themselves as "black men." They see themselves as AMERICANS FIRST. This may be a weak analogy, but recall the movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" with Sidney Poitier? Remember the line where he tells his mail-carrier dad that "he sees himself as a black man, but Sidney (can't recall character name) SEES HIMSELF AS A MAN?"

Now, a liberal black man might come along on this blog and tell me that's pure bunk. So be it. But from what I gathered from my email conversation with my Christian blogging friend (who was scorned mercilessly by all her relatives for voting for the "white man" instead of Obama), part of the reason was not only historical (voting for the first black president) but a matter of pride in their community and heritage; plus the fact that it became a way of showing how "they shall overcome." Many Christian blacks adhere to the "black liberation theology" which takes them down the wrong path (IMHO) and away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ through God's Word - the Bible.

What is REALLY sad to realize is that Obama did not come through for his black constituency. Oh...if you were a RICH black man who owned a company like Solyndra - then you would get rewarded. But how many blacks were given positions in the Obama administration? How many have genuinely benefited from his 3 1/2 years in office?

If Obama was more like Martin Luther King Jr., I'd be celebrating the "first black president" too! But knowing that Obama shares the radical ideology (and has demonstrated this over and over again during the past 3 1/2 years!) of Muslim activists like the Black Panthers, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, socialist Malcolm X and communist Frank Marshall Davis is severely disturbing.

Steve, I wonder if some blacks have now come to their senses and would vote for "anyone but Obama" since they have seen with their own eyes the destruction he has wreaked upon our nation? We must remember that Obama is "half white" too - that is, if his nativity story is factual. Therefore, his radical ways don't only have to do with his race, but mostly his ideological upbringing. He was surrounded by radicals his entire life! I don't need to list them all. But because he is "half black," (recall before the 2008 election he shared derogatory comments about his "typical" white grandmother) most in the black community, of course, embraced him as one of their own.

The fact that many people in this nation are not educated enough to know what is really going on with this administration is troubling and very unfortunate. We have suffered over the past 3 1/2 years because of this:


 I hope that most American voters see the dire need to elect a true American Patriot rather than allowing Obama to continue to send our country swirling down the cesspool of despair, terrible foreign policy, economic ruin and failure; while he tramples upon our religious freedoms and liberty guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence!!

Let's just continue to educate the masses on our blogs and pray for mercy from God that this monster puppet and his evil puppeteers (like George Soros)  will be booted out in November!

Your obvious happiness regarding Representative Allen West being a great choice for president proves that you certainly aren't racist, Steve! I think that the black liberation theology issue (among several liberal social issues) divides the black community. It has a lot to do with the difference between the blacks who would follow Mr. Cone of Black Liberation Theology vs. true Bible-believing Christians and what separates the conservative blacks from those who see themselves in the Obama camp.

Hat Tip: Cry and Howl: Vote For Mitt Romney Because...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Great Evacuation

Dr. Jeremiah presents "The Great Evacuation" sermon which was taped at a rally in Alabama.  For those Christians who may not understand the difference between The Rapture and The Second Coming of Christ, this is an excellent study that uses lots of Scripture to describe the difference between the two and when each will happen as we head towards the culmination of history.

On this Memorial Day weekend, we all need to spend time and reflect; remembering all of those brave military men and women who sacrificed their own lives throughout the history of our nation for the security of our country, the liberation of those who have been oppressed in other lands, and for the liberty and freedoms we enjoy here in the United States of America.

The crosses in the cemeteries where our fallen soldiers have been laid to rest remind us of all of those who died in relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.
There is a noticeable difference between those who "die in the Lord" and those who die without knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Everyone grieves when a loved one dies.  Jesus himself wept at the death of Lazarus; despite the fact that he was able to raise him back from the dead!  But Lazarus later died physically, again,  probably of old age.   Knowing our eternal destiny allows us to not "sorrow as others who have no hope" [See 1 Thessalonians 4:13]. 

 Everyone dies (unless you are a Christian who is alive at the time of the Rapture - for then you will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air!) and our destiny is determined according to what a person does regarding answering Jesus' question,  "Who do you say that I am?"
When a loved one dies in Christ, he/she is not lost.  All Christians will be reunited one day at the Rapture.  We will recognize each other and enter into heaven together with Jesus.  What a glorious day THAT will be!!

1Th 4:13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.

1Th 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. [fn]

1Th 4:15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive [and] remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep.

  1Th 4:16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

1Th 4:17 Then we who are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 

1Th 4:18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.

From the site:

The day is coming when the followers of Christ will leave their earthly residences for a glorious reunion with Christ. Learn more in this special message from Huntsville, Alabama, on the Rapture of the Church.


Dr. David Jeremiah

“The Great Evacuation”

Huntsville, Alabama Rally
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

May 27, 2012

John 14:5
John 14:1-3
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

I. The Careful Preview of the Rapture

A. Dispelling the Believer’s Ignorance
1 Thessalonians 4:13

B. Describing the Believer’s Death
1 Thessalonians 4:13
John 11:11
Acts 7:60
Acts 13:36
 Corinthians 15:20

C. Defending the Believer’s Hope
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
1 Thessalonians 4:14

II. The Certain Promise of the Rapture –
1 Thessalonians 4:15

III. The Chronological Program of the Rapture

A. There Will Be a Return
1 Thessalonians 4:16
Acts 1:11
1 Thessalonians 4:16

B. There Will Be a Resurrection
1 Corinthians 15:52
1 Corinthians 15:51
Hebrews 11:5
2 Kings 2:11
2 Corinthians 12:2-4
Acts 1:10-11

C. There Will Be a Rapture

D. There Will Be a Reunion
1 Thessalonians 4:17

IV. The Comforting Purpose of the Rapture –
1 Thessalonians 4:18
Hebrews 10:38

V. How Should We Live?

A. We Should Be Looking for the Lord
Titus 2:13
Philippians 3:20
1 Thessalonians 1:10

B. We Should Be Living for the Lord
Titus 2:11-13
John 14:6

Friday, May 25, 2012

Third Day: Call My Name


It's been so long since
You felt like you were loved
So what went wrong
But do you know
There's a place where you belong
Here in My Arms

When you feel like you're alone in your sadness
It seems like no one else in this whole world cares
And you want to get away from the madness
You just call My name and I'll be there
You just call My name and I'll be there

The pain inside
Has erased your hope for love
Soon you will find
That I'll give you all
That your heart could ever want
And so much more

When you feel like you're alone in your sadness
It seems like no one else in this whole world cares
And you want to get away from the madness
You just call My name and I'll be there
You just call My name and I'll be there

You just call My name
You just call My name
Call My name say it now
I want you to never doubt
The love I have for you is so alive
Call My name say it now
I want you to never doubt
The love I have for you is so alive

You just call My name
You just call My name
You just call My name

The love I have for you is so alive
The love I have for you is so alive
You just call My name
You just call My name
You just call My name

None Dare Call It Conspiracy

No comments from readers on my previous post so far...even with that catchy headline!

I can't blame anyone for not being willing to sit and listen to the 2 hour radio show podcast link at Youtube regarding the ILLEGAL, thoroughly anti-constitutional executive order that Obama signed back in March. Besides the dozens more complaints about what is in it (all important, of course), would it surprise readers to learn that it literally gives Obama dictatorial capabilities to declare martial law and confiscate food, water, energy, etc. from residents personal property when an "emergency" is declared?

Don't believe me? Then you will need to listen to the podcast to see how dire a situation it would be for ALL AMERICANS if the implimentation of that executive order happens! It would effect EVERYONE, people!

This is NO JOKE and I fear that Obama will use it to somehow create either a reason not to hold the election in Nov. 2012, run a false-flag operation here in the homeland, manufacture another crisis (like Soros did with the economic crisis in 2008), start a war, or any other type of event that would give him the power to become the new Hitler here in America.

You can label me a "conspiracy theorist" if you want to. But I think that Obama and his ilk would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to maintain the power, wealth, and influence that he now seems to enjoy - to the detriment and destruction of our beloved country!

During the podcast, I heard of an author named Gary Allen who wrote a book years ago that might be considered prophetic today. It is called, "None Dare Call It Conspiracy." I plan to get the book and read it.

All I can say to readers regarding this post is - what you don't know WILL hurt you!

There are several great reviews at the site, but this one is one of the best:

20 of 20 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars Wake Up!, February 6, 2010

By Brian (Tacoma, WA) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Hardcover)

Beginning in October 2008, several private Wall Street banks received taxpayer bailouts totalling over $6 trillion (and counting). This is not by accident. The word "conspiracy" has gotten a lot of bad press; it is an idea which has been targeted for ridicule. It is a word we have been conditioned to recoil from. We have been trained to reject anything called a "conspiracy" instinctively, without considering the merits of the information being presented. In most aspects of our lives, we recognize it is in our best interest to ask questions, be skeptical, and base our decisions and actions on as much information as possible. "Caveat emptor" (buyer beware), "look before you leap", etc... are well-known principles. Yet if somebody suggests that many of the problems presently facing our nation are due to the influence of a highly secretive banking cartel, we have been trained to dismiss this idea with no further investigation. Sadly, it is the case. It is a matter of public record that the Federal Reserve Bank system is not a government institution (no more "federal" than Federal Express), rather privately owned by a handful of very wealthy families.

Have you ever heard of an organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)? If you look into it, you will discover that ever since the 1960's, every Presidential administration- Democrat or Republican- has had a large percentage of CFR members on their staff. What does this signify? Considering the power they wield, why isn't more attention paid by our "watchdog" media?

Did you ever wonder why Democrats and Republicans bicker endlessly, but once they are elected to office, they basically follow the same policies? When a politician comes along who differs with the narrow Right-Left monolith, (s)he is ridiculed or ignored. (e.g. Ron Paul, Tammy Duckworth, Dennis Kucinich).  [I would add Sarah Palin ~ Christine.]

Did you know that the Russian Revolution was primarily funded by Western bankers? On the face of it, that is absurd, since Communists claim they would take the assets of the wealthy, and redistribute them to the poor! What could possibly explain such behavior?

Were you aware that while millions of people lost their fortunes in the stock market crash of 1929, a small clique of the very wealthiest families in this country (Rockefellers, Morgans, Melons, Loebs, and Harrimans) were safely out of the markets when the crash hit? What did they know that the rest did not?

I could go on all day. There are literally thousands of instances I could point out which show clearly that the worlds of politics and finance do not operate as they claim to. Their driving principles have been obscured from the public. This book explores the history, philosophy, and function of the shadowy, secretive, insular, and unaccountable institutions which really run the world: the Federal Reserve System, the Bank of England, the CFR, and their international counterparts in the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and countless others. The ultimate goal of all these groups is to centralize wealth and power into the hands of a very small number of American and British banking elites. The book elucidates how worldwide socialist movements over the past 100 years were intentionally created or supported by this Western banking cartel, for the purpose of establishing a world political-financial system.

The European Union, NAFTA, CAFTA, the African Union, and the widely discussed (sometimes denied) North American Union are all manifestations of this concerted effort. Gary Allen's insightful narrative describes many (not all) of the milestones this effort has passed over the past century, including the the secretive drafting of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, passage of the graduated federal income tax, establishment of tax-free "charitable" foundations (by the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford families), and the 1907 stock market crash- which was planned and executed by (Rothschild collaborator) J.P. Morgan.

In this age of the Trans-Texas Corridor, discussions about replacing the US dollar with a multinational "Amero", and $750 billion taxpayer bailouts of private Wall Street banks, it is very late in the game. President George H.W. Bush spoke of an imminent "new world order" in a speech in 1991. That phrase has been discussed for decades in private think tanks. However it has been packaged to us (usually as a United Nations-led "partnership for peace" or a "brotherhood of nations"), this new order has at its heart a monopoly on the creation of currency in the hands of a small banking cabal. As has been shown in nation after nation, if this is allowed to happen, monopolies in manufacturing, communication, transportation, and all other significant economic activities will follow, and that is itself just a transitional stage on the way to estabilshment of a world totalitarian dictatorship.

The book is a short 138 pages, but if you read it, you will never see the nightly news in the same light again.

One more:
35 of 40 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars None dare take it seriously, August 9, 2005

By Luna Dante "luna dante" (USA) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Hardcover)

This is one of those subjects so maligned and so ridiculed in the ultra-liberal university system, it's taken for granted that what is discussed here is paranoid fabrication.

I read this first as a teenager. Futher reading on the various connections made, studying world history, and keeping up with world events has made me realize that it was one of the most important things I've ever read.

A lot written on the subject of conspiracy is hysterical misinformation. This book is the antithesis of that. It is simple, serious, and very calmly put forth.

When you read about the Tower of Babel, Alexander the Great, and Napoleon, you clearly see that people don't change; nothing has changed, only the cast of characters.

As I write this, we are one step closer to the objective. As you read this, we'll be closer than that. Everyone chooses what to believe instead of believing what's always been true.
Any readers here recall Obama's comment that was captured on tape via a phone call where he stated, "The powers that be want Romney."

Now, it depends on what was meant by that. Did it mean that these "powers" believe that Obama can defeat Romney at the polls? Did it mean that Romney is, (as Soros was quoted as saying) "not much different than Obama?"


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Who is a Pathological, Sociopathic, Traitorous, and Evil Liar?

I love it when Democrats implode.  They can be their own worst enemies sometimes (Good!!).  When Newark Mayor Cory Booker made some comments about the class warfare (without using those words, of course) going on by saying that the Obama campaign should stop demonizing Romney about job creation during his Bain Capital days, and the "right" should stop harping on Obama's former radical pastor, Jeremiah Wright; the man was expressing his own opinion.  But he should have known better.  In the Progressive/Socialist/Marxist/Nazi world of ideology, one cannot move away from the usual deranged mastermind script which has been dictated to them.  Like the Borg on Star Trek - The Next Generation,  the Collective gets angry if you profess a genuinely held opinion that does not agree with the programming.  Therefore, you get verbally harassed into compliance to backtrack your original statement or you face the "danger" of being severed from the collective and put on the Obama enemies list.

Even though this can be considered aggregious, it is NOTHING when compared to what is happening behind the radar screen of most Americans.  When it comes to recognizing what the radicals are doing,  we must watch both the right hand and the left hand of the actor.  Please realize that they want you to focus on the circus going on within the media of mass deception while they are subsequently dismantling our Constitutional Republic behind the scenes.

Bill O'Reilly still does not understand the Marxist and radical ways of Obama.  He seems to be unable to imagine that although Obama has socialist tendencies, he just can't really be a true blue (make that red) Commie.  He keeps inviting various guests on his Factor show and asks them the same question about the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) fanaticism that has become more and more dangerous, cruel, and brutal where it once was a "legitimate" protesting group.  He wonders why Obama refuses to repudiate the group now that they have completely stepped out of the bounds of a "legitimate" protester group.  Bill rightly says that the OWS protests appeared to be a "grassroots effort" to get their voices heard, although those of us in the know about the Cloward Piven / Saul Alinsky tactics of the left were never fooled.   However, the evidence has always  pointed to the typical hate-America leftist financiers (Soros etc.) who fund these low-life radicals and their nefarious activities for the specific purpose of stirring up deep trouble! 

O'Reilly seems to have fallen for the original hype spewed forth by the media of mass deception regarding OWS.  Earth to O'Reilly!  OWS was ALWAYS meant to stir up radicals into a frenzy for the purpose of breaking the law, getting arrested, and being jailed - right in front of the media cameras for all to see.  If enough people can be convinced to participate, it could be determined that the goal is ultimately for the purpose of bringing about an "excuse" for the "powers that be" to institute martial law here in America!    Recall the recent controversial executive order Obama signed? Listen to a great video about that HERE!  [Warning:  your head may explode but it is ESSENTIAL that you know about this!!!!]  Two commenters wrote:
This is a preparation for multiple outcomes. Police State, War and or Economic Collapse. This is a Total Control Act and as the Dollar is the base currency of the world it makes you wonder what this preparation is intended for. It is important that this is recognized as a completely unlawful and insidious action by the Actors manipulating our world. Fire them all. -  UncleGrinder
This basically gives them total control over everything. We the people have nothing now. We don't even have ourselves. They OWN you....sounds great! Makes you wonder what they have planned, what else is there? Total Global Domination. This isn't even a country anymore this is a prison. - realmofoz

Now, I know that the radio show explanation of the executive order signed by Obama was long, but if you did listen to it then you will understand why I think that the answer to the question as to why Obama refuses to criticize the current OWS radicals is precisely because he "agrees" with them! Therefore, he can't repudiate them or even their tactics. However, when you read the excerpt below from Western Journalism, you will find out why Obama (or any of his spokespersons - like Jay Carney - who had trouble responding to Fox News Channel's Wendell Goler's question about this!) won't refute them, why he won't comply with them, and why he just refuses to say anything about them right now! If Obama is re-elected (God forbid...PLEASE!!!) then his "hidden" agreement with the radicals would not need to be disguised anymore.

Some of the more moderate former protesters have dropped out (good for them - they put down the Kool-Aid).  This  "movement" no longer wants to use the disguise they though they were displaying to the public in the past.  The radical ends that they desire need to now be done through radical means.  They can no longer wear the masks they once did.  Now, the movement's  anarchist/socialist/communistnazism core are on display for all to see.  They are trying their very best to get the police stirred up enough to strike back; but the police aren't complying with their sinister plot.

Western Journalism has a great article (and cartoon posted above) that identifies exactly why these radicals are turning on their "messiah" Obama, and why the hypocrisy of the Obama campaign attacking Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney for his Bain Capital days is ludicrous.

Western Journalism: Radical Left Begins To Turn On Their Messiah, Obama
  [P.S. There is a warning at the site that the video contains strong language and viewer discretion is advised - but it's only one word that might be considered offensive.]

Barack Hussein Obama has embraced Marxism since at least his Occidental days, hanging out with Marxist and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers in the 1990s and 2000s, sitting on boards and foundations with him, and funneling millions of dollars to radical ‘social justice’ groups like ACORN.

Something that happens to all socialists and communists that gain power, however, is that they come to like living the high life, so while they are redistributing wealth, they tend to redistribute it into their own pockets.

The hard line Left that do all the legwork to put their token Marxist in office tend to not like this and come looking for the dictator that they have installed as The One to usher in their communist utopia. And this is exactly what is happening today with Obama.

The socialist/communists/anarchist Occupy movement that Obama and the ‘Progressives’ (that is, communists and socialists) in Congress embraced, lacking their utopia, are beginning to make some grumbling sounds. The Occupy movement that Obama has coddled is doing more than protesting. Now they are taking on the strategies of Obama’s crony from his New York days onwards, good old domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who in the 1970s rarely changed his underwear but liked to set a bomb about once a month to keep ‘The Man’ on his toes.

But Obama is having too much fun golfing, going on lavish vacations, buying his wife expensive clothing and jewelry, and throwing lavish parties with the Hollywood elite to be bothered with the rabble that his Marxists babble sought to save.

The Occupy Marxists, however, don’t go away so easily. When they invest in something, they want a return on their investment. Perhaps the only form of capitalism that they approve of: “We put you in office, you better deliver.”
It is interesting to note that the video begins with a sentence stating that Glenn Beck predicted some time ago that the radicals would one day turn on Obama. Heck!  Even the radical Reverend Wrong has already turned on Obama!  Over at the Western Journalism "Obama Turnaround Cartoon" post, two commentators summed it all up quite well:
heavy6878 says: May 23, 2012 at 11:17 am

Obama took all of the money, intended to spur the economy, and gave it to the bankers, Golden Sachs, the huge insurance firms, and the auto industry and the unions. All his hype about shovel ready jobs were just that, all hype, no substance. Now he wants to talk about Mitt Romney and his money while talking out of the other side of his mouth to his friends on Wall Street so as not to anger them. Typical Obummer BS.
jUSTacOUNTRYbOY says: May 23, 2012 at 12:39 pm

Hat Tip:

Western Journalism
Hat tips to all additional links.


Update 5/28/12:

If readers here think that my language against Obama is harsh, read this: Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog: Barack Hussein Obama’s delusions of grandeur. Does he actually believe his own lies?


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Faith Is the Realization of Things Hoped For

Today, I am combining two blog posts into one.  The first topic of discussion involves Dr. David Jeremiah's television broadcast that answers the question, What is Faith?

From Hebrews chapter 11, Dr. Jeremiah discusses the foundations of faith and what it means to be a follower of Christ. This unique message was presented at the live event at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.
As usual, Dr. Jeremiah does an excellent job of explaining what it means to have faith by utilizing the God's Word.

  Here is the outline:


Dr. David Jeremiah

“What Is Faith?”
Dallas Rally
Hebrews 11:1-3
May 20, 2012

Hebrews 10:38 James 2:19

I. The Description of Faith – Hebrews 11:1

A. Faith Is the Realization of Things Hoped For

B. Faith Is the Reality of Things Not Seen 1 Peter 1:8-9

1.  Step One: Perception – The Mind

2. Step Two: Persuasion – The Emotion

3. Step Three: Performance – The Will

II. The Demonstration of Faith – Hebrews 11:2

A.  By Faith We Commend Ourselves to the Creator

B. By Faith We Comprehend Creation
Hebrews 11:3
Psalm 33:6, 9

III. The Demands of Faith
Isaiah 55:6
Jeremiah 29:13
Amos 5:4

The entire broadcast is excellent!  I especially enjoyed the account of a man who placed his faith in the evolutionary fossil "Piltdown Man," only to find out decades later that it was all a hoax.

It matters Who (or what) we place our faith in. Those who place their faith in earthly things will be highly disappointed after they die. Such things will not matter in eternity.

It is better to place one's faith in the Person of Jesus Christ - the Lord and Savior of our lives! He does not disappoint! His promises can be relied upon because he has kept all of the ones he had made in his first visit to planet earth.  We can be confident that Christ will keep the remaining promises at the culmination of history.

The second part of my post are some thoughts that I'd like to share about my Bible Study Fellowship experience of the course of study entitled, "The Acts of the Apostles."

During this study, one of the most significant lessons I learned was that the reality of the nature of false teachers instructs us towards the need to continually read and study the Bible.  This is one of the best ways to hold strong in the faith so that we won't be led away from the true gospel of Christ by "empty, boastful words."

False teachers often profess moral liberation from the dictates of the Bible. What many individual do not realize is that such moral liberation is actually slavery to depravity.

The true gospel - which has once been delivered to the saints - frees believers from immoral behavior.


Because our love for Jesus causes us to WANT to avoid sinning. This doesn't mean that we are perfect. The ability to sin doesn't just disappear forever. But the closer we get to Jesus, the less desirable previous sinful acts are to us. I know because it has happened in my own life!  I look back on what I did in the past, who I was at the time, and how sinful desires could have ruined my life.  But the grace of God that surpasses all understanding has set me free through the cross of Christ from the desire to sin and from the punishment that I deserved.

False teachers can't save.  False teachers often (and subtly) try to drag people away from the truth and back into sinful lifestyles. That is how you can recognize them. If a religion teacher is leading people away from the truth of the Bible, then we know that he/she is not leading by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit who indwells within a born-again believer would NEVER lead him/her astray from God's Holy Word!

If you are experiencing being led away from what the Bible teaches, then it is not the Holy Spirit that is guiding your life.

It is someone else.

The closer we get to the end times, the more ratcheted up and emboldened false teachers become.

Millions of people who do not know Christ yet and haven't studied the Bible (in order to have the ability to discern the truth from error)  are very vulnerable to falsehood.  Unfortunately, they can be easily fooled into any type of religiosity, cult or false spirituality; simply because they do not know the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

Staying in the Scriptures helps believers to understand God's character, His plan for the world, and His will for our lives.

When I am deep in the Word, I find myself not worrying so much about the politics of the day, the criminality that so-called leaders in our government are getting away with, the immorality that is being called "good" when it is obviously evil (e.g. approval of "gay" marriage; the continued holocaust of aborted babies in the womb) or what the future may hold next year.  I know that God is in control. He will turn every evil towards good.  I know that past evil in my life has been ultimately turned for good.  This does not mean that Christians don't suffer in this fallen world.  It means that no matter what happens, I know for a fact that I belong to God and no one can snatch me out of the hands of Christ!

Back to the issues described above.  The ability to not worry about the political, economic, foreign policies, or social misconduct going on in this chaotic world does not mean that I shouldn't speak out against the things that are not of God.  Jesus told us that in this world we will have trouble.  But we are to take heart because He has overcome the world!  The book of Revelation teaches us that knowing about what kinds of things are prophesied to happen (and increase)  the closer we get to the end times helps believers to recognize why they are occurring.

God's plan for the world is for all to come to the mercy and saving grace through confession and repentance at the foot of the cross of Christ, and for all souls to be saved.  There are people who will refuse.  But there are others who will respond.  My job, as a follower of Christ, is to spread seeds about the gospel and share the path of salvation with those who are genuinely searching and are willing to listen. 

This study has helped my understanding of the Scriptures, as most Bible studies do.  There will always be many lessons to be learned.  We have never "arrived" when it comes to studying the Bible!There is always something new to learn each time we study it. 

However, the gospel is central to our belief and salvation.  Just like Paul stated during his missionary journeys, no matter what happens to us here on this earth, our hope is in the resurrection of  the dead.  Jesus Christ is the only God-man who ever achieved being resurrected from the dead.  He showed us who His is, why he came to earth to save us, and what is required in order to be saved and reconciled back unto God the Father.  As Christ has instructed us in John 3:3 - We must be born again!

I find that studying the Bible brings me closer in relationship with Christ.  I think about Him more throughout each and every day.  I am more grateful for everything that He has blessed me with.  I am comforted by his presence in my life when bad or sad events happen.

I don't allow minor physical ailments to bother me as much.  I can cope with the sin, immorality, corruption, and evil that exists in the world simply because it is a temporary state of being while in this world.  Jesus told us, "in this world you will have trouble (tribulation).  But take heart!  For I have overcome the world."  Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  No one can take those who are his own away!  That is our eternal security!  Why would anyone in their right mind reject that?

The sad answer to that question is that some people do, deliberately choose to reject Christ.  More on that later. 

In Acts 26:16-18, Paul's aim when he gave the gospel to the Gentiles was revealed:

1.  Appointed as a servant and witness
2.  To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God
3.  so that they may receive forgiveness of sin
4.  An a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Christ.

I want to memorize that portion of Scripture because I think it succinctly answer the call to "give people the reason for the hope that is in us" as believers.  It gives a great starting point for witnessing to those who have little knowledge of the Bible and do not know Christ as Savior and Lord.

The reactions of people towards Paul's witnessing efforts as they are recorded in the Bible reminds me of the fact that it is the Holy Spirit who saves.  All that I, or any other Christian can do, is spread the seeds of the gospel.

For example, when Paul gave his speeches before Felix and Agrippa (leaders at that time), they both rejected it for different reasons.  Felix was well acquainted with The Way (gospel of Christ before the term "Christianity" was used), but his admitted fear of God's call to righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come prevented him from being a believer.  Agrippa listened to the gospel but said to Paul that he shouldn't think that he (Agrippa) would be converted to Christianity so quickly.

This teaches me to be patient, continue to pray for the salvation of those who (so far) refuse to believe, and to ask God to give me the right words to help each individual who needs Christ.  That list includes all of us!

Because I started this study so late at lesson 27, I hope to go back and do the lessons that I missed over the BSF summertime break.  This will motivate me to share more from Bible study instead of  just politics and the election race here at this blog.  During my reading at other blogs and other online communities, I have noticed that people often grow weary of all the "bad news" out there.    But I also think that it is highly important for Christians to be aware of what is going on in the secular world so that they can counter what is being said out there with the truth.

There is a trend these days to be politically correct in the world which means that we should accept every kind of religion/cult/apostate belief that can be found as "equal" and "true".  It is actually impossible to do that because they cannot all be true at the same time.  "Diversity" is the liberal word often used to make anything and everything acceptable; without considering God's call in the Bible to be discerning.  If you don't toe the line of their liberal mindset, then you are labeled a "bigot," "intolerant," "divisive," and "discriminatory."  Well, Jesus taught us to discriminate between what is good and what is evil; otherwise we would fall for any thought in the imaginations of men that runs counter to God's Word and His will for our lives!

Have any readers here at Talk Wisdom ever seen the bumper sticker that utilizes several religious symbols and spells out the word "COEXIST"?  We must discern what the message really is in that declaration.  Is it simply for everyone to "just get along" or is it a more sinister message to claim that all religions are equal?

Paul overcame the superstitions of the Malta islanders.  He laid hands on Publius' father so that he would be healed from fever and dysentery.  Paul preached at Rome and some believed; but others didn't.  The verse from Isaiah 6:8-9 applies today just as it did in Paul's day: 

8Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?"  And I said, "Here am I.  Send me!"

9He said, "go and tell this people:  Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing but never perceiving.

So we see that not all will accept the message of the gospel.  But we are called to share the gospel boldly - as we should -  and know that it is God who does the saving!

Dr. Jeremiah's message in his sermon included the reiterating of Hebrews 11:1 and 11:3:

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:3 - Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

The next time someone tells you that you are ignorant to believe in Creation or Intelligent Design because it is a faith issue, remind them that the Theory of Evolution (Big Bang and Macro-Evolution, specifically) must be taken on faith too.  You weren't there.  I wasn't there.  No human being was there to claim what is true about the origin of the universe.  Therefore, such a theory can only be based on the faith that a person puts into it.

Recall in Dr. Jeremiah's sermon how heartily the man wanted to believe in the Piltdown man fossil.  He lived for decades "preaching" the evolutionary theory that the fossil was the "missing link" between apes and man.  But when it was revealed that it was a complete fabrication and hoax (especially the details about how the bones were made to look old and the teeth were filed down) we could only imagine the disappointment of that man who had placed blind faith in an object found on the ground; which was manipulated to look like a true fossil.

Instead, put your faith in the truth!  Jesus is the truth!  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by Him!!

Don't invest your life in a lie.  Don't allow others to sway your thoughts into "exchanging the truth for a lie."  Once you belong to Jesus, he will never leave nor forsake you! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Spy Behind Enemy Lines

The title of this post comes from a paragraph within an essay written my Jack Cashill over at American Thinker.  He is the WND reporter that exposed the clear evidence that Obama didn't actually write the book "Dreams From My Father."  The evidence that he gathered revealed that the author was most likely the domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers.

Anyway, within the article below, Cashill reveals Obama's bloviated and trumped up former career resume, as well as the fact that the statement, "behind enemy lines" was also used in Bill Ayer's other book:


The most interesting "tell" in the 1991 Acton & Dystel brochure relates to what was said about Obama's career in the business world. Obama, the reader learns, "worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation."

In Dreams from My Father, Obama inflated his stint at Business International even more and transformed it into a faux moment of racial awareness, one of at least a half-dozen concocted racial melodramas in the book. As Obama tells the story, a "consulting house to multinational corporations" hired him and promptly promoted him to the position of "financial writer."

Here, he felt like "a spy behind enemy lines," and a guilty one at that. "As far as I could tell," he adds, "I was the only black man in the company." He does not boast of his racial uniqueness. Rather, in full grievance mode, he considers it "a source of shame." Indeed, the whole experience troubled him:

I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank. Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors-see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand-and for a split second I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I had told myself I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.
As early as July 2005, however, former co-worker and Obama fan Dan Armstrong revealed Obama's whole account to be a "serious exaggeration." Obama worked at not a multinational corporation, but a "small company that published newsletters." He was not the only black person who worked there. He did not, as claimed, have his own office, wear a jacket and tie, interview international businessmen, or write articles. He mostly just copy-edited business items and slipped them into a three-ring binder for the company's customers.

Are we supposed to believe that Goderich not only changed Obama's birthplace from Hawaii to Kenya, but also transformed him from a grunt filling three-ring binders into a "financial journalist and editor"? /unquote

Also note:

In Fugitive Days, Ayers' 2001 memoir, he uses the phrase "behind enemy lines" almost literally to describe his and his comrades' quiet infiltration of the opponent's position. Wife Bernardine Dohrn has said the same in public. When the Weather Underground declared its state of war with the United States in May 1970, Dohrn warned that people fighting "Amerikan imperialism" all over the world "look to Amerika's youth to use our strategic position behind enemy lines to join forces in the destruction of the empire."

The bottom line is this: Obama has been creating and shifting identities his entire adult life. If the agency brochure was a snapshot of the 1991 Obama, Dreams captured him in his 1995 pose: hip, black, progressive, wounded by racial slights but able to overcome them, just the man to lead Chicago into the 21st century, then the extent of his and Ayers's ambition for him. /unquote

Excerpt from Cashill's American Thinker article:

May 19, 2012

Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No 'Fact Checking Error'

No sooner did the literary agency brochure in which Barack Obama was said to be Kenyan-born surface than the media went to work to deep-six it.

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me - an agency assistant at the time," Miriam Goderich, now a named partner in the literary agency, Dystel & Goderich, wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News, which was then picked up ABC News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

This confession rings false to the point of preposterous for any number of reasons. Let us start with the obvious. At the time, 1991, the Acton & Dystel agency listed 90 clients, Obama among its least significant. How likely is it that Goderich would have remembered enough about a 1991 "error" to know it was hers, especially since it went uncorrected through several revisions until changed in 2007? To make this claim credible, there would have to be an existing paper trail leading to an Obama submission in which he lists an Hawaiian birth. I am confident that there is no such submission.

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line. "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

The most interesting "tell" in the 1991 Acton & Dystel brochure relates to what was said about Obama's career in the business world. Obama, the reader learns, "worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation."

In Dreams from My Father, Obama inflated his stint at Business International even more and transformed it into a faux moment of racial awareness, one of at least a half-dozen concocted racial melodramas in the book. As Obama tells the story, a "consulting house to multinational corporations" hired him and promptly promoted him to the position of "financial writer."

Here, he felt like "a spy behind enemy lines," and a guilty one at that. "As far as I could tell," he adds, "I was the only black man in the company." He does not boast of his racial uniqueness. Rather, in full grievance mode, he considers it "a source of shame." Indeed, the whole experience troubled him:
I had my own office, my own secretary, money in the bank. Sometimes, coming out of an interview with Japanese financiers or German bond traders, I would catch my reflection in the elevator doors-see myself in a suit and tie, a briefcase in my hand-and for a split second I would imagine myself as a captain of industry, barking out orders, closing the deal, before I remembered who it was that I had told myself I wanted to be and felt pangs of guilt for my lack of resolve.
As early as July 2005, however, former co-worker and Obama fan Dan Armstrong revealed Obama's whole account to be a "serious exaggeration." Obama worked at not a multinational corporation, but a "small company that published newsletters." He was not the only black person who worked there. He did not, as claimed, have his own office, wear a jacket and tie, interview international businessmen, or write articles. He mostly just copy-edited business items and slipped them into a three-ring binder for the company's customers.

Are we supposed to believe that Goderich not only changed Obama's birthplace from Hawaii to Kenya, but also transformed him from a grunt filling three-ring binders into a "financial journalist and editor"?

READ IT ALL: American Thinker

Cashill concludes:

No one would have challenged Obama's biography had he not gone beyond Chicago, but he did. And so where he was born matters, and whether he even wrote his own biography matters, too. As much as I know about Obama, I don't know pretend to know the answer -- at least to the first of those two questions.
"The Spy Behind Enemy Lines" is highly descriptive of Obama.  It helps explain and describe Obama's attempt to completely dismantle the United States of America and turn it into a socialist/Marxist/ Islamo-fascist dictatorship under his "rule."  God forbid!!!  He's done enough damage already - he needs to be booted out of office PRONTO!
Hat Tip:  American Thinker and all links.


More to read:

WND: Arpaio Reacts to Latest Obama-Kenya Connection

WND: Cashill: BHO'S Ever-Changing Story


Friday, May 18, 2012

Pagan Culture Rejects God the Creator in Favor of Self-Serving Desires.

Dear Readers:

For some unknown reason, FaceBook did not post my last blog post, so I am re-posting it here again in the hope that it will feed over to FaceBook.  It may have had something to do with a brief period of time where I was locked out of my FaceBook page when I tried to log on with my IPhone and didn't do it correctly.  Today, I added an essay written by Peter Jones to the original post.  The title asks the question, "The Official End of Christendom?"  That is an eye-catching title, that reveals what the enemies of Jesus Christ, God, and the Bible might desire, but the truth is that Christ's victory at the Cross of Calvary will be followed by the victory of His Second Coming and the Judgment that will happen at the culmination of history.

If you have already read my previous blog post, you might want to scroll down here to read Mr. Jones essay.  I have borrowed a line from his essay as the title of this updated post.  I thought that it succinctly reflects what he has written in his excellent essay!

Love in the Lord,






In Christ,


I find it quite interesting that some black pastors have been bold enough to state that their congregations won't vote for Obama again because of his obvious flip-flop over "gay" marriage. A narcissist like Obama would think that he has most of the black vote "in the bag" because 95% of black voters voted for him in 2008. However, now that Obama has turned his back on God's Word concerning this matter, we are seeing that the reason why is not because of any kind of "evolution" about the issue (Obama was for homosexual "marriage" back in the 1990's, but shifted his position for political reasons when he ran for senator and then president), it was done for the purpose of raising huge amounts of money for his re-election campaign. With millions of blacks unemployed, underemployed, and living in poverty (because of Obama's failed economic policies), Mr. Zero knows that he needed to go where the money is - rich homosexual supporters.

Joe Fuiten, pastor of the Cedar Park Church in Kirkland, Wash., said Obama's support for gay marriage will not change deeply held beliefs. "He decided he had to do it to get his liberal base behind him again," said Fuiten, "but it's not going to play well in the country."

I think it had more to do with the fact that going gay means more green - as in the color of money - for Obama's campaign. Obama would sacrifice some of the black vote for all of the gay vote; simply because there is more money to be had by doing so.

According to BuzzFeed, an online journal:

Already, gay donors, mostly men, reportedly constitute 1 in 6 of Obama's top fundraisers known as bundlers. And in the first 90 minutes after the news broke Wednesday, the campaign received $1 million in spontaneous contributions, a Democrat told BuzzFeed.
Most observers think of the Obama campaign as cash-flush, but campaigns -- particularly failing ones -- tend never to have enough money. And if Mr. Obama's fundraising network includes more than a few gays as bundlers, it doesn't hurt to energize these super-activists.

Moreover, the gay marriage issue resonates throughout liberaldom. And young people are more inclined to support -- or tolerate -- gay marriage. Hence, the president is hoping for ancillary benefits from flipping and flopping.

One interesting note from the Washington Post after the 2010 midterm elections. Jonathan Capehart reported that, per exit polling, 3% of the ballots cast in 2010 congressional elections were cast by gays. Nearly a third of the gay vote went to Republican candidates. That represented a 4% increase in support by gays for Republicans from 2008 (and an 8% increase from George Bush's 2004 tally).
In other words, the trend line, however modest, has favored increased support for Republicans from gay voters. Gays care about jobs, the economy, and government debt, too.

That slippage in gay support for Democrats was noted at a lesbian online journal back in December 2011, which anticipated Obama's gay marriage about-face.

Obama claims to be Christian. But almost everything he does in his political life turns out to be the most startling, anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-Christ, anti-moral-values types of moves that are typical of those who hold to political expediency over true faith, convictions, and obedience to the God of the Bible. Obama would go so far over the cliff that he has announced his intention of repealing The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)!

To the liberal minded, such an obvious disconnect between Obama's professed claim to Christian faith and the total lack of Christian values doesn't really matter. However, there are some Democrats who are alarmed about Obama's chances for re-election. When the Kool-Aid drinkers notice how quickly Obama is losing ground in this election, then we KNOW for a fact that his re-election campaign is in deep trouble.

I think that Obama is in serious trouble.

Most biblically-based Christian voters will not vote for him in 2012. Why? Because God's Word means more to them than "coolness," "color of skin," "likability" or whatever other reason they may think might be a reason to vote for him in 2012.

Bible-based Christians know how the God of the Bible regards marriage as a foundational institution created by Him for the purpose of bringing together one man and one woman to be "as one." We are to procreate within the bonds of life-long matrimony. Children need a mother and a father and are raised better within that most ideal situation. Please know that my purpose in stating this is not to disparage single moms or dads. But it is a fact of life that children do better when their parents are married; especially when they are raised in a good Christian home setting.

Back to why certain biblically-based black pastors reject homosexual "marriage."

I have written several blog posts about this subject over the years, but one of the most powerful discoveries that I have found is in my post entitled As In The Days of Noah Revisited. You will also find several important additional links within that post.

One of the most startling discoveries (for me, personally, highlighted in bold below) can be found in the following excerpt:

1. True Discernment: Jesus, The Days of Noah, and Same Sex Marriage informs us further:


Jesus said in Luke 17:26-30, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when Son of man is revealed.”

Jesus being a first century Rabbi, like most Jewish teachers, coupled Sodom with the flood generation as a typical image of evil. His intent was to inform his audience that at His second coming the conditions of the world would mirror Noah’s days and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

As in the Days of Noah

The Midrash Rabbah Genesis is a specific form of rabbinic literature of ancient Judaism commentaries of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is based on the interpretation of the Torah (Old Testament). It speaks about the subject of same-sex marriage during the days of Noah.

The rabbis wrote in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that the flood in Noah’s day was primarily triggered when males starting writing marriage deeds with other males, and between men and beasts (bestiality). Based on the account of Midrash Rabbah Genesis, same-sex marriages took place during the days of Noah. There was nothing new under the sun and this is stated by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:9. Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah is synonymous with the destruction of the flood generation in Midrash Rabbah Genesis. It states in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that Lot pleaded all night for mercy for the Sodomites, and that the angels permitted him to plead for them. But once the people said, “… bring them out [the angels] so we may have sex with them,” mercy ran out. The angels told Lot, “for now on you have no right to plead anymore.” Judgment was sent upon Sodom. Flood water was the judgment of God on the people in Noah’s day. Fire and brimstone was the judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah.

The blog author explains that the book of Enoch is not inspired, and thus not part of the canon of Scripture, however the book of Jude contains some quotes from it. Enoch is being used by the author as a good reference resource.


The book of Enoch was written before the birth of Christ and although it is not an inspired book, it is a good resource. Parts of it are quoted in Jude 14-15. 2nd Enoch 34-1, 3-4 states, “God convicts the persons who are idol worshipers and sodomite fornicators, and for this reason he brings down the flood upon them. And all the world will be reduced to confusion by iniquities, wickedness and abominable fornications. That is, friend with friend in anus, every other kind of wicked uncleanness which is almost too disgusting to report, and the worship of the evil one. And that is why I shall bring down the flood onto the earth, and shall destroy everything, and the earth itself will collapse in great darkness.” Second Enoch states that perverse homosexual relationships were the main cause of the flood. Both Midrash Rabbah Genesis and the second book of Enoch state that God frowns on homosexuality in cultic prostitution, and in so-called “loving consensual” homosexual relationships. So don’t believe the liberal Christian theologians, gay-affirming churches and inclusionists. Homosexuality and same-sex marriage are an abomination in God’s eyesight.

I was pleased to see that the author linked to my blogging friend DL Foster's GCM Watch: Why Gay Marriage And Why Now?

John, the blog author concludes:

GCM Watch’s article on June 24, 2008, “Gay Marriage: the ‘days Noah’ return” examined the fact that same-sex marriage caused the flood in Noah’s day in the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud is the interpretation of the Hebrew scriptures 1000 years before Christ.

The True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the prophetic voice to this world. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! We must be prepared to start looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. We must get the gospel message out and call sinners both in and out of the church to repentance. Acts 3:23 says, “And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which shall not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed among the people.” That Prophet is Jesus.


Jeremiah 6:10 says, “To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.” If you continue to believe that same-sex marriage is right, if you scoff at the Word of God, if you ridicule the true Bible-believing Christians as ignorant and small minded, let the Sword of the Spirit circumcise your spiritual ear to receive the truth…or believe a lie and be damned.

So you see, dear readers, as Solomon so wisely stated there really is "nothing new under the sun" when it comes to the homosexual agenda!

I know friends and relatives (some Christian, some I'm not sure about) who don't see what the big deal is about this subject. It is as if their minds have been seared with anything but the truth of God! When the God of the Bible tells us that homosexual behavior is sin and that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, who are we to try and change such truths?

But people still try. They use every weapon of human error in order to get their way here on this earth. But every person who dismisses what I am sharing here must ask themselves this question, "what about how it will affect your eternal destiny?" Isn't that even more important than the here and now? I think so.

Hat tips to all links.


UPDATE 5/18/12

The following is an essay written by Peter Jones on May 13, 2012 which contains a related message on this blog topic!


The Official End of Christendom?

Fox News journalist, Shep Smith, welcomed President Obama into the 21st century and declared those who still oppose same-sex marriage to be on the wrong side of history.

May 9, 2012 was indeed an historic moment. Though President Obama bathed his decision in Christian principles: "…our faith…is not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf but it's also the golden rule…treat others the way you'd want to be treated…" For the first time ever, a sitting US president, considered the most powerful political leader in the world, has endorsed a marital arrangement that formally constitutes the pagan "worship of the creation rather than worship of the Creator" (Romans 1:25).

"How do you get there?" you may ask. My statement is neither panic nor exaggeration, since it comes from the theological reasoning of the inspired Apostle Paul: "For this reason," he says, "God gave them up to dishonorable passions [of lesbianism and homosexuality] contrary to nature" (Romans 1:26–28). The "reason" to which Paul refers is what he stated in the previous verse (25), namely the exchange of the truth for the lie, and the worship of creation rather than the Creator. That process includes an exchange of sexuality for a practice "contrary to [created] nature."

Historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, once a radical Marxist feminist, observed (as a chastened older observer of the Cultural Revolution in which she had enthusiastically participated): "within a remarkably brief period …has occurred a cataclysmic transformation of the very nature of our society."

The speed of this "cataclysmic" change takes our breath away. At the same-sex Stonewall riots of 1969 few people had even heard of homosexuality. Just forty-three years later, a president publicly announces support of same-sex marriage. In the 1960s, thanks to the Beatles and the hippies 1960s "Christian America" discovered for the first time the spirituality of the East. In August 2009, Newsweek announced: "We are all Hindus Now," as yoga studios outnumber Starbucks cafes in New York City, and we massage our karma with mantras and meditation.

The "cataclysm" is due to the invasion into the "Christian" West of pagan spirituality, with its strident intention to "eliminate the binary." The foremost "binary" is the distinction between the Creator and the creature. Other binaries then fall like dominos-the binary of right and wrong, for example. "We must beware of thinking of good and evil as absolute opposites," says a leading theorist. Modern psychologists tell us that a binary view of reality (as made up of opposites) produces guilt, the hallmark of neurosis. The Hindu notion of Advaita, "not two," dominates spirituality and "non-dual spirituality" is taught even in some "evangelical" schools. Lesbian activists ask: "Can We Put an End to the Gender Binary?" (The because "there is no one way a person should be."

On all these levels we see Two-ism (theism) undermined for the promotion of a One-ist worldview. Of course, it is said that same-sex "marriage" will not harm anyone. However, its legalization will introduce a God-denying civilization that will erase 2000 years of Christendom based on Two-ism. The past will be labeled "homophobic." Nursery rhymes, literature and art that consider heterosexuality normal (including the Gospel) will be declared illegal and obsolete. Christians will be outside the law. Already the fifteen Christian groups (Catholic and Protestant) at Vanderbilt have been kicked off campus for refusing, by principle, to allow gays on their leadership teams. This is a classic preview of what the future holds.

May 9th 2012 is in many ways the final "sacralization" of the Sixties, where behind the pretext of the Golden Rule, the "revolution" fraudulently covers its unrestrained libido in the white robes of bridal purity.

We must not panic or exaggerate, nor cease to love homosexual individuals. But we must not re-interpret "Christian" love, so that our contemporary culture can reject God the Creator in favor of self-serving desires. The Gospel love story of creation and redemption must be heard via a clear witness to the biblical worldview, as Paul articulates it in Colossians 1:19–20:

For in Christ…by whom all things were created…[God] through him reconcile[d] to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

The President's "Christ sacrificing himself" is not a decorative element of the Faith but the very essence of all things, expressed distinctively in male/female marriage as the love of the other for the different. In this way, Christ the Creator loves his people. Paul in Ephesians 5:32 calls this a "mystery," the deep meaning of all things on earth and in heaven. The radicals rightly call their same-sex marriage "the sacrament of monism," and see in it a pagan celebration of One-ist sameness and of the divinity of self-creating Nature. Alas, Paul would call this a part of "the mystery of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:7). /unquote

Distributed by

By Peter Jones


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

True Discernment: Jesus, The Days of Noah, and Same Sex Marriage [UPDATE!!]




In Christ,


I find it quite interesting that some black pastors have been bold enough to state that their congregations won't vote for Obama again because of his obvious flip-flop over "gay" marriage.  A narcissist like Obama would think that he has most of the black vote "in the bag" because 95% of black voters voted for him in 2008.  However, now that Obama has turned his back on God's Word concerning this matter, we are seeing that the reason why is not because of any kind of "evolution" about the issue (Obama was for homosexual "marriage" back in the 1990's, but shifted his position for political reasons when he ran for senator and then president), it was done for the purpose of raising huge amounts of money for his re-election campaign.  With millions of blacks unemployed, underemployed, and living in poverty (because of Obama's failed economic policies), Mr. Zero knows that he needed to go where the money is - rich homosexual supporters.

Joe Fuiten, pastor of the Cedar Park Church in Kirkland, Wash., said Obama's support for gay marriage will not change deeply held beliefs. "He decided he had to do it to get his liberal base behind him again," said Fuiten, "but it's not going to play well in the country."

I think it had more to do with the fact that going gay means more green - as in the color of money - for Obama's campaign. Obama would sacrifice some of the black vote for all of the gay vote; simply because there is more money to be had by doing so.

According to BuzzFeed, an online journal:

Already, gay donors, mostly men, reportedly constitute 1 in 6 of Obama's top fundraisers known as bundlers. And in the first 90 minutes after the news broke Wednesday, the campaign received $1 million in spontaneous contributions, a Democrat told BuzzFeed.
Most observers think of the Obama campaign as cash-flush, but campaigns -- particularly failing ones -- tend never to have enough money. And if Mr. Obama's fundraising network includes more than a few gays as bundlers, it doesn't hurt to energize these super-activists.

Moreover, the gay marriage issue resonates throughout liberaldom. And young people are more inclined to support -- or tolerate -- gay marriage. Hence, the president is hoping for ancillary benefits from flipping and flopping.

One interesting note from the Washington Post after the 2010 midterm elections. Jonathan Capehart reported that, per exit polling, 3% of the ballots cast in 2010 congressional elections were cast by gays. Nearly a third of the gay vote went to Republican candidates. That represented a 4% increase in support by gays for Republicans from 2008 (and an 8% increase from George Bush's 2004 tally).
In other words, the trend line, however modest, has favored increased support for Republicans from gay voters. Gays care about jobs, the economy, and government debt, too.

That slippage in gay support for Democrats was noted at a lesbian online journal back in December 2011, which anticipated Obama's gay marriage about-face.

Obama claims to be Christian. But almost everything he does in his political life turns out to be the most startling, anti-Christian, anti-Bible, anti-Christ, anti-moral-values types of moves that are typical of those who hold to political expediency over true faith, convictions, and obedience to the God of the Bible.   Obama would go so far over the cliff that he has announced his intention of repealing The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)!

To the liberal minded, such an obvious disconnect between Obama's professed claim to Christian faith and the total lack of Christian values doesn't really matter. However, there are some Democrats who are alarmed about Obama's chances for re-election. When the Kool-Aid drinkers notice how quickly Obama is losing ground in this election, then we KNOW for a fact that his re-election campaign is in deep trouble.

I think that Obama is in serious trouble.

Most biblically-based Christian voters will not vote for him in 2012. Why? Because God's Word means more to them than "coolness," "color of skin," "likability" or whatever other reason they may think might be a reason to vote for him in 2012.

Bible-based Christians know how the God of the Bible regards marriage as a foundational institution created by Him for the purpose of bringing together one man and one woman to be "as one."   We are to procreate within the bonds of life-long matrimony. Children need a mother and a father and are raised better within that most ideal situation. Please know that my purpose in stating this is not to disparage single moms or dads. But it is a fact of life that children do better when their parents are married; especially when they are raised in a good Christian home setting.

Back to why certain biblically-based black pastors reject homosexual "marriage."

I have written several blog posts about this subject over the years, but one of the most powerful discoveries that I have found is in my post entitled As In The Days of Noah Revisited. You will also find several important additional links within that post.

One of the most startling discoveries (for me, personally, highlighted in bold below) can be found in the following excerpt:

1. True Discernment: Jesus, The Days of Noah, and Same Sex Marriage informs us further:


Jesus said in Luke 17:26-30, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when Son of man is revealed.”

Jesus being a first century Rabbi, like most Jewish teachers, coupled Sodom with the flood generation as a typical image of evil. His intent was to inform his audience that at His second coming the conditions of the world would mirror Noah’s days and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

As in the Days of Noah

The Midrash Rabbah Genesis is a specific form of rabbinic literature of ancient Judaism commentaries of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is based on the interpretation of the Torah (Old Testament). It speaks about the subject of same-sex marriage during the days of Noah.

The rabbis wrote in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that the flood in Noah’s day was primarily triggered when males starting writing marriage deeds with other males, and between men and beasts (bestiality). Based on the account of Midrash Rabbah Genesis, same-sex marriages took place during the days of Noah. There was nothing new under the sun and this is stated by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 1:9. Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah is synonymous with the destruction of the flood generation in Midrash Rabbah Genesis. It states in the Midrash Rabbah Genesis that Lot pleaded all night for mercy for the Sodomites, and that the angels permitted him to plead for them. But once the people said, “… bring them out [the angels] so we may have sex with them,” mercy ran out. The angels told Lot, “for now on you have no right to plead anymore.” Judgment was sent upon Sodom. Flood water was the judgment of God on the people in Noah’s day. Fire and brimstone was the judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah.

The blog author explains that the book of Enoch is not inspired, and thus not part of the canon of Scripture, however the book of Jude contains some quotes from it. Enoch is being used by the author as a good reference resource.


The book of Enoch was written before the birth of Christ and although it is not an inspired book, it is a good resource. Parts of it are quoted in Jude 14-15. 2nd Enoch 34-1, 3-4 states, “God convicts the persons who are idol worshipers and sodomite fornicators, and for this reason he brings down the flood upon them. And all the world will be reduced to confusion by iniquities, wickedness and abominable fornications. That is, friend with friend in anus, every other kind of wicked uncleanness which is almost too disgusting to report, and the worship of the evil one. And that is why I shall bring down the flood onto the earth, and shall destroy everything, and the earth itself will collapse in great darkness.” Second Enoch states that perverse homosexual relationships were the main cause of the flood. Both Midrash Rabbah Genesis and the second book of Enoch state that God frowns on homosexuality in cultic prostitution, and in so-called “loving consensual” homosexual relationships. So don’t believe the liberal Christian theologians, gay-affirming churches and inclusionists. Homosexuality and same-sex marriage are an abomination in God’s eyesight.

I was pleased to see that the author linked to my blogging friend DL Foster's GCM Watch: Why Gay Marriage And Why Now?

John, the blog author concludes:

GCM Watch’s article on June 24, 2008, “Gay Marriage: the ‘days Noah’ return” examined the fact that same-sex marriage caused the flood in Noah’s day in the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud is the interpretation of the Hebrew scriptures 1000 years before Christ.

The True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the prophetic voice to this world. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! We must be prepared to start looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. We must get the gospel message out and call sinners both in and out of the church to repentance. Acts 3:23 says, “And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which shall not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed among the people.” That Prophet is Jesus.


Jeremiah 6:10 says, “To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.” If you continue to believe that same-sex marriage is right, if you scoff at the Word of God, if you ridicule the true Bible-believing Christians as ignorant and small minded, let the Sword of the Spirit circumcise your spiritual ear to receive the truth…or believe a lie and be damned.

So you see, dear readers, as Solomon so wisely stated there really is "nothing new under the sun" when it comes to the homosexual agenda!

I know friends and relatives (some Christian, some I'm not sure about) who don't see what the big deal is about this subject. It is as if their minds have been seared with anything but the truth of God! When the God of the Bible tells us that homosexual behavior is sin and that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, who are we to try and change such truths?

But people still try. They use every weapon of human error in order to get their way here on this earth. But every person who dismisses what I am sharing here must ask themselves this question, "what about how it will affect your eternal destiny?" Isn't that even more important than the here and now? I think so.

Hat tips to all links.


UPDATE 5/18/12

The following is an essay written by Peter Jones on May 13, 2012 which contains a related message on this blog topic!


The Official End of Christendom?
Fox News journalist, Shep Smith, welcomed President Obama into the 21st century and declared those who still oppose same-sex marriage to be on the wrong side of history.

May 9, 2012 was indeed an historic moment. Though President Obama bathed his decision in Christian principles: "…our faith…is not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf but it's also the golden rule…treat others the way you'd want to be treated…" For the first time ever, a sitting US president, considered the most powerful political leader in the world, has endorsed a marital arrangement that formally constitutes the pagan "worship of the creation rather than worship of the Creator" (Romans 1:25).

"How do you get there?" you may ask. My statement is neither panic nor exaggeration, since it comes from the theological reasoning of the inspired Apostle Paul: "For this reason," he says, "God gave them up to dishonorable passions [of lesbianism and homosexuality] contrary to nature" (Romans 1:26–28). The "reason" to which Paul refers is what he stated in the previous verse (25), namely the exchange of the truth for the lie, and the worship of creation rather than the Creator. That process includes an exchange of sexuality for a practice "contrary to [created] nature."

Historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, once a radical Marxist feminist, observed (as a chastened older observer of the Cultural Revolution in which she had enthusiastically participated): "within a remarkably brief period …has occurred a cataclysmic transformation of the very nature of our society."

The speed of this "cataclysmic" change takes our breath away. At the same-sex Stonewall riots of 1969 few people had even heard of homosexuality. Just forty-three years later, a president publicly announces support of same-sex marriage. In the 1960s, thanks to the Beatles and the hippies 1960s "Christian America" discovered for the first time the spirituality of the East. In August 2009, Newsweek announced: "We are all Hindus Now," as yoga studios outnumber Starbucks cafes in New York City, and we massage our karma with mantras and meditation.

The "cataclysm" is due to the invasion into the "Christian" West of pagan spirituality, with its strident intention to "eliminate the binary." The foremost "binary" is the distinction between the Creator and the creature. Other binaries then fall like dominos-the binary of right and wrong, for example. "We must beware of thinking of good and evil as absolute opposites," says a leading theorist. Modern psychologists tell us that a binary view of reality (as made up of opposites) produces guilt, the hallmark of neurosis. The Hindu notion of Advaita, "not two," dominates spirituality and "non-dual spirituality" is taught even in some "evangelical" schools. Lesbian activists ask: "Can We Put an End to the Gender Binary?" (The because "there is no one way a person should be."

On all these levels we see Two-ism (theism) undermined for the promotion of a One-ist worldview. Of course, it is said that same-sex "marriage" will not harm anyone. However, its legalization will introduce a God-denying civilization that will erase 2000 years of Christendom based on Two-ism. The past will be labeled "homophobic." Nursery rhymes, literature and art that consider heterosexuality normal (including the Gospel) will be declared illegal and obsolete. Christians will be outside the law. Already the fifteen Christian groups (Catholic and Protestant) at Vanderbilt have been kicked off campus for refusing, by principle, to allow gays on their leadership teams. This is a classic preview of what the future holds.

May 9th 2012 is in many ways the final "sacralization" of the Sixties, where behind the pretext of the Golden Rule, the "revolution" fraudulently covers its unrestrained libido in the white robes of bridal purity.

We must not panic or exaggerate, nor cease to love homosexual individuals. But we must not re-interpret "Christian" love, so that our contemporary culture can reject God the Creator in favor of self-serving desires. The Gospel love story of creation and redemption must be heard via a clear witness to the biblical worldview, as Paul articulates it in Colossians 1:19–20:

For in Christ…by whom all things were created…[God] through him reconcile[d] to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

The President's "Christ sacrificing himself" is not a decorative element of the Faith but the very essence of all things, expressed distinctively in male/female marriage as the love of the other for the different. In this way, Christ the Creator loves his people. Paul in Ephesians 5:32 calls this a "mystery," the deep meaning of all things on earth and in heaven. The radicals rightly call their same-sex marriage "the sacrament of monism," and see in it a pagan celebration of One-ist sameness and of the divinity of self-creating Nature. Alas, Paul would call this a part of "the mystery of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:7). /unquote

Distributed by

By Peter Jones
